MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 106 I covered this fairy statue

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But I stole my trousers and it happened again.

Seeing those rogues have trouble on the street, their hearts are full of worries about whether their own careful demon will be reduced again due to excessive consumption of power. Gu Zaishui did not dare to delay, he urged Jianqi to rush over, and was about to let go of the spirit to investigate the situation, but met the water vapor in his eyes.

Those eyes were clearly his own, but it was clearly not his.

A particularly bright and clear light overflowed from the bottom of the pupil like a clear spring, the eyelashes were slightly red, and all eyes were full of things to say, but the lips were still tight.

The two are one and two souls, feeling different from outsiders. Gu's features in his eyes blurred for a moment, and turned into another slightly unfamiliar face.

It was a face between youth and adolescents. Xuan Xiu's eyebrows looked extraordinarily elegant. Mei Feng's eyebrows were sullenly aggrieved. Moisture filled her eyes with a circle, but she was still stubborn.

Gu Zaishui disarmed, the spirit swayed for a moment, and his heart was turbulent and empty.


No matter what happened, the little guy must have been bullied.

Gu Zaishui was unable to return to the spirit and soul, and aggressively plucked the pure Jun sword, ready to find the culprit who was cautious and bullied. The light in those eyes suddenly extinguished without warning, and his body suddenly lost control.

I know I must be tired!

My heart was instantly upset, Gu Zaoshui gritted his teeth, and immediately absorbed his mind into the body. He was about to open his mouth, but was suddenly attracted by the things in his mouth.

It's not a panacea, it's like a round fruit.

Completely, with a little bit of sweetness on the outside, instinctively bite down, the extremely sour juice and fruit flesh filled the mouth instantly.

The sour, bitter, salty and spicy Yang Dan, which is full of Shaoyao Wanggu all day long, the endurance of Tianshui's real people has been infinitely improved, and it will not change its appearance after biting it. Instead, the inexhaustible fineness is extracted from the pulp of the sour tongue. Sweet fragrance.

The sour and sweet aroma of the red string of sugar gourds in the memory suddenly filled the whole mind without warning.

The spirit mark of the careful demon opened softly in the sea of ​​knowledge, and reported his peace to him in earnest, soothing the fierce and turbulent consciousness.

Gu Zaishui was relieved, but still stood still, chewing slowly the hawthorn in his mouth that had already contained most of the sugar.

At that time, the glamorous look that came to my mind came to mind again—it was a really good-looking face. Even if I did n’t dress much, I just put on a set of plain white clothes, took a folding fan in my hand, and walked the street. You can get rid of the eyes of many girls who haven't left the cabinet.

But those are not important.

In fact, the people who cultivate immortals no longer value the appearance of the skin. Besides, there are some talents who can step on the journey of immortality. Rarely, they have too bad looks. Wei Yangzong's good-looking monks do not know how many, he has seen particularly outstanding, but he has not paid extra attention to it, in fact, it is not as attractive as a book of exercises.

But this face is not.

He doesn't seem to have seen this face before, but he feels inexplicably old. It seemed as if I wandered about in the red dust, how long before finally reuniting, so my heart was filled with sweet and sweet hawthorn.

When he took over the body, he actually noticed that there were many small things hidden in his sleeves.

Eat, play, touch. The chestnuts peeled thinly, and the scent of the steamed cakes was mixed with the sweetness of the sweets, so that his whole heart seemed to be immersed in soft warmth. For a while, I could hardly say anything and couldn't do anything extra.

Xianjia Qiong Brew, Zongmen feast, he did not know how much he had eaten, and the elixir of elixir was also readily available, but he never felt this time.

His cautious man went shopping alone, bought him so many small things, and wanted to leave him a copy of what he saw. He was full of thoughts about how to make him happy.

Even if there is only one sugar gourd, it rests in his mouth and holds it. When he returns, he will give up the consciousness to him and let him taste what it is.

No one has ever done this to him.

Fortunately, at that time, Master returned to practice every day by holding the collar.

If it weren't for such a high cultivation, maybe he wouldn't have a demon. Gu Zaishui was sincerely grateful to the master who had been stubborn without cultivation that year, and chewed the hawthorn calmly at that moment, his eyes solemnly looking at the apprentice who was still holding the bamboo stick.

The demon was originally born of his knowledge of the sea, and his thoughts were naturally faint. As long as he swept away at will, he knew what was going on.

Liang Mu was unaware of him, and was touched by his sight. The uncomfortable feeling that was just comforted by the candied sugar bought by the master turned up again and cried sobbing: "Master, the disciples are not in use. Break the seal and fight for Master ... "

Gu Zaishui was silent for a long time and finally spoke: "Okay."

Fighting is cursing and cursing is love. This disciple has unlimited talents. The excellent tradition of the division must be passed down.

Beware of the cantaloupe bought by yourself!

On the real person's face, it was quiet and sorrowful, and a heart demon named Sugar Gourd was born in my heart. A little apprentice sitting on the ground, raised his sword without saying a word, walked back to the inn with Ling Feng.

After all, it's still sour ...

Tianshui, who was so speechless, was sinking in water on the road. He stuffed the apprentice who had eaten the candied gourd into the quiet room without giving him more questions and poured more than half of his power into breaking the seal In the future, I am going to follow the glorious tradition that Master will come back without practicing.


Lu Deng, who had lost his pants again, returned to the sea.

He successfully fed his lover's last candied gourd, which gave him a little comfort. I was sitting by the river waiting for the system to buffer the animation. Suddenly, my eyes widened and I watched a long-legged candy gourd rolled wildly from his eyes.

Lu Deng held his breath for a long while, subconsciously reached out and picked up a bunch, and the sugar gourd became ordinary.

The seductive sweet and sweet fragrance is on the nose, trying to bite it down, the hawthorn fruit is crystal clear and ruddy, and the sweet and crisp sugar coating is broken between the teeth, which is not as delicious as the sugar-containing sugar in memory.

Lu Deng opened his eyes strangely, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and bite one more slowly. Still keeping the rest, while watching the replayed cartoons of the system, patiently continue to wait for the lover who is still busy outside.

In the distant view of the river, colorful lights reflected in the water, flowing down, blooming flowers in my heart.

Liang Mu's heart was panicked.

Master was already in poor health under the threat of the demon, and it was difficult to find a way to relax. He had caused troubles, and entangled with those people. Finally, Master had to make a siege.

Those who embarrass themselves, Liang Mu, know that the young owner of the Liang family has reached the Jindan period himself, and even the Yuanying distracting power is already in the guard. In the heyday of Master ’s heyday, dealing with these people is naturally only a matter of wielding his sleeves, but now Master ’s physical mana has been damaged, and he has even had to use a pure Jun sword to force his opponent back. It must be very weak.

But even then, Master was still using his mana to break the seal for him.

Liang Mu was ordered to soften the acupuncture points, and could only lie on the couch motionless, biting on the wooden rail to end the pain of the veins and stasis being cleared, and the tears opened like a whimper: "Master ..."

He was saved by Gu Shui, and naturally he was always grateful to Master. It ’s just that Master has always been cold and indifferent. Although not much punishment is given to them, the indignity and self-assertion raised by Junjun Jian is also intimidating, and usually he can hide and hide.

Now I know that although Master has said nothing, to what extent these disciples have been protected.

If I do n’t practice hard anymore, how can I deal with Master ’s hard work ...

Liang Mu gritted his teeth, swallowed back the yin-yin fiercely, and finally made a firm determination to become stronger.

Gu Zaishui's spiritual power is still infused into him.

The impact of the spiritual force on the acupoints is a necessary step to open the seal, but it also suffers unbearable pain. If you start lightly, it can still be less painful.

Gu Zaishui consciously punished him a little too much, remembering that Cao Mogao was happy to buy the sugar gourd for himself, but he was still stern and finished the apprentice. I made up my mind to shut people in the quiet room next time to practice seven days and seven nights, and I ’m not allowed to go out. I will definitely come over the little apprentice's problem with what he sees and eats: "Is that wrong?"

Liang Mu was very uncomfortable, only when the master was annoyed that he had caused trouble and could not beat others, sobbing at the wood: "I know something wrong, Master, the disciples will not dare ... if you repeat it, you will have two meals ..."

If you go out and get beaten by someone, you're beaten, then you'll be beaten again!

Be sure to get stronger as soon as possible!

Liang Mu wiped her tears and made a determined decision.


Actually, I have to return two candied fruits.

I didn't expect this apprentice's mind to have this mind. After listening to him saying that he changed his meal two times, Gu Zaifeng picked slightly, his heart was slightly flattered, and his tone calmed down: "It doesn't have to be this way, there is only one count."

If Master is tolerant of this, Liang Mu is full of feelings and naturally sobbs and agrees. Gu Zaishui got up and groaned a bit, still took a bottle of Qutong Dan from his sleeve, and was about to put it on the side of the couch. A river lamp suddenly murmured from the sleeve full of things.

Liang Mugang was released from the acupuncture point, his face was full of tears, and he crawled up, his eyes fell on the river lantern.

Gu Zaishui: ...

Gu Zaishui: "It's not yours."

As he said, he was already eager to copy the river lantern and put it back in his sleeve, and tightened his cuff again.

This little apprentice should not be exposed to anything the Cautioner gave himself!

"I know ... Master did not buy this river lantern? Didn't I buy it for my sweetheart?"

Liang Mu blinked his eyes blankly, guessing that Master didn't know that the river lantern had to be put into the water, wiped the tears on his face, and climbed from the bones of the couch.

"The hawker said that the river lantern was safe, and the master bought it. I still wanted to put it as a master--the river lantern was not put into the hands of the river god, but it was not allowed ..."

Master is in bad health right now, it ’s time to pray!

The teacher has something to do, and the disciples are at their service. Liang Muyou gave birth to a strong sense of responsibility, leaped up, and patted his chest to ensure: "If the master is not convenient, the disciples will put it on behalf of the master.

The words weren't finished, he had been taken in the mouth by Shui Yi Qu Tong Dan.

He looked up, and the ink figure had stepped away, and somehow the steps seemed to have stumbled, and he was tripped by the threshold.

The pure Jun enchantment turned and let go of Gu Junshui's bedroom.

... Master must have run out of mana and cannot support it!

Liang Mu took a long time to swallow the pain-relieving dan, hurriedly turned around a few laps, jumped up, and ran towards the bedroom of the elder brother.

Gu Shui was sitting in his own room with his knees crossed, but he was not in a hurry to use Devil Dan.

The bottle of Yangshen Dan presented by Yaowanggu was already eaten, and Jinfeng Yulu could not buy it for a while. He could only buy one more sack of Yangshen Dan from Yaowanggu. Although the taste is really hard to swallow, the effect is still obvious like this flowing water. This time, the effect is not so obvious.

A sack of Yangshen Dan opened his mouth on the side of the couch, and Tianshui was scorching one by one into his mouth and chewing loudly. It seemed that he had not tasted the strange taste that could almost kill people.

The apprentice's unintentional words still rummaged in his mind back and forth without a rule.

Su Jing's river lantern was held in the palm of her hand, and she had already looked carefully up, down, left, and right. On the simple white paper, only the finest rabbit pen was used to write the words "Gu Zai Shui".

Gu Zaishui's gaze fell on those three words, and a flicker of light ignited in the river lamp, beating lively, and casting a shaking shadow on the wall.

I bought it for my sweetheart ...

Really speaking, beware that the demon eats and lives at his heart, knows the sea, and hides his blood to protect him. Naturally, he can be regarded as a "lover".

But the one that mortals say, no doubt should not mean that.

He has been looking forward to it ever since he was born. He is a treasure that never changes, and he is happy to settle down to sew clothes in his residence. He has done everything willingly, but he has not thought much beyond this level. .

But I suddenly saw that face today.

At first glance, it's so strange that it is not difficult to find clear signs of familiarity.

The eyebrows and the five senses are all beautiful in the same vein, but suddenly they fade the childish habit that they are used to seeing, and they become young people like green pines and bamboos, and suddenly they have a solution.

It was just a glimpse of Jinghong, but the shadow was still clearly branded in his mind until now. As soon as I think about it, it seems that I can touch the eyebrows and eyebrows of Xuanxuanxiu.

Sweetheart ...

Gu Zhenren's heart beats more and more, and he can't help but put five slayers in his mouth, and traces his fingertips one by one with the delicate handwriting, and his corners of the mouth grow up without knowing.

He is his sweetheart's sweetheart.

His careful spirits have written him a river lantern.

In the real world of Tianshui, the devil candy gourd can't help but run away and fight to form a huge love!

Lu Deng was watching the cartoon to see God, and suddenly heard the movement behind him, turned back subconsciously, and could not help but widen his eyes.

The red sugarcane love bamboo sticks throbbed, lining up in a row to him. The strong joy waved without cover, Lu Deng couldn't help raising his lips, and then got up. The familiar ink figure had rushed from the edge of the sky.

Lu Deng frowned and opened his arms at him.

The breeze was blowing, and his warm embrace hugged him firmly. Gu Zaishui looked down at him, clenched his arms, and the dark black pupils reflected the waves of the river, as if waiting for him to speak first.

"The market is fun."

Lu Deng looked up at him, thought about it, and tried to give him the description of what he saw: "There are many people, there are many novelty things, and delicious food. Some people in the streets are doing tricks, and they can't go around. ... "

Gu Zaishui patiently listened to him, and the corners of his lips were softer. When the careful devil had counted the sugar gourd, he lowered his head and put on his forehead: "I got it, it's very delicious."

Lu Deng's cheeks were hot, and he lowered his head in his generous arms: "It's all gone."

The sugar has been almost dissolved, it must be sour.

He had never eaten a sugar gourd before, and thought it was sweet and sour, so he left it to Gu Zaishui. Until I tasted it myself, I realized that the original hawthorn in the original was sour, but after biting it, the root of the tooth was still soft.

Beware that the devil is red in his arms, and Gu Zaishui is softer than holding a sack of hawthorn in his heart. He protects people in his arms, and smiles softly: "I also eat sour when I melt it. "

Lu Deng blinked and raised the suspect in doubt.

Gu Zaishui smiled and raised his hand, holding the soft line of the little guy's jaw, and twisted the tip of his lower nose lightly: "I still forgot something."


Forget nature is not forgotten, only when I look back, I think of Gu Ji.

Lu Deng's heartbeat could not help slightly, still looking up at him, his eyes were clear and pure, and his purity was a mess.

Gu Zaishui was just as good as his righteousness, and looked down at the careful demon in the form of a milk doll.

The cantaloupe in one place was so anxious that it spread its legs and scrambled, forming a heart that was red and red with each other.

In this era, Bixin is not popular, and the database of your lover does not know what extra things are stored. Lu Deng's face became hotter, and Lara's sugar candied fruit beside him: "Don't make trouble ..."

The cantaloupe was anxious, kicking his legs and watching his mouth slap, Gu Gu caught it steady, and fed it patiently: "Eat this, this one comes with sugar, sweet."

The ghost image seen at that time was by no means an illusion that Zhan Mo Dan was taking too much. Be careful of the current power of the demon, and his own sea of ​​knowledge is sufficiently large. That form should be normal.

The little guy refuses to grow up, there must be some special reason.

Gu Zaishui was reluctant to urge him, patiently fed him with a sugar gourd, and hugged him slowly and said, "I see the river lantern ... the river lantern looks good, and the name of the name is also good. Just missing a name You have to write it down and put it down. "

Lu Deng's eyes were so bright that he couldn't help looking up.

Gu Zaishui bent his mouth and said deliberately that the topic turned lightly: "I also saw the little windmill you bought for me and played for a while. The chestnuts are delicious, the sweets are particularly sweet, and nougat is fragrant. Yes, it's very similar to the smell on your body. Peanut cakes are melted in the mouth, and the peanuts are crushed. It tastes delicious ... "

Lu Deng stuck to his chest, listening to the same fast heartbeat on the gate of Zongmen, and the corner of his lips was low.

I had been looking forward to hearing what he said, but I fell a half sentence in front of him. I didn't know what his name was this time, and when would the river lantern be put down.

The two people's minds are connected to a certain extent. In the past, even real people who did not even need him to speak can say a bunch of words, lowering their heads to meet the urgency of almost overflowing in the black eyes, and finally couldn't help lightly. Laughing loudly, a serious book said: "... When I came back, I also met a young and beautiful young born."

Lu Deng's heart jumped, his face suddenly became hotter.

The moment when the spirit is separated from the body will show its original form. He always controls himself to the size of his eyes, and Gu Zaishui has not been able to detect it, but he did not expect that there was a leak here.

Although it is indeed because of some inexplicability, in the eyes of others, it is unavoidable to have misunderstandings. He couldn't explain it, but the atmosphere at the moment was really inexplicable ...

"It was so beautiful after that, I couldn't open my eyes, and I naturally came up with a name."

Seeing that he still kept his head down, Gu Zaizhui looked at him with a smile, bowed his forehead, and shook his body softly to coax.

"I found a cheat book in the Sovereign's bedroom, which is about the transformation of the mind. When you have grown so large and familiar with your body for a few days, I will help you transform, and you can come out-to At that time, we would put river lights if we wanted to put them on the river, we would go to the markets when we wanted to go to the markets, and we could hold them like we do now and sleep together ... "

This temptation is so great that Lu Deng's heartbeat is getting bigger, and the bottom of his eyes is followed by a scattered piece of starlight, holding his cuff and looking up, but still talking.

Even if he can indeed do this, he will have to stay in Gu Shui for a few more days after he returns to the true form ...

Having thought about what the sweetheart wants to do together, Gu Zaoshui held his breath for a while, but still couldn't wait for the careful devil in his arms to nod.

Today, the little guy seems to have a hard time talking. Gu Zaishui is reluctant to make him anxious, smiles suddenly, and rubs his hair with a bowed head: "I'm anxious, we won't say this first, in fact--"

"I can grow bigger."

He just had to change the subject. Lu Deng had raised his lips and raised his head, and stunned his left cuff, which had not been cut off to make clothes, and raised his head and whispered.

"The cloth on your body ... is it enough to make pants?"

The author has something to say: Lu Lu · No Pants · Thrifty · Savvy · Housekeeping · Flayer: Worry ... q ^ q

Gu · removing sleeves · sewing clothes · the first poorest person in history · real person: = □ =


#Tage period #

# 不 穿 #

# 行 吗 (づ 口 ど) #


Defeated by jj ... orz is using his life to send red envelopes every day. Many little angels still ca n’t send q □ q and can only launch love here! !!

Thank you for your encouragement and I will continue to work hard! !! !!

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