MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 17 1 weird "adventure"

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Sammy's joints seemed to be rusty and stiff, and his posture was strange, but his speed was not slow, he quickly walked to the door, opened the bedroom door, and walked into the corridor with only the yellow street lights outside. in.

"Let's check it out." Carl repeated, and then slumped behind Sammy like a black cheetah.

Countless thoughts tumbling in Downey's mind. For the first time, he couldn't figure out the situation, but he couldn't rest assured that his friend had to follow Carl and hung Sammy from a distance.

After walking for dozens of seconds, Sammy with her eyes closed entered the stairwell and half-jumped downstairs, but he was beating, but silent, as if each staircase became very soft.

This weirdness coupled with the gloomy and gloomy scene in the stairwell made Donny erected his hair and whispered to Carl: "He doesn't seem to be conscious and only knows how to move instinctively, otherwise he would choose an elevator."

Their dormitory is on the second floor of the "Tower of Life". There are elevators leading to the hall, basement and other floors. Therefore, the stairwell is rarely used, so much that the magic chandelier has been destroyed and left unattended.

Carr looked at Sammy around the corner of the staircase, and suddenly a voice sounded in Donny's mind: "Maybe he didn't want to choose an elevator ..."

Donnie was startled. Where did this voice come from?

"We can talk directly in our hearts, without saying a word ..." Carl said again.

Donnie thought suddenly, this is the effect of a certain jewelry on him? It is indeed a teenager with a large background!

Suddenly, he stunned 愣: "Unwilling to choose? Do you mean that Sammy has been manipulated?"

"Not necessarily. Maybe something is calling him, or maybe it's just instinctual action like you said." Carl's eyes narrowed slightly and he walked tiptoes.

In the staircase, two magic chandeliers were broken by one and a half, the light was suddenly on and off, and there was a feeling of horror. Downey said solemnly and fluently: "Then let us report to the teacher and let them be formal magicians to deal with it. "

He refers to the caretaker of the "Tower of Life".

In the change of light and shadow, Carl's fair and delicate face was stained with a gloom: "No. If Sammy is only a special sleepwalk caused by a ghost. Then we can deal with it ourselves, and asking the teacher to" scare "him instead. If he is really being manipulated, this is the Heidler School of Magic. It is under the control of the magic lock everywhere. As long as there are spell fluctuations or other movements. The magic lock will immediately have an induction. At that time, the guard of the magic lock will be guarded. The advanced mage must have time to stop. "

After years of development. In the medical field of the Necromancy department, a complete set of classification methods has been established for diseases, and many common diseases that have been shrouded in strange colors have been named.

He turned to look at Downey. Silver Purple's eyes were a little nervous, and he was a little excited, curious, and eager to try: "Do you not want to experience an adventure without any danger? You don't want to deal with this on your own. Matter? Maybe the last place Sami went to was a treasure trove of treasures, enough to dominate a country ... "

The magnetic voice kept echoing in Downey's heart. Although the words were not concise, it seemed to contain some kind of irresistible and irresistible power, which successfully inspired Downey's desire and made him nod subconsciously, and Together, Carl moved forward.

What is He calling?

一样 Is it like me?

Donnie wondered slightly, as if he had been dominated by Carl, and walked out of the "Tower of Life" together.

Although there is no difference between day and night in the Necropolis, it is always monotonous black and white and gray, but in the locks of the Heidler School of Magic, there are different shades of light, so that apprentices who have not yet become formal mages can go to sleep smoothly, so, After stepping out of the "Tower of Life", Downey only felt quiet and dark all around, and the bottom of the huge magic tower was everywhere. If he looked up, he would see a spider-like overpass and a dead "sky". No There are no stars in Silver Moon.

The college at night seemed extremely cold and the breeze was blowing. Downey couldn't help but shivered and looked around without seeing the shadow of a living creature.

别 "Don't lose it," Carl reminded him.

Donny nodded rather scaredly and nervously, hearing the excitement hidden in Carl's voice.

In such quiet and cold and darkness, the three people bypassed the magic towers and approached the front door of the college one by two.

The entire Heidler Academy is like a city composed of magic towers. The periphery is a tall, sturdy, long wall. The so-called gate is a gray-white light curtain that is tens of meters high and ten meters wide. The magic pattern is filled with a strong sense of death.

Seeing that Sammy's eyes were closed and his face muscles twisted, he stopped in front of the main door. Downey was half-suffocated and half-suspected in the conversation, "Did Sammy want to go outside the college?"

"Probably, maybe, maybe, anyway, we have been following along, and we will definitely find something interesting, I will tell you, once, I took my brother to an ancient tomb in the middle of the night ..." Carl's voice became more excited, but he Dong Laxi's remarks didn't distract him, and he kept his eyes fixed on Sammy.

Donnie said strangely, "Sammy can't get out. The main door is closed. What's going to happen? Let's find a way to wake him up? Or wait for him to go back to his bedroom?"

As soon as the words fell, his eyes bulged, and saw Sami stretch out his right hand and press it lightly on the light curtain of the main entrance. Then, with his palm as the center, a wave of waves rippled around. And devour him all.

出 "Come out, get out, get out ..." Donny stuttered, what about the defensive effect of the lock? What about the senior mentor who cares for the center?

"Hold up, or you won't be able to get through!" Carl didn't care about him, took his right hand by one hand, and the magic steam train rushed towards the slowly shrinking vortex.

Downey only felt a huge force coming, and he "flyed" towards the main entrance, as if he was thrown away by a bull when he was a child.

He has more strength than I thought!

The feeling of cold and wetness came, and all the colors in front of Downey's eyes faded. Only black, white and misty gray paint everything.

His pupils reflected the graves, and the black tombstones in front of the graves were all obliquely inserted.

Come soon!

Come soon!

Come soon!

Donny's heart beating suddenly, and once again had the sense of being called in previous nightmares, his footsteps moved uncontrollably, following Sammy in front of him towards the center of the "Eternal Sleeping Graveyard".

Danger! It's the core of the "return to life ceremony", it must be dangerous!

We have gone out of the main gate and entered the necrotic realm. In the event of an accident, the instructors have no time to rescue!

No, I ca n’t follow up!

Downey's instinct for survival gave him a quick decision. Shouted loudly. Trying to get the college's attention.

Alas, his call didn't arouse even a little sound, and it was still frozen all around.

Here is the Necropolis, this is the Necropolis that can't make a sound below the legend!

He wants to cast spells. Create big movements. But under that call. He couldn't concentrate at all, he could only listen in horror as his heartbeat sounded faster and faster, watching his footsteps move uncontrollably. Feeling the desire inside is getting stronger and stronger.

"Carr, it's dangerous ahead, find a mentor." He tried to remind him through spiritual communication.

Carr stared intently at the front, and smiled indifferently: "Afraid, 'the cemetery of eternal sleep' is part of the lock ..."

Downey talked about his dreams over and over again, but Carl was still not nervous, and continued to follow Sammy.

Until the "familiar" giant tomb appeared in Downey's eyes, he desperately gave up his persuasion and obeyed the calling and inner desire to move forward with Carl.

米 Sami in front didn't pause, and went directly to the tomb, which was half-covered by the door. Carl paused for a moment, and then followed.

Tomb gate, martyr, floor tiles ... exactly the same as in Downey's "memory", but just a corner, he was startled, and saw a team of mummy wrapped in "grey" cloth came over!

There was no guard in the nightmare before!

Downey's heart jumped out of his chest fiercely, feeling desperate. You know, the worst mummy also has the level of a formal knight, and the mummy in front of him is horrible. Obviously not an ordinary mummy.

He stepped back subconsciously, feeling Carl's presence for a moment, and saw his silver-purple eyes become sharp, and his expression was abnormally solemn.

Yes, he has dragon-like power and powerful accessories, should he be able to block the mummy?

But the mummy team didn't bother them and walked directly beside them without any movement.

怎么 "How can this be?" Downey murmured to himself in confusion. The danger just made him concentrate and prepare for the spell, and he almost launched an attack on the mummy. Who knows, the mummy didn't seem to see them!

"It's weird," Carl said in a rare, concise manner.

"Yeah, it's strange. When did you have the talent to be ignored?" The voice of a male duck suddenly sounded.

谁 "Who!" Donny was startled again, when was there someone behind him?

The fat man said helplessly: "I came with you ..."

Donnie took out the notebook he took with him and flipped through the above records (whenever he encounters a fat man who is familiar with him, he is regarded as roommate Jones), and smiled bitterly: "Don't follow this without moving next time."

"I didn't ..." The fat man was aggrieved.

"Let's go." The tension in Karl's voice was even more pronounced, but so was the excitement.

Along the martyrdom, they continued their journey. Along the way, they met a floating ghost, a dragon lich with a pale flame beating in their eyes, and strange and undead creatures made up of countless pieces of meat, but they all faced Tang. Nepal and others turned a blind eye, as if the two sides were in different worlds!

There is the main tomb in front of you. Downey wondered strangely. After entering, is there really that horrible undead, undead composed of countless intelligent life? Can it also see itself and others?

At this stage, he can no longer control his "sound of calling", and Karl and Jones seem to be overwhelmed by curiosity.

Pushing the door of the main cemetery down, Donny's pupils suddenly shrank, because Sammy was standing in front of the huge black coffin ~ ~ facing himself and others, his eyes closed, and the corners of his mouth were strange smile.

"Sammy!" Donny blurted out, but couldn't make a sound.

Suddenly, the cover of the coffin behind Sammy was flipped open, and the black gas rose, and the terrible undead in the nightmare appeared in Downey's eyes again.

He is taller than a giant, more secretive than stitching a corpse, and more pure than the undead world ... the eyes of this undead creature suddenly opened, the dark red flames jumped out, and the rich death came to the world.

Downey's body was cold and paralyzed, and it was intuitively felt that Carr and Jones were the same, but Sammy seemed unaffected and rushed into the coffin.

The tomb chamber shook violently, and there was a dark abyss underneath the coffin, which could not see the bottom. It seemed to be hiding something inexplicable and something difficult to touch.

The puppet swelled in darkness, while the upper coffin and undead pressed firmly on it.

有 What's there?

Downey's consciousness gradually blurred.


Donny turned up and sat up, panting heavily, gasping in amazement all around, okay, still in the bedroom! Fortunately, it's just a dream!

But his breathing stopped suddenly, because he found that Sammy, Carl, and Jones were all like himself, breathing fast, and sweating all over his head!