MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 2 shadow

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"It's like seeing a ghost." With a low, murmuring sound outside the door, the door creaked open, and a boy with messy hair walked in. His eyelids were swollen, and his blue eyes were bloodshot, as if It's been a long time since I took a good rest.

Behind him, a pale and vague figure clinged to him, his feet away from the ground, and fluttered forward. As it appeared, the entire bedroom suddenly became cold, as if it had returned to early spring from late evening. In the early morning, people shuddered.

Donny shuddered and hurriedly put on the long gown that came off: "Sammy, I see the ghost behind you every day, and I'm still afraid of ghosts? Besides, what evil spirits are there, those who belong to the dead The teacher must be laughing and catching her. "

This is the disadvantage of the magic school. There is no space for ghost legends. Unlike general education schools, there are often similar stories. For example, a girl was hanged in a laboratory, so when she was doing experiments there alone at night, Often, you will encounter inexplicable loss of experimental materials, or urgently needed materials that are far away from you will suddenly appear at hand.

Of course, there are also legends in magic schools. For example, it is rumored that the gloomy old mage who cares about the dissection room will often conduct research on living people, so that he will live there all year round without going out, so that he will refuse anyone to approach his room so fiercely.

Sami yawned: "Why are you so miserable? You are a good apprentice in the top 20 of our grade."

The ghost's hands behind him suddenly stretched like rubber bands, grabbed the water cup and water bottle, poured a full glass and fed it to Sami's mouth.

"No matter how good the apprentice is, with so many formulas, equations, concepts, principles, magic runes, and spell models, I will feel that my head will explode, even if it is just the simplest and simplest study." Downey rubbed his forehead , Secretly muttered in my heart, especially that so many theories, formulas, equations, constants and models are prefixed with Lucian or Evans, how can it not be so annoying that you want to travel to the past to kill that lord, to avoid These tortures appear.

Thinking of this, Downey sighed: "And I don't have the 'Awake Necklace', nor the 'Energy Ring', and unlike you, you have a back spirit by nature. Le Magic Academy is scheduled, for me, everything can only be on its own, and failure is not allowed. In the long run, it will always be tired and irritable. "

He knows his mental condition quite well.

Sami bowed his head and sipped, and yawned again without image: "You have a good grasp of psychoanalysis in the field of illusions, and this kind of depression is just fine."

Then he fell lazily on his bed, his eyes closed, and said vaguely: "The spirit behind is very troublesome. It will draw your energy, affect your state, and ... will make girls afraid to approach you. If during the rule of truth theology, I would be tied directly to the torture rack ... If it were not for my natural soul and my special place of birth, it would be difficult for the spirit behind to be removed without harming myself. I ... ... "

He talked and said, he fell asleep, breathing lightly, if there was nothing, and the back spirit was lying under him, hugging him tightly.

Donny glanced at his roommate and sighed softly. I hate you for being disgusted. Anyway, if you become a formal mage in the future, those female magicians will not be afraid of the spirit behind.

听 He heard that Samidi had turned out to be a twin, but because the mother was physically damaged near the gap in the necropolis, one of the babies died when he was finally born.

Having settled down, Downey recovered his calmness, set aside the review of "Introduction to Arcane Basics" and "History of Arcane and Magic," and focused on practicing the analysis of spell models.

Tomorrow, I should have a sober necklace too!

Uh ...

As the arduous and weird curse sounded and a little bit of crystal-cold powder slipped off, a icy transmission line wrapped around the cold hit, and a thick layer of frost froze on the target, just in the throat.

Downey looked at his achievements with satisfaction, and quietly thanked His Excellency Evans. Since he had initially explored the essence of magic, many of the effects of mantras have been analyzed, so they have been simplified a lot accordingly, otherwise he is unlikely Quickly hit a "frost ray".

"Okay, today's spell practice is over." The teacher in charge of practical magic guidance clapped his hands to signal the end of today's lesson.

Donnie quickly stopped, put away the casting materials, greeted Sami, who seemed to be awake forever, and hurried to the platform outside the school.

Today is Sunday, and there is no class in the afternoon.

After nearly forty minutes, the 36 public transport bus arrived at Kaixuan Avenue, and Downey quickly walked into the "Knowledge Bookstore".

"Good afternoon, sir." Downey greeted him, then hesitated to know what to say.

The owner with a pair of owl-like eyes and a dark yellow beard laughed and said, "Good afternoon, I came on time. I am ready for the sober necklace and contract."

As he said, he took out a light golden necklace, and on the necklace, five light blue stones the size of gravel were set, they exuded a faint coolness, as if there was a Wang Qingquan inside, and each other's position It just happens to be a mutant pentagram.

"It's a formal magic item-level 'awake necklace' ..." Although he hasn't yet learned the appraisal technique, Downey also took a basic alchemy appraisal course in school. Such obvious fluctuation characteristics made him recognize this at a glance. The true grade of the necklace became excited and confused. His Excellency Evans once said that in most cases, gifts are conspiracy hidden for no reason, whether it is good or bad.

My boss touched his beard and smiled, "Just rent it to you, not to you."

"Actually, I am a very utilitarian person. I do good deeds in order to get rewards. Although I rent them to you cheaply now, but in the future, after you become a formal magician, if I have something to ask for your help, within my ability, you will Do n’t you promise? I am equivalent to a long-term investment, an investment that does not harm my interests at all. "

With the improvement of infrastructure such as roads and rails, and the popularization of similar things promoted by magic cars, magic steam trains, steam giant ships, aircrafts, and small fission devices, the exchange of goods everywhere has become more convenient, and the banking industry has also flourished. Many innovations.

Hearing the boss ’s answer, Downey was relieved. Although he was still a little puzzled that he seemed quite optimistic about himself, he did n’t care too much about investing. He was originally looking at the relationship between people and connections, so he quickly picked up The contract next to it looked carefully.

According to the key points of the contract in the magic school, Downey reviewed them one by one. The contract was very simple and there was no difference at all, so Downey quickly reached a conclusion. He bit his teeth and picked up his quill to sign his own. real name.

A little light flame came out, burning the contract quickly, but at the same time two copies were printed.

"Contract is established, take this necklace." The boss passed down the necklace to Downey.

After Downey took control of the necklace according to the standard procedure, he wore it directly on his neck, and immediately felt a coolness flowing through his body. The restlessness and depression of many days were swept away, unprecedentedly refreshing and comfortable.

唐 "Donnie." The boss suddenly said, "Which Magic Academy are you going to apply for in the Unified Entrance Examination for Advanced Magic Schools? Holt? High Tower? Heidler? Or something else?"

At present, there are nine higher magic schools in the entire magic council. Among them, Holt College is better than micro, element and other fields, High Tower is better than macro, such as astrology and cosmology, and Heidler College is better than necromancy, genetics, medical and other fields. However, different colleges apply for different content, so students will choose the college they want to apply for more than one month before the "Uniform Entrance Examination" to facilitate the final examination arrangement.

Downey has to answer Holt College subconsciously, because this is the first high school of the parliament. The Arcanist who teaches is powerful, knowledgeable, and longer than the most wonderful and most involved microscopic field of the world and the nature of magic. Who does n’t yearn for it it?

But when he looked at the boss's owl-like eyes, he suddenly thought of the painful feelings of last night. Those equations and formulas that are complicated to make people die just by a rough understanding, and those who make people dizzy want to kill. The mathematical model introduced that the "curses" prefixed by Lucian or Evans made him irritable and hateful from the heart.

As soon as he thought of going deeper into the "Evans realm" in the future, he felt that his life was dark and he couldn't see any sunshine.

我 "I, I haven't made up my mind yet. I originally wanted to apply for Holt College, but the others seemed to be good. I was good at every course." Downey answered vaguely.

Boss Bo laughed and sighed again: "I'm actually a magician ~ ~ entered the magical world under the influence of the Arcane and Magic Herald."

"I used to ambitiously want to make huge and proud achievements in the microscopic field. After all, His Excellency Evans just established the framework, and there are still many details and foundations that have not been thoroughly studied. Unfortunately, I will wait for my in-depth study and research. Then I found out that in this field, only those truly talented arcanists can move forward. People like me can only learn mediocrely, and it is difficult to even follow. "

"What's more terrible is that in order to concentrate on theoretical research, I completely ignored the application of magic, so that my strength stagnated, and I early withdrew from the team heading to the pyramid tower. I could only open such a bookstore to pass the time. "

Donny stunned: "Sir, why not switch your research direction?"

"I'm trying to develop in the direction of the dead, but the foundation is not strong and my mind is set, everything is very difficult." The boss said nothing more, signaled that Downey could leave.

Downey walked on the street in a haunting mood. His mind was filled with the words of his boss and his previous thoughts. This gradually became a thought. I don't want to be shrouded in the halo of His Excellency Evans. Don't be entangled by the complicated formulas and equations. In your life, do n’t think about Lucien or Evans every day or even in your dreams ...

Jain, what are the areas where there is no "shadow" of His Excellency Evans?

(To be continued, "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @w 苏 颜 [I know it is like this, like a dream]". If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support, Is my greatest motivation.)

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