MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 3 I cover this boss

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Afraid to be scared.

Gu Yuan's gaze was faint, his right hand slumped on the tight back of the teenager, and his eyes swept across the uninvited guests who blocked the road: "The next time, that hand may stay."

The anticipated attack did not occur. Lu Deng blinked and wanted to look back at the situation, but Gu Yuanyu took it into his arms.

Various forces are exploring him secretly, and he knew in his heart that there will always be another wave after removing one wave. The purpose of taking a package to avoid people's eyes and ears is to avoid much trouble, but ignoring that those people can't help him, they will turn the finger on the people around him.

He glanced at the boy who was tightly wrapped in his arms, and the others backed away, but all were secretly shocked.

Gu Yuan is a man who floated up and down in the shopping mall. He has always been thorough and meticulous. Rarely when he is not merciless, it does not seem that he generally values ​​the little lover in his arms.

Although monitoring each other, it is still far from time to time. The head-headed people continued to pay for their sins. Seeing Gu Yuanshang didn't mean to pursue further, he hurriedly winked and pulled a few people down the stairs without going back out of the hotel.

Seeing those people hurried away, Gu Yuan stole the gun in his hand.

Lu Deng moved, and finally raised his head from his arms to meet the bottomless dark pupils of the man.

Looking into the still clear eyes in his arms, Gu Yuan's expression calmed down again, released his arms and leaned slightly, rubbing his hair gently: "Sorry."

The young man's movement is not much more proficient than him. If the arms fit down, he can detect the instantaneous stiffness of the shoulders and waists, and obviously he is not familiar with the way.

It's just that they were brought back in captivity and encountered this kind of thing. Even if they are brave, they will inevitably be scared.

At the moment, the forces of all parties are playing against each other, and the whole body is mobilized. He still had something to do, and he couldn't easily build a beam with those people, and it was already the limit to protect people to this point.

Lu Deng blinked and shook his head gently, holding his hand comfortably: "I'm fine."

When Gu Yuan spoke, Lu Deng was aware of the misunderstanding between the two sides.

The target person is now at the center of the game balance between all forces. Although those people stare Gu Yuan tightly, they will never rush. The man's movement toward his waist was probably just a conditional reflex. It was because he had been under a highly intense task state, and some concerns were chaotic.

Suddenly the hand that had just held the gun was gently held. Gu Yuanquan momentarily turned his wrists around his hands and said warmly, "It's because I don't think about it. You should stay with me for a while, and I will take you home. "

The action of the land lamp was slightly delayed, and he did not immediately step up to keep up.

Feeling the falling force coming from his wrist, Gu Yuan raised an eyebrow, meeting the rare real distress in the eyes of the teenager, and his pupil smiled slightly: "Do not write homework."

Although those people have dispersed, maybe there are still people spying on it, and the matter of fostering has not been fully taken into account, and we cannot take it lightly.

After hearing his assurance, Lu Deng finally felt relieved, opened his eyes and followed, and briskly returned to his side.

For a long time, I have been used to being alone, and being accompanied by someone is not only novel, but surprisingly good.

The teenager's hands are warm and stable, with a clear breath of life. Gu Yuan's hand was a little firm, and the long-lost tranquility and warmth covered the blood along the real touch, quietly settling in his chest.

Leading the person back to the private room, the candlelight was dazzled by the airflow opening the door, and the dim and solitary lights seemed to warm up again.

"I have some things left to do. You can do whatever you want. Don't worry about me."

After rubbing the short hair of Lu Deng, Gu Yuan said with a voice, took his bag and set it by the table: "It's late, go to take a shower first, and I'll ask the secretary to bring a suit of clothes."

Finally let the host take a bath!

Hearing Gu Yuan's words, the system was suddenly alert, shaking the little bell desperately: "Host be careful, this is a trap!"

Take off your clothes when you take a shower. You may not be able to put on your clothes after taking them off, as the book says.

The system reads a lot, and has seen countless cases of boiled frogs in warm water. At last, the target person was revealed, and immediately rejuvenated, anxiously announcing that the host must pay attention to safety.

Knowing it was kind, Lu Deng touched the amulet around his neck, turned off the volume completely, and walked over to the bathroom: "Don't worry, first find it for me and see if there are any additional documents."

After getting along for a short time, he already has a general understanding of the target person. The other party asked him to take off his clothes, and he probably just wanted to send him a new set of clothes.

With the help of the system, Lu Deng checked the information from the main system and pulled out the almost ignored additional files. Sure enough, he found his own poor people in it.

He lived in the world under the pseudonym Lu Zhiguang, two months and 20 years old. His parents and family died in the invasion war five years ago and lived on a meager bailout. Living in the attic of the suburban slum, he is a student who is about to take standardized tests.

Galileo Star is located in the Pulitzer Galaxy. After the citizens of the galaxy reach the age of eighteen, they can uniformly take the triennial all-galactic standardized test. After passing the exam, they can enter the school of their choice. Residence permit.

For many students living on the marginal planet, this is the best opportunity to change their destiny.

Gu Yuan is always wary of the people around him, and even the secretary can only meet him occasionally, and he must have seen all his information long ago.

No wonder he urged himself to do his homework.

Take off the simple and neat clothes on your body, fold it up, sprinkle hot water, and hold your head up, let the warm water hit you.

The standardized test is held every three years, and if you miss it, you have to wait another three years. But for Galileo, who has lost his sovereignty and may be completely occupied by aggression at any time, he may not be able to afford the next three years.

Gu Yuan wanted to save himself, and he wanted to save the entire Galileo. In the end, he succeeded, so he fell into the desolate star sand belt alone.

That does not work.

Out of the bathroom, a new set of clothes had been placed in the doorway.

It is still a simple shirt and trousers, but the fabric is much better than the original, the version is cut to fit just right, and the details are far more delicate.

Lu Deng put on his clothes again, and walked around the sofa on a soft carpet. Gu Yuan was leaning on the sofa, his eyebrows sculpted in a Sichuan pattern, and his brain was still running.

The room was quiet, and the brain shield had been reopened. Lu Deng stepped back to the table and looked at Shen Yi Meiyu, who was half-closed in the shadows, hesitated for a moment, or pulled the school bag lightly and took out the homework to spread it on the table.

Before the time of Gu Yuan's assassination, he must protect the target person. In any case, that exam is destined to be missed.

These topics are too simple for him and boring to do, but if he writes his homework well, how much can make the other party feel a little comfort, even if he writes a few more.

The pen between the fingers slowly turned twice, and Lu Deng sat upright, deliberately slowed down, and resumed his homework.

Time passed minute by minute, the night outside the window was already dark, but there was no new movement coming from the sofa behind.

The candlelight is soft and warm, the soothing aroma spreads a faint aroma, and the newly changed clothes are comfortable and soft, and also bring the fresh breath unique to the fabric.

After being soaked in hot water, the relaxed body quietly became drowsy, and the tip of the pen drew two circles, and the text in front of it fainted under the dim light.

Lu Deng rubbed his eyes, held the pen to resist for a long while, and fell down on his arms.


I don't know how long before, Gu Yuan finally got away from the exhausting official business, rubbing the vague temple, and opened his eyes with a long breath.

The teenager who was still thinking about it at the last moment was sitting at the table, wearing the clothes he had specially called for the secretary, and seemed to have fallen asleep, and the light outlined the quiet halo on the thin figure.

The situation is getting more and more tense, and it takes more effort to deal with it than before, saying that it only allows people to accompany them for a while, but it took them so long to realize it.

Gu Yuan chuckled, shook his head and stood up, walked to the table with a light foot, his eyes fell on the young man.

The young face is clean and gentle, and has not yet experienced much wind and rain. Probably it was sleeping soundly, the eyebrows opened with a soft arc, the candlelight jumped on the thick eyelashes, and even the soft fluff on the ears could be clearly seen, and it was easy to make people feel like brothers.

Seeing that he was sleeping well, Gu Yuan didn't wake him, but just leaned down and packed his schoolbag for him. Enclose the person in his arm, cover it with a coat, and hug the person to get out of the private room.

Seeing that scene on the stairs, the boy was already in the category next to him. Since there is no way to take people out, all they have to do is pull them back completely and put his brand on them, lest some people should not move their minds.

There are still two months before the standardized test. As long as he protects people during this time, as long as Lu Zhiguang passes the exam successfully, he can leave Galilo Star, go to a favorite school, find a peaceful planet, and live in peace and tranquility. life.

It takes at least four or five years to study in a school. Giving him four or five years is probably enough to return the planet to its peaceful and prosperous state of peace.

If he was still alive at that time ...

I did not like to imagine a future that was too vague, and the thoughts were fleeting. I just occasionally moved my heart while walking through the corridor with the warm body in my arms.

The mother star is turbulent, Gu Yuan has no extra thoughts on other things, but occasionally there will be a short flash of thought, remembering the once rich, happy, lively and enthusiastic planet in memory.

If they were still at that time, he might really take people seriously and consider whether to develop an intimate relationship that exceeds cooperation with each other.

Suddenly stunned by his own thoughts, Gu Yuan took back his thoughts, hugged people all the way into the elevator dedicated to VIPs, raised his hands and took care of the clothing on the teenager's body.

The boy in his arms did not know when he was awake, quietly met his gaze, his body moved slightly, hugged him under the cover of clothing, and his warm chest covered his chest and shoulders.

An unfamiliar heartbeat sounded slowly on the chest, and Gu Yuan could not help holding his breath, lowering his head to meet the clear and firm light in Heirun's eyes.

He couldn't think of what this gaze meant, but at that moment, he suddenly developed some illusion--

With a "ding", the elevator has reached the parking lot in the sky and issued a clear sound.

Quickly withdraw the distracted thoughts, Gu Yuan held up the elevator's door opening button and whispered, "Don't move."

There may be surveillance eyes outside, so he can hold people out in order to give those people a clear enough signal. At least for now, no matter which side of the power has not really come to completely annoy their guts.

Lu Deng didn't speak, but closed his eyes again and leaned lightly on his shoulder.

When the brain signal was detected, the hovering car parked in the garage blinked twice and automatically opened the door.

Gu Yuan leaned over and put the person into the co-driver. He also sat in, fastened his seat belt, and handed the bag to his arms. He rubbed the teenager's hair with a smile: "Happy cooperation."


Actually brought the schoolbag out.

The target character was so attentive, the land lamp in white pretending to sleep blinked, took the schoolbag in his arms, and hugged him frankly, sighing silently.

Seeing that he was a little indifferent, Gu Yuan only raised his hand to adjust the co-pilot's seat gently when he was still drowsy, and said warmly, "Sleeping for a while, I know the way."

The figure on the seat moved, found a more comfortable position, and quietly obediently.

Gu Yuan stretched his body slightly, and didn't even feel a little relaxed smile at the end of his eyes. He started a floating car and drove to the slums on the outskirts of the city.

The speed of the levitating car was fast, and it didn't take long before an area devastated by the war and slumped appeared.

Lu Deng didn't fall asleep. Hearing the system prompts that he has reached his destination, he unfastened his seat belt and sat up. Gu Yuan has parked the car and opened the door for him sideways: "Go, I'll take you home."

Although he saw the scene in front of him, the man's look was still ordinary, and only the deeper eyes could still dimly reveal his inner peace. Lu Deng nodded, got out of the car carrying his schoolbag, and when Gu Yuan came around, he took the initiative to hold his hand.

Vaguely aware of the silent comfort in the young man's movements, Gu Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, but didn't ask much, just holding the hand and walking with him to the loft area.

In order to match his identity, the host system finds him a shabby place in this world, probably just a small room that can accommodate him.

Lu Deng was not afraid of this. The staff was scarce. He could not perform too many tasks. He had slept in the nest of the tyrannosaurus and the stone gap between the cliffs. There was no harsh living environment that he could not bear.

He pulled out the prepared key in the bag to open the padlock, and then opened the door, but suddenly the look of the land lamp changed. He raised his hand and closed the door tightly without hesitation.

Originally, President Gu who wanted to follow up the house was caught out of the door, looking at the young man who suddenly leaned on the door rather than letting him go, hesitantly opened his mouth and said, "Why ... Can't I enter?" 2k Read novel

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