MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 16 deal with

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This slightly magnetic sound, this unabashed worry, made both Downey and Fatty stiff, slowly turned his head, and saw that Karl, who was wearing a black magic robe, was looking at the scene of the accident with sorrow. Good-looking eyebrows are wrinkled gently, making people want to flatten them.

The fat man did not understand what the accident had to do with Carl, so he was speechless, and Downey knew clearly that the "stunning girl" who had attracted everyone's attention was the "murderer" who had just been cracked by the magic laboratory. "So, he pondered for a moment and couldn't bear to console:" Carr, as long as you strictly follow the experimental norms, the college will not punish you, have you violated the norms? "

"No." Carl shook his head firmly, then lowered his head, and his voice became quieter. "I thought there would be a higher-level magic tower to protect it, and there would be no problem. The academy definitely knew it was me ..."

Donny sighed quietly, but fortunately he did not violate the operating rules.

This is not that Donny is certain that Carl will not be pursued by the college and will not be dropped out, but at least now he can have a reason to comfort Carl.

"It doesn't matter if you know, you haven't violated any of the rules of the academy, uh, you shouldn't be bullying ..." Downey said vaguely, meaning that Carr's background was strong and there was no reason to fire him, Heidler magic Colleges are bound to bear great pressure.

Although Downey couldn't judge the capabilities of Carl's accessories such as rings, badges, and necklaces, he was still keenly aware of the terrifying power they contained. This is by no means a magic apprentice with a general nobleman or advanced magician background. Affordable!

Carr nodded lightly, his depression and sorrow faded a lot, and he said to himself, "Anyway, I have been taught so many times by Lu Xiaoen, and it is not bad this time ..."

Kushiro Eun? The name is so weird that it doesn't conform to the common language. Is he Carl's father, brother, or other elder? Donny muttered secretly.

"Did you make the experimental accident just now?" The fat man without a sense of presence listened for a while and got this amazing information.

Carle gave him a glance, and his beautiful silver-purple eyes suddenly became sharp and abnormal. To this, Downey didn't feel anything, but the fat man's forehead burst into dense cold sweat, and he never dared to ask any more.

At this time, Shirley from the Principality of Vaorite came over from the crowd with a happy smile of "the rest of the dead" on his face: "Donnie, thanks to you just now, if it wasn't for you to find out in advance, we may have already Destroyed with the laboratory. "

这 "This, this, me, I'm just lucky." Suddenly thanked by a young girl like this, Donny was panicked and stuttered.

Carr muttered next to him: "If he doesn't find it, I will remind him ..."

His voice was very low, and the thunder roared on the scene. Shirley naturally couldn't hear it, and still smiled to Donny. You are completely different from you now. "

Donny blushed slightly, learning the movement of Sammy, scratching his head: "I am also saving myself."

As soon as the chanting voice fell, the thunder that kept exploding suddenly disappeared, showing a deadly silence.

The apprentices stared into the sky, only to see the gray mist gushing, so that the dark clouds lost their vitality, and everything fell into eternal silence.

"The mystery lock is on, the danger is lifted ... I didn't expect to use the mystery lock at the end," said the fat man thoughtfully.

学 What is the mystery of the Heidler School of Magic? The apprentices do not know, but I heard that it has a close relationship with the necromancy circle such as "Miranda's Twelve Rings of Life".

Wu Xueli gave a strange look at the fat man, not knowing when he came out, but the scene was quite confusing, and she didn't take it seriously.

"The danger is lifted, I have to go to my roommate." She thanked Downey again.

After seeing Shirley disappearing from the crowd, Downey just saw a pair of blue eyes looking at him with certainty.

"What are you looking at?" Donny was startled. When did the fat man appear?

The fat boy enviously said, "The girl just seemed to like you a lot."

"We haven't known each other for less than an hour." Donny suddenly flushed and explained hurriedly.

"Yeah, I feel good about you in an hour. It's really jealous." Fatty said in Downey's words.

Danny was both ashamed and annoyed: "I mean, I don't have a good opinion, I just met classmates!"

The fat man turned his head and looked into the distance: "Her roommate should also be a girl, and I'll ask you to introduce it later."

"..." Downey was speechless. Who is this fat man who has been cooked?

"Neither of you have pursued a girl, have you?" The worry on Carl's face disappeared, holding his right hand in his left hand and rubbing his chin with his right hand.

"I, I, I ..." Donny wanted to say that he had had a love experience, but in the end, I didn't know why the lie had not been revealed.

The fat man was even more surprised: "How do you know?"

Carl Wenwen smiled quietly: "When the girl thanked him, Downey ’s response was a standard inexperienced person. He should take the initiative to ask the girl to invite him to have lunch to thank him, and then return again. This way, you can almost hold hands a few times.

"Proactive?" Fat man sincerely asked.

Carl smiled slightly proudly: "Well, take the initiative, don't be afraid to lose face! My father once told me a story, and a hunter happened to find a rabbit hit on a stump, so he stood there every day and waited The next rabbit came here and was killed. As a result, you can also imagine that if you want to reap love, the boy must take the initiative. Do you still expect the goddess of luck to take care of you, which girl hit you in your arms? "

Watching such a beautiful and peaceful "girl" eloquently talked about the boys 'pursuit of girls' skills, Downey felt what was called incoordination and what was called violation, and quickly interrupted Carl's words: "You seem to be very experience?"

Carr raised his head slightly and looked into the sky: "Of course, I have experience!"

He seemed to be afraid they didn't believe it. He paused, "Do you need me to show?"

The fat man looked forward and nodded eagerly, but Downey rushed out and said, "Forget it, there was an experimental accident, and we have to wait for the college to deal with it."

"Yeah ..." Karl's expression faded again, his head lowered as if looking for an ant on the ground.

The fat man also woke up: "Then I'll go out and circulate the press release and go back to the bedroom to talk about it.


呃 "Uh, which bedroom are you from? What's your name?" Donny asked puzzledly.

Fatty: "..."

Then he sighed: "Forget it, I will never have the opportunity to take the initiative before solving this problem ..."

Uh ...

The city of the sky, the magic tower of Aringe.

Heidi's appearance is almost the same as that of more than 20 years ago. She still has long linen hair, a baby face, and a few playful freckles. The only difference is that the badge on her chest has become the black silver star. Magic badges and nine black ring magic badges on silver background. There are also a few shiny rings on hand, Holm crown ring with light blue gems, Evans Arcane award ring with translucent crystals, and adventures on the go. The harvest is a proud product of its own refinement.

女士 "Madam, today's" Impression of Arlinge "is here." Heidi's little finger on the left hand of the simple ring with silver and white shimmering suddenly made a sweet voice, "Need to read?"

Heidi took up the black tea and took a sip: "Okay."

There was a fascinating red light on the ring, and then gathered together, launched in front of Heidi, showing an illusion of publication.

Heidi holds a red tea cup with white glazed porcelain in his left hand, and gently clicks the "light curtain" in front of his right hand, so the "books" flip.

"Misery, the worst accident in twenty-one years ..." Heidi read the headline of this news, then raised her lips, and smiled "turning" to the corresponding page number.

"Hahaha." She lay on the table with a smile on her face, "Thanks to my constant interest in Lu Xiaoxi's interest in body structure and genetic factors, otherwise this little guy would come to the Atomic Institute and the teacher would be grateful. I!"

Uh ...

Hedler Academy of Magic, the magic tower that seems to connect with the pale sky.

Principal Principal Shanghla was holding a golden bizarre earpiece and said in a unique, indifferent hoarse voice of the Lich: "We decided to drop Blaze out of school, this is the source of danger."

A steady and majestic male voice came out of the earpiece: "I don't agree with your decision."

Lu Xianggla silently said: "This caused the worst accident since the establishment of the college."

The male voice calmly calmly said, "Before that, did I officially inform you about Blaze? Did I tell you that a high-level magician must watch?"

但这 "But it's inside a higher-level magic tower," Shangela explained.

The man said solemnly, "This is your problem."

"This is your attitude?" Shangra's voice grew colder and colder, and he was treated by a young man in this tone. As the Master, he naturally felt a little dissatisfied.

The male voice smiled slightly, and then solemnly said, "Yes, this is my attitude. Of course, I can be responsible for the loss of the experimental tower, but I must take back the treatment of Blaze, and have no other choice."

"I will draw up a list." Now that the man has made concessions, Shangra no longer insists, and the atmosphere is eased by homeopathy.

"OK, the list goes directly to Blaze." The male voice said angrily.

Uh ...

要 "Yes, you have to pay so many coins?" Carl looked at the list in front of him with a heartache.

Shangla said coldly: "Yes, either compensation or drop out, you choose, of course, your brother will give you money first, and he told me to tell you that you have to get the future income from the fiefdoms such as the Duchy of Vaurit and your Little Treasury also returned him ~ ~ This is the first step in growth, called 'responsible'. "

Carl seemed to be crying: "I, I am compensated."

He lowered his head, and returned to the bedroom as if the world was about to be destroyed. He said nothing and lay directly in bed to sleep. This made both Downey and Sami, who were accustomed to the constant sound of his voice, quite uncomfortable.

Fortunately, they also knew the results of the college's treatment, so they did not mistakenly believe that Carl was going to be fired.

睡觉 "Sleep, Mr. Felipe will have an open class tomorrow," Donny said to Sammy frantically.

Sami nodded, during which time he seemed to become more and more debilitated.

Uh ...

Dark red eyes, the breath of death ...

Donnie sat up, panting, and this nightmare again!

Suddenly, he felt something wrong, and looked sideways to the bed, and through the faint light outside the window, saw Sammy's eyes standing tightly closed, and the ghost behind him completely overlapped with his body.

Then, Sami walked out stiffly and strangely.

Donny was about to call him out loud, but his mouth was covered, and Carl's voice rang: "Don't shout, call him now, maybe Sami's soul will disappear forever, let's follow it."

Downey was shocked and frightened, and vaguely felt that Karl's tone was eager to try. (To be continued "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 为 嗨 而 生". If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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