MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 146 I covered this minister

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The change of throne happened silently.

The emperor abdicated, and the successor was not the prince who was originally optimistic. Many people have linked these things subconsciously to the pressure of that family, and rumors of true and false, although people are doubtful, have no better explanation.

The family was so arrogant that they even forced the emperor to abdicate. It was extremely ferocious and it became a logical reason for the abolition.

Lord Xiang, for example, will hand over the feudal soldiers and exile himself for three thousand miles to observe the situation.

The new emperor heard grief, and was reported to have almost passed out. However, the prime minister was determined, and he could not persuade him. He could only stay for a while, dragging the exile for more than a month, and finally sent the prime minister and the uncle who accompanied him to the capital.

The people spontaneously knelt down and sent the two men far away from the city thirty miles. Since then, the DPRK has no longer set up a position of prime minister.

After Gu Zheng left, the capital also vaguely made some rumors.

Some people say that the prime minister invited himself to exile because he had a close relationship with the little prince and was intolerable by the royal family. It is also said that the uncle Xiaohuang is going to follow together because the seniority is too high. Today the emperor meets with his uncle, and he is dissatisfied, so he secretly sold the little uncle out of the capital.

The latter argument was quickly overturned.

After the two left, Xiangfu and Yiwangfu remained untouched. One of their subordinates was supported by the court, and the new emperor from time to time went to check and comfort himself. Everyone in the capital has seen so much that everyone can't help feeling the empathy of the new emperor.

The rumors became more and more outrageous. Later, some people vowed that when they sent the prime minister and the uncle to the city that day, the emperor cried and cried, holding the two legs and saying nothing to let go. On the carriage.

Because it was too detrimental to the Emperor's authority, this rumor was completely banned by the court soon, and those who spread rumors would be punished by 30 days in prison and one or two fines.

The family is declining at the end of the vigorous reform, and the people are gradually getting used to abiding by the new law. They have a new style and are faintly showing the image of ZTE.

Another year in the Mid-Autumn Festival, there was a lively noise in the street.

In the mid-autumn moon, the lanterns are used to help the moon, and the streets and lanes are lit with various lanterns.

The sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance is scattered and exquisite moon cakes are put on a small tower to sacrifice the moon, and all kinds of gadgets are sold on the street. There is no curfew today, and everyone is out to enjoy. Even the Sven who is the least able to drink on weekdays will let go of the swig and get drunk quickly.

In the street-side pavilion, a magnificent middle-aged scribe with a young man sitting on his feet, ordered a few dishes and a pot of wine. The shop saw the two unusual characters, and carefully loaded the best plate of moon cakes, respectfully delivered to the table.

Gu Yanhan smiled and thanked him. He picked up a moon cake and looked at it. He opened it in half and handed it over: "This is a homemade moon cake. The craft is very good. Try it."

The moon cakes are baked just right, and the lotus root is stuffed, which is delicate and soft. Lu Chengru's eyes brightened, he took it and chewed carefully, followed by a curved eyebrow: "It's delicious."

"I'll tell you something delicious, it's really good to feed."

Gu Yan chuckled out loudly, took the tea and burned the hot dishes, and his eyes fell on him, with a smile on his eyes: "Are you tired? You can't go to bed early today, if you are tired, take advantage Take a break at this time ... "

Mid-Autumn Festival has a custom since ancient times, the later you sleep the day, the longer you can live longer. Although I knew it was just a lingering thought, even if it was for the night and moonlight, I definitely did not want to sleep peacefully.

Lu Deng was used to it, no doubt he was, nodded obediently, lay on the table and continued to chew the moon cake slowly, while talking to Gu Xi carefully about the lively place I saw today.

The little prince did the crown ceremony two days ago, and he was a lot taller than when he was a teenager, and his childishness almost faded. The stubborn stubbornness of the past is also invisible, leaving only Wen Runjunyi's elegant body.

Gu Yan patiently spoke with him, and told him a few allusions from time to time, which made Ning Che's dark eyes clear every month, and finally revealed some lively excitement that is rare in everyday life.

Xiao Wang Ye has grown up.

Lu Chengru's former assistant gave a flash of memory to his crown prince, raised his hand to manage his collar, and his eyes fell on the old piece of jade on Lu Chengru's side.

Yupei is not a precious material, or the piece when the two first met, winning the jade is clean and delicate. Being worn for so long, she has grown lustrous and moist, and the fringed tassels have long faded and worn out.

The gentleman Peiyu, when he was on the ceremony, Gu Ji had originally remembered to give him another good one. Unfortunately, the little prince only recognized this one and refused to change anything. He had to put Yupe under the pillow for several days to sleep peacefully.

At this time, seeing Gu Yan again looking for his own jade, Lu Chengru's eyes were swift and his hands were quick, he picked it up and held it: "Sir!"

"Sir, just look, don't take it,"

Gu Yan smiled softly and patted the back of his hand comfortably. Coincidentally, when they saw the restaurant deliver the food, they switched to chopsticks and carefully prepared the dishes for him.

The two have travelled around in recent years, ate all over the place, and now return to the West Lake.

Hang Bang dishes are light and tender, with a sweet taste, which is most suitable for Xiao Wangye's appetite. Dongpo Meat Hang Sanxian was very happy, and the chestnut fried chicken was also a must. The sweet and sticky tender chestnut fried chef specially took the chicken back and patted the chicken back. The tender chestnut was only a few days before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival. Yes, it's a seasonal dish you can't find.

Lu Chengru was satisfied, and Gu Min also looked at his consolation. He picked out the chestnuts and picked out the chestnuts, and put them in the bowl in front of Lu Chengru: "I'll have a big lantern for a while, let's see ..."

The words did not end, but a strange figure stood at the table.

Gu Yan didn't know who he was, but he felt that the temperament was extremely extraordinary, and he was about to get up and salute, but Lu Chengru had stood up stunned.

Xiao Wangye has grown up with him all these years. He never went out of the capital any more. Gu Yan looked slightly at him, "Chengru?"

Lu Deng's heartbeat was slightly fast. Looking at the middle-aged scribe in plain clothes and ink shirt, he hesitated to open his mouth for a moment.

The popularity was subdued and arrogant, but his expression was mild, his gaze fell on Gu Jie's body, and he looked at Lu Deng and his voice, "Which step have you reached?"

He asked too plainly, and Lu Deng couldn't help but he felt hot on his face and murmured in a low voice: "Not yet-not yet ..."

This time I came early and I was young, and now I am an adult. Although the task was almost completed, the relationship between the master and the apprentice between the two people had almost no progress.

It is inevitable that people will blush when they say such things to their elders, especially those who have been in awe and respect.

The faster Lu Deng's heart beat, he noticed that the figure gradually approached, his head lowered, but was gently covered by Wenrun palm.

Lu Dengyu looked up and greeted people.

"Hard work, you are doing well."

The man smiled at him, his eyes tinged with a touch of warmth: "No matter how much time you play, time is not tight, I will pick you up later."

He is so extraordinary that he is very handsome and majestic. Even if he wears ordinary clothes, he is very prominent in this ordinary restaurant.

Seeing that someone had noticed it, the visitor nodded a little at the lantern, looking at the bowl of mid-autumn tender chestnuts carefully picked up, his lips raised slightly, and he calmly walked away.

The boy guarding the door quickly followed and walked far behind him.

Gu Yi looked at the back, and for a moment, he felt that there were some strange pictures in front of him, but it just disappeared in a moment.

Lu Deng's heart was still pounding.

The appearance of the master of Bailian Space means that after he finishes this world, he can get the opportunity to take Gu Yuan to the real world. As long as they pass, two people can not only accompany in the system world, but also live together in the real world.

He couldn't help but not expect it.

Gu Yan retracted his gaze and looked at the little prince who seemed to be quietly happy. His curiosity grew deeper, but he didn't ask further, but raised his hand to lead him to sit down: "People you know?"

Not just knowing.

The corner of Lu Deng's lips couldn't help but tilted up, but at this time his lover could not restore her memory, but she couldn't say. All he could do was pull his sleeves excitedly, and pile the chicken into Gu's bowl with joy.

Satiated and full, the lanterns are on.

After several world's exercises, Lu Deng finally had a certain amount of alcohol. Relying on Gu Yan, he dared to drink two cups of peach blossoms, but he was a little drunk. He sat on the street waiting for the lantern, and when he sank, he unknowingly leaned on.

The moon was dark when waking up.

He pillowed Gu Gu's arms, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he met the soft light that penetrated the bottom of his pupils.

Gu Yi's robe was wrapped around him, his arms wrapped around his back, and he was drinking and drinking at a leisurely pace, but his eyes also contained a three-point drunk color. He smiled slightly at him and put a bamboo cup in his hand Pass it.

Lu Deng was having a headache after drinking the wine, but he felt that his brain was mushy. At this time, although he smelled the scent of the sweet-scented osmanthus, he didn't dare to touch it anymore, and quickly waved his hand: "No more ..."

The other party woke up, his voice was still dumb, and he couldn't help but coughed lightly, and suddenly thought of the business: "Sir, when is it?"

Gu Yan asked him to sit up, staring down at him deeply, his expression still warm: "Not in a hurry, the lantern just stood up."

The last Mid-Autumn Festival failed to catch up with this big lantern, and the land lantern quickly sat upright, looked at it with its arms, and followed it with a gaze.

The lantern at the street was erected. It was six or seven people tall, and it was a rack made of bamboo wire. The craftsman swiftly flew up and down, hanging small and delicate lanterns. The following twelve marquees have been laid out. The silk surface painted by the best artist was invited. The flowers and birds of the characters came to life, and the wind almost seemed to move.

Lu Deng could see God and took Gu Yi's clothes: "Mr. Look-beautiful!"

Gu Yan responded softly as he stepped forward, his gaze fell on Xiao Wang Ye.

The lantern should start at the midpoint of the child's time. Now it is still a little bit behind, but the small lights above are already lit up in advance. The beautiful lights fall on the bottom of the black eyes, reflecting a colorful.

It really looks good.

In the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is necessary to grab the lantern. The one who grabs the top one can make a wish to the god. It is said that it is very accurate. Many people gathered around and looked upwards, rubbing their fists, waiting for the hour to come, they would step on the ladder to grab the top spot.

Lu Chengru was very interested the first time he heard about it, always thinking about going up and taking a look. Gu Yan asked for a cup of tea to help him moisten his throat, and still asked: "Remember to be careful not to get hurt ..."

"Mr. Don't worry, it won't."

The tea was a little hot, and Lu Chengru held the cup and slowly blew his breath, still interested: "If you grab the lantern, what would you want, sir?"

Gu Yimei peaked slightly, but didn't answer, but just smiled and patted him on the back: "The light is on."

Four artisans hurried up to the four corners, and the torch in their hands ignited the bamboo oil duct. The four fire dragons quickly gathered towards the middle, with a booming ear, a dazzling fire burst into the night sky, exploded, the fire flickered, the marquee lights spun quickly, and the whole lantern was turned into a fire tree silver flower.

Cheers rang out, and everyone rushed towards the lantern, hoping to grab that headlight.

Lu Chengru couldn't say more, and quickly pushed the tea cup into Gu Min's hands, then folded over and swept up.

In the bright moonlight, the young prince threw that robe on his body, and his figure was dangling and flying. I didn't even step on the ladder, so I stood on the top of the lantern a few times, and copied the one on the top.

The marquee is spinning, and the scenes are spinning fast, and the flowers and birds embroidered on it are really vivid as if they are resurrected, causing high applause from time to time.

All over the place, Gu Min's heart moved lightly.

Since the stranger left, the vaguely looming picture became more and more clear, and many memories rushed into it.

——As if it is just to temporarily seal everything, and finally wait for it to open.

Gu Yanding stood in place, looking at the figure in the silver flower of the fire tree.

The young man who had to hide from the crowd in his arms at first had already been able to laugh and laugh like this and go to pick the most beautiful lantern.

There is nothing better than that.

Lu Chengru held the small lantern in his hand, his eyes brightened and he looked back at him, shouting at him. Gu Yan could not help but take a step forward, catching up with the figure on the lantern, falling lightly, and steadily falling in front of him.

The land lantern rushed into his arm and shoved him the lantern, and his face was still filled with excitement: "Mr. Wish soon, it can be-"

Gu Yan chuckled, carefully held the lamp, and stretched his arms into his arms.

The grab lantern was originally a colorful picture. No one was really frustrated because they lost the lantern, not to mention that for many years, they have not seen such a "martial arts master" who walks around the wall, and there is a lively call around him. A lamp was thrown into the river.

Gu Yan embraced the Chinese people, met the dazzling brilliance in the black eyes, and let out a smile, throwing the lantern into the river: "I wish I had enough, so I don't bother the Moon God."

His tone seemed vaguely intentional, but he was vaguely familiar.

Lu Deng took a breath away, looked up at him, Gu Yan smiled, lowered his head, pulled the person into his arms, and touched him lightly.

In ancient times, there were many beauty of broken sleeves. Jiangnan folk customs were open to literati, and they didn't mind revealing such feelings. Listening to the louder noises around, Lu Deng suddenly gave a vague premonition, tightening his clothes subconsciously, looking up into the deep pupil.

Gu Yuan quietly gazed at him and smiled gently: "I haven't seen you in a long time ..."

After a pause, he completely circled people in his arms and whispered in his ear.

"Persistent light."

Lu Deng looked up, and suddenly his eyes rolled into shock.

Gu Yuanjing stood in front of him, looked down at him slightly, and said with a smile: "I was still worried at first, thinking that I would have to work and split after finishing this job. I would stay together until I get home from work. I didn't expect to be connected. I can fall in love at work. "

He had a clear, warm smile in his eyes, and bowed his head and gently kissed the cheek of his arms: "So there is such a good thing."

Lu Deng's eyes were clearly colored, and when he heard him, he couldn't help laughing, raising his hands and wiping his eyes to lower his voice: "Can't say-this is going through the back door. In the event of a report, maybe I have to make up for the exam again It's ... "

Gu Yuan chuckled and nodded, raising his hand to cover his hair: "It's hard, I will stay with you in the future."

The familiar warm touch fell on the top of the hair. Lu Deng pressed his lips and looked up at him, his eyebrows bent gently, and he suddenly fell into the arms of his lover.

He is not hard.

Characters are just pieces of paper and need fixed data to fill the world. Before the data is filled into the characters, most of the data belonging to the autonomous memory will be archived, and then brought into the current world settings and circumstances-precisely because of this, the main system needs a lot of manpower to help, try Reverse the plot to protect the reasonable right to fill cannon fodder character data.

Bring the identity of cannon fodder over and over again, take the already fixed plot, and head for a future where there is no hope unless it is changed. How hard it will be, the land lanterns know better than anyone.

The lover's figure in the current world is not strong. Lu Deng tightened his arms and buried his face in the clothes room where Qinxiang was smelling.

Gu Yuan bowed his head with a smile, patted his back to talk, but was carried on the street by a strong little lover.

The next moment, Lu Deng had lifted him out of the crowd vigorously, and several of them jumped on the eaves and flew towards the inn where the two settled.

The author has something to say: Lu · Happy to fly · Go to the room · Lamp: Go home every family ≧ ▽ ≦

Gu · remembered · Useless · Ready to meet parents · Tenseness · Flying up · Total: (╯ /// ▽ ///) ╯︵ / (. □. \\)


#Next time #

#Recover memory #

#Can bring body #


I have been thinking about it for a long time ... The settings under the modern year have not been conceived completely, and they have been developed here in accordance with the original article steps. It is really impossible to insert tvt, so the progress is still in the space of meeting parents! After the end of this book, it will probably be merged with the previous one to write it. Maybe a small world will fall!

The recent state is not very good. After the end of this book, I may slightly adjust the rest time for a week or two ... You can pay attention to a **** wave scarf [three thousand dreams and dream life], if you want to see the content, you can leave a message and send Reminders will be reminded on the collar! !!

Thank you so much for your encouragement qwq will continue to work hard!

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