MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 8 rescue

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Ren Chenbai didn't notice that his hands were shaking.

His expression became even colder, as if he was completely irritated by such a childish trick played by Luo Zhi.

"Luo Zhi." Ren Chenbai whispered, "Fake death with me?"

He picked Luo Zhi up, threw it on the bed, and reached out to probe the artery on the side of Luo Zhi's neck.

It must be because he couldn't find a way to do it. He tried several times to no avail. It was not until he put his palm directly on Luo Zhi's chest that he finally noticed the weak and slow beating of the heart inside.

The light in the room was not too bright.

The silvery moonlight streamed in, flowing over Luo Zhi's bloodless profile, and finally settled on Jing's closed eyelashes.

As if scooping up a quiet and mocking cold light.

A faint crack finally appeared on Ren Chenbai's calm and cold face.

He grabbed the back of Luo Zhi's head, stopped, and hugged him closer.

Seemingly disturbed by this, Luo Zhi finally reacted vaguely, his limp body bucked slightly, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

Ren Chenbai seemed to wake up suddenly and stopped immediately.

He obviously did the most foolish act worthy of ridicule, so the anger that was suppressed by that moment of confusion and dazedness turned up exponentially, Ren Chenbai sneered, and with his right hand, grabbed Luo Zhi's hair: "Have you had enough?"

"You are so easy to coax." Ren Chenbai sneered, "If you give me a little sweetness, I won't be able to continue acting?"

Luo Zhi didn't respond and dropped his hand outside the bed.

This time, Ren Chenbai would not be fooled by his clumsy means again. He threw Luo Zhi back on the bed, pulled over the ECG monitor beside the bed, and lifted Luo Zhi's empty hospital gown with his left hand.

The body under the sick clothes was horribly thin, and the pale skin was covered with large bruises.

Ren Chen's eyes jumped, but he didn't seem to care, he just turned on the instrument and pasted the electrodes one by one.

"I tell you, Luo Zhi."

Ren Chenbai warned slowly: "I will make you pay for this little trick, you..."

The last patch touched the cold, pale skin, and the ECG monitor suddenly made a piercing alarm.

Ren Chenbai's body stiffened.

He suddenly realized something, reached out to probe Luo Zhi's neck and chest, and tried Luo Zhi's breathing again.

For the first time, his movements showed some panic, but no matter what the result was, there was silence.

When a person is about to die, will he hold his last breath in his throat and wait to listen to the movement around him?

The Ren family has long been involved in medical-related fields, and this private hospital is Ren Chenbai's own industry. Even though he has never received professional clinical training, Ren Chenbai actually has more medical knowledge than the average person.

His actions from just now to now have lost his composure, just because the person lying on the ground is Luo Zhi.

And Ren Chenbai happened to hate Luo Zhi, so much that Luo Zhi had to be tortured bit by bit alive, so much that he wanted to make up a net with the pretense of a gentle brother who was disgusting even himself, trapping this monster in despair for the rest of his life. Atonement.

Jian Huaiyi, the moth who occupies the magpie's nest, always feels uneasy, and must take away everything that belongs to Luo Zhi before he can rest assured. Ren Chenbai looked down on such a shameless villain at all, but he didn't mind cooperating with Jane.

He wanted Luo Zhi to atone for the sins he had committed all his life, instead of letting Luo Zhi get rid of it so happily.

So Luo Zhi must live.

It must be so.

It can only be so.

Do people hear movement around them before they die?

Ren Chenbai patted Luo Zhi's shoulders and cheeks, and at the end he almost shook and called him.

He never knew that someone's face could be so cold and white, as if the last drop of warm blood had been shed, and as if the soul, consciousness or something else had escaped from this body.

Ren Chenbai's movements became more and more urgent, and in the end he didn't even know what he was doing, until he was carefully persuaded to leave by the emergency personnel who followed the alarm sound of cardiac arrest, and watched more people rushing around. go up.

Ren Chenbai grabbed someone's arm and said in a hoarse voice, "Can you live?"

The doctor on duty who rushed over was startled by him, and nodded quickly: "I can live, I can live!"

Ren Chenbai let go.

The doctor on duty rushed over, waited for the nurse to apply the conductive paste, shouted "Get out of the way", and pressed the electrodes of the defibrillator against Luo Zhi's thin chest.

People are not difficult to save, it is a malignant arrhythmia caused by hypoglycemia.

It is urgent to say it is urgent, but to say it is serious, it is not the kind of trouble that is helpless in the critically ill patients who are routinely treated in the emergency room.

In fact, if the family members or escorts found out earlier, and notified the nurse in time to measure the blood and then hang a bottle of glucose, it would have been fine.

The doctor in charge of the rescue was busy in an orderly manner, and no one spoke rashly, only carefully exchanging glances.

In fact, they don't understand how a patient who has no underlying diseases related to blood sugar can be in a deep coma twice due to hypoglycemia.

Obviously, there will be obvious signs and manifestations before falling into a coma. Obviously, as long as the companion has eyes, it is not difficult to notice.

Obviously this Mr. Luo was in the ward, and many people came to see him.

Ren Chenbai stood outside the ward.

He received a call from Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng had been brought home by the Luo family, and he called to thank him for what happened today, and to ask Ren Chenbai for the contact information of a respected old director.

The director's surname is Gong, his name is Gong Hanrou, and he and Ren Chenbai's mother used to be close pen pals.

Director Gong Hanrou is currently working on a TV documentary about combating trafficking. The filming has not yet been completed, and the popularity and expectations are already very high.

Luo Cheng wanted to enter the entertainment industry, but she originally asked her second brother to buy the script that she said she was going to bid for. But Jian Huaiyi apologetically explained to her that the company's capital turnover was a bit difficult recently, and Huaisheng Entertainment, which had just taken over, was caught in a scandal again, and she had to spend a lot of money for public relations.

Although disappointed, Luo Cheng was still very sensible and did not embarrass the second brother.

After all, Jian Huaiyi couldn't be blamed for these things.

The scandal was caused by Luo Zhi, and I don't know how Luo Zhi did not do his right job and ruined a good Huaisheng entertainment like this.

Luo Cheng doesn't understand the family's business at all. She regards Ren Chenbai as a close and gentle brother, grumbles a few words in a low voice, and then tries to beg him in a low voice: "Brother Chenbai, can you give Teacher Gong's contact information to me? me?"

Ren Chenbai held the phone in one hand, leaned back against the wall, and his eyes fell on the ward.

"The work of an artist should be the responsibility of the company."

His tone returned to the same gentleness: "Xiaocheng, Huai Yi, didn't he assign you a team, arrange an agent and assistant?"

"Brother Huai Yi is busy." Luo Cheng was a little disappointed, but he could understand, "It's because my time is too tight. If I don't have a filming work, I have to submit the final sketch work, but I haven't found a suitable script yet. ."

Luo Cheng actually just came back from Huaisheng Entertainment.

Completely different from her excited imagination, this experience was not pleasant at all.

After the shareholders and the board of directors left with her father and brother, for some reason, Huaisheng Entertainment, from the manager to the department employees, to the management team, and even the artist assistants who were in charge of running errands, did not treat her well.

After confirming that Huaisheng Entertainment will be in charge of Jian Huaiyi from now on, and Luo Zhi will never return to the company, the manager of the artist department has always been indifferent, polite and refusal.

The manager apologized to Luo Orange kindly, saying that Miss Luo's identity was too important, and that she was afraid that the arrangement would not suit President Jane's wishes. They can only deal with it when President Jane personally assigns a team to Miss Luo.

Luo Cheng called Ren Chenbai, in fact, he also had a temper, trying to prove that he could find resources without relying on that broken company.

"I've inquired about it, Brother Chenbai. The next unit that Director Gong is going to shoot is called "Fire", and the protagonist is a seven-year-old boy who was sold. The wife of that family is also a kidnapped college student, only twenty years old, just like me Big."

"I heard that it happened more than ten years ago. They were all so pitiful, they suffered a lot, almost died, and fell ill... Fortunately, they all escaped in the end, and those bad people also have retribution."

There were already parts of the investigation that were allowed to be made public at the time on the Internet. Luo Cheng was just reciting what he found, and he couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic, and his voice was slightly lower.

Speaking of the final result, her tone became light again: "Half the interview, and the other half of the filming that completely restored the real situation. The abducted female college student has been found, but after the boy was taken back by his family, he has not been there. whereabouts…"

"Oh." Ren Chenbai said softly, "I haven't fallen yet."

The tone of his words was a little strange.

Luo Cheng was stunned for a moment. She didn't know which sentence she said was wrong, and hesitated to stop: "...Brother Chenbai?"

Ren Chenbai smiled: "It's okay."

He took the initiative to apologize: "I'm sorry, Xiaocheng, I just lost my mind."

How could Luo Cheng care about him because of this kind of thing, and hurriedly shook his head on the other side of the phone: "It's okay, Brother Chenbai, if it's inconvenient for you..."

"Of course it's convenient. I'll introduce you to Mr. Gong." Ren Chenbai said, "Xiaocheng, you must work hard to get this role."

Luo Cheng was obviously surprised: "Really?"

Ren Chenbai agreed: "Really."

The ward has been quiet.

Seeing that Mr. Ren was on the phone, the doctors and nurses did not dare to disturb him. After confirming that the patient's vital signs were completely stable, he quietly left the ward.

This time, they did not dare to hand over the patient to the escort, and directly monitored Luo Zhi. The data on the instrument fluctuated smoothly at the lowest line of normal values.

Luo Zhi was out of danger.

He was motionless, quietly trapped in the pure white pillows and bedding, wearing nasal oxygen, and he was holding a hanging bottle in his right hand for glucose and nutrient solution.

When Ren Chenbai walked into the ward, he saw Luo Zhi's eyelashes trembling slightly like feathers.

This shows that Luo Zhi is awake.

Luo Zhi disappeared at the age of seven, was found and brought back at the age of ten, and has been in foster care since then.

Because of his mother's instructions, Ren Chenbai had taken Luo Zhi with him since he was ten years old, coaxing Luo Zhi to sleep every day, and he was very familiar with these little actions.

However, after the mother was killed by Luo Zhi, these familiar details all turned into deep and cold hatred bit by bit.

What is Luo Zhi?

Probably a natural cold-blooded monster, a demon best at camouflage and deception.

Ren Chenbai stretched out his hand and tucked the quilt for Luo Zhi.

His strength was as gentle as when he was a child, and when he stroked the thin shoulders of the sick suit, he noticed that Luo Zhi's body was shaking slightly uncontrollably in his palm.

…now it's right.

Ren Chenbai showed a satisfied smile.

He originally just wanted to take Luo Zhi back, lock him up at home, and let Luo Zhi enjoy the despair before his mother left.

But what happened this time, Ren Chenbai suddenly realized that his purpose was not to let Luo Zhi die.

It's too easy to die.

As long as he thought that Luo Zhi had killed his mother, but he had easily put his life on the line, he could not hold back the icy hatred oozing out of every crevice.

He still wanted to see Luo Zhi's heart as dead ashes, lingering on life.

So he didn't mind helping a little bit more, and lifted the protective cover that Luo Zhi had built by himself, so that Luo Zhi could see everyone in the Luo family clearly.

"Little Orange." Ren Chenbai said softly, "I'm not in the hospital now."

He leaned over and pressed the speakerphone, intending to let Luo Zhi hear the voice on the phone: "I remember when we left the ward, you were the last person to see Luo Zhi, right? You even talked to him."

Luo Cheng's tone really cooled down: "Brother Chenbai, why are you suddenly mentioning him?"

"That's right, I want to ask you, did you notice anything unusual about his body before leaving."

Ren Chenbai said slowly: "If the hypoglycemia becomes severe, the brain cells will be damaged, which will cause irreversible damage to the body and brain... He may be in a coma, may be paralyzed in bed and unable to move, or affect his mind."

Ren Chenbai said, "If you find something wrong with him, just tell me, and I'll let someone see him, so that nothing happens."

On the other end of the phone, Luo Orange gave a soft "ah".

Then there was a long silence, if not for Luo Cheng's slightly flustered and nervous breathing, one would almost think that Ren Chenbai had hung up the phone accidentally.

In the end, Ren Chenbai smiled and said, "It's alright."

Ren Chenbai hung up the phone.

He stood up, put the mobile phone, which had no movement, beside Luo Zhi's pillow, and left the ward.

Read The First Vampire