MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 615 Europeans and Holiday Trivia

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  The topic of getting into the soul appeared on social media with a wider audience.

   Of course.

   Attracted more attention.

   The people attracted here are divided into ordinary people and players.

   Players naturally don’t need to mention it. Seeing such a ‘representative’ topic, they have to show off the characters they have drawn, especially the characters that have been drawn in one shot.

   And they release screenshots, of course, inevitably, it will lead to the spread of character portraits.

  The character portrait in "Day of Reincarnation"...isn't Lin Yao boasting, even if it is compared to all games of the same type, or even all two-dimensional works.

   are extremely refined and excellent.

  Anyone who sees it will inevitably be attracted by the game's exquisite character portraits.


  Beautiful things are hard to resist.

  In this case, plus the level of the game itself is extremely high.

   It is conceivable what attitude ordinary users will have...

  Of course I want to know...

  For example, ask what kind of game this is.

  The players of "Day of Reincarnation" are happy to answer these questions.

   Or, they are happy to discuss the game with others.

  Lucky users are willing to show off, and unlucky users are willing to complain.

  After this operation, the topic of "one shot into the soul" immediately became a sharp weapon to attract new players.

   And new players learn about the game from this channel.

  What do you usually do when you download a game? Everyone may be different, but drawing cards is definitely an inescapable part.

   After all, in addition to the number of lucky draws given away, there are also a lot of crystals rewarded for story clearance.

   And drawing cards, nothing more than two results.

  The face is black, and in the limited number of times, no five-star character was drawn.

   With a pale face, in a limited number of times, he was lucky to get the desired character.

   But whatever the case.

  Even users with black faces are actually happy to share screenshots of their card draws.

  Because it's simple.

  I learned about this game from the topic of "One shot into the soul".

   Then why don’t you share your card drawing results?

   If he also gets into the soul, he will have to show off the five-star character he has drawn.


   At this time, posting card draw results is not limited to social media or game circles, and even posted in the circle of friends...

  Because of the addition of hot topics, the action of "drawing cards" has more social attributes.

   Don't underestimate this social attribute.

   This directly caused the first wave of "Samsara Day" to snowball...

  In Lin Yao's previous life, around 16 years ago, "Onmyoji" became so popular...

  But collection attributes plus probability gameplay, I have to admit.

  No matter what field it is in, it is the most lucrative... and the easiest to arouse people's interest, and games are no exception.

   Experience the fun of drawing good cards, a hearty experience in an instant.

   For most people, it is an interesting thing.


   Just over a day.

   The card draw in "Day of Reincarnation" has become an absolute hot topic...

   It doesn’t matter if you follow the trend or really play.

  Most people are happy to participate in it.

   "Day of Reincarnation", quickly out of the circle...

   In a way no one expected.

   Wait until the next day.

  New Year's Eve twenty-six.

  The topic of "one shot into the soul" not only did not fall, but rose again, and came to the fifth place.

   And the social media of Linmu Studio also posted a post on this day, which can be regarded as adding more motivation to 'Snowball'.

  【I wish everyone can be a European (white face) when the New Year comes. 】

  Linmu Studio posted such a dynamic with a sense of ridicule, and attached a simple manga.

   Article Manzhong.

  A black man and a white man are holding mobile phones together to draw cards.

  One is shipped, and one has nothing.

   The two looked at each other.

  Then, the black man asked the white man, "Why is my face so dark?"

  While the white man looked at the dark face of the black man, after a moment of silence, he said, "I don't know..."

   Such a comic with a strong sense of ridicule.

   Once issued.

   Instantly aroused strong pursuit...

  The main thing is that it is very interesting and easy to understand.

  The black man asked why his face was so dark, and the white man looked at the other person's face and said he didn't know, with a little black humor...

   And all of this, combined with the news from Linmu Studio, everyone knows what it means to be European.

   Dynamic below.

  Countless players were dumbfounded.

   "Hahahaha, Europeans, don't say it, it's pretty impressive."

   “Why is my face so dark? [African face]”

   "I don't know. [European white face]"

   "What a nervous man hahaha... but a good image, I am that African, let alone, I hope I can change my luck next year!"

   “I hope to be able to turn my face white once next year [hands together].”

   "I hope you can speak, pray!"



   Such a comic was spread.

   And, spread at breakneck speed!

   After all, this will coincide with the end of the year.

  Although not everyone has stumbled this year, but at the end of the year, everyone hopes that next year will be smoother...

  Whether it is a game or real life.

   This is a simple wish.

  So this article, as expected, became popular.

  Many people, even if they don’t play games, already know the concepts of “Africans” and “Europeans” brought up by the game “Day of Reincarnation”.

   And this is a bonus to the game.

   Immediate results.


  Many of Forest Studio's competitors found out.

  The "Day of Reincarnation", which was originally unknown in the face of QR code payment and new products of UMedia Technology... suddenly became known to everyone.

   It seems that everyone knows this game, and everyone knows how to draw cards.

   Exports are Europeans.

  The second sentence is a hair into the soul...

  The soaring popularity of the game is like riding a rocket...

   Now it is not a question of imitating or not imitating.


  What the **** is going on with this game?

   And this exaggerated situation is not over yet.

   This has blossomed both domestically and overseas.

  The heat in the country is like riding a rocket.

  Overseas, more and more users downloaded this mobile game, and they completed the process of soaring popularity earlier than domestic ones!

  GameRefinery, an information analysis platform in the game field that was not very interested in mobile games.

  After "Day of Reincarnation" was officially released for download, the attitude took a 180-degree turn.

   Instead of macro market analysis, insight into industry category trends, competitive product analysis, etc.

   Their attitude is simple.

  That is—they not only began to be optimistic about the entire mobile game market, but even predicted the potential of the mobile game market, which is stronger than traditional games, much stronger!

   It even predicted that "Day of Reincarnation" will be in its current state.

  In just a few days, you may be able to get a quarter or even a year's income of ordinary end games...

  GameRefinery is a leading data analyst in the game market, and its reputation is not small.

  As soon as this remark came out.

  All colleagues were shocked.

   Not only domestic counterparts, but also overseas manufacturers who are still deeply cultivating traditional games are also shocked.

It can be said.

   All of a sudden, they are pulled into the new age...

   And they still have to believe it, unless they lie to themselves.

  Because there is no need to analyze it now, everyone knows that "Day of Reincarnation" makes money...

  The only question is, how much will you make?


   Gilber Corporation.

  Frank searched the forum, glanced at the players' discussions, then lay back and muttered something softly.

the other side.

  The colleagues of the domestic forest studio did not call God.

  But many people... really feel that this year can't go on...

  Physically, the years cannot go on.

  Because all colleagues, after this battle, have deeply realized how outrageous the card game is!

  Many core staff of game companies have been recalled...

   I really can't pass the year...

   And the sky fox.

  Mou Feng looked at "The Day of Reincarnation", which became popular in just two days, and gave a wry smile.

All right.

  Turn-based mobile games are about to be swept into the dustbin of history again.

  Now and in the future, it will be the world of card games...

  This wave of trends was brought up by Linmu Studio again...

   Everyone, don’t expect to have a good year...

**** it…


at the same time.

  Compared with other colleagues, Linmu Studio has a different scenery...

   "Bye, boss!"

"See you next year!"

"Happy New Year!"

  When Lin Yao went to pour a glass of water, she met seven or eight staff members carrying bags and preparing to leave.

  Although she doesn't know why, everyone has to say hello when they see her this year...

   Even deliberately detoured to say hello...

  But she still responded to the greeting staff one by one.

   Then, on the way back, she ran into Zhong Xiu who had just returned from North America for two days.

   "How is it? Jet lag is back?"

  Lin Yao stopped and asked a question.

   "The jet lag is back."

  Zhong Xiu nodded, then said with some disappointment: "But I have to go back."

   "Otherwise, what else do you want to do? There are endless things to do, let's do it next year."

  Lin Yao held the cup and shook her head slightly: "Go back and have a good rest."


Zhong Xiu sighed, then stood up: "Then see you next year, I will go back to play the game well... I haven't played the new version of "Samsara Day" yet, by the way, boss, the internal staff have European welfare?"


  Lin Yao rolled his eyes at him, then flicked his ponytail, turned around and left.

  Zhong Xiu smiled embarrassingly, and waved to Lin Yao.

  Lin Yao carried the cup and continued walking towards the office.


   Just came to the door.


   With a loud shout, it suddenly sounded.

  Lin Yao just raised her head.

   Then I saw Zhu Nianqiao rushing towards him with a bull.

   "Stop, stop, I have hot water in my hand!"

  Lin Yao was taken aback, shrank her shoulders, then reacted, and gave a loud warning.

  Zhu Nianqiao made an emergency stop, barely stopping in front of Lin Yao.

   This reckless girl fluttered her arms, then after she stabilized her figure, she smirked and said, "I'm going home too!"


  Lin Yao nodded: "Bon voyage, see you next year."

   "Is that all?"

  Zhu Nianqiao stretched her fair neck, and asked curiously: "Didn't you say you have magical powers? Can you become a European transshipment by greeting you? Doesn't this require a ceremony or something? Like touching the head?"


  Lin Yao slowly made a question mark, and then asked: "Who told you?"

   "I see that everyone is spreading it! Especially after that article is released!"

   Zhu Nianqiao blurted out.

  But soon, she realized what was going on, and she showed an expression of 'Oops, slipped the tongue'.

  Lin Yao has a black hair.

   Just talk about why so many people greet her!

  She stretched out her hand to pinch Zhu Nianqiao's cheek, and raised her hand slightly: "Okay, the ceremony, right? It's coming!"

   "Huh?...This is not a transfer ceremony at all!"

  Zhu Nianqiao was stunned, then reacted, flapped his arms again, and started yelling.


  Lin Yao couldn't help laughing and said: "Now I wish you will be able to enter the card game card pool from the day you become famous until you die! Is that all right?"

   "What does it mean to be able to enter the card pool of the card game from being famous until you die?"

  Zhu Nianqiao heard the words, suddenly stopped struggling, and blinked, a little curious.

   "Just famous."

  Lin Yao didn't explain much, let go of her face, and slapped her butt: "Okay, go back quickly, and pay attention to safety along the way."


  Zhu Nianqiao heard back, seemed to think of something, immediately became confused.

   She really likes the vibe of the studio.

   "Okay, it's only a dozen days, see you next year."

  Lin Yao chuckled lightly, held the cup with one hand, and rubbed her head with the other hand.

  Zhu Nianqiao finally lifted his spirits, and then thought of going back to see his family, his mood improved, and he hurriedly ran out...

  It took only two seconds for my mood to turn from cloudy to sunny...

  Lin Yao watched her leave, shook her head amusedly, then opened the door and walked into her office.

   Close the door gently.

   Put down the glass.

  All sounds are blocked.

  Lin Yao stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, raised her hands and stretched vigorously, then looked at the staff members who were leaving downstairs, feeling good.

  The situation of "Day of Reincarnation" is better than expected.

  The goals of Forest Studio have been achieved this year.

  The staff are still very satisfied with Linmu Studio.

  The year has finally come to an end, and I can finally rest.

   All good things!

   "Speaking of which, after a hundred years, can I also become an existence that can enter the card pool of the card game after death?"

  Lin Yao put down her hands, thinking of the joke she just told Zhu Nianqiao, her thoughts couldn't help but diverge.

   But soon.

She reacted and spat: "Hey, what do I want to do with this thing? It's not a good thing to be called a wife...No, according to the law that famous people have to switch genders, if I enter the card pool, maybe I won't be of this gender , should be called husband..."


   At this time.

  A voice came from behind Lin Yao.

  Mu Wanqing gently opened the door, and then found Lin Yao standing in front of the French window talking to herself, just in time to hear the last words.


  Lin Yao came to her senses almost instantly when she heard Mu Wanqing's voice, then immediately borrowed the **** to get off the donkey, turned around, and responded with a bright smile.


  Mu Wanqing stood there blankly, and after a few seconds of being dazed, she came to her senses and spat softly: "Bah, you're the one who screams!"

   "Damn, what do you mean?" Lin Yao immediately glared at her.

  Mu Wanqing closed the door gently, then looked at the girl in a stand-up collar sweater and jeans, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, as if she was shining, and said nothing.

   But it seems to have said something.

   "It seems that you don't want your vacation anymore."

  Lin Yao understood, and immediately killed Mu Wanqing aggressively.


  Under Lin Yao's continuous icy cold attack.

  Mu Wanqing begged for mercy...

   "...What were you thinking just now? Why did you suddenly talk about your husband?"

   More than ten minutes later.

  The two hugging each other made a fuss for a while.

  Standing is also a bit tiring.

   moved to the desk.

  Mu Wanqing let Lin Yao pick her up, sat down near the edge of the table with her round buttocks upright, then gently supported Lin Yao's shoulder, and asked curiously.

   seems to be quite concerned.

   "Some strange thoughts."

  Lin Yao gently supported Mu Wanqing's soft and silky black silk thighs, stood in front of her, looked at her bright and beautiful face, and said with a light smile, "For example, becoming a heroic spirit after death..."

   "Huh?" Mu Wanqing was a little shocked.

   "So it's weird, isn't it?"

Seeing the astonished expression on Mu Wanqing's face, Lin Yao felt even better: "I just thought of some fun things, it's meaningless... no, actually it's not useless at all, because of this idea, I think next year we might be able to We have made great efforts in linkage, maybe we can even raise the score of "Day of Reincarnation" even more."

  Mu Wanqing seemed to feel that sitting next to the edge of the table was a bit hard, so she moved her round buttocks to the top of the table again, and took off her high-heeled shoes, no longer resting on her toes, but completely sat on the table.

   At the same time, he said softly: "The score of "Day of Reincarnation" is still going up? It's already scary now..."

   "How scary?"

  Lin Yao blinked.

  Mu Wanqing briefly talked about the growth of game active users and revenue growth during this period.

   "It seems that the advertising effect of the red envelope game will be even better..."

  Lin Yao was a little excited when she heard the words: "Our strategy finally succeeded. We used special time points to increase publicity and bind the concept of transshipment..."


  Mu Wanqing looked at Lin Yao who started to analyze again, a little dumbfounded.

  She listened for a while, then suddenly parted her long plump legs, then grabbed Lin Yao's shoulders, and pulled her forward.

  Lin Yao stumbled and fell forward.

   Then, the two hugged each other again.

  Lin Yao was slightly taken aback: "What are you doing?"

   "Chinese New Year! Except for the staff on duty, everyone has left. Why are you still thinking about work?"

  Mu Wanqing let go of Lin Yao's slender waist, turned her head to hold her face, and said helplessly.

   "Occupational Habits, Occupational Habits..."

  Lin Yao froze for a moment, then smiled embarrassedly.


  Mu Wanqing rubbed her face, then shook her lightly, and said like a mantra: "Forget about work! Forget about it!"

   "...Okay, forget it, don't shake me."

  Lin Yao was also a little dumbfounded.

  Mu Wanqing finally stopped, looking at Lin Yao's fair and charming face, she said softly, "Take a good rest."


  Lin Yao showed a moving smile, and then asked: "However, have you changed your mind, do you want to go back with me?"

   "Forget it."

  Mu Wanqing doesn't seem to have changed her mind: "I still want to stay in Pengcheng."

   "Okay, then I'll contact you when I get back."

  Lin Yao is not reluctant, and even his expression doesn't change much: "At that time, the main thing is to be a companion, okay, I will accompany you to celebrate the New Year remotely."


  Mu Wanqing pursed her lips lightly, and then showed a moving smile.

  The atmosphere is just right.


   "However, Miss Mu."

  Lin Yao suddenly changed the subject, and teased: "Your posture is so astringent..."

  Mu Wanqing's smile paused immediately, then she looked down, a little blush appeared on her face.

  Sit on the table and hold Lin Yao with legs apart.

   It does feel a little…

   "But I like it, don't worry."

  Lin Yao gave Mu Wanqing a thumbs up, showing a smile of approval.

  Mu Wanqing glared at her lightly, and then burst out laughing.

   Then Lin Yao couldn't bear it anymore.

   then laughed out.

  The two embraced each other, laughing so hard that their branches trembled wildly.


  Laughing out of breath, Lin Yao intentionally or unintentionally exerted force, fell forward, and pressed Mu Wanqing to make her lie down on the table.

  Mu Wanqing seemed to have no strength left, without the slightest resistance, she slowly fell backwards until her back touched the table.

   Then, she let out a short muffled groan.


   "Miss Mu."

  Lin Yao lay on Mu Wanqing's body, laughing a little out of breath.

   After a while.

  She put away her smile, suddenly supported Mu Wanqing's sides, raised her head, and said, "...don't be fooled."


  Mu Wanqing was lying on her back, looking at the fair face that was close at hand, with a little blush on her face, she hardly hesitated: "Yes."

   And should be finished.

  Her temperature seems to be rising.

  Because this is the first time the two have talked about this topic.

  After getting along day and night for so long...the first time.

"in addition."

  Lin Yao lowered her head slightly, rubbed the tip of her nose affectionately with her upturned nose, and whispered: "Happy New Year."

  Mu Wanqing hugged Lin Yao's waist, and then, like spring snow melting, a bright smile bloomed on her face.

"Happy New Year."

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