MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 147 Bailian Space

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Later, I heard that since that Lantern Festival, no one has ever seen the Prime Minister and Uncle Xiaohuang again.

Some people say that they are incognito rafting on the lake, and some people say that they have changed their appearances and chic rivers and lakes, and they have spread even more evil. Some even say that they have turned into immortal clouds, and they have not been entangled on earth since then.

The emperor was angry and ridiculous, and sent people to search around, but in the end it was fruitless. As I grew older, I finally became obsessed and lost weight.

After the reform, the dynasty of Chang Dynasty was sealed, the people were happy, and it lasted for 170 years.

In the ruined old high-rise buildings, several mutant giant bone-eating rats hurried past, and the crushed stone bones rolled into narrow slits.

The sky was pale and the sun was dazzling.

Gu Yuan withstood the dizziness of a changing world, struggling to stand up, holding his temple and looking around, couldn't help squeezing his eyebrows.

He seemed to be held in a weird prison.

The place here is extremely small, but it is not dark, but it paints a deadly pale wall. Illuminated by the pale light, his eyes were dazzled and dizzy, which made life desolate and desperate.

Gu Yuan moved his body, only to find that his hands and feet were fastened by shackles made of special alloy. Only a short movement, he was numb by a sharp electric current.

Such a current is not enough to bring down a person, but the paralysis and pain it brings is torture the will. Even if he had experienced a lot of difficult situations, he was even disturbed by the situation.

Gu Yuan's heart was heavy, and he hurriedly stood up to stand up, but in return was a more intense electric shock.

The electric current stabbed along the bones and muscles, causing him to see a thick white mist in front of his eyes, his body shaking, and he knelt down in a relaxed state.

There was a slight **** gas in his throat, and Gu Yuan opened his mouth and tried to call out, but he couldn't make a sound immediately.

Gu Yuan gasped for two breaths, struggling to sit upright, her heart becoming more and more disturbed.

The two were apparently put into Bailian Space together.

Right now he is the only one left, and he doesn't know the specific situation of Lu Zhiguang. Gu Yuan was worried. He looked at the body for any special abilities. His attention swept through the ordinary data, and suddenly he made a lot of mistakes. He opened his eyes and drew his hands to his eyes.

Both hands are a full circle.

Under the pale light, it was clearly the shadow of a young man.

Realizing that his current situation was obviously not right, Gu Yuan was so attentive that he knew his matching ability in his chest, took a deep breath with his fists, and released a powerful current to destroy the wires connected to the handcuffs. Suddenly trying to tear the bond, he was pulled back by the extremely strong alloy.

His wrists showed conspicuous blood marks, and Gu Yuan snorted, squinting for a moment of pain.

Strength is controlled by body shape, and now he is inexplicably a half-large boy. Even if there is a power-controlling ability that can destroy the handcuffs wires in the reverse direction, there is still no way to break open the alloy handcuffs enough to shackle the mad zombies.

Gu Yuan slowly moved his body, held up his thin arms, took a deep breath, and tried his best to throw his gaze in as far as possible.

He's nothing here, but Lu Zhiguang's side is always at ease.

The two failed to get together, and if something really happened, they couldn't take care of each other-the high-level world set by the end of the world was obviously in front of them, there were many crises, and they could encounter dangers if they didn't pay attention ...

Gu Yuan tried his best to pry at the handcuffs, and looked across the door.

The narrow cell was fitted with a thick metal code door, the ventilation window was only the size of two hands, was blocked by a railing, and a silver metal sign with "9" hung on the side.

Time passes minute by minute.

The dead environment and the pale light are killing the prisoners' willpower, but what is more desperate is everything they see-the teenagers in the cell are experimental, and they are on the metal plate At regular intervals, suitable subjects will be selected for new human experiments.

In the eschatological world, all laws and regulations have long since vanished, and the power of a mature laboratory is almost comparable to that of a small base. The behavior of captive subjects like this is not uncommon, but what he saw is undoubtedly one of the most maddening among them.

Immunity to zombies, acceptance of new drugs, regeneration of amputated limbs, catalytic mutation. There are many more classified studies that select subjects directly from here, each time being cruel torture of heartbreaking.

The teenagers who have been treated as experimental products have long been numb, and almost have no sense of consciousness, let alone talk to people at will. Even though Gu Zheng tried to resist with both sides, he could only meet the eyes of panic and dodge.

Seeing that it was getting dark, the plan to escape was still without any new progress.

Gu Yuan's heart was getting more and more anxious, almost unable to bear it, trying to get away with brute force and desperately trying to get out, but suddenly he saw a delicate green shoot in the crack of the railing.

The leaf buds were thin and delicate, and two tender leaves unfolded, carefully looking around, and turned to Gu Yuan, who was sitting in the corner of the cell.

Gu Yuan's eyes brightened and he straightened his body.

The tender shoot apparently found him, and he was about to rush over immediately, but stopped immediately in time, only waving his leaves cheerfully.

Gu Yuan could not help expressing a smile, and he waved at Fujiba. The thin vine tip penetrated into the mechanical lock, agitating to turn the complex combination lock. There was a click, and the door opened in response.

The figure of the young man who was more than one size smaller appeared at the door, and his black eyes lighted up as soon as he saw him.

"Shitaku, how are you?"

As soon as Gu Yuan saw him, his original mind relaxed instantly, and he tried to sit up straight: "Be careful, it's weird here, maybe there's something else ..."

"it's OK."

Lu Deng didn't seem to care much, just responded casually, entered the door and walked quickly towards him. The vine invaded the mechanical switch and opened the shackles easily for him.

He had tortured himself all day long, and was so vulnerable in the other's hands.

Gu Yuan couldn't help but look at the boy in front of him. However, Lu Deng had rushed into his arms, slashed his clothes from top to bottom, and examined his body carefully.

"Fast light, fast light-I'm fine, don't worry ..."

The boy's body was freezing cold, but his movements were still agile. He examined every part of his body from top to bottom, almost as if to lift him up and run away.

Gu Yuan took his arms back in time to embrace him, Wen Wen appeased a few words, was catching up with Lu Zhiguang and stripped off his collar, Qin Liang's palms ran over every inch of his chest, his expression remained focused.

Suddenly realizing what Lu Zhiguang was examining, Gu Yuan's eyes smiled slightly, but he didn't say anything more, just drew the person into his arms, lowered his head and kissed his forehead gently: "I was not taken to the experiment , Hold on, don't be afraid. "

Lu Deng's body was slightly stagnant, meeting his eyes, his body gradually relaxed, and he raised his hand and held his cuff.

Wide robes and wide sleeves are worn too much, but for the little lover of his own, he has the habit of holding up the sleeves and not letting go.

Gu Yuan was held by him, and he comfortably shook his palm: "I haven't received the assessment content yet-where is this, what shall we do?"

"Here is the last days, at Dr. Dark's Institute."

The warm palms are flexible and thoughtful. Lu Deng responded softly, pulling him out of the cell together and quietly turning out: "I didn't receive the mission ... but I can probably guess."

In the last days, nothing is more important than living.

In order to survive, people can do many things that they would never do.

Gu Yuan followed him without a word, watching the young man sneaking in the hidden darkness skillfully, his heart faintly moved, and he couldn't help looking back.

A jail cell was dazzlingly bright like daylight, and the juvenile look was trapped inside a thick iron gate, standing or sitting or motioning as if no one touched them, and they would stay there.

When he noticed Gu Yuan's movement, Lu Deng stopped and looked back at him in doubt.

"over there--"

Gu Yuan didn't know what to call the teenagers, and hesitated a little before he said, "Can we let them go together?"

Lu Deng slightly raised his head, and did not immediately respond, but silently looked at him with him.

The lights were pale and icy as if without any temperature.

Gu Yuan's heart suddenly jumped, and he stepped forward to speak, but Lu Deng shook his head slightly: "I can't take it."

These are not real data, but ghost projections of memorized data-long-forgotten memories, deliberately avoided memories, those people have long been left in an explosion sufficient to destroy the entire base. What I see now is just the rest of the image at that time.

He used to spend some time in Bailian Space and was very familiar with the layout here. However, everything in front of him is clearly not the sequence of steps that he expected to pass through, but is exactly the same as the scene in his memory.

"These are just illusions. We can't stay, we have to go out as soon as possible."

Lu Deng slowly tightened Gu Yuan's hand, took a light breath, lowered his head and said slowly, "If I am not wrong, there are still five days left. This is going to be blown up because of the explosion caused by the failure of the secret experiment. destroyed."

When he was thrown into the world, he remembered the hidden pasts as many times as possible.

Of course, everything in the research center can't stop him. He knows all the arrangements here, and he is fully prepared for what will happen next. He easily got out of the way easily, followed the numbered cell all the way, and found Gu Yuan who was trapped.

They would have been thrown into the world in his memory together. He didn't know for sure whether the main system wanted to assess what would happen, or whether he would encounter a crisis that would be fatal like the fathers.

"Persistent light?"

Seeing that he looked a little embarrassed, Gu Yan became more and more disturbed, and wanted to touch him one step forward, and suddenly there was a scream of sharp wind behind him.

A guard spotted two people, shouting and pressing the alarm, and pulled the trigger at him.

Lu Lan's gaze was still haggard, but his response was extremely fast. Gu Yuan was pulled open with an empty hand, and the grass seed urging blade was sharpened into a blade at will, holding it in his hand and throwing it up, piercing the guard easily.

Without blood spilling, the guard's figure turned into a stream of data, quickly blurring away.

At the same time, strange mechanical sounds sounded in the minds of the two at the same time.

"Congratulations on entering [Bai Lian Space]. This time is a combination customs clearance mode. The most difficult scene for survival has been automatically extracted based on the contents of the database. Please cooperate to complete the" Successful Survival Three Years "requirement, and you can get the 'Real World Body Combination Package' 'A copy and allow access to the real world.'

The eyes of the two met, and they couldn't help but feel light.

Lu Deng was still in a trance, Gu Yuan had already rushed to copy him in his arms, and took off his coat to wrap it around.

The adjusted body was brisk and robust, Gu Yuan leaped forward, swiftly avoided the infrared detection, and pulled open the patio iron fence, holding Lu Zhiguang together and climbing up.

The author has something to say: carelessness, superb skills, strong, pick up and run, total: ㄟ ( ̄︶ ̄) ㄏ

# 翻盘 #



This chapter has been written for a whole night. When I opened my eyes, I printed a face of the keyboard ... (つ Д`)

Thank you for passing 1 shallow water bomb and 2 mines! Hold in circles! !!

Thanks everyone for encouraging qwq will definitely work hard!

Aya ’s Little Cute Rocket Cannon x1 Fengjianyuhua Grenade x1 Green Falcon Does Not Take Over Grenade x1 Meow Wax Cherry Mine x3 Orange Burrito Mine x2 (● ﹃●) Mine x1 Crossing Wind Mine x1 Ning Mine x1liz Mine x1 Arc A7 Mine x1 heart weak stupid mines x1 Linyuan mines x1 twilight vast mines x1 耒耜 mines x1 Yuxue mines x1 vague mines x1 low-key demon mines x1 my name spring mountain hate mines x1 Changsu mines x1 green plum and booze mines x12k novel reading network

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