MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 233 231. Record-breaking ratings! I am so silly

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  Li Chi looked up at the staff who delivered the report with a trace of blood in his eyes, his voice was hoarse and trembling unconsciously: "This, this, data, right?"

  Zhang Huizhong and Zhou Wen also looked up at the staff member at the same time.

  They were also full of disbelief, and they all had the same question in their hearts...

is this real?

  The smiles on the faces of the staff stiffened. Obviously, they have encountered similar problems just now, and they can understand the mood of the three people in front of them!

   This data, when he first got it, he was too scared to hold it firmly.

  He has also worked in Shonan Satellite TV for more than ten years. In his career, he has never seen such a high data!

Immediately, the staff quickly said: "Director Li, Director Zhang, Brother Wen, this data is absolutely true. It is because the data changes are too incredible, so it came out a little slower. It has been checked many times over there, and it is sure that it is correct. Just passed it on to us! It's the ratings of your show, Country Life."

   "It is absolutely number one at the same time, and it has also set a record. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the number one audience rating for the 10:30 schedule in the entire history of TV!"

   "Director Li, Director Zhang, Brother Wen, congratulations, you have made history..."

  The more the staff spoke, the more excited they became, and the tone was full of pride.

  The glory of Shonan Satellite TV is almost forgotten by people.

  Recasting the glory of Shonan Satellite TV, each of them has a responsibility...

  Li Chi, Zhang Huizhong, and Zhou Wen all nodded excitedly, and then returned their gazes to the paper again.

Zhang Huizhong shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I never expected that the highest ratings in my life would be this time when I went to your program group as a guest star! Who would have thought of that? Fortunately, I just got a position as an assistant director, and I didn't grab you Thanks to Lao Li! Otherwise, Lao Li might want to kill me!"

The smile on Li Chi's face became even brighter: "You also have a share of the credit. It was you who made Wang Chenglai join my show. Lao Zhang, I will remember this love for the rest of my life! I dare not think that I can actually produce a program with such ratings. By the way, Lao Zhang, your words have really become a theorem."


   Several people were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized!

   They all remembered Zhang Huizhong's famous saying about Wang Cheng in the industry - give him a Wang Cheng, and the lowest ratings can exceed four points.

  However, although he didn't say the premise of this famous saying, everyone knows it well.

   That is, the TV station should be the main pusher, spend resources on publicity, and give a good time slot...

  This is an inevitable premise.


Wang Cheng came to live in the countryside in a hurry. He recorded on the first day and broadcasted it on the second day. There was no time for promotional warm-up, and the broadcast time was still at midnight, so no one used Zhang Huizhong's famous quote on this program again. On the Internet, no one would think that this show can reach the ratings of four points.


  No one thought of it.

   Zhang Huizhong's famous quote is still in effect on this 10:30 midnight variety show.

  As long as it is a program on Wang Cheng, the ratings start at a minimum of four points!

Looking at the glaring 4.53 number on the top, Zhou Wen was filled with awe when he thought about the short time he had with Wang Cheng and the conversation he had with Wang Cheng during the recording of the program. The show crew has snatched it up! With this ratings, who wouldn't be jealous?"

  Li Chi looked at Zhang Huizhong, and asked eagerly, "Director Zhang, can we still invite Wang Cheng to record the show? No matter how much money it costs, it's worth it!"

Zhang Huizhong shook his head, and said in a complicated tone: "It is basically impossible. Now Wang Cheng and Mofang Entertainment are still in conflict. It is not clear what programs to show and how to choose them, but what is certain is that as long as the ratings are high Wang Cheng doesn’t even arrange any programs for Wang Cheng. Wang Cheng himself doesn’t care about these, he just let Rubik’s Cube Entertainment torment him. Now that rural life is suddenly popular, Rubik’s Cube Entertainment can’t let Wang Cheng come on…”

Previously, Wang Cheng's announcement fee for the first episode was as high as 40 million. Li Chi was dizzy when he heard it at the time, and with the announcement fees of Wen Yixiao, Zhu Ziqi, Han Xiao, and An Keru, he felt that this episode of his program was absolutely worthless. To a huge loss.


  See the peak ratings of 4.53 now.

   Then you will never lose money!

  If you can continue to invite Wang Chenglai for a few more episodes and keep the ratings above four points, then no matter how much money you spend, you can earn back...

   It is clearly displayed on the ratings report.

After the broadcast started at 0:50, the ratings have been rising all the way. When Wang Cheng cooks and shows his cooking skills, the ratings are already past two points. When Wang Cheng is fishing, the ratings are past three points. When Wang Cheng When the culinary skills were shown again at noon the next day, the ratings were as high as 3.8!

  When Wang Cheng showed calligraphy and wrote the inscription of the humble room...

  The ratings soared again, quickly passed the threshold of 4 points without any suspense, and rose to 4.53, reaching the peak tonight and the peak of the three of them in this life.

  The three of them carefully looked at the trend of the ratings data, and they were reluctant to put down this piece of paper. This was the pinnacle moment of their lives.

  The staff has quietly left!

   Li Chi, Zhang Huizhong, and Zhou Wen watched together for a while before they gradually calmed down.

  Zhang Huizhong's eyes flickered, and he said seriously: "If this program is aired in prime time, the ratings might break five!"

   Li Chi and Zhou Wen thought about it for a while, then nodded in agreement at the same time...

Zhou Wen: "That's right, we broadcast at midnight, and it only starts at 0.5, and it can go all the way to a rating of 4.5. If it is placed on the prime time at 8 o'clock on weekends, if it starts at 2 o'clock, it is safe to break 5 o'clock." Sure, it is possible to break the ratings record of Tomorrow's Idol! What a pity..."

Li Chi shook his head: "In theory, it is possible, but in fact there is no chance. In the contract we signed with Rubik's Cube Entertainment, it was stipulated that the broadcast time cannot be changed! So, there is no way! We can only wait for the future, I am the real one this time." I have seen the power of Wang Cheng. Even in the middle of the night, the ratings can be brought to 4.5, that’s incredible!"

  Zhang Huizhong said firmly: "Next time, I will definitely persuade the leaders in the station to invite Wang Cheng to record a program at any cost!"

  At this time, Li Chi's phone rang, and it was the director who called.

  Li Chi laughed and said: "I don't think you need to persuade Lao Zhang. As long as you show this data to the leaders, they will find a way to invite Wang Cheng to do the show at any cost!"

   Zhou Wen's phone also rang, and it was also from Director Yang, who also asked about the ratings!

   Li Chi and Zhou Wen got through the phone at the same time and reported this data!

  The exclamation of the two directors came from the two phones at the same time: "What? Four to five? Is it true?"

   Li Chi and Zhou Wen looked at each other, they could both see the smile in each other's eyes, and replied at the same time: "It's true!"

  Director directly said to Li Chi: "Tomorrow morning's meeting, you and Lao Zhang will report back in detail!"

   Li Chi agreed: "Okay, director!"

Zhou Wen also heard Master Yang say: "Wang Cheng's attractiveness is a bit scary. Unexpectedly, young people nowadays also like to watch such programs, like cooking, fishing, and calligraphy! I thought it was only us This kind of old people like to watch."

   Zhou Wen said in a low voice: "Master Yang, maybe they don't want to see these, but want to see Wang Cheng do these..."

  Director Yang was silent for a while, then smiled and said: "You are right, I was confused! The format of the program is not important, what matters is who does it! This time you did very, very well."

  Both hung up the phone.

  Although it's getting late, I don't feel sleepy...


   And at this time!

   This ratings data was quickly spread to many caring people.

  Guo Shouxin, Liu Jiahui, Wu Tong, Li Guang, etc. who had worked with Wang Cheng before, were all shocked after hearing the ratings data!

  None of them expected...

  The ratings of the variety show at midnight can make Wang Cheng bring super **** 4.5?

   This simply violates the common sense of the TV circle.

  Guo Shouxin directly said on his Weibo: "Wang Cheng's program never disappoints! I hope we can continue to cooperate next time."

  He sincerely hopes to cooperate with Wang Cheng again.

  He is confident that he will continue to increase the ratings to more than five points next time, and continue to create mythical ratings.

  Wu Tong said on Weibo: "I'm so stupid, really!"

  Wu Tong was walking back and forth at home at this time, turning around in the living room and several bedrooms. He was so excited that he didn't feel sleepy at all, and kept saying, I'm so stupid, really...

  He clearly held Wang Zang in his hand at the beginning, but he chose to dismantle the double king to overwhelm the opponent's two threes!

   Watching tomorrow's idol's live broadcast at 5 p.m., creating a mythical ratings of more than 5 p.m.

  Looking at the country life, I only invited Wang Cheng to record a program, allowing Wang Cheng to play freely, just like ordinary life, and it can reach 4.5 ratings.

  Wu Tong just wanted to go back to the past and punch himself: "Do you think you have done anything stupid?"

  In spring and summer, you were praised and envied by the industry for your ratings as high as 3.8, but now it seems so ridiculous...

  It's also Wang Cheng!

  People’s Shonan Satellite TV’s midnight shift can pass past 4:50!


  Sitting in front of the computer, Qin Yuhai opened Shonan Satellite TV's own online video platform, and the online version of Rural Satellite TV has already been launched on it!

  Looking at the ten-hour-long version, Qin Yuhai thought he made a mistake, or the platform data was wrong?

  He just wanted to see the picture of Wang Cheng writing the humble room inscription, so he clicked on the online platform of Shonan Satellite TV!


  The duration of ten hours?

  Qin Yuhai clicked on it again, and it was still ten hours long. He knew that the program group had been online for ten hours, and it wasn't a data error!

  Qin Yuhai said speechlessly: "Ten hours, who would watch such a long video program?"

   Then, he clicked on it, dragged the progress bar directly, and looked for the fragment of Wang Cheng's humble room inscription. After searching for a few minutes, he found it in the last hour or so, and then looked carefully.

  He wants to reassure...

   Did Wang Cheng write this?

   And at this time.

  Shen Shenghui's phone rang, and he quickly connected: "Old Wang, has the data come out? How is it?"

  Over there is Lao Wang, Shen Shenghui's acquaintance in Shonan Satellite TV. Every time he wants to inquire about the internal affairs of Shonan Satellite TV, Shen Shenghui will contact Lao Wang.

  Of course, every month, Shen Shenghui will also take a sum of money from the company's public relations expenses to buy some gifts for Lao Wang and send them over.

  Old Wang’s voice came from the phone: “Director Shen, the country life is on fire this time, Wang Cheng is really amazing!”

  Shen Shenghui listened, his heart beat faster, and he had a bad feeling, he hurriedly asked: "How much is the audience rating?"

Lao Wang didn't talk nonsense, and replied directly: "The highest rating is 4.5, and the average rating is 2.9! It has created the highest rating record of Shonan Satellite TV in the past ten years, and it is also the second highest program this year after Tomorrow's Idol. "

  Shen Shenghui was stunned for a moment, and there was a momentary blankness in his mind, only the number 4.5 was constantly echoing, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

How can this be?

  Midnight file...

  It won't be aired until 10:30!

   It was still a country show that no one had watched before, and it had never had the highest ratings before.

  Why can it soar into the sky now, directly reaching 4.5?

  Wang Cheng's attraction to the audience is really so incredible?


  This time, Wang Cheng didn't do anything that everyone likes to watch, he didn't sing, he didn't dance...

   is reading, cooking, writing...

   Are these things that young people are not interested in nowadays?

  Why are there so many people watching?

  For a while, Shen Shenghui couldn't understand the current society at all, and couldn't understand the preferences of people now...

The old Wang's voice on the phone woke up the dazed Shen Shenghui: "Director Shen, I just got the news that tomorrow there will be a high-level meeting in the station to discuss this episode of the program, and it may be planned to continue to cooperate with Wang Cheng next time." plan of!"

  Shen Shenghui woke up quickly, and said in a stiff voice: "Okay, I see, thank you, Lao Wang! I will send you a gift at the end of the month."

  Old Wang smiled and said: "You're welcome, we are friends, and we should help each other!"


  The two hung up the phone.

  Shen Shenghui walked towards Qin Yuhai with a serious expression: "Mr. Qin, the ratings are out."

Qin Yuhai is still carefully watching the process of Wang Cheng's writing of the humble room inscription, not letting go of a single bit. He has read it twice, and he can already be 100% sure that this is Wang Cheng himself writing, without any falsification. The desire for this calligraphy work is also stronger.

  Hearing Shen Shenghui's words, Qin Yuhai knew that there might be another accident, and asked in a deep voice, "How much? Very high?"

  Shen Shenghui nodded: "It's very tall, it's beyond our expectation."

  Qin Yuhai looked away from the computer screen: "How much!"

  Shen Shenghui also directly replied: "The highest is 4.5, and the average is 2.9, creating the highest record in the midnight file!"


   Qin Yuhai froze on the chair after hearing the number, staring at Shen Shenghui with wide eyes: "How much? Four point five? Are you sure you read it right?"

   This number!

   Completely exceeded their highest expectations.

  They had predicted that there would be an accident before. Maybe Wang Cheng's ratings would be very high, but the highest expectation was around three o'clock, and it couldn't be higher!

  After all, the time period is there...

   Even in the golden age of the TV industry more than ten years ago, the ratings record for the 10:30 schedule was only a few o'clock, not more than three o'clock!

  So, they expected that no matter how evil Wang Cheng was, he would be able to reach around three o'clock, surpassing the record of two o'clock more than ten years ago, wouldn't it be terrible?


   Unexpectedly, they still underestimated Wang Cheng.

  The highest audience rating is as high as 4.5?

  Qin Yuhai took a deep breath to calm himself down a bit.

Shen Shenghui nodded and said affirmatively: "It's all spread out, so it's definitely not wrong! I really didn't expect that Wang Cheng's country life program could be so attractive. It may be the cooking skills and calligraphy he showed, as well as the creative works he created. The shock caused by the humble room inscription has attracted a large number of viewers."

   "However, such things are impossible to have every day. I don't believe that he will have something to attract the audience next time!"

After all, Qin Yuhai is a person who has seen strong winds and waves, and has quickly calmed down, accepted this fact, stared at Shen Shenghui and said: "We can't make mistakes in the cooperation with Zhongyuan Satellite TV. If we can't make him fall from the altar, how can we make him recognize it? Realistically, accept our contract extension?"

Shen Shenghui nodded: "Okay, Mr. Qin, I understand. The cooperation with Zhongyuan Satellite TV will never go wrong. This is also Zhongyuan Satellite TV's midnight file, and the popularity and attention of Zhongyuan Satellite TV are far lower than those of Shonan Satellite TV. , plus it’s a midnight file, so no one pays attention.”

   "The highest ratings of this program before was only 0.3, and the ratings are usually a little over 0.1, which is much lower than that of Village Satellite TV. If it were other TV stations, such a program would have been cut down..."

There was light in Qin Yuhai's eyes, and he sighed: "Wang Cheng is like a golden mountain that cannot be dug out. It would be great if he can renew his contract immediately, cooperate with the company's plan, and fully utilize his value. "

Shen Shenghui also sighed and said: "Yes, if we can perfectly develop the value of Wang Cheng, our entire company will definitely be able to quickly upgrade to a higher level. However, the conditions we set for Wang Cheng are already at the limit. I don't understand what he wants to do." What do you want... However, Mr. Qin, I believe that if we continue to implement our plan, we will definitely make him compromise!"

  Qin Yuhai: "Okay, there is no turning back! Try to suppress the influence of the rural satellite TV. A new program will start tomorrow, and use the Central Plains TV program to suppress Wang Cheng's limelight!"

   "This time, this humble room inscription may have a big impact..."

  Shen Shenghui: "I know, President Qin!"

  Shen Shenghui has already thought of it, contact the public relations department tomorrow, and suppress Wang Cheng's operation of positive news.


  He was a lot more careful.

  With the support of Lin Mi's interview and many negative public opinions, many of Wang Cheng's fans announced that they had quit their fans, and clamored to boycott Wang Cheng.

  However, the ratings show that those people are just talking...

   Talking about taking off fans, talking about boycotting.

  But as soon as he turned his head, he went to watch Wang Cheng's show.

  Standard say one thing and do another.

   buzz buzz...

  Shen Shenghui's phone rang.

  He looked at it and saw that it was from Li Guang, so he didn't answer it, and hung up by himself after a while.

  Then, Wu Tong also called, but he didn't answer, and hung up after a while.

   Then, several well-known directors and producers in the TV field called...

  Shen Shenghui didn't answer.

  He knew that these people came to contact him and wanted to invite Wang Cheng to collaborate on the show.

  However, it is impossible for him to agree now, so he simply refused to answer.

   After Wang Cheng renews his contract, let's talk about it!

  However, Lin Mi also called.

  Shen Shenghui thought for a while, and connected Lin Mi's call.


  Mo Jinhua hung up the phone, still looking shocked and said to Yu Jinghong: "Mr. Yu, the ratings are out, the highest is 4.5, the average is 2.9, breaking the midnight file record! It's beyond imagination..."

  Yu Jinghong's eyes widened and she opened her mouth slightly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

   Both of them were silent for a full minute.

Yu Jinghong said: "Unbelievable! This can break the record? Director Zhang is really right. As long as there is Wang Cheng, the ratings can be guaranteed to exceed four points. Even the midnight show can't stop it. The value is simply unbelievable."

  Mo Jinhua said in a serious tone: "This time he has attracted a large number of viewers by showing his extraordinary cooking skills and calligraphy creation level. Such a show cannot be copied."

  Yu Jinghong nodded: "Yes, it cannot be copied. However, Wang Cheng's word of mouth is back..."

  Mo Jinhua was silent.

  Wang Cheng's word-of-mouth and public opinion are reversed, and the popularity will increase very quickly.

   This will bring enormous pressure to other celebrities, as well as big companies.

  Yu Jinghong: "However, Wen Yixiao should have many benefits, right?"

Mo Jinhua shook her head: "I don't know for now, there should be benefits, but maybe not too many. This time the country life is almost a solo show by Wang Cheng alone. Wen Yixiao and Zhu Ziqi, Han Xiao, An Keru They are all like vases, dispensable..."

  Yu Jinghong: "Let's build up the heat, and increase Wen Yixiao's publicity investment tomorrow! Wen Yixiao doesn't like this, so we can do it ourselves, without her cooperation or notification!"

  Mo Jinhua suddenly said: "I understand, Mr. Yu!"

  The two chatted about Wen Yixiao's next publicity and work schedule, and then they were still a little unbelievable.

  The ratings of this midnight show are as high as 4.5, and its difficulty and gold content are not lower than tomorrow's idol at 5 p.m.


   This night, many people did not sleep well.


  Wang Cheng still slept soundly!

  At six in the morning, Wang Cheng still got up on time, washed his face a little, and drank a cup of hot water.

  Wang Cheng walked out of the apartment dormitory and started running in the morning.

  A new one has started.


   Just walked out of the door of the apartment dormitory.

  Wang Cheng saw two cars parked at the door.

  Shen Shenghui stood in front of one car, and Lin Mi and a videographer with a video camera stood in front of the other car.

  Seeing Wang Cheng come out.

  Shen Shenghui opened the car door behind him, and Qin Yuhai, who was dressed casually, came down, looked at Wang Cheng's smiling face, and reached out to shake Wang Cheng's hand.

  However, Wang Cheng directly ignored Qin Yuhai and Shen Shenghui, and also ignored Lin Mi who was next to him who wanted to talk, and walked out slowly.

  There is nothing more important than exercising and staying healthy.

  Qin Yuhai, Shen Shenghui, and Lin Mi looked at each other stiffly.

  If it wasn't for Lin Mi by his side.

  If it weren't for the words on the inscription of the humble room in my heart.

  Qin Yuhai turned around and left.


  At this time, Qin Yuhai still kept a stiff smile, but also walked slowly, and ran after Wang Cheng.

  Seeing this situation, Lin Mi trotted after her...

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