MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 616 Red envelope

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  Chapter 616 Red envelope

  New Year's Eve twenty-seven.

  Lin Yao bid farewell to Mu Wanqing, and officially embarked on the return journey home.

  In the past few years, Lin Yao's process of returning home has almost been fixed.

   Go to see cheap father first.

   Then, in the grand welcome ceremony in my hometown, which is getting bigger and bigger every year, I turn to go home...

   Tell the truth.

  Lin Yao is keeping a low profile when she goes back this year.

   Rather, she is very low-key when she returns to her hometown every year.

  But I can't stand the fact that Linmu Studio has been very high-profile this whole year, and I can't stand her growing fame...

   There are some things that she can't avoid by keeping a low profile. She really can't avoid them.

  Lin Yao and her sister just returned from the capital.

  After landing at the airport and driving home, before reaching the city limits, the small coastal city is already fully prepared...

  Lin Yao was forced to stay in the urban area for a period of time, and then returned to the small town where her hometown was, and the battle became stronger.

  Lin Yao is really exhausted physically and mentally.

  But when she returned home, she saw reporters with long guns and short guns, and a bunch of melon-eating people who didn't know where they came from...

   "Sister, do you know how to disguise yourself?"

  Lin Yao got out of the car, waited for the courtyard door to close, temporarily cut off all the sight lines, and immediately turned to look at Lin Xi.

   "Disguise?" Lin Xi raised the bag on his shoulder, a little curious.

   "Make up to be another person or something? Then people won't recognize it..."

  Lin Yao was talking, and suddenly clapped her hands: "Yes, it's that oriental magic—make-up technique!"

   "How can make-up be so magical..."

  Lin Xi was amused: "And even if it's so magical, my sister can't do it. Besides, even if I transform it for you, do you think others will really not recognize you?"

  Lin Yao hesitated for a moment, then replied: "What if?"

   "There is no just in case."


  Lin Yao sighed, and holding the mentality of giving it a try, she took the hand of the old lady next to her: "Grandma, can you make others not recognize me?"

   "My silly girl, why don't others recognize you? You are good-looking, popular, and capable! Don't be shy."

  The old lady obviously couldn't empathize with Lin Yao, seeing her two granddaughters after a long absence.

  Her old man is full of two granddaughters now.


  Lin Yao had nothing to say, she smiled, no longer entangled, but clenched the old man's hand.

   A group of people walked into the house.

   The noisy voice finally disappeared.

   After the old man took the two sisters home, he immediately walked to the kitchen.

  Looks like previous years, the old lady is ready to feed the two sisters...

  Lin Yao took off the peaked cap on her head that had no covering effect at all, lightly tossed her soft long hair, then sat on the sofa, poured half a glass of water, and Ge You collapsed.

the other side.

  Lin Xi thanked Xu Huan who was carrying the luggage, and then let the newly promoted bodyguard beside Lin Yao go to rest.

   "Actually, this is the only way to go."

  Lin Xi saw off Xu Huan, then sat next to his sister with a glass of water: "I thought you were already used to it."

   "It's impossible to get used to it... It's getting more and more exaggerated every year. This year, people blocked us in the urban area. Maybe next year we will be broadcast live when we go home. How can we get used to it?"

  Lin Yao turned sideways and complained: "I can't change these things... I can't even have the idea of ​​complaining and escaping, right?"

   "Of course there can be."

  Lin Xi put down the water glass, looked at Lin Yao, and said gently: "You can act like a baby if you want, sister is always welcome."

   "No, I think seeing you acting like a baby makes me more relaxed."

  Lin Yao narrowly looked at her sister.

   "Okay, my sister is so sincere, you let my sister act like a baby and show you how to decompress!"

   "Hey... hey hey, don't scratch me, can't you afford it!"

   "My sister just can't afford it, so act like a baby, show me like a baby!"

   "Get out."

  The two returned home.

   It was like some shackles had been lifted.

  As time goes by, gradually, the most authentic face is revealed.

  It was more open than when the two of them were alone in Pengcheng.

   Not only the usual squabbles, but in their hometown, the two of them even ate each other...

   This may be the charm of my hometown.

   After all, the two grew up here and spent their childhood here.

  Even though Lin Yao didn't belong here at first, she still has the memories of her childhood.

   After years of subtle influence.

   It's hard to say, she can still look at those memories from the mentality of a bystander.

   The two quarreled for a while.

  Lin Xi finally let go of his sister.

   After all, she is still a sister, and she still keeps her reserve.

   "It's a new year again."

  Lin Xi sat upright again, stroked his hair at the temples, looked ahead, at this familiar yet unfamiliar home.

   "Yeah, it's a new year."

  Lin Yao lay on Lin Xi's round thighs that were close together, and echoed.


   Neither of them spoke.

   Another year has passed in the blink of an eye. It is normal to be a little worried about gains and losses when you really have a real feeling.


  The two have different concerns about gain and loss...

  Lin Xi suddenly lowered his head, looked at Lin Yao who was lying on his lap, who had reached the marriageable age in a blink of an eye, and smiled softly.

   decided not to.

  As long as she doesn't let go, she won't leave.

   "Let's go, let's help grandma."

  Lin Xi lifted his slender but plump long legs to wake up his sister who was lying on her stomach.

   "Are you sure you won't be kicked out?" Lin Yao straightened up.


  Lin Xi stood up from the sofa, then pulled Lin Yao and walked towards the kitchen together.

   But soon...

   "My daughter, what are you doing here, there is a lot of oily smoke, get out quickly."

  As soon as the old lady saw the two sisters, she started to chase people away.

   "Grandma, we are here to help, don't look at us like this, we also cook by ourselves in Pengcheng." Lin Xi comforted the old lady with a smile.

  Lin Yao played support beside him: "Yeah, my craft is actually pretty good..."

   "That doesn't work either. When you get home, take a good rest and go out."

  The old lady hugged the two sisters and pushed them outside.

  The two sisters couldn't laugh or cry, so they reluctantly stayed in the kitchen, doing some easy work like peeling garlic and washing vegetables.

  The old lady was not happy at first.

   But wait until the two sisters are sitting on the ponytail, picking vegetables and playing around.

  She turned her back to the two sisters, and couldn't help smiling kindly.

No matter how.


  The family has a breath of life again...


   Next, two days before New Year's Eve.

  The life of the two sisters is extremely simple.

  Eat and play, play and sleep.

  The main thing is that I can’t get out.

Current situation.

  Let’s not talk about it, Lin Yao probably has to face long guns and short cannons when he walks into the yard.

  Lin Yao no longer doubts this.

  Limwood Studio is really in the limelight this year.

  Although Lin Xi had been politely chased away the reporters outside the courtyard once, there were many who were unwilling to give up.

  In this case, the two sisters can only find happiness in the house.

   And the twenty-ninth day of the Lunar New Year.

  Zhang Youjie finally came back.

  He is full of travel and dust, and the dark circles under his eyes are visible to the naked eye, but his spirit is surprisingly good.

   "The sales curve of several new products of Youmedia Technology at the end of the year not only did not decrease, but increased!"

  As soon as you enter the door.

  I haven't had time to drink the water yet.

When Zhang Youjie saw the two sisters, he immediately told them the good news: "YouMedia Technology's achievements this year are really too exaggerated... In just one year, the entire 20 years of Jiaming Alliance has been completed. The way! Xiaoyao, you don't know the expressions of those new shareholders at the year-end meeting.

  They really see you as a **** now! "

   "Uncle Zhang, do you think I look like a god?"

  Lin Yao was a little dumbfounded.

  She didn't feel very happy because of Zhang Youjie's words.

   After all, capital, whoever can help them make money, is a god...

  This **** is too cheap.

   "It looks similar to me."

Zhang Youjie looked at the slim niece in front of him: "At least he looks more like your father. Even if he has achieved his current results, he still looks like a gangster. He doesn't look like you... By the way, the recent "Day of Reincarnation" "The big fire! I heard that there will be a big move on Weixin at the end of the year, right? Can you tell me about it?"

  Lin Yao opened her mouth, about to explain.

   "Uncle Zhang, don't talk about work."


  Lin Xi brought over a glass of water, handed it to him, and interrupted: "It's Chinese New Year, let's save work until after Chinese New Year. She has been busy for a year, and so have you. You have been tired for a year, so take a good rest."

   "...I was negligent."

  Zhang Youjie took the water, reacted, and smiled apologetically at Lin Yao.

"It doesn't matter."

  Lin Yao shook her head lightly, then said with a smile: "Tomorrow you will know what the action is, Uncle Zhang, this day is not bad, take a good rest, grandma will be waiting for you for a day too."

   "Where's the old lady?"

  Hearing this, Zhang Youjie nodded, and then asked about the whereabouts of the old lady.

   And his voice just fell.

The old lady came out of the kitchen, and said in a strange way: "Oh, is this old woman still caring about me? I thought my own son and godson were both dead, and I only have two good granddaughters left. "

   "Hey, what the old lady said is so ugly, your godson is here! I wish you New Year's greetings."

  Zhang Youjie immediately jumped up from the chair, showed a flattering smile, met the old lady, and gave her a light tap on the shoulder.

   "Well? I haven't seen each other for a year, and I don't even know each other." The old lady is not as gentle as she is to her granddaughter when she grows up with Zhang Youjie, a best friend who wears a pair of pants with her son.

   "Here, old lady, calm down, it wasn't because I was too busy before, I'm going out now, and find Jingzhi to apologize to you!"

   "Don't dare, it's okay to hit you, but I'm afraid to scare the two daughters."


  An old tsundere.

   Plus a flattering middle-aged man.

   together constitute a very joyous scene.

  The two sisters got together and looked at this scene with a suppressed smile. Finally, they couldn't help it anymore, hugged each other, and secretly laughed.

  However, Zhang Youjie was so confused.

  The family is more popular.

  The taste of the new year is also stronger...

   And tomorrow.

   It's New Year's Eve.


   That night.

   It's past eleven o'clock.

   On the second floor, in Lin Yao's room.

  Lin Yao is ready to go to bed.


  Before going to bed, she chatted with Mu Wanqing as usual.

   After all, it was agreed to focus on companionship.

  Of course we can't forget the girl with black silk glasses who is far away in Pengcheng.

   "Cover the quilt, Xiaoyao, don't catch a cold."

   At this time.

  Lin Xi came out of the bathroom and saw his sister wearing a thin sweater with the quilt covering her stomach, so she hurriedly reminded her.

   "Don't worry, I'm not cold."

  Lin Yao replied Mu Wanqing again, and then replied without raising her head.

   "It's not a question of whether you're cold or not."

  Lin Xi smiled helplessly, lifted the quilt and lay down next to Lin Yao, and pulled the quilt to her chest: "If you catch a cold during the Chinese New Year, you will be in trouble."


  Lin Yao had no choice but to lie down, turn sideways and continue to reply to messages.

"to chat with?"

  Lin Xi then turned sideways, embraced Lin Yao's slender waist, and asked.

   "Yes, Mu Wanqing."

  Lin Yao nodded, Mu Wanqing went to take a shower, temporarily put down her phone, and looked at Lin Xi who was close at hand: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and she is still staying alone in Pengcheng, so let's chat for a while."


  Lin Xi nodded, then asked with a smile: "Then why don't you chat with sister?"

   "What kind of plot of fighting for favor."

  Lin Yao gave her a blank look: "I'm by your side, why don't you sleep in your arms and talk about shit."

   "Hold and sleep? Really?" Lin Xi looked at Lin Yao narrowly.

   "What do you want?"

  Lin Yao showed a wary expression: "I'm just being polite..."

   "I don't think it's polite."

  Lin Xi tightly hugged Lin Yao in his arms, and even crossed the mountains, so that their flat stomachs stuck together.

   And under the quilt, she also strangled Lin Yao's plump long legs.

   "If you don't dislike chest tightness, if you are not afraid that your sister's waist will be broken, you can always hug her like this..."

  Lin Yao didn't respond, and adjusted her posture to lean against her more comfortably.

   Both of them have slept together for so long.

   "It's not interesting to stop struggling."

  Lin Xi was a little disappointed, but he didn't let go of his sister: "It feels like another year has passed and the feeling is even stronger."

   "Then just accept it, anyway, it's just a year."

  Lin Yao yawned coquettishly: "If you feel that you can't change anything by worrying about gains and losses, you might as well accept it calmly."


  Lin Xi smiled, then thought of something, and asked curiously: "When will the red envelope system be updated? Wait?"

   "Not in the middle of the night, who will give out red envelopes in the middle of the night... It will be officially launched at six o'clock tomorrow."

  Lin Yao shook her head slightly: "Cooperate with the game, and WeChat will also issue a unified announcement."


  Lin Xi satisfied his curiosity, nodded, and then fell silent.

  Lin Yao didn't speak either.

  The two of them are not strangers, and they won't feel embarrassed when they stay together no matter whether they talk or not.

   "It's twelve o'clock."

  The two were silent for a while.


  Lin Yao looked at the time and said, "Now is the last day."

   " about we take a photo to commemorate it?"

  Lin Xi nodded, then thought of something, suddenly let go of Lin Yao, and got up from the bed.

   "Huh? Now?"

  Lin Yao huddled under the quilt with a 'no' expression.

   "Life must have a sense of ritual, come on."

  Lin Xi brushed her long hair, and then pulled up her younger sister under the blanket.


  Lin Xi picked up the phone and held it in front of the two of them.

   "Look at the camera."

  The two sisters were sitting on the bed, cuddling each other, their faces touching, and looking at the camera together.


  The screen freezes.

   On the last day of the year.

  The two left a unique picture.


   Nothing to say all night.

the next day.

Lunar New Year's eve.

  The most important day in the country.

  Different regions celebrate this day in different ways.

   But the degree of importance is the same.

   And the same day.

  Weixin released an announcement…


   For late risers, this announcement is still unknown.

  For example, Yiwenwen.

  He woke up at nine o'clock, and knew nothing about the announcement on WeChat at six o'clock...

  The first time she woke up, she didn't check the WeChat message, but opened "The Day of Reincarnation".

   As for why.

   is very simple.

   Sign-in rewards...

  He has already received the rewards from the previous few days.

   But what he is looking forward to the most is the sign-in reward on New Year's Eve.

  Because only the reward for this day is unknown...

  So far, there have been countless speculations in the player community, but no one knows what today's reward is.

   All players are curious.

  Especially during the period of the end of the year, the popularity of "Day of Reincarnation" soared crazily, with more and more players and more people discussing it.

  His curiosity is getting stronger and stronger.

   And today.

   The mystery of rewards is finally about to be revealed...

   "Let me be healthy, what the **** is this..."

  Yi Wenwen watched the LOGO of Linmu Studio emerge, and the main page of the game was about to appear, and immediately muttered to himself.

  He turned on the game without even getting out of bed, just for this moment.

   After a few seconds.

  The game is on.

  Yi Wenwen skillfully opened the sign-in window, and then completed the sign-in.

【Happy New Year】

   During the game, a reminder pops up.

   Meanwhile, on the main page.

  Fireworks take off and bloom.

   Immediately after.

   Rewards jump out.

  【Congratulations on getting the ‘Arrogant Shepherd·Red Envelope Cover’】

   And after this reminder pops up.

   Immediately afterwards, the game asked Yi Wenwen if he wanted to open WeChat to receive rewards.


  Yi Wenwen made a puzzled sound when he saw this.

  What does this have to do with WeChat?

  With suspicion, he chose to confirm.


  The mobile phone screen jumped to WeChat, and the reward collection was completed.

   But what is it for.

  Yi Wenwen still doesn't understand.


  He saw the announcement on WeChat at six in the morning...

  【Chinese New Year! The red envelope system is officially launched! 】

  Yi Wenwen clicked on the announcement and read it completely.



  He put down his phone, and after a while, he murmured: "... Can this thing be digitized? Can it be played like this?"

  He couldn't believe it.

   But it is clearly stated in the announcement, and combined with the rewards from the game just now...

  Yi Wenwen suddenly felt a strong curiosity.

  He immediately put the phone aside, put on his clothes, and walked out of the room. Instead of washing up, he looked around.

   Then after seeing the parents on the sofa, they immediately greeted them: "Dad, where is your phone?"

   "What are you doing?"

  Father Yi looked at his son strangely.

   "Just discovered a fun feature, let's try it."

  He sat down next to his parents, then took out his mobile phone, found his father's WeChat account, and according to the teaching... opened the newly added red envelope system.


   There is no need for teaching.

  Because the operation of sending red envelopes can be said to be almost clear at a glance.

  Enter the amount, enter the password, and click send.

   Not right.

  Because of the rewarded red envelope cover, he also has an extra option to operate.

   But still not difficult.

   Soon, Yi Wenwen successfully sent a ten-yuan red envelope to his father.

  Ding Dong—

   Immediately after.

  Yi Wenwen had just checked his WeChat payment account when his father's cell phone rang.

  Father Yi picked up his mobile phone, and looked at his son sending out a red envelope page with a beautiful blonde **** the cover, and asked doubtfully, "What is this?"

   "Click to open it." Yi Wenwen glanced at it, and then replied.

   Father Yi stretched out his index finger and tapped the red envelope.

   accompanied by a beep.

  The red envelope is opened.

ten yuan.

   "Red envelope!?" Father Yi was a little surprised: "Is this real money or fake money?"

   This even attracted Yi Wenwen's mother who was watching TV nearby.

   She took a look, and then became a little curious.


  Yi Wenwen replied: "Take a look at your WeChat payment account."

  Father Yi immediately opened his wallet, and was even more surprised: "It's really an increase of ten yuan, which is all right!? Can you send the money directly?"

   "Well, it seems to be a newly updated function. You can send red envelopes directly through WeChat... Just like in reality, put money into the red envelope and send it, and the other party will receive the money by clicking on it."

  Yi Wenwen was actually a little shocked.

   But still explained.

   "Interesting... Interesting." Father Yi looked at the red envelope on the phone as if he had discovered a new world.

   You know, today is New Year's Eve!

   And Chinese New Year red envelopes are familiar to every Chinese!

   It can be said that it is very familiar!

  Now this familiar thing, on a special day, is expressed online...

  In an instant, it captured everyone's heart.

  All men, women and children can eat!

   "How did this happen?"

  It doesn't.

  Yi Wenwen's mother, who watched for a while, didn't even bind a bank card to WeChat Pay, but couldn't help asking: "It feels very interesting..."

   But she didn't finish her sentence.

  The phone rang, her phone.

  She opened it and looked at it, and then said pleasantly: "Miao Miao's mother also sent me a red envelope! Can I just click on it!?"

   "Hey, the young people in the work group also gave out red envelopes, lucky red envelopes? Do you know what it is?"


  Yi Wenwen's father next to him glanced at the WeChat group, then raised his head and looked at Yi Wenwen.

  Yi Wenwen: "..."

   It seems that his movements are still slow.

  He is still experimenting, but others are already using it.

   Soon, he came to his senses, and immediately joined in, and then studied the red envelope game with his parents.

   The specific gameplay is actually not complicated.

  Because of thousands of years of cultural accumulation, the red envelope game can be said to be a household name, regardless of men, women, young or old... everyone can understand it instantly.


  The three of them figured out how to play the game, including the variant lucky red envelopes.

  Yi Wenwen's parents had already had a great time.

   "Hey, someone sent me a red envelope again."

   "I grabbed a few cents... Ha, it's interesting."


  The two fell into a sinking moment.

  Yi Wenwen himself also opened the game group he joined.

   Sure enough.

  Everyone is discussing how to play red envelopes.

   And there are countless people who are giving out red envelopes...

  He glanced at Eye Group for a while, and then at the WeChat icon, feeling sincere admiration.

   This really breaks the limitation of space!

  Use communication software to make it easier for users to send money and blessings on days like New Year's Eve...

   This is really ridiculous!

  Linmu Studio!

  This tm is also okay! !

this moment.

  He finally knew what the New Year's Eve reward for "Day of Reincarnation" was.

  But I don't think it's important anymore...

  The red envelope system has just been launched...

  The Spring Festival has just begun...

   Tell the truth.

I can’t avoid zz correctness in the series, “The Witcher” forced Fringilla to be blackened, and I can’t avoid zz correctness in the game. A black man popped out of Norse mythology. Watching a football game, you can see doubts about Argentina. Why is there no news about black people on the team? I saw players covering their mouths before the game started. Now the mainstream games have not been announced. Everyone is mentally prepared for what elements are in it. There is no reason for me to write a novel and think about it, right?

   It’s okay if you can’t avoid it, but you have to think about it when you write novels on the Chinese Internet. Considering discrimination, this is too miserable...

   This is not a question of logic, nor is it racist, but it makes me think about it forcibly. I feel uncomfortable psychologically, as if I have been assimilated.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion