MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 3 "Magic Claw"

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When Downey was back to school, it was a long time before the evening class, so he walked into his bedroom steadily and thought about the question just now.レ m ♠ 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ

"Why did you come back?" Sami was holding a fried chicken, sitting, watching a home TV inlaid on the wall, occasionally laughed at by the funny program above, rare jīng trembled, and behind him The ghost was lying lazily on him, unwilling to move.

Downey replied casually: "I didn't tell you that? I'm going to the Triumph Square to get the sober necklace."

Sami scratched his messy hair, not paying too much attention to the truth: "The sun is too intense at noon, I am in a state of extreme desire to sleep, how can I remember what you said ..."

Having said that, the handsome boy turned his head and looked at Downey: "Wait, you said 'awake necklace'? Have you saved enough money to buy a 'awake necklace'?"

Then he noticed the point.

Downey smiled with a mockery: "How could it be enough? Our apprentice and apprentice arcanist subsidies are so small, and the junior magic school does not have as many scholarships as the academy. I came across one Kind bookstore owner ... "

He probably said it again.

Sami nodded lightly. There was no doubt about Downey's encounter. He had rarely thought deeply about other things except arcane and magic. I wondered whether it was due to the limited force of jīng or the problem of xìng.

After listening to Downey's words, Sammy turned his head and continued to watch TV. At this time, the funny program has ended and entered the advertisement. A beautiful girl is showing her simple and beautiful dresses-due to the increase of alchemy workshops The changes in the living environment and social structure, represented by the alchemy center Rantat, have greatly changed the cháo flow of clothing, and have developed in two trends, one is more concise and more convenient clothing, and the other is More complicated and bizarre banquet attire.

And Downey was not strange about Sammy's condition, sometimes stood up, sometimes sat, and sometimes lay down to think about choosing the Academy of Magic.

After a long time, Downey couldn't help his mind, so he coughed, "Sammy, I want to ask you something."

Sammy turned his head again, and there was already a little exhaustion between the gods: "What is it?"

"I'm thinking about choosing the Academy of Magic." Downey whispered.

Sammy frowned doubtfully: "Don't you want to go to Holt long ago? Don't you study the most wonderful and deepest microcosm?"

"I ... don't want to. In the microcosm, almost half of the formulas and equations are prefixed with Evans or Lucien, and they are very complicated. As soon as I see them, I can't help but resist and hate ..." Downey elaborated his thoughts frankly, at the end, "I want to study relatively simple, there are not so many fields of formulas and equations, and I, I don't want to keep doing a nightmare called 'Lucien? Evans' ... What advice do you have? "

Sami tilted his head, took a sip of fried chicken, and made no comment on Downey's idea of ​​escaping, saying directly: "The microcosm now contains elements, electromagnetics, alchemy, light and dark, and some force fields. It is His Excellency Evans. The "main battlefield" is the system he built in the first hand. If you don't want to study it, you can only go to the macro astrology ... "

Speaking of the word "astrology", he turned his gaze and cast it on the bookshelf in the corner of the dormitory, where there was a book that had not been returned from the library, and the textbooks they had accumulated over the past five years.

"Overview of Special Relativity and General Relativity", "Evans's Analysis of Destiny and Starry Sky", "Divination and the Evans Essential Model", "Lucian Astrology" ... The title of this book jumped into Sammy's eyes, Let him err: "... Astrology is not enough, it is also the" territory "of His Excellency Evens. Although" the situation "is not as serious as the microscopic field, I heard that the Evans field equation alone has caused many astrologers. The headache is going crazy. "

"Yes, the Ice and Snow Heat factions are almost the same ..." Downey rubbed his forehead distressedly. "At present, Lord Evans is the only one who is less affected by necromancy, illusion, metamorphosis, and summoning. I do n’t like summoning. Can choose from the three major factions of necromancy, illusion and metamorphosis. "

As soon as Sammy's eyes lighted, he stopped and sent the fried chicken to his mouth: "Aren't you good at psychoanalysis in the field of illusion? Report it to the" Wizard's Tower. "

"Psychoanalysis ..." Downey's expression was a joy first, then he looked at the bookshelf as if remembering something.

"Interpretation of Dreams" by: Lannister? Stanislas, Lucian? Evans ...

"Behavioral psychology", Author: Lucien? Evans, Erica? Lavigne, Isabella ...

"Personality defects, mental yīn shadow and sixteen kinds of methods corresponding to the real illusion", Author: Lucien? Evans ...

"Application of Lucian Personality Analysis in Illusion" ...


Downey yanked his gaze, patted the bed with his right hand, and lowered his head in frustration: "No, although there are not so many formulas and equations, they are still full of 'Lucien' and 'Evans'. Many definitions were made by His Excellency Evans ... "

Why are there strong traces of Him in almost every field?

Although this is much better than the micro and macro fields, Lucien's results are only a small part of the more basic things, but for Downey who wants to escape subconsciously, he still looks shocking and can't bear to look directly.

The ghost behind Sammy began to become active, constantly ingesting the surrounding trinkets to play with, while Sammy became stubborn and weakly said: "Then there is only the necromancy and the deformation, and these two factions have almost no The work of His Excellency Evans, in addition to the lack of details of the theory of the nature of the soul, the basic theory of deformation, and the experiment of the origin of life that is more biased towards the element system. "

"Regardless of which area of ​​the two major factions, Necromancy and Metamorphosis, requires a detailed understanding of the physical structure of different creatures, so apply to Heidler College. The anatomy and magical biological structure here are the strongest in the entire council. Occasionally Mr. Felipe and others came to give lectures or guidance in person, and we can continue to be classmates again. "

His jīng **** became very poor, but when he said this sentence, his eyes were scorching, because of the spirit behind him, he was scared and hated by his childhood. The original four-person bedroom was scared only by Tang. Ney is a tough or blunt guy, so he cherishes this rare friend.

"Dead ... deformed ... anatomy ... biological structure ..." Downey repeated these words, his eyes suddenly flashed: "Although we probably know the magic and the reality of the world, we actually don't know much Many, even their own body structure and genetic factors have not yet been clarified, and the research on the body has not made progress in xìng. This is a field full of hope and passion! "

He became a little excited.

Sami drowsily laughed: "Apply to Heidler College, there are dozens of pioneers and authorities in the field of anatomy and genetics, such as Mr. Felipe, who pay attention and occasionally guide."

He paused: "Also, since Mr. Felipe won the Evans Arcane Award and the Throne of Immortal Throne for his discovery of dyeing the body, there has been no breakthrough in this field. In the previous accumulation, your Excellency and Mr. got one Evans Magic Award and one Medical Award respectively, so the heat has been decreasing year by year. There are no more people applying for the exam, and the competition is relatively less intense. "

Downey nodded while listening, more and more excited and excited, as if he had found a way to fight for his life.

He stood up, paced back and forth, occasionally clenched his fists and waved slightly, sometimes his expression was sometimes joyful, sometimes agitated, sometimes twisted. After a while, he took a deep breath, his voice trembling slightly but firmly: "Sami , I decided to apply to Heidler College to apply for the area of ​​body structure and genetic factors in the Department of Necrosis! "

After saying this, he felt he didn't hesitate and hesitate anymore. The haze disappeared in front of him, and his eyes turned to Sammy, only to find he was holding the fried chicken, leaning diagonally against the bedside, his eyes closed tightly, Already in a deep sleep, the ghost behind him waving his arms seemed to rejoice in Downey's decision.


A week later, the teacher Slinton sent out a form with magical contractual power, and looked at the students seriously: "Please fill in the college and approximate field you want to apply for, so that you can be scheduled to take the test. Note, Be sure to think clearly before filling in! You can also ask for a new word if you have written the wrong word, but after you have completed it, the contract will be established and you will not have a chance to repent, unless you voluntarily downgrade and wait to take the unified entrance exam next year. "

Having thought about it clearly, Downey took the form calmly, and took a subconscious look at the classmates around him. I saw the beautiful jīng spirit with two pointed ears, the tall werewolf, the lizard man and the scales everywhere. Other normal humans are in deep thought, struggling slightly, and seem to have made no final determination.

He smiled, picked up a special quill, stained with magic ink, and calmly wrote down his college and direction.

Slinton saw Donny, a good apprentice, struggling to finish the book, and quickly completed the form. He was curious in his heart, and walked to him to pick up the form to watch.

"Heidler College, Necromancy, Body Structure and Genetic Factors ..." Slinton touched his white beard and wondered, "Donnie, do you know anything? Didn't you prefer the microcosm before? How? Suddenly transferred to the Necropolis? "

"What do you know ..." Downey shook his head blankly.

Slington laughed: "In the past six months, a manuscript has sparked extensive and heated discussions among Aringe, and many arcane masters in the microscopic field have become very strong in the genetic field of the Necromancy. I changed my research direction, and I thought it would spread to magic schools and ordinary people for at least a year. "

With the development of society and the increase in radio, television, and newspapers, entertainment-oriented programs and content have completely gained the upper hand, and the popularity of arcane knowledge and the current research cháo flow have gradually decreased. Even if there are, they are also exploring adventure. For most ordinary people, after passing through the initial freshness period, those profound arcane knowledge need not be understood at all, let's wait for them to be the corresponding alchemy products.

Nobles and some magicians are very satisfied with this situation, and even secretly contribute to the situation ~ ~ After all, it is naturally good to reduce competitors, especially Star Trek is still limited to the time of legend.

"Mr. Slington, what manuscript?" Downey was still in a daze.

Slinton grinned with his white beard and said, "A manuscript that analyzes the body and heredity from the perspective of microcosm authority. It abandoned many of the research ideas of the Necromancy and directly used the body and heredity as an arcane system. Treated, and then used various theories in the microscopic field to analyze, put forward many bold and genius conjectures, such as genetic quantum theory explanation, genetic code, etc., which aroused the high interest of the Arcanists on the microscopic structure of the body and think deeply."

Authority, authority in the microscopic field ... Donny felt that the magic crystal lamp had become dim, and a huge shadow of yīn rose from the back, and asked, sirly, "Teacher, what is the name of this manuscript? Whose work is it?"

"This manuscript is called" What is Life "," Slington smiled. "Well, the author, of course, His Excellency Evans."

Boom, Downey's head buzzed, as if hit by a sledgehammer.

Why, why even have his "claw" here? (To be continued.)

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