MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 232 230. Calligraphy is the best in the world? Such Wang Cheng, who

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  Chapter 232 230. Calligraphy is the best in the world? Who is worthy of such Wang Cheng?

this moment…

   I don’t know how many people stood up directly from the TV!

   Even, some people knelt down.

  Just because the scene on the TV screen was too shocking and unbelievable.

  The number of speakers on the Internet exploded instantly, and the number of speakers about rural life and Wang Cheng increased by millions in a very short period of time.

   "Who can tell me whether the calligraphy written by Wang Cheng on the show is real?"

   "I searched, and I couldn't find this humble room inscription at all. Did Wang Cheng create it on the spot? Can someone from the program team come out and explain it?"

   "My father is from the Provincial Calligraphy Association. He kneels to watch TV now. I asked why, and he asked me to kneel too..."

"For the first time, I discovered that our traditional calligraphy works can be so beautifully written. I have seen some so-called calligraphy works before, and I can't see the beauty, but now I look at Wang Cheng's writing. I know where the beauty is, but I can feel the beauty of this painting from the bottom of my heart..."

"If the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals. If the water is not deep, there will be dragons... This opening sentence directly shocked me. Coupled with this super high-level calligraphy, in other words, we are really watching Wang Cheng Is it a program? Isn’t it the time travel of ancient writers? It’s been a long, long time since I’ve seen such a soul-stirring article.”

  Director Yang: "I will send you a copy when I get the data!"



   Even, not many people can understand that work, and we all know its value.

  Zhu Ziqi thought for a while, then nodded: "Indeed, Zhou Wen seems to care too much about those bad guys. The two jobs are out of my hands. I used to say that I would never have a chance to come here."

  Zhang Huizhong and Wang Cheng raised their teacups to Li Chi at the same time, and smiled at Fei: "Old Zhou, he finally got his chance, let's toast him!"

  Thinking of this supplementary treaty, we can only get 10% of Zhou Wen's works!

  Now the lower levels are deliberately supporting traditional culture, and with the exposure that Zhou Wen gave me next time, I lost that opportunity.

   Li Chi's phone rang.

  We all know that the new program planned by Zhang Huizhong wants to invite Zhou Wen, and he will definitely be able to cooperate with Xiang Fei again. Li Chi is absolutely willing, even if he pays for it!

  Zhou Yunmiao: "It's here. It must still be out of Zhou Wen's hands. I haven't had a chance before..."

Zhou Yunmiao and Xiang Feiyan also stood up in shock at this time, leaned closer and looked at the TV screen, Zhou Wen stroke by stroke, writing these cursive scripts in a chic manner, without saying anything !

Mo Jinhua's eyes were on the picture that Zeng left under the TV screen, and he said seriously: "That picture, he probably understands the value of it too much. There are two works of the little calligrapher outside your home, and none of them One pair is a masterpiece of a young master of running script, and you spent 17 million to buy it seven years later, and no friend wants to buy it for 28 million next month, and you will be killed twice!"

  Xiang Fei smiled and said, "You're not like that, you can change it if you want."

   Facing Zhou Wen on the TV screen, you, who are occasionally confident, don't feel ashamed. When you think that you don't have any unreasonable thoughts about Zhou Wen, you feel very ashamed!

  Li Chi laments that life is erratic.

  Master Yang's excited and slow voice came from outside the phone: "Old Zhou, was the humble room inscription written by Zhou Wen really taken away by Xiang Fei?"

  Qin Yuhai nodded: "There is a small probability that it may be outside the hands of Shonan Satellite TV. You will ask, and say that Zhou Wen is an artist of your company, and the works created also belong to your company..."

Director Yang: "Come on, the off-stage host, you don't hate him the most. He doesn't have the bookish and literati style that other people don't have. You hope he can stick to that style, then It’s the only one in the circle, and it’s what I want to see now.”

   Xiang Feiyan asked Xiang Feiyan how many people, and several of them denied it. You think Xiang Feiyan might be lying and wanted to fool you to buy back Zhou Wen's contract at a price.

  My seventy years have been the same style, the entertainment is weak, so in the slow-paced era of entertainment to death, it is difficult for me to stand out.

  When a few people were chatting, the show hadn't started yet, and now we're waiting for the first ratings report.

  Li Chi hurriedly grabbed it, and the eight of them stared again, as if to see whether it was true or not!

  Wang Cheng's hands trembled for a while, he suddenly grabbed the report and fell down.


Both of them have come into contact with some calligraphers and writers. Although a small number of them hate money, they are very difficult to get along with each other. They are extremely exclusive. For people outside our circle, even if they have no achievements and achievements It is also very difficult to get our recognition, and it will not be too famous!

   "You thought Shen Shenghui was lying at the time, but now it seems that it was Yu Jinghong and the eight of us who were lying. We wanted to hide that matter and let others know."


  Mo Jinhua frowned slightly: "Isn't Zhou Wen's contract the same?"

   "Whether these experts and scholars recognize it or not, Zhou Wen's work will definitely become a treasure, and its previous value was unimaginable."

  If he wants people to stay, he can stay?

  Wang Cheng quickly grabbed the report.

  Xiang Feiyan: "Bad, just ask!"

   And Zhou Wen is just the successor of any celebrity among us. He appeared almost out of thin air. Now that his performance is so outstanding, did he slap us in the face?

Before Master Yang was silent for a few seconds, he said: "It's bad, you are relieved. You really want to ask for a work like Zhou Wen's. Old Zhou must have no chance. Help you find a way. You will not be serious. Thanks."

   Lianghuo can really be with Zhou Wen, you are willing to do anything.


  Mo Jinhua asked in a deep voice: "Does he know what happened in the program group?"

  Next time, Penguin Music will give Zhou Wen more than a billion yuan, but only give Rubik's Cube Entertainment less than 100 million...

  Here, Master Yang was silent for a moment.

  Mo Jinhua thought very little in her heart.

  Qin Yuhai was taken aback for a moment, then remembered, and said with a wry smile: "It looks like... Zhou Wen's works belong to me! That's the contract Dongxing Entertainment gave Zhou Wen..."


   Li Chi was taken aback for a moment, picked it up and saw that it was Master Yang, and immediately understood, smiled wryly at the two of them, and then connected the phone.

   And that opportunity, I know, was due to Xiang Fei in a small part.

   At this point, you also agree with that sentence!

   It is basically possible for those who have inherited from us to blend in and retreat.

  Xiang Fei, Zhang Huizhong, and Xiang Fei were not anxious in the office.

  Mo Jinhua: "By the way, how are the ratings now? Xiang Fei's performance is so mediocre, the ratings may be high."

  In the office, it became very noisy for a while, and needles could be heard.

At this moment, you all fully understand why Yu Jinghong changed so little before she came back from recording the show...

  Take a deep breath...

  Zhang Huizhong has always admired Li Chi's knowledge...

  The staff member from just now finally reappeared, took a piece of paper, and handed it to Wang Cheng, who was full of excitement: "Director Li, he was awesome that time!"

   Young people are inherently impetuous, and it is difficult to integrate into retirement. They have to wait for seniority rankings, so some people are more willing to retire.

  Qin Yuhai also said helplessly: "The signing of Xiang Fei was discovered by your company and the contract broke down. The contract will definitely be like that, and there will be no previous supplementary agreement on the sharing of works..."

   "The most important thing is that Zhou Wen doesn't have that kind of literary talent and calligraphy ability. Will I be willing to renew my contract and become a star in the company?"

  Who would be shocked by such a calligraphy work?

   All eight of them sat still and looked at the door!

  Mo Jinhua sat up, still staring at the writing under the TV screen with desperation, and said: "He asked, where is the writing now, it is possible for you to get it."

  Both of them wanted that work very much.

Xiang Feiyan said loudly: "Boss Qin! It's because Zhou Wen doesn't have much talent and strength. My background will change, and you also said that at my age, I will be recognized by the literary and calligraphy circles... Therefore, the plan that you should implement, the two jobs will continue to implement."

  Both Zhang Huizhong and Xiang Fei gave Li Chi their little thumbs up and praised what I said.

  After all, young people are not very concerned and cold about those possibilities!

  Shen Shenghui said that Zhou Wen's calligraphy is very low, it can be so low!

  The room door was pushed open.

   "In an instant, I feel that becoming a fan of Zhou Wen has become very unrefined..."

   I thought of less…

  Liu Jiahui listened to what his roommate said, but shook his head: "We know how to fry pots, because we know how to approve and deny Zhou Wen."

Qin Yuhai shook his head: "There is still news. For the time being, only the first ratings data is released. It seems that we have to wait for the statistics to start together! Yes, the ratings are so high at the beginning, and it will be too low to continue to improve. At least two points will be enough. That’s right, it hasn’t been able to create the record of the midnight file for nearly ten years.”

hang up the phone.

   Just glanced at the top numbers...

   "It's not that the calligraphy and literary circles will put on airs and accept me..."

   I know how the ratings are now...

   There are also people who went to elementary school and participated in traffic talent shows after graduating from low school. Why don't they have such a low level of calligraphy? Can you still write an article like that?

  A host like Li Chi who has a great understanding of traditional Chinese studies and profound knowledge will definitely be established, and he will definitely get the following if.


   Xiang Fei Yuna smiled wryly: "They don't think you are bad or bad, Lao Zhou is gone, you have to find another host..."

   buzz buzz...

   "That calligraphy, that article, in those few decades, can anyone compare to it?"

   For a while...

   It's no wonder we can accept it...

  The eight of them shook at the same time.

   If you want to get Zhou Wen's works again, your chances will be slim.

  Zhang Huizhong and Li Chi immediately stretched their necks and watched together.

   Li Chi said confidently: "That's right, Director. Few people saw that at the time. You wanted to keep it, but Zhou Wen said you would take it away. You have a way!"

   Xiang Fei smiled and said: "Director, you want it too, if you don't have a chance, you will miss it!"

  Mo Jinhua: "Let me leave tomorrow, and send eight assistants to Zhou Wen, who will follow at any time!"

  Wen Yixiao was not a little stunned, and understood as well as Zhou Yunmiao, why Peng Yuying became more obsessed with Zhou Wen before recording a show with Zhou Wen, and suddenly became interested in literature and calligraphy!

   Xiang Feiyan couldn't help asking.

  That is also one of the important reasons why calligraphy and literature have gradually declined in recent decades. The circle will become bigger and bigger...that is inevitable.

   "The domestic literary circles, calligraphy circles, is it a frying pan?"

   Liu Jiahui sat behind the TV and watched TV because of the phone call from his weird father Li Chi.

  Li Chi: "This is your honor!"

   But, we know, can it attract an audience? Could it boost ratings?

   It’s not possible until we all pass away...

"However, the level of calligraphy and the value of original literature are the only ones in the country. With the current development of domestic literature, it was difficult for no one to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Zhou Wen, which invisibly increased the value of that work. Now it is not at least a million dollars! In the past, it will inevitably increase in value quickly..."

   "Dad asked you why you were kneeling to watch TV. I took a look and knelt down too. Your grandpa scolded you and your dad, and I knelt down after taking a look..."

"Zhou Wen's handwriting, in terms of calligraphy level, conception and literary creation value blessing, far surpasses the works of this little master of running script in your collection! It's not that Zhou Wen is too old now, is there any Being recognized by the literature and calligraphy circles may make the value of that work too low."

  You guessed that Dad might have met someone in the recording program, so I want to see who it is...

   Zhou Wen like that, can I be worthy of him?

  Mo Jinhua said again: "Ask around badly, the writing is here, find a way to get it back!"


   "You thought you could hold back that life to be a fan of Zhou Wen again, but you really can hold back now, you're back..."

  Director Yang: "Bad... By the way, Lao Zhang submitted a program proposal to the outside of the stage, and the host is still confirmed for the time being. You recommended him, and his performance is bad!"

  It can be so low that it is the best in China.

   Li Chi has something to say, so Master Yang really regards Zhou Wen as a big year that cannot be manipulated at will?

  That makes us feel helpless and anxious.

  For the first time, I felt that I was not strong enough to face Zhou Wen. I was worried that I would have no way to renew Zhou Wen's contract, restrain Zhou Wen, and make Zhou Wen honestly help me make money.

After I met Zhou Wen, I also felt that Xiang Fei was only fourteen years old, and she had no family background, so she should be a bad choice. But before I finished recording a program, I knew that Zhou Wen could definitely be judged by age and appearance. …

   Now that you think about the situation at that time, you are even more annoyed.

Xiang Feiyan watched it live, so she was relatively calm, but she said in a less excited tone: "Zhou Wen's calligraphy and literary strength are beyond imagination, and that calligraphy and that work are definitely the top in the country now, comparable to others! It's a pity, You have a way to get it..."

Zhou Yunmiao shook his head immediately, and said in an extremely serious tone: "Absolutely! Does Shonan Satellite TV still have such a small face, and it is possible to hire a little calligraphy teacher to help Zhou Wen cheat outside the show? A little calligraphy teacher would do that kind of thing! That's absolutely true... You think back then when Shen Shenghui told you that Zhou Wen's calligraphy was very low. You asked Yu Jinghong and An Keru, Professor Xu, us, we all Negative."

  Although, we suspect that Zhou Wen's calligraphy will definitely shock few people.

   See now.

   Yes, Master Yang would give me that chance.

  In just one day, the impression Zhou Wen left on me was extremely deep and muddy—knowledge is profound, conversation is muddy and stingy, narrow-minded, steady as a mountain, like a wise man who has seen through everything in the world!

  Xiang Feiyan took a deep breath, looked at Zhou Wen under the TV screen, and this calligraphy humble room inscription without any confusion, and said with a wry smile: "In that world, is there any man who can be worthy of me?"

  The two of them are people who understand calligraphy, but both of them have no research on calligraphy. They have also participated in auctions and seen Xiaoshi's works.

Zhou Yunmiao nodded and said reassuringly: "That's true. I didn't have that kind of calligraphy and literary attainments when I was only fourteen years old. In the past, when I was younger, my achievements and standards would be lower. It is not inevitable that I will be famous in history! That work is enough for me to be remembered by the predecessors."

   "That calligraphy work, with the original blessing of the article, it is possible to be a fire."

Zhou Yunmiao said in a heavy voice: "Maybe, people in the literary and calligraphy circles will collectively remain silent and respect Zhou Wen and that work. Yes, with Zhou Wen's character, you may also care about the opinions of these people. The job is to know where the work is now, and you can definitely find a way to get it, so it can't be regarded as a family heirloom."

  Liu Jiahui has followed his father since he was a child, and he deeply knows that these so-called literati circles have no shortage of platoons and groups...

   A hint of surprise flashed in Xiang Fei's eyes. After waiting for half a lifetime, the opportunity finally came.

Xiang Feiyan's eyes were still fixed on the words on the TV screen, and a trace of longing flashed in her eyes, and she said in a heavy voice: "That' doesn't matter how young I am, I've always been a fourteen-year-old for many years, and I was born Extraordinary, do you have any backing? I will definitely be able to renew my contract and stay in the company, the less capable I am, the more detrimental it will be to the company!"

  Mo Jinhua slammed his fist under the table again in anger.

Qin Yuhai smiled bitterly, knowing that he was to blame that time, shook his head and said: "President Qin, it was your negligence, did you ask the assistant in detail? Did I take the initiative to tell you, maybe I also know, whether I followed the whole process The recording of the show..."

   "This is a humble room, but my Dexin...Zhou Wen is only fourteen years old, so he is not qualified to say that?"

  Qin Yuhai nodded: "Bad, Mr. Qin!"

  Li Chi: "It's only one o'clock since the broadcast started, and the previous ones are still coming out, maybe we have to wait until the start..."

  Director Yang asked again: "Has the ratings of their program come out today?"

   At that time, I persuaded Feiyan that you bought Zhou Wen back at a price, saying that Zhou Wen was not as good as I am, and his calligraphy standard is very low.

  Zhu Ziqi shook her head again: "It may have fallen out of the hands of Shonan Satellite TV..."

The roommate next to him also nodded in agreement: "Who can be worthy of Zhou Wen like that? When you just finished watching it, you still thought that Yu Jinghong, Peng Yuying, Han Xiao, and An Keru all looked outstanding in appearance and temperament. Standing together is barely a match. Looking at it now, you and Zhou Wen are so harmonious, even Wen Tianxian looks vulgar behind Zhou Wen..."


  Now the following two tasks are determined to carry forward traditional culture and build confidence in national culture!

  He just writes if he wants others to write?

  Xiang Feiyan and Xiang Feiyan watched the TV together.

  Zhu Ziqi is still not confused, and his eyes are full of brilliance: "With such literary talent and calligraphy skills, even if I am in the entertainment circle, I can become a top figure in the literary world."

  Mo Jinhua held back her breath and punched it under the table!


  Li Chi: "There is a problem..."

   Yes, the two are low-level members of Penguin Entertainment, and they are more eager to wait for the opportunity to buy Zhou Wen into their banner.

   Zhou Wen doesn't have that level of calligraphy and literature, so he can definitely stay in the company. I can develop along that line without any less extensive development, but it's only limited to the entertainment circle.

  You are beyond doubt.

  Wen Yixiao looked at Feiyan, and wanted to ask, can you catch up with Zhou Wen like that?

  Zhou Wen is only fourteen years old...

  As soon as the show ended, you guessed that it might be Zhou Wen. You didn't have any secret joy or expectation in your heart. Dad actually introduced Zhou Wen to you. You are not a fan of Zhou Wen, and you hate every song of Zhou Wen very much.


And even if Xiang Feiyan lied, you think that even if Xiang Fei doesn't have some calligraphy skills, it's just icing on the cake. For celebrity artists, Han Xiao is not an example. The number one calligrapher in the entertainment industry, but he was also very popular after two years of debut. This year, he became popular when he met Xiang Fei...

  Taiwan Master Yang was silent for a while, and then said: "There is no way, invite Zhou Wen to record another episode of the program? Find a way to leave that calligraphy, or ask me to write another calligraphy and keep it?"

  Xiang Feiyan shook her head heavily: "It may not be difficult..."

  Both of you know that the works of these little masters you have seen are inferior to the works Xiang Fei is writing at this time...

  Zhang Huizhong also laughed and said: "The two jobs were able to cooperate with Lao Zhou that time, and you should be able to get along very happily!"

  Qin Yuhai also said in a serious tone: "You will definitely try your best to renew Xiang Fei's contract!"

  Because, whether the previous ratings report has been delayed is said to be due to technical reasons, and it will be released together at the very beginning.

  The last thing to mention is that Zhou Wen renewed his contract to stay.

  Zhou Yunmiao said firmly again: "That piece of work may have been created by Zhou Wen himself on the spot!"

  Looking at Xiang Fei's elegant demeanor of a master, there is no trace of a master's demeanor in every stroke. Every word in this pen is elegant and unrestrained but inflexible...

  You dream about it.


  Liu Jiahui also understood what his father said to Fei on the phone: "Girl, he deserves to be a servant. Our old Zhou family is so lucky..."

  Mo Jinhua and Qin Yuhai also stood up in an instant, and they both stared at the TV screen at the same time!

  Xiang Feiyan's heart fluttered when she saw it, let alone a big kid like Peng Yuying who has been in a relationship...

   "Then, the show crew dare to fake it?"

"As a member of the Calligraphy Association and a 40-year-old middle-aged man who has been practicing calligraphy since he was ten years old, I can say with certainty that Wang Cheng's calligraphy work is almost unmatched in China. If this work was written by me Yes, I regret that I would die suddenly."

   Li Chi said seriously: "Director, that's too possible. Zhou Wen himself is willing, and Rubik's Cube Entertainment may also be willing. When we cooperate with Zhou Wen, we should be sincere and plan something!"

   After Zhou Wen's face, Li Chi felt like a big kid, as if everything about him had been seen through, and in the bottom of his heart, he naturally didn't have a trace of insult from the heart towards Zhou Wen, and was willing to target Zhou Wen.

  Li Chi said immediately: "Bad, thank you Master Yang, you will fight for it badly."

  (end of this chapter)

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