MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 7 family

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Luo Orange stayed where he was, unable to answer.

This was the first time Luo Zhi had asked her this kind of question. His tone was very light and casual, and he even had a lighthearted smile like a small talk.

But at that moment, there are countless things that have happened in the past, are happening now, and I am afraid they will be indispensable in the future, and they all seem to be summed up lightly in the same sentence.

Is she that kind of person?

Luo Zhi is indeed hateful, and it is his own fault to get to this point... But no matter what, this person on the hospital bed is also related to her by blood... Is she such a cold-blooded person? As Luo Zhi said...

"She's not that kind of person." Ren Chenbai said suddenly, "Xiao Zhi, your malice towards your sister is too strong."

Luo Cheng raised his head suddenly.

Her eyes were red, her hands were tightly clutching the hem of her clothes, and she looked at Ren Chenbai as if asking for help.

"Have you seen the comments online? Those people are really looking forward to your death."

Ren Chenbai's voice was very gentle, as if he was patiently teaching the simplest truth: "Your sister is angry because you do that kind of thing because she cares about you, and she couldn't speak clearly for a while."

"If you don't really care about your family, why would you feel guilty and blame yourself for this incident and come here to question you?"

"I'm angry with you just because I hope you're good." Ren Chenbai said, "It may be that you're dizzy, your words are not considerate enough, and your emotions aren't enough, but this can't be the reason for you to slander Xiaocheng. "

Ren Chenbai turned to Luo Cheng and said in a gentle tone, "Is that so?"

Luo Orange bit her lower lip hard. She suddenly felt that the crushed boulder had been moved away, her delicate body was shaky, and tears could not wait to well up in her eyes.

When Luo Chengxiu entered the door, he happened to see this scene in front of him.

The birthday banquet of the Luo family was almost a joke, and Mrs. Luo's condition was unstable for several days. Luo Zhi made such a scandal at a critical time when Huaisheng Entertainment was handed over.

Luo Chengxiu was originally upset because of this round of public opinion turmoil caused by Luo Zhi. At a glance, he saw the tears of his little daughter's grievance, and he looked at himself helplessly and uneasy. He rushed to the top of his head with intense disgust.

Luo Chengxiu took a few steps to the side of the hospital bed, grabbed Luo Zhi's hospital gown, and picked him up from the bed.

Luo Zhi was so thin that he had almost no weight. Luo Chengxiu's strength made him go too far, and the drastic change in body position quickly caused a dizziness that was enough to engulf consciousness.

Luo Zhi's eyes suddenly darkened.

When he regained consciousness, Ren Chenbai had persuaded the furious Luo family head.

Luo Chengxiu sat in the farthest corner of the ward with a calm expression and said nothing. Ren Chenbai whispered something to persuade him, or maybe he was explaining the specific "real situation" to Luo Chengxiu.

Luo Orange shrank in his father's arms, his eyes were so red that he looked like he was crying aloud in grievance.

Luo Zhi leaned against the corner of the wall.

He was thrown in the corner beside the hospital bed, but he didn't get any new injuries. It seemed that Ren Chenbai stopped him in time.

No one could take care of him, and he didn't have the strength to move his body.

Probably because the blood sugar still did not make up to the safety line, and even moving the fingertips would return severe palpitation and numbness, and kept breaking out in cold sweat.

Luo Zhi lowered his eyes.

At this moment, his consciousness seemed to suddenly escape from this increasingly weak and broken body, and floated in a certain place.

It's easy, do nothing, just watch.

Looking at the body hidden in the hospital gown, it was limp as if it had no bones.

Luo Zhi remembered the doll suit he had become in his dream.

What a dream now.

At the age of five or six, he watched a lot of messy TV dramas. He was so absorbed in it that he wiped his tears and made up his brain into some pitiful character, and had a long and chaotic nightmare.

When Luo Zhi saw the figure appearing in front of him, he slowly distinguished the outline of the shadow and raised his head.

Luo Cheng stood in front of him.

The shadow of the tender and childish little girl behind him has faded. The girl's appearance has become Pingting, and her expression has calmed down again.

It's just that his face is still a little pale, and his eyes are still red.

"I forgive you." Luo Orange looked at him, "Luo Zhi."

Luo Zhi looked at her for a few seconds, then slightly bent the corner of his mouth.

Luo Cheng took this smile as his own little abacus and didn't care too much, and continued: "I already understand, you said that on purpose to make me feel that I am a very disgusting bad person."

"You think my second brother and I have teamed up to steal your company, so you have to set up such a situation."

Luo Cheng paused for a while before continuing softly: "You try to make me blame myself, make me feel sorry for you, and then make me tortured and crazy... just like my mother."

Luo Zhi himself was amazed at his deep scheming in the eyes of these people. He raised his eyebrows and tried to look at his sister who had grown up in front of him.

Because of the blurred vision, Luo Zhi's eyes were covered with a layer of mist. His pupils were a little dilated, but instead, his eyes appeared to be more pure and black, with a small shadow cast by the dense long eyelashes.

Luo Cheng was watched by those eyes, even if Luo Zhi's eyes did not have a clear focus, she still seemed to be suddenly stabbed by a very thin needle.

Luo Cheng didn't know what to do, but subconsciously hurriedly looked away: "You don' don't remember, mother was driven crazy by you, right?"

Luo Zhi thought about it.

He remembered that he seemed to have such a crime.

It should have happened when he was twelve years old. Luo Zhi still had some impressions. That day he was taken to speak with Mrs. Luo, and they had some disputes later.

Later, he was pushed down by Mrs. Luo from the window on the second floor.

After that, Mrs. Luo's mental condition obviously got worse and worse.

Luo Orange twisted the corner of her clothes with her fingertips. She didn't know what she was panicking about, so she just lowered her head and said, "You can change it, and don't hurt anyone in the future."

Luo Zhi lowered his eyelashes, but just smiled and didn't speak.

Luo Cheng finally sensed his strangeness at this moment. She frowned and pulled Luo Zhi's hand: "Luo Zhi, you—"

Luo Zhi's hand was ice-cold, making him shudder.

Luo Cheng subconsciously let go, she saw Luo Zhi's arm falling down softly, the already thin and pale hand smashed on the ground, and the joints and tiles made a harsh, crisp sound.

Luo Chengxiu was ready to leave, waiting for her at the door: "Luo Cheng."

Luo Cheng turned his head in a panic.

She is actually still afraid of Luo Zhi. If her father is not here, she is worried that Luo Zhi will continue to brainwash him with more vicious means as Brother Chen Bai said.

Thinking of this, Luo Cheng looked at Luo Zhi, who was quiet and silent, and couldn't help but sighed in relief.

If Luo Zhi can always be like this, don't make trouble and don't do evil, just be quiet.

After all, they are still related by blood, so it is impossible to ignore him completely.

If Luo Zhi can't move or speak, just lie in the hospital, she can actually come to see him every month...

When such a thought came up, Luo Cheng was startled by himself at first, and then he followed what Brother Chen Bai taught, and calmly pressed his chest.

It wasn't that she had vicious thoughts, but the fact that Luo Zhi was going too far.

Luo Zhi came back for revenge and tried every means to destroy the Luo family. He drove his mother crazy, and forced second brother Jian to live in his shadow, and now he has to drive her crazy.

Even the gentlest brother Chen Bai, who had been taking care of them, was exhausted by the affairs of Luo Zhi.

I heard on the Internet that Luo Zhi used his power to overwhelm people when he debuted, and started a company and wanted to insult the company's artists. After people refused, Luo Zhi used methods to hide it for several years.

For someone who hurt their family like this, she didn't take revenge on Luo Zhi, but only secretly had such thoughts, which was not wrong.

Luo Cheng swallowed what he was going to say.

She didn't even look at Luo Zhi again, she ran out of the ward without looking back, followed her father and left in a hurry.

Ren Chenbai went out to see them off, and closed the door of the ward with his backhand.

The ward finally quieted down.

The silence lasted for three or four hours. Because Mr. Ren had explained in advance that there were family members to visit, the doctors and nurses who were rounding the ward specially avoided this ward.

Until Ren Chenbai dealt with some things and returned to the ward, except that the sky was dark, everything was the same as when he left.

Because Luo Cheng was crying too hard in his father's arms, Luo Chengxiu was afraid that his precious daughter would be out of breath, so he asked someone to open the window, which is still half-closed.

It's probably going to rain tonight, and the night wind is blowing in, with a wet coldness.

The silver moon was faint, and the icy light penetrated through the gap of the curtains that had been knocked open by the wind, and melted into the unextinguished lamp in the house.

Luo Zhi was still sitting at the foot of the bed with his head down.

Ren Chenbai stopped for a moment at the door.

His vision was very complicated, but those complexities were eventually overshadowed by coldness. He walked to Luo Zhi and looked down at the embarrassed figure.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Ren Chenbai's tone was very light, "You can't live on your own."

Luo Zhi sat at the junction of the light and the moonlight.

Ren Chenbai stood in front of him, his always gentle and considerate face was chilled by Leng Yue: "Jian Huai is at ease every step of the way, your family is selfish and cold-blooded, and the sister you want to protect is just a brainless idiot."

Luo Zhi remained silent and did not answer.

"You find that I hate you, so you don't want to go home with me?"

Ren Chenbai squatted down and pinched Luo Zhi's pale jaw: "But I won't let you go."

"I used to really want to be with you." Ren Chenbai's tone was gentle, but what he said was completely different from that. "But I don't know, you are also an unfamiliar and heartless monster..."

Following this force, Luo Zhi's body leaned into his arms silently, with his forehead softly pressed against his neck.

Ren Chenbai looked at him, his arm froze for a moment unconsciously.

But that brief stagnation was instantly overwhelmed by more distinct disgust and contempt, Ren Chenbai threw off his arm and stood up suddenly: "Go away! I don't know when you—"

His words stopped suddenly.

Luo Zhi was thrown away by him, rolled twice and slammed into the corner of the bed, but still did not respond.

Ren Chenbai was suddenly caught by a strong sense of suffocation, he squatted down in a daze, and turned the person in front of him over.

Ren Chenbai froze for a while as if he was still, then slowly raised his hand and reached between Luo Zhi's nose.

Luo Zhi's body was terrifyingly icy.

He quietly raised his head, his arms drooped softly, and his breath was too light to blow half a feather.

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