MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 2 I cover this boss

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The whole task is actually a trap. The purpose of fostering is to trap yourself here and ensure that you can finish all your homework.

Not too much.

The pen between the fingers slowly turned around twice, and Lu Deng turned his head, looking to the man who had told him to do his homework and closed his eyes and rested on the sofa, quietly touched one of the exercise books, and shoved it back into the bag without any trace.

Gu Yuan's body was very relaxed. Loose home clothes covered up the original introverted sharpness. If it were not for the subtle movement of the brain between the wrists, it would almost make people really think he was dozing off.

In the interstellar era, the application of the brain has become very common. Through the connection with the brain nerves, the virtual screen will be directly projected onto the retina and manipulated directly through consciousness, which can ensure the security of private information to the greatest extent. It is the most convenient and safe choice for handling business affairs.

After watching the target person's office for a while, a reminder sounded in my mind, and the information of the headquarters finally came over.

Lu Deng turned back, put down his pen, and looked at the main line of the world just received.

The timeline of this world was in 4307. His Galileo was invaded by Guarcin five years ago, and nearly 30% of the area became a subsidiary territory of Guarcin. Although the two sides temporarily reached a truce agreement, Guarcin's ambitions were not satisfied, and they still tried to continue to control Galileo from an economic way.

The target person, Gu Yuan, just turned 30 this year. The Gu Group under his name owns three veins of Galileo Star, sitting on hundreds of millions of net worth, and is the entrepreneur of Galileo Planet.

As one of Galilean's business giants, Gu Yuan and Guarcin had a lot of dealings. As a result, Gu's swelled and he became a traitor to the Galileans. There have been many assassinations of demonstrations against him, but Gu Yuan has always been very vigilant and has not been able to make anyone succeed.

According to the current plot line, Gu Yuan will soon sign an order for 200 million tons of ramenite with the Guar Xingren.

The radium ore is produced exclusively in Galileo. It is a precious mine dedicated to advanced mechs and can only be used in the war of aggression. Gu Yuan's self-interested behavior quickly aroused public anger, but he remained unmoved and insisted on reaching the transaction, which was completely criticized.

During a trip, Gu Yuan was attacked and accidentally assassinated.

Soon after, Guarsing ’s newly created advanced mech fully invaded, but was vulnerable to Galileo ’s counterattack, and was easily defeated within 48 hours. This battle also became the key to Galileo's defeat.

The process of winning was easily too confusing, and some people doubted the deal, but Gu Yuan was dead after all, and the Gu Group collapsed after his death. People only occasionally talked for a moment, and then continued to fight under the leadership of the emerging hero leaders.

The real protagonist is the hero leader who has not yet appeared. Gu Yuan is only an indispensable part of the resistance background. Over time, the name has completely quieted in the ephemeris.

Lu Deng lay on the table with his arms on his pillows, and stabbed the exercise book with the pen tip, thinking about the starting point of this task.

The batch of star mines that Gu Yuan traded to Guarcin was obviously problematic. This is the key to Galileo's defeat, so this deal must still be reached, and the secret must continue to be kept until the battle begins.

All he has to do is to ensure that Gu Yuan can survive, until the victory of that battle, until the day when the truth is known.

The mission is a bit more difficult, and when necessary, there may be a need to replace the fodder by the opponent.

Gu Yuan was still keeping his eyes closed, Lu Deng turned back, his eyes fell on the man's sharp and tough profile, and his eyes were faintly curious.

He already has a general understanding of the main line of the plot, but still does not know how the main system "appropriately approached the plot".

His existence is always low, and he has experienced special training in the system. Except for the elders in his family, few people can detect his existence. Not worried about being spotted by the other party, Lu Deng carefully collected the physical data of the target person, but suddenly noticed that Gu Yuan's body moved.

Lu Deng raised his head, and Gu Yuan had got up and walked towards him.

The task has been successfully completed somehow, only the assignment is an eternal stubborn problem. Eyes fell on the exercise book without moving a word, and Lu Deng instinctively raised his arm, blocking it in order to cover it.

Gu Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and stood intentionally, holding his back with one hand, and leaning over to look at the table.

The breath of the man is strong and aggressive, the body is bent down, close to the teenager's white neck, and he can almost sense the slight body temperature through the clothes.

Lu Deng's heart was unshakable, all he wanted to do was to stop the headache-prone problem, and lay down with his strength, his arms became more and more tight.

Perceived the movement of the boy, Gu Yuan raised some radians on his lips, straightened his body, and took the suit over the back of the chair.

"Stay here until night, you can leave, and the money will be given to you. Just keep it secret for me, don't say anything, can it be done?"

Some people have stared at him too tightly lately, so that he has almost no pure private space, and it has become very troublesome to do hidden things.

At the last reception, he heard people talking about Fengyue's routine. When talking about "doing things," there was always a reason to screen back the idler, only then did he think of the way that the sword could go sideways.

Even if those people stared at him again, it was nothing more than to monitor who he saw and what he said. He stayed in the office, and deliberately opened up the intellectual brain shielding, but wanted to cover it, which would cause some doubts, but if it is a private house to open a house, even if several layers of shielding are added, it is reasonable.

Gu Yuan has always had no interest in things on Fengyue's field, and he doesn't know where to find such people. He simply left the errand to the secretary and asked him to find an innocent student without much thought.

It seems that the secretary's task is done quite well.

Looking up at the man's dark pupils, Lu Deng opened his eyes and nodded gently.

Gu Yuan said briefly, but it is not difficult to understand, as long as a little speculation can understand the other party's intentions.

Figuring out that I just came to cover, things became much easier. Lu Deng pushed the exercise set to the table without any traces, intending to find something to do, but found that the man beside him still had no intention of leaving.

Lu Deng blinked.


Lu Deng compromised the problem set.

After all, the light in the private room is not used for homework, but it is still dim. The young man looked down with a stroke, the writing on the pen tip was neat and neat, and a slightly dim warm light fell on the tip of his eyelashes, exuding a calm and gentle atmosphere.

Gu Yuan originally wanted to sit back on the sofa, but stopped, put the suit between his arms, and pressed one hand on the still thin back of the teenager.

Lu Deng looked up, and Gu Yuan's hand was slightly firmer, and he said slowly: "Sit up straight."

The temperature in the palm of the hand passed through the non-thick cloth, and the strength made it light and not too heavy. It fell flat on his back, and he really scrupulously stood upright for him.

With a smile on his eyebrows, Lu Deng nodded obediently and sat upright again. Gu Yuan stood aside and watched for a while, then returned to the sofa, opened his mind, and continued to get up on work that seemed to never finish.

Under the supervision of the target person, Lu Deng performed a full set of exercises on the first day of the task.

The time to write homework always passed faster than expected, closing the last page of the workbook, and it was getting late outside the window.

The dim light passed through the window gap and intertwined with the lights in the house, adding another layer of unexplained obscurity.

The action of Land Light to pack things is very light, but the person on the sofa still keenly opened his eyes.

Looking at the boy who straightened up, Gu Yuan's eyes faded. After looking at the time, it was almost the same. Then he unlocked the shield of the brain and got up to open the door for him: "Can you go back?"

Walking on the edge of life and death all year round, but also dealing with all kinds of friends and enemies, the alertness of the target person is always very high, which is a good help for the task.

Lu Deng nodded, carried his schoolbag and walked to the door, looking up at the man who was still holding the door for him, thinking about how to make further contact without any trace.

When he looked around, he remembered that the promised money had not been given. The secretary was not beside him. Gu Yuan touched his body and was unable to find the cash. He simply pulled out the star card and handed it to him: "Hold it, I will find you in the future, so I will pay it together."


I will do my homework later.

Looking at the star card, which was obviously expensive, Lu Deng hesitated a little, seriously considering the possibility of approaching the task object in another way.

Seeing hesitation in his eyes, Gu Yuan passed a smile between his eyebrows, pushed the card into his hand, and gently pressed the boy's shoulder and back, his voice was mild: "Go back, rest early."

The task is important, next time you can find a way to not come over the schoolbag.

Lu Deng blinked, still carefully closed the star card, and looked up to his eyes: "Thank you."

Although the young man was taciturn, his voice was unexpectedly clear and pleasant. Gu Yuan nodded with a smile, watching his figure walk through the corridor and turned into the stairwell before closing the door again.

It was already dark, and the place where he was assigned was still far from here.

At the prompt of the system, the land light speeded up a little, turned over a staircase, and several figures suddenly stopped in front of it.

Lifting the schoolbag over his shoulder, the land lamp avoided to one side, and he wanted to continue downstairs, but was blocked by a strong road.

The next step, the vague and amusing laughter poured into my ears.

Lu Deng stood still again, raised his gaze, and looked at a few glaring figures with obvious ulterior motives.

The guests on the upper floor are either rich or expensive, and the hotel's security is well done. Gu Yuan opened the intellectual brain shield. Those people had no way to monitor what he did, but they could not rush into it. They stopped themselves to confirm that Gu Yuan really raised the people, or just to draw a cover. The fastest and safest way.

Lu Deng groaned a little and single-clicked the system: "Is there any way to convince them that I am being raised?"

There are ways, but it is inevitable that the host will be bullied. Can't bear to let the host who wrote a day's homework be aggrieved again, the system hesitated for a long time, and finally picked one, and carefully responded: "The host can walk a little ...

Although I don't understand the relationship between the two, since the system has given an answer, there is no doubt that there is some basis, but I don't know if it is suddenly useless now.

Lu Deng lowered his gaze and was about to take action, but he was stopped by one hand and grinning up to his waist.

"Are you scared to come to such a place? Let us accompany you—"

The other party's tone is frivolous and ambiguous. Eyes fell on the hand that came straight, and Lu Mang flashed slightly in Lu Deng's eyes. He was about to block, but the hand suddenly trembled, and the person who laughed at him also took a deep breath, holding his hand back hurriedly. open.

Lu Deng turned around, Gu Yuan was standing on the staircase, his eyes were deep and stern, with a pure black super particle gun in his hand, and he walked down quickly.

Galileo is already in a state of semi-sovereignty, and it is not forbidden to equip privately with weapons. In the circle of some identities, it is more popular to collect all kinds of precious weapons. Although the super-particle gun in Gu Yuan's hand is rare, it is not too eye-catching.

But at this moment Gu Yuan's momentum was really too oppressive. The gun was arbitrarily held in his hands, which made the instincts of those people instinctively jealous. One of them was deterred by his momentum, and instinctively probed his waist. past.

Yu Guang was keenly aware of the man's movements. Lu Deng was too far away from him, and separated by several people, it was too late to restrain the other party. Immediately folded, pulled Gu Yuan's arm, and pressed the person directly on the wall.

Gu Yuan was too guarded, subconsciously raised his hand to catch him, and stuck an icy wall behind him.

The young man's tenacity and warm body suddenly fluttered into his arms, his thin shoulders and necks were pressed against his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around his waist, and he passed most of his body between his arms without reservation.

Not only Gu Yuan, but even those people were also fascinated by the sudden changes in front of him. Originally, it was determined that Gu Yuan was looking for someone to be a cover, but it was also faint.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment in the dim stairwell. 2k novel reading network