MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 1017

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Chen Luo didn't mean that other people's lifetime cultivation was inferior to an item, but for an instant player like Chen Luo, items were indeed easier to use.

In addition, this talent pendant is indeed a bit outrageous.

The main reason is that it takes a long time to practice once you hear the way of time.

But if you want to be serious, Chen Luo itself has the power of time, and the monthly timepiece will help Chen Luo adapt to the essence of time after Chen Luo uses it frequently, thereby gradually reducing the consumption of time power. If he can really reach the level of comprehension of the law, Chen Luo will definitely have no problem practicing the law of time.

Not to mention whether furniture proficiency can master such things as laws, if entering the long river of time is the most convenient and fast way to practice the way of time, then Chen Luo can soak in the long river of time every day.

As for the river water that lasts forever... Chen Luo is really not sure if he can get it.

Although Chen Luo can summon a long river of time anytime and anywhere, what Chen Luo summons is an illusory long river of time.

Regarding whether he can summon a real river of time...Chen Luo has never tried it. After all, the illusory river of time is enough for Chen Luo.

Although Chen Luo suspects that throwing things into the river for a long time can also get the breath of the river of time, so as to achieve the same effect as the river of time, but Chen Luo has never seen the river of time, so he dare not say so.

But Chen Luo suddenly understood why Penglai Shan Huiye couldn't refuse the Coke he fished out of the long river of time.

It can only be said that... the Emperor of Heaven picked the wrong partner for the transaction.

Why don't you sell Hulunbeier air cans to a person who lives in Hulunbuir?

"Is it so decisive to refuse? It seems that the God of the River does have a girl in the lower realm that he has been yearning for day and night. Alright, alright, you win." The Heavenly Emperor waved his hand helplessly.

But the Emperor of Heaven suddenly remembered that Chen Luo supported his own principles from the beginning.

Why did he suddenly stand so firmly against him?

"But River God, you better not let me find out that you are a love brain, or your head will be knocked off." Heavenly Emperor clenched his right fist.

"Do not worry."

The reason why Chen Luo opposed the Emperor of Heaven was only because he got the most rough stones for opposing the Emperor of Heaven.

How can there be original stone fragrance in love?

【Ding! mission completed】

【Ding! mission completed】

Another series of ding ding sounded in Chen Luo's ears.

Although each voice did not represent a large number, Chen Luo was very happy when so many voices sounded in succession.

"Well, I admit, you guys won this time. But I didn't get any benefits, but you also have to remember to give the river **** what you promised. Otherwise, you will be against me." the face of a god

"..." The owner of the Tianji Pavilion helplessly looked at the Heavenly Emperor who was gaining the favorability of the River God.

Smart people can tell at a glance that the Emperor of Heaven is borrowing flowers to offer Buddha.

Obviously none of the gods here would care about the power of faith, and would definitely give it to the right place, but what the Emperor said made Chen Luo very impressed with the kindness of the Emperor.

And the reason why the Emperor of Heaven increased his favorability was naturally obvious - to prepare for the next round of work.

And Chen Luo also thought of this, but Chen Luo didn't reject it. Anyway, he was the one who benefited, so why should he object?

"It is reasonable to say that this meeting is over here, but you still owe some power of faith to the river god, so you should hurry up and raise money so that the river **** can directly bring the power of faith back to the My own home. By the way, I also want to discuss a problem with the God of the River." Said the Emperor of Heaven

"What's the problem?" Chen Luo asked.

"A question about whether you are in love or not."

"Huh?" Chen Luo tilted his head.

"That's the river of time and the way of time. How can a decent person refuse? In view of the destructive power brought by the love brain fairy in your three films, I start a live broadcast!"


How do you, an ancient person, know about live streaming...

Oh, I brought it up.

"Exactly, blacksmith, didn't you make a top-quality magic weapon called... what is it called? It's the mirror that can communicate with each other from a long distance." The Emperor of Heaven looked at one of the gods.

"Ah? Heavenly Emperor, don't you plan to use this state that crosses the gap between heaven and man to broadcast live? The farther this thing is, the shorter the persistence time. If it is true that one is placed in the fairy world and the other is placed in the human world, it will not last." 10 minutes. This is a superb magic weapon!"

Now the owner of the Artifact Pavilion is not bothered about the fact that the Emperor of Heaven is calling him a blacksmith. A top-grade magic weapon is used as a one-time item for 10 minutes. Who can resist it?

"Oh, isn't the ultimate magic weapon also for use anyway? Aren't you ready to disappear when you make it?"

"Can it be the same? Normally speaking, my ultimate magic weapon can be used for thousands of years, even if it is separated by the ends of the earth. But now, during the separation between heaven and man, such contraband will be destroyed at a very high speed. Yes." The blacksmith seemed to be still trying to awaken the few minds of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Although the Emperor of Heaven probably let me broadcast the live broadcast because he was afraid that I would cause chaos in the lower realm due to my love brain. It sounds unfriendly to me, but if you insist, I can't help you, such as in the lower realm. After 5 minutes, I will return to the fairyland and return the things to you." Chen Luo said.

As long as there is an entrustment, it is easy to say anything.

While it's true that being suspicious feels bad, being in love is dangerous.

"Look, the river **** is so considerate, what else do you have to say? But don't be sad, river god, I will give you 1/4 cup of time river water as spiritual compensation after the matter is done." The emperor was quite considerate Said.

【Ding! You have a new commission! 】

[Live broadcast]: Bring a unique new communication method to the immortal and mortal realms—live broadcast.

Reward: 250 rough stones + Tiandi Favorability 10 + 1/4 cup of time and water

Difficulty: Samsung

"As long as the reward is in place, the abyss will be smashed for you." Chen Luo gave a thumbs up.

It may not be able to beat the abyss plane now, but not necessarily in the future.

That's... isn't that 1/4 cup of time river water a little less?

Is it so picky?

"He doesn't know, don't you know? Once the two kinds of contraband, such as attack-type magic weapon and communication-type magic weapon, are found to be brought from the heaven to the lower realm, they will be marked with a destruction mark and enter a countdown. The more advanced the item The faster it is destroyed, the countdown is irreversible and cannot be terminated, even if it is brought back to the fairy world." The blacksmith was very reluctant.

"Contraband?" Chen Luo was no stranger to this word, but it was strange to put it here.

"The same is true for all attack-type props and communication-type props. When we faced the invasion of the lower world from the abyss world, we also brought various items with us when we went down, including attack-type props and communication-type props. How long does it take for communication-type items to break down, presumably the same applies to attack-type items." said the owner of the Pavilion of Heavenly Secrets.

"That's it..." Chen Luo nodded.

No wonder Chen Luo didn't find any offensive items when he checked the items that the immortals had brought him to the lower realm.

"Wouldn't it be better to use some low-level communication tools?"

"However, it doesn't work. Because the low-level communication tools can't connect the fairy world and the human world, which are separated from heaven and man, and the high-level communication tools will be quickly destroyed due to restrictions... With you as the messenger, this kind of Props are meaningless," said the Heavenly Emperor.

"You also know it's meaningless, so why don't you use it?" The blacksmith tried to reason.

"I don't think so. It's not that I won't compensate you. Why are you so stingy?"

"It's not a matter of compensation or not..."

"Double compensation."

"Okay, talk to me if you have something to do." The blacksmith immediately smiled.

"Now that the blacksmith has been dealt with, River God, what do you say?" Tian asked.

"I have no problem here, but if there is only about 10 minutes of live broadcast time, do you want to talk to the people below first? To avoid delaying time?" Chen Luo asked.

Anyway, Chen Luo was not afraid of the shadow being crooked, let alone interfering with the affairs of the lower world, Chen Luo might not show up once every three days.

Who wants to deal with those talented people?

"I don't think so. If you make preparations in advance, can it still be called a live broadcast? Wouldn't it be a show? So... you can come up in person in a while, and start the live broadcast after taking down the mirror. Here you go Minutes to hide privacy, the remaining 9 and a half minutes should be enough for us to meet a few important people." Heavenly Emperor said.

"Remember, how quickly you return to the fairyland after going down this time will affect your performance this month."

"Performance? There is still this thing in the fairy world?"

"Not a few days ago, but now."

Chen Luo understood that it must be her fault again...

"When will you call, and when will I come out, come to the riverside and prepare to call me." Chen Luo said.

After speaking, Chen Luo went offline.

"Quick, quick, give Heshen Ji an early leave." The Heavenly Emperor said hastily.

"Old Man Tianji, go pick up the River God."

"No, I'm afraid you will remember that I left early." Old Man Tianji shook his head.

"Then do you believe that I will mark you as dereliction of duty?"

"I'm going right now."

Seeing Chen Luo and Old Man Tianji disappearing, the Emperor put his hand on his chin and began to think.

The Emperor of Heaven was thinking, is there a possibility...

The river **** can veto his proposal with one vote, not because the authority of the **** is as great as him, but because the authority of the **** of the river **** is greater than himself?

Forget it, don't want to, how is it possible? I am also a heavenly emperor after all, how can I be so shameless?

Chapter 1010 The Trembling S-Class Talented Gamer

"The **** Emperor actually deducted my performance, and even deducted my year-end bonus." Chen Luo muttered softly.

"A friendly reminder, River God, can I hear you now?" The voice of the Emperor of Heaven sounded beside Chen Luo.

"I just said that knowing you could hear me."

"Hey, hey, I'm also the Emperor of Heaven, why don't you respect me a little?"

"I also thought about respecting it, but until I was shot in the knee... At first, I was cautious and important to you gods, but later I figured it out. Anyway, you can't come down..." Chen Luo muttered softly .

"That's what I said, but after 50 years... oh no, we should be able to come down after 30 years."

"In 30 years? After 30 years, the day lily will be cold. I have confidence in my promotion speed." Chen Luo said.

Just kidding, let alone 30 years, you wait for me to finish this summer vacation...

When the time comes, your head will be screwed off!

"From your tone of voice, it seems that you are not very old. Although I really want to say that young people should not be too arrogant, but if you are not arrogant, you are still young?"

"Don't just use lines blindly after watching some TV series?" Chen Luo complained.

"Ahem, with the variable of the abyss channel, 30 years of development opportunities can indeed make you grow a lot. Coupled with your ability to travel back and forth between the fairy world and the human world... I will not mention the support of the fairy world for you, anyway, you will definitely be able to Earn a fortune from other gods! Thinking about it this way will be a bit difficult after 30 years."

"This time we really made a mistake. We didn't expect such a thing as the abyss channel to appear, and it appeared in the first 20 of the first 50 years." The voice of the old man Tianji sounded.

"Okay, stop talking, we're almost here." Chen Luo interrupted their conversation, and then looked down.

Chen Luo was flying just now, but now below Chen Luo is the branch of the relevant department of Xinghai City.

Chen Luo is still in the state of a golden body hiding his figure, which looks similar to the Emperor of Heaven who has been shining all the time, and there is a mirror hanging on Chen Luo's chest.

This is the ultimate magic weapon personally provided by the master blacksmith of the Shenqi Pavilion.

Now the immortals are watching the scenery that Chen Luo can see in the mirror on his chest through the mirror placed in the meeting room of Immortal Realm.

After Chen Luo withdrew from the Fairy World meeting, he returned to his home immediately, and then called Ye Yunshang, asking Ye Yunshang to find the nearest river.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Luo was taken to the Immortal Realm through the high-value items thrown into the river by the old man Tianji

Through the teleportation function of the Immortal Conference Room of the Divine Power Seal, Chen Luo's body came to the Immortal Conference Room, and then obtained the power of faith promised by the immortals and the ultimate magic weapon provided by the friendship of the blacksmith.

After returning to his home, Chen Luo called Ye Yunshang and asked her to summon him out.

And as soon as Chen Luo arrived at his home, the mirror had indeed started its countdown to destruction.

And after Chen Luo was summoned by Ye Yunshang, he turned on the mirror and successfully controlled the wasted time to 29 seconds

And when Ye Yunshang thought that Chen Luo might be messing with him again, when Chen Luo suddenly reminded him that the mirror on his chest was the Emperor of Heaven and all the immortals in the fairy world, Ye Yunshang panicked.

Especially after Ye Yunshang knew that the person sitting next to Chen Luo was the Patriarch of Shushan.

Chen Luo assured that he had never seen such a well-educated, gentle, and delicate Ye Yunshang.

Ye Yunshang didn't even notice that Chen Luo secretly confiscated Ye Yunshang's spirit stone used to summon Chen Luo.

Afterwards, Ye Yunshang conveyed the message to the relevant leaders of sects and related departments all over the country, as well as all S-level talents, and assembled at the branch of relevant departments in Xinghai City three minutes later.

No time to come? bad luck for him

Who told the Emperor of Heaven not to prepare time for Chen Luo at all.

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