MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 1016

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Although theoretically speaking, the authority of all gods except the Emperor of Heaven is equivalent to two Emperors of Heaven, so all the gods can oppose Chen Luo and Emperor of Heaven together successfully, but don't forget that Chen Luo, the God of the River, is also [except Emperor of Heaven] One of all the gods except.

And after Chen Luo joins the Emperor of Heaven, the original share of the cake will be brought to the Emperor of Heaven

That is to say, if you pull Chen Luo into your camp, even if all the other gods oppose the heavenly rules you promulgated, then you can successfully promulgate them!

If it is very difficult to buy more than half of the members of the Immortal World Conference, isn't it easier to buy Chen Luo? After all, Chen Luo is a rookie who has just become a god.

"River God, tell me, what do you want? As the emperor of heaven, I can give you a lot of things, as long as you support me to establish this heavenly rule! Besides, the gods are in love, and the three worlds are restless. This is the movie you brought up. The theme of the play!" The Heavenly Emperor asked Chen Luo excitedly.

Is it possible that after so many years of being the Emperor of Heaven, the first Heavenly Rule can finally be promulgated successfully?

While the Emperor of Heaven figured out this matter, other people also figured out the key.

Even if you don't count Chen Luo's share of the gods owned by all the gods except the Emperor of Heaven, it is difficult for the attendance rate of the Fairy World Conference itself to reach 85%.

The empty ones are generally gods with a lower ranking sequence, or gods with a higher ranking sequence.

The gods with extremely low rankings are absent because they may not be staying anywhere now, and their living conditions may be worrying. Who is free to attend the fairy world meeting?

Resource exchange? Then we have to have resources first.

The gods with extremely high rankings were absent because they were too lazy to participate, for such a simple reason.

"But I brought up those three film and television dramas to serve as negative teaching materials for you."

"I don't care, it's your fault anyway, I think you need to make up for it a little bit, not to mention that I can also make up for you in addition. Aren't you very interested in the power of faith? It just so happens that as the power of faith of the Emperor of Heaven, I The most, and it happens that I need the power of faith to be useless..." The Emperor of Heaven blinked at Chen Luo.

As long as you help me win this rule of heaven, there will be great benefits!

"I don't think you can generalize. The love between **** and man can also create classics." This is Chen Luo's philosophy.

And you are so absolutely custom-made, be careful that a nephew will suddenly pop up and chop you with an axe.

【Ding! You have a new commission! 】

[Tian Tiao]: The only chance in my life to promulgate the Tian Tiao is at hand, how can I stop! Support the Emperor of Heaven to establish this Tiantiao.

Reward: 1200 rough stones + Tiandi Favorability 40

Difficulty: Four Stars

Fuck, 1200 rough stones!

Big task!

Chen Luo seemed to have not received a four-star mission for a while, and this mission made Chen Luo very envious.

The power of faith can be accumulated slowly, but if the entrustment is gone, it is really gone.

Chen Luo suddenly felt that it was a normal rule that gods could not fall in love.

Immortals should focus on their careers, why not talk about love?

"I think what you said, Emperor Tian, ​​seems quite reasonable... let me say it first, I'm not doing it for the power of faith."

Chen Luo is really not because of the power of faith, Chen Luo is because of the original stone.

"River God, don't be confused, you are also a god, if there is such a rule of heaven, you will also be restrained." The owner of the Tianji Pavilion hurriedly persuaded.

Although the owner of the Tianji Pavilion has no interest in falling in love with mortals, what if?

In the final analysis, this rule itself is quite outrageous. Although it makes sense, it is not enough.

"It's okay, I'm not in the fairyland anyway. At least this rule doesn't control me now." Chen Luo waved his hand.

And you take the sword of the previous dynasty and kill the officials of the current dynasty, how is it possible?

Chen Luo is a conceptual river god, not an ordinary river god.

Besides, if Chen Luo really wants to fall in love, wouldn't it be good to sign a contract?

Chen Luo doesn't believe that the Immortal Realm has more constraints on the Immortals than the Book of Contract

And wouldn't it be okay for Chen Luo to move to another world? It's impossible for Tian Tiao to be bound across the world, right?

Anyway, Chen Luo still has many ways to solve this problem.

The big deal is that the river **** will not do it.

Anyway, it's just a false name, the river **** has the power, even the sss-level river **** has it.

To Chen Luo, the false name of the river **** was only useful for attending the fairy world meeting, and it was useless for anything else.

The immortality that the gods can bring, the SSS-level talent of the river **** is higher.

It's just a river god, so don't worry about it.

But Chen Luo really needs the power of faith.

Now Chen Luo has made all 50% of his belief power into orange juice. The reason why the remaining 50% is not because he wants to save it, but because he doesn't have so many doll marks.

It will take time for Chen Luo to produce the imprint of the puppet.

Chen Luo's pre-civilization dollification plan has been in progress for many days, but because of the lack of manpower, the progress has not been very high so far, only about 2%.

Don't underestimate the 2%. If the pre-civilization that has experienced some devastation but has not yet reached the level of complete collapse of the social order in the later period has 5 billion people, then 2% will also have 100 million people.

Although Chen Luo said that he wanted to revive the people who died suddenly on Twilight Street, and secretly carry out the orange juice distribution plan in the former civilization, but Chen Luo discovered a problem...

Twilight Street people have a hard time leaving Twilight Street.

Not because of nostalgia, but because of the rules of Twilight Street, how could a decent person come to Twilight Street, if it wasn't because of desperation...

How dare unscrupulous people go out after they have come to Twilight Street in desperation?

So until now, how could Chen Luo's assassinations be able to move freely.

But now the main goal of those assassins is to go to Mu Continent, because Mu Continent is the first place that will be completely and completely destroyed.

The reason why it is only 2% now is mainly because most of the time is spent on the road, and the work is only now started.

Because they had no identity in the former civilization, the poor assassins could only go to Mu mainland by car.

With Chen Luo's current power of faith, it might be the limit to turn Mu Dalu into a puppet.

Therefore, the temptation of the Emperor's proposal is really high.

"I can't control you now, but you should think about it for you in the future. Once the rules of heaven are established, it will be very troublesome to lift them. You have to think about it, and don't go with the emperor of heaven." The owner of Tianji Pavilion is very sincere. Said.

【Ding! You have a new commission! 】

Because he wanted to stop Chen Luo, the owner of the Tianji Pavilion also sent a commission, but unfortunately it was only a two-star mission, and it was only 150 rough stones.

It seems that the owner of the Pavilion of Heavenly Secrets doesn't care very much about whether this rule of heaven can be passed.

The owner of the Tianji Pavilion pays more attention to the heavenly rules that may affect his own interests in the future.

But the reward of the owner of the Tianji Pavilion is far worse than the 1200 rough stones of the Emperor of Heaven!

"River God, I think you really need to carefully consider the opinion of the owner of the Tianji Pavilion. After all, some things don't need to be drawn so quickly. And the impact on the future is really far-reaching." Once chatted with Chen Luo Fuxi suddenly said.

【Ding! You have a new commission! 】

"That's right, that's right." The other immortals also quickly agreed.

【Ding! You have a new commission! 】

【Ding! You have a new commission! 】

Countless commissions almost knocked Chen Luo unconscious.

Maybe it's because this rule of heaven has nothing to do with them, so their obsession is not very high. After all, who is a decent immortal who has nothing to do to fall in love every day?

Although there are not many rough stone rewards for a single person, there are too many people.

Soon the prize pool accumulated to 2222 rough stones.

Although the number of rough stones is outrageous, the rough stone itself is not outrageous.

"I'm sorry, Heavenly Emperor, they are right." Chen Luo said very apologetically

"Hey, River God, are you the kind of existence that doesn't want benefits for the sake of love? They didn't promise you anything, but I promised you the power of faith." The Heavenly Emperor was surprised.

"Don't say that, we can also gather some power of faith alone, and if we agree to come up with a little power of faith, please raise your hand." Seeing Chen Luo standing beside him and others, the owner of Tianji Pavilion said After finishing, he raised his hand first.

Then more than half of the gods in the entire fairy world meeting raised their hands.

It is really hard for those who don't understand to imagine that the emperor of heaven has put forward too many outrageous rules.

In other aspects, except for a few giants among the gods, they generally obey the orders and dispatches of the Emperor of Heaven. But Tiantiao is an exception.

This needs to be carefully discussed.

In fact, whenever the Emperor of Heaven puts forward some serious rules of heaven, with the prestige of the Emperor of Heaven in the fairy world, he can definitely establish dozens or even hundreds of rules of heaven.

But the emperor's rules of heaven are never serious.

"I'm sorry, I want to be a good person." Chen Luo shook his head at the Heavenly Emperor.

"It seems that the river **** should have someone he loves in the mortal world, but I still want to work hard. Since the power of faith is not enough, then... how about the river of time?"

"I can help you enter the long river of time, withstand the scouring of the long river of time, and increase your chances and potential to step on the avenue of time in the future. I can even give you a small glass of the river of time." The Emperor of Heaven tried to continue to seduce Chen Luo.

And this is also the largest share of the reward that the time clone of the Emperor of Heaven can give.

Xiao Mian, I can't beat you to death!

Chapter 1009 River God: Me? Queen? Are you sick?

"No, I'm not interested." Chen Luo directly refused.

Chen Luo refused this time faster than the power of faith.

"Don't rush to refuse. Seeing how quickly you refuse, you know that you don't understand the value of rewards I mentioned. Come, old man Tianji, explain to him." The Emperor of Heaven snapped his fingers.

After the Lord of Tianji Pavilion nodded, he turned to look at Chen Luo

Most of the time, except for some special giants, other gods still listen to the emperor's words. After all, the emperor's strength and prestige are indeed very high.

"River God, you may not be walking the way of spiritual power cultivation, and the way of spiritual power cultivation can become immortal after your cultivation reaches the limit, and once you set foot on the immortal road, you need to choose your own lawful path gone."

"Laws are one of the most fundamental rules in this world. It is not suitable to say that cultivation is more important to rely on enlightenment. Lord Heavenly Emperor's Way of Time is one of the most difficult laws to practice or even enter into. But at the same time, it is also extremely powerful. .”

"Although there can only be one strongest person in each avenue, and the leader of the way of time is the Emperor of Heaven, it is difficult to surpass, but you are not the way of cultivation, and being able to manipulate time as freely as possible is enough for you It has benefited a lot. It is not impossible to practice multiple laws, you can take the law of time as a minor, in short, learning the way of time is definitely not a loss."

"And if you want to quickly comprehend the way of time, it is naturally the fastest to be scoured by the long river of time, but it is also the most risky. Let alone whether you can see the long river of time, even if you do, you may be washed away by the long river of time to death However, with the help of the Emperor of Heaven, although the benefits obtained are not as high as facing the long river of time, it is still no problem to increase your entry probability in terms of time."

"And the river of time is a good thing that can help cultivators of the time system quickly improve their cultivation. Although the river of time is there, there are only a few people who can see it, let alone collecting river water."

"In all fairness, the things given by the Emperor of Heaven are indeed very precious, and even I can't help being moved. Although I don't want you to help the evildoers, I also think you should really think about it." The owner of the Tianji Pavilion said.

After all, the Heavenly Emperor gave too much.

But Chen Luo is indeed worth the price.

Who made Chen Luo's authority as a **** as high as that of the Heavenly Emperor?

To be honest, if the river **** is not the river god, then the most suitable position for him given his **** authority should be the Queen of Heaven.

To put it simply, it is the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother that are usually said.

The combined power of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother is enough to suppress all other gods.

At least according to the setting, only when the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen Mother agree to a heavenly rule can it be guaranteed that this heavenly rule will be recorded by the fairy world.

But it's a pity that the Emperor of Heaven has been out for so long, and the Queen of Heaven has never appeared.

Well, luckily it didn't show up.

Otherwise, the fairy world would have been wiped out by the Heavenly Emperor long ago.

But now Chen Luo, who has similar functions to the queen mother, appeared. Although Chen Luo is not the queen mother, no one can control them when Chen Luo cooperates with the emperor.

After the old man Tianji explained, the Emperor of Heaven looked at Chen Luo with interest, wanting to see what decision Chen Luo would make.

"Oh, I'm not interested." Chen Luo said more indifferently.

Heck, this reward is worth less than I thought.

What about this reward?

Just... Chen Luo didn't really understand the difficulty, but according to what Old Man Tianji said, Chen Luo felt that I could do it myself.

The way of time... feels inferior to the monthly timepiece.

Read The Duke's Passion