MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 105 I covered this fairy statue

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Tianshui real people always do what they want. They set up their bodies, called the apprentices together and took them to the street. Then they pulled out the Yuanshen Royal Sword and drove back to Weiyangzong.

Thought that when the master found the roasted suckling pigeon that he had eaten during the day, Liang Mu was frightened and carefully led the master who suddenly said he wanted to go out to relax and walk to the market. Vaguely noticed that a gust of wind was rolling over, shrinking his neck and glancing back, but he couldn't see anything.

The air conditioner beside him was inexplicably lighter than before, and his eyes were softer, looking at the stalls on both sides of the street.

Tingjun's black figure was reflected in the colorful light scene, and the deep black pupils appeared faintly curious.

"Master ... have you never been here before?"

Master didn't look like he was in a bad mood. Liang Mu's guts were a lot bolder, and he raised his head and tried to ask.

Lu Deng just took over Gu Shui's body. He heard the sound beside him, instinctively lowered his head and looked over, and shook his head with a smile.

Has done a lot of tasks with Gu Yuan, modern and interstellar world market malls have not been around, but ancient markets are still the first time.

This place has not been affected by modern technology, but it is no less lively than modern shopping malls, and it is still there. Nowadays, just a few days ago, every family has to prepare for the dragon worship festival. The street vendors are full of goods, and the restaurant is crowded. The jugglers and baubles also set up stalls and followed, and the eyes were almost invisible.

It was completely dark, and the lantern was hanging on the two roads. The wind cast a shadow of the moon and fell into the water and shone a silver light.

At this time, the folk customs are open, and men and women are not shy about it. Many boys and girls who are in love have river lamps by the water. Each river lamp is exquisitely cute, carrying prayers for marriage. All the way down the river.

It would be nice if people who loved each other could come here for a walk.

Lu Deng stood by the river, watching the dim light dots drifting away from the water, and suddenly he was fascinated, but could not help but think, shaking his head to dispel the thoughts.

The lover just stole a pair of pants and came back soon. The two were just separated, but the miss at this time was really out of place.

"Does Master have a sweetheart?"

It was hard to get back from the shock of Master ’s unexpected laughter. Seeing that Master looked at the lantern on the river and stunned, Liang Mu ’s courage was a lot bigger, and he whispered: “Master, let me put it down? Write a name Just fine, marriage is accurate ... "

The hawker selling lanterns was very clever. Originally, he saw that the temperamental figure stared at the river water, and he guessed it was the business. When he heard the boy's words, he immediately picked up the burden and grinned, "Which one is this master? The little ones have all the lights here, those who are seeking marriage, those who are promoted to wealth, those who are satisfied with disasters, those who keep people safe ... "

Lu Deng was about to decline, but was suddenly agitated by the last sentence of "keeping people safe." According to the words, he bought a clean river lantern and took it in his hand, walking two steps towards the river.

Liang Mu couldn't help being curious. He ventured to see what Master ’s sweetheart's name was. He glanced gently and immediately stepped back down, deliberately looking around at the night scene. I saw a stall selling steamed chestnuts, and touched the broken silver from the master in my pocket, and ran with joy.

Lu Deng stood by the river, stained with a small writing brush that he was carrying, and was about to write down the names of the two, but the pen stopped suddenly.

Gu Zaishui does not seem to have named him.

The identity this time was randomly generated, and the name remarks column in the system was still blank, and he didn't even know what he should be called.

Since it was Gu Zaishui's heart demon, naturally it should be named by the other person. This river lantern seems to be unable to hold it right now.

Lu Deng groaned by the water and put the river light in his sleeve.

As long as he walks along the plot, he can find a way to get out of the body, and if he can't help, he can first get Gu Zaishui to equip a magic weapon that can hold the soul, and then the name will definitely be there.

The two people put the river lantern together, it is much happier than putting them together.

The feeling of having trousers is moving for a long time. The cool breeze at night and the willows soft by the river. The moon shadow shattered and rubbed into the river, and the sparkling waves embraced the river lights flowing downstream, and it seemed to take a moment of quiet from the particularly noisy bazaar.

For the first time, Lu Deng came out to hang out, but he didn't know where to start, and he was worried about where the flaws would damage Tianshui's reputation. Can only follow in the footsteps of Liang Mu, stopped at the stall of steamed chestnuts.

The steamed pot was brought out hot, and immediately filled with half-adolescents rushing to buy it.

The chestnuts were packed in paper bags. They were still hot when they reached the hands, and they fell quickly in their hands. Liang Mu's hand was fast, and his figure was the dexterity trained in the beatings of the crowd. He drilled left and right in the crowd. It didn't take long for him to take back a bag of chestnuts and happily held his arms in his arms.

The supporting person is thin, and the system helped to turn the setting for a long time, and he couldn't find out whether Gu usually eats chestnuts in the water. Lu Deng touched the corners of his lips and had to endure the thoughts again, only remembering in his heart.

Although Liang Mu was barely regarded as a child before being picked up the mountain, he was very crowded after all. Even if he had a good residence, he could not help but lock the courtyard door tightly, let alone have the opportunity to go out and play. I had followed the elder brother and was blindly led to the boring place where some hoof saddles were sold. It wasn't enough to look around while walking along the road. A pair of eyes couldn't wait to stick to the bustling scene and could barely move.

There were many people by the river. He didn't pay attention. When he was squeezed, he slipped under his feet and fell into the water.

The lantern responded quickly, and a mana popped up, pulling the person steadily back to his side: "Be careful, look at the road."

The Xiuxiu people were almost squeezed into the river. Liang Mu's face turned red, and he lowered his head and thanked Master again and again to see if he was angry. The ink figure had turned back, and walked towards the sparsely crowded place.

Sure enough, he is still calm.

Liang Mu shrank his neck, followed quickly, and looked down at the road carefully, and then dared not look around.

The palm of Lu Deng's sleeve in the sleeve turned slightly, and the consciousness spread out to confirm that no one noticed. Then he sent a chestnut to his mouth and tried to bite it gently.

The chestnuts had just been put a little cooler, and Liang Mu's body staggered out a few, which were stopped by him in time, just at the entrance. The noodles had been cooked to the top, and they melted in the mouth after a short while. They were sweet and glutinous.

Lu Deng finished eating one, and hid the remaining two in his sleeves, remembering to ask Gu to eat it when the water came back.

With the previous lesson, Liang Mu did not dare to be distracted anymore, and devotedly accompanied the Master to go shopping. Occasionally, while Master is not paying attention, he plunges into the crowd to buy some snacks to come back, while envying him, even if he is submerged in the crowd, he clears out his calmness.

Totally ignorant of his calm and refined master, after getting two chestnuts, he successfully carried a bag of candy in the sleeve, three nougat, a small piece of peanut cake, and a small one who murmured when the wind blew. windmill.

The copper coins were cleverly inserted into the windmill hawker's cash box, and the land light retracted his eyes without any traces. He dialed the small windmill in his sleeve, his lips rose for a moment, and his eyebrows quietly opened a very soft arc.

Waiting for Gu to come back in the water ...

In fact, I don't feel lonely in knowing the sea, because there is always only him there, there is only one thing to do, so just wait quietly.

But now walking in the bustling bustling street market, surrounded by laughter and laughter, a little farther away, every house was full of lights, but he suddenly wanted to see his lover sooner.

He saw a lot of fun gadgets, and he ate a lot of delicious things, so he kept thinking about going around with Gu Gushui again.

The mind drifted away for a moment, and his eyes fell on the crowd, and suddenly he saw the flushing thing stuck in the straw.

The red hawthorn, which was strung with bamboo sticks, was washed clean, and the transparent sugar crust was thinly wrapped, shaking brightly in front of the eyes.

Lu Deng's heart fluttered, and he couldn't help but take a few steps forward. The people around him flew to the ground for a moment, but disappeared.

He remembers Gu Gushui talking about the things in front of him, the little hidden memories and regrets hidden in the voice-he knows what the only bright touch in the whole memory is, so he also wants to make this for the other party. A little regret to make up.

The cantaloupe should be delicious.

Lu Deng touched the copper coins in his sleeves, hesitated a little, or stepped forward, stopped the good-looking granny, and plucked up a courage to buy a bunch.

"Did you buy it for the young apprentice?"

The people under Wei Yangzong have also been bathed by immortal spirits all year round. The grandmother is very old, but she still has a clear footwork. She smiles and gives him a sweet gourd, and points to the alleyway: "Go there, your apprentice. Well, you walked in a hurry, I don't know what happened ... "

Although the pedestrians are like weaving, Gu Zaishui's body is tall and handsome, and he looks particularly good. He wears a black robe, and is surrounded by a young apprentice who is looking for food. impression. Seeing that he was taciturn but not fierce, it was very embarrassing to look closely, and the words naturally followed.

Lu Deng trembled, thinking of the story that the system said, and his heart moved.

The protagonist does have a storyline here.

According to the plot, the protagonist was accidentally encountered by a family member while strolling on the street. Not only was he besieged again by humiliation, but he also accidentally learned that it was not that he did not have talent, but that he had been assassinated and sealed Dantian. Gas sea. Even the parents who thought they had died accidentally in a family mission were innocent victims in the whole conspiracy.

The protagonist was shocked and angry, but his heart was irritated and rebelled, but he was still defeated because Xiu was defeated. Coincidentally Gu Gushui went out looking for medicine at this time, and he couldn't bear to see him struggling, and appeared to intervene in order to force those people back.

Although the master escaped by chance this time, the protagonist was unwilling to be humiliated, and set a life-and-death battle with the family on the first day. Gu Zaishui felt by his heart, exhausted his ability to break the seal of his body, opened the Dan Tian Ling Mai, the protagonist has since been repaired to make rapid progress, a thousand miles a day, the fairy road is unobstructed.

In the original plot, Gu Zaishui had been entangled by the demon at this time, and Hai Dantian was shaken all the way. After breaking the seal for his disciples, his injuries became more serious. Finally, at the Tianmen Conference, he was forced to spur his blood by attacking the spirit again, and was completely taken by the demon.

One night has now passed half the time, and it's almost time to count the time.

Gu Zaishui's spirit hasn't returned yet, so he can only help to finish the plot. Both of them are quite strong at this time, and there is not much threat from the shot, so it is not difficult to manage them in the past.

Lu Deng refreshed his spirits, thanked the grandma who sold the sweet gourd, and quickly hurried over holding the sweet gourd.

The system called up the map and plot line in time, and Lu Deng turned around in the lane several times, and successfully found the two sides who were fighting together.

Liang Muzheng is entangled in the same group of Liang family members. Although he has no spiritual power, the practice of wrought body has been practiced to the extreme.

This section of the main line is an important key to the protagonist's upgrade. You must find the right time. Early or late shots will affect the effect.

Lu Deng hid his body in the corner of the street and kept it quietly for a while. There was still no progress in the plot.

... just eat one.

I have n’t eaten in the sea for a while, but I do n’t remember to leave more water for Gu Zai. Although I ’m not going to see anything, I ’ve waited for a long time with plots such as candied gourd. .

Lu Deng held his breath and carefully held the top red hawthorn, wrapped in glittering sugar coating, a little bit into his mouth.

Just bit it down, and suddenly a mechanical sound came from my mind: "Host, the plot is here! We need to come out handsomely to save the protagonist-"


Land Light: ...

There is only one string of candied fruit, eat one less. Lu Deng didn't want to spit it out or swallow it so fast, and hid it in his mouth, insisting in his mind: "I hold it, don't speak."

The host is also handsome and handsome with sugar gourd. The system turned two buffer circles, and still bite the small data and defaulted to it: "... host, the plot point is here! We are going to rescue the protagonist and scare the bad guys away!"

The mechanical sound is controlled precisely, and the tone is the same as the first time, and the task was never heard twice.

Lu Deng touched the corner of his lips and secretly hid a red envelope under the charger for the system.

Liang Mu's clothes had been torn completely, his body was scarred, and he was half-knelt on the ground embarrassed. Those family members are about to fight hard again, but their bodies are suddenly pushed away by an invisible force, and they are bound by the invisibility, they are still firmly bound, they still maintain the stance of being just able to move at all.

The look of the proud nobleman suddenly changed, and the Liang family members were all horrified, and their instincts receded.

Being able to bring mana to this step is at least the power of the fit phase. The Liang family came out this time, and the strongest master was just distracted. Looking at the obvious back-up posture, most of the teacher Liang Mu who had hit the big luck came.

With that in mind, the figure of ink has turned from the lane.

It was a very tall figure of Dao Jiexuan, who looked tall and handsome, but his appearance was indeed as indifferent as the legend, but the eyebrows unexpectedly appeared gentle and elegant, and it didn't seem like a difficult situation.

Gu Zaishui didn't bring a sword, and everyone's eyes could not help but be attracted by the string of sugar gourds he held in his hands, speculating frightfully. However, he saw his footsteps in the eyes, turned down and dropped the bunch of sugar gourds and Yan in Liang Mu's hands, and nodded slightly towards him.

Liang Muyi watched the bunch of sugar gourds being handed in front of himself, and suddenly his nose became sore, his eyes quickly gathered water, and he looked up with a choked throat: "Master ..."

Lu Deng couldn't speak with hawthorn, but nodded to meet his gaze and motioned for him to hold a sugar gourd for himself, and got up and walked towards those people.

He has always been more knowledgeable about how to make people fear and fear themselves.

Seeing that figure came over step by step, his face was still calm and indifferent. Instead, the Liang family members became more frightened and frightened. The few courageous Liang family members no longer told Rao to stab themselves, and they couldn't pull it apart.

——It was originally thought that Liang Mu ’s kid was just picked up by Wei Yangzong, and he just became a disciple. Who knows that the master of his Weiyangzong's first person took care of him so much, not only took him down to the Tianmen Conference, but even brought him out for shopping.

-I also bought a candied fruit!

This relationship between apprentice and apprentice fell in the eyes of others, and no doubt appreciated the closeness, and even had the meaning of closing the disciples.

Masters can be so careful with their disciples. If you see your disciples being bullied and abused by yourself, and you know the truth about your disciples being assassinated when they were young, you must not strip their skin!

Everyone in the Liang family naturally did not expect that the pure Jun Fengfeng owner had changed his core, not to mention that he was brought out by his disciples for shopping. Blindly trembling with his own brain supplement, if it were not for the young owner, I'd be afraid to run away and clean up.

"Senior Tianshui."

Seeing him coming, Liang Jiashou ’s legs were also weak, but he was unwilling to be weak in front of Liang Mu anyway, and clenched his fists: “In Liang Xiuluo, the Liang Mu was my beam. I was born to a family member who stole my treasure and escaped.

All these things he said were lies, but the Liang family was not inferior in the Shura world. As long as he gave such a reasonable set of statements, even Wei Yangzong had to sell a little bit of face.

The master of Liang Jiashao calculated quickly, but his voice was still too late to be interrupted by a sneer.

Master Liang's master lifted his head, his heart suddenly gave birth to a thick chill, and his body suddenly burst.

Gu Zaoshui's coldness had shot like a frost knife and a snow sword, stabbing everyone's bare skin into an unbearable pain.

In front of him, a faint glimmer of silent light condensed, and a faint shadow-shaped shadow had actually appeared.

"It's pure Jun sword-go!"

When Wei Yangzong met the Liang family, he would give face, but that was an aggrieved treatment by the outside disciples. The kid who was crying and eating a lot of sugar gourds bought by Master was undoubtedly higher than their guess. At this time, it was definitely a mess. Not great.

The pupils of the guard beside Master Liang ’s body shrank fiercely, waiting for the sword shape to solidify. He had picked up the master, not even complaining of the crime, and the spiritual force caused him to flee to the far end. The rest of them fled cleanly in the blink of an eye.

Lu Deng dumbfounded his lips, causing the system to retract the holographic projection, and frowned at the familiar spirit who was rushing in the distance.

Tianshui real person's name is very useful. These people are not scared at all, only when he is impatient with anger, one runs faster than the other, and has no time to spend even a little strength.

Gu Zaishui came back just in time. Lu Deng swallowed and was about to swallow the hawthorn, telling his lover that he had bought a sugar gourd. When I looked back, I only met the tears on the face of the protagonist who moved to cry.

There is also a bare bamboo stick.

The author has something to say: Lu · Luohe Lantern · Tibetan Chestnuts · Give you a little pinwheel · Super majestic · Mind: Just now, (还有 q ^ q) っ

Master, Master Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since I have bought me a sweet gourd, Master? · Horn: e = e = e = e = !!

# 咋回事 啊 #


#Would you like to eat candy gourd (pД`q.) #


Continue to draw red envelopes today! Next, continue to ask for the nutrient solution w to hug it in circles!

Thank you everyone for encouraging qwq to continue working hard! !! !!

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