MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 68

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103 A Wave of Fat, Golden Armored Corpse

Without thinking too much, Ye Chen stepped forward.

The kilometer-long stone platform is not completely blank. A long mural was carved on it,

The colorful pigments are combined with the relief, revealing a sense of long history.

The beginning of the mural is a vast prairie with cattle and sheep grazing and nothing else.

Ye Chen kept looking back, and gradually some small tribes appeared here, living in this land,

Later, it gradually grew stronger, but tribes and tribes also started wars with each other,

It is no accident that the small ones are swallowed up and merged by the big ones, until a small tribe is targeted by the big tribe,

Among them was born a great leader, who is more than other characters portrayed in the murals,

To be taller and more burly, with a little light all over your body,

Ye Chen thought that this should be to highlight the ancestors of the Chechen Khan tribe!

The result was indeed like this. The leader led the tribe to defeat one tribe after another that was much stronger than them.

As for how to tell that they are stronger than them, it can be seen from the number of people and weapons in the war on the murals,

The leader defeated these tribes, and did not choose to enslave each other all at once,

And merging them, a new tribe was born, mighty as it were,

With his own family emblem and totem, the leader named it "Chechen Khan",

Then it is hunting some irrelevant content, which fully embodies the bravery of tribal warriors,

The last bit of murals is the climax of the content. The leader is getting old, but he seems to have received the inspiration from the Longevity Heaven.

He stood on a high mountain and looked up to the sky. A pair of giant eyes were drawn in the sky staring at him.

Some holy lights were painted around with colorful paints, and finally groups of slaves appeared on the holy mountain and began to dig!

The mural ended here, and Ye Chen watched the whole process. He didn't know if it was Changshengtian's instruction.

However, the ancients generally liked to myth themselves in this way, and used it to rule the people below.

Without thinking too much, Ye Chen jumped to the first stone platform with the largest area and the most coffins.

With slight footsteps, he came to a pure gold coffin, and with a wave of his hand, the coffin disappeared in place.

As for why not get out the bones inside, on the one hand, Ye Chen felt that it was too troublesome to waste time,

On the other hand, if such intact coffins of ethnic minorities are auctioned in later generations, will the price be higher?

As his figure kept appearing and disappearing again and again, the number of coffins on the first floor gradually decreased.

After half a cup of tea, the seventy or eighty coffins originally placed on the stone platform on the first floor disappeared completely.

Immediately afterwards, his figure appeared on the second floor. The pure gold coffin on this floor was obviously larger and heavier than that on the third floor.

But the number is also less, so it didn't take long for Ye Chen to reach the third floor.

Looking at the huge golden coffin placed in the center, tears flowed from the corners of Ye Chen's mouth,

This layer is estimated to be the owner of the mural, the leader who established the Chechen Khan tribe,

If there is no accident, his identity is "Master〧ˇLei", and Ye Chen also knows a little bit about his deeds.

Sensing bursts of corpse aura emanating from the inside and outside of the coffin, Ye Chen kicked it unceremoniously,


The coffin lid was lifted off by a huge force, flipped dozens of times in the air and fell to the tomb bricks under the stone platform.

The pure gold coffin lid and the Tibetan silver tomb bricks collided and were smashed to pieces, and a deep pit appeared on the ground.

When Ye Chen saw it, he blamed himself, blaming him for using too much strength, the value will be depreciated now!

"Ho! Ho Ho!"

A voice that resembled a beast but not a beast appeared from inside the coffin,

In fact, as early as when Ye Chen first entered the interior of this mountain,

"Shuo Lei" discovered the aura of a living person, but because this aura was too powerful,

It has only been dormant until now, and even if it feels that its "subordinates" are disappearing one by one, it dare not go out to stop it!

But this abominable living person actually bullied the corpse too much, and directly kicked the roof off it! Can a corpse be tolerated or unbearable!

A golden rice dumpling that seemed to be made of pure gold stood out from the coffin!

Shuo Lei: (Flying Zombie-Mutated Golden Armored Corpse)

Force: 100

Speed: 110

Note: Due to its unique fate, it absorbs a large amount of gold energy after death and mutates into a golden armored corpse.

Note: Incomparable strength, King Kong is not bad, **** blood through the air, disturb the mind, fly with the wind for a short time, etc.

Ye Chen saw the mutated zongzi's eyes shine, is this golden armored corpse pure gold?

The portraits made of pure gold are still so lifelike and lifelike. This must not be sold for several hundred million?

The golden armored corpse looked suspiciously at the threatening living person in front of him, seeing that he did not move,

So he took the lead to make a move, and the roaring sound of piercing the air continued, every time he made a move, it seemed that the air would be torn apart,

".ˇPapa, bang!"

The surrounding tomb bricks and stone platforms were shattered, and the smoke formed by the shattering instantly permeated the entire stone platform on the third floor.

The golden armored corpse attacked Ye Chen's previous location for about half a cup of tea.

Fearing that it would be unsafe, he used his golden nails to pull out a few boulders from the stone platform on the ground and threw them over.

"Swoosh, boom!"

It seems that bombs have been detonated, forming larger dust!

It was because the previous living people put too much pressure on it, facing him, the golden armored corpse could feel the whole body trembling,

It's like facing a natural enemy!

Gradually, the dust floating in the air dissipated, and pitted gravel appeared on the stone platform.

Then (Zhao Lehao) there is no figure of Ye Chen in it, not even the broken corner of his clothes!

The golden armored corpse also understood that he had been tricked! Just when he looked around angrily and wanted to find Ye Chen!

A pair of feet appeared out of nowhere and landed on its shoulders. It turned out that Ye Chen had been watching it from above his head.

Without waiting for the golden armored corpse to make other moves,


Its head has rotated 360 and returned to its original position, but the entire big vertebra has been broken!


No longer able to support its body, it crashed down! Just like an old lone wolf,

After wailing twice, he completely lost his voice.

Ye Chen casually put its body into the gluttonous space.

Free flowers and monthly tickets to support,

Thank you, masters, boss brothers!

Welcome everyone to leave a message and comment, thank you! .

104 All the ministers are shocked!

Taking advantage of the time before dawn,

Ye Chen started a big cleaning, what kind of floor tiles, deduct them! What pure gold base, deduct it!

Even though the speed is as fast as Marven Ye, the work of robbing the rich and helping the poor was completed when the sun just appeared!

Without further delay, he stood on the bare ground of the tomb, his figure disappeared instantly,

Appeared again and returned to the yurt that left at night, took off his coat,

Quietly entered the bed, gently embraced the girl next to her, the faint fragrance of orchids,

Drilled into his nostrils, comfortable and pleasant. Even with the tiredness of the whole night swept away,

Although Ye Chen is full of energy, it is inevitable that he will feel a little tired in the face of boring repetitive movements.

The girl next to him seemed to know something, and suddenly opened her bright eyes to stare at him,

The two looked at each other, and the girl's watery and tender eyes revealed a kind of cleverness in discovering secrets,

Ye Chen didn't get used to her, so he got on his horse...

At this time in the capital, during the three-day court meeting of the Golden Luan Palace,

Kangxi sat on the dragon chair, with an indescribable joy on his face. Because he had already received Ye Chen's letter from Flying Eagle in Outer Mongolia,

The letter sent back has completely written down everything he did one by one,

Of course, corruption and bribery will not be written in the part of collecting 723 places.

Seeing Kangxi's appearance, all the officials in the palace began to guess in their minds.

Could it be that the war situation in the south has eased? Or is there any vassal willing to surrender?

But it's impossible to think about it! Rebellion is the capital crime of capital crimes,

No one in the past dynasties would choose to surrender, because it is a dead end!

Many battles in the south are now fighting each other crazy, and there should be no major changes before the victory or defeat.

After thinking about it, all the ministers found nothing in their minds. As for Ye Chen's mission to the north?

Don't even think about it, no matter how powerful Ye Jue is, he only takes two thousand for the old and the weak, and the mission is less than a month.

If you want to gain something, I am afraid that you will be powerless! I'm afraid it's not necessarily true that I have just arrived in Monan now!

Kangxi couldn't help laughing when he saw that all the civil and military ministers were puzzled.

The pressure for many days has finally been relieved at this moment, although the situation in the south is still uncertain.

But the stable rear has too much effect, not to mention that the letter sent by Ye Chen also stated that,

The tribes in Monan are willing to send troops to participate in the decisive battle in the south. The role of 100,000 fine cavalry is for the current Manchu Qing Dynasty.

It can also play a key role, although there is no such thing as strong or weak on the battlefield.

But the strength of the cavalry, especially the Mongolian cavalry! To deal with the rebellion in the south who lacked horses,

One against five is the least of them!


All the ministers also stood still when they heard the sound from the emperor above, and stopped thinking wildly.

"Hey, are you all wondering what news I received?

I don't want to be a joke, I will accompany you to tell them this letter and read it to them!

By the way, think of an example for me, how to award it! "

Hearing what Kangxi said, Eunuch Li stepped forward to pick up the letter from the dragon case.

Because he had never seen it before, with a slight sweep of his eyes, Eunuch Li's pupils dilated instantly.

However, he didn't dare to waste time, so he could only suppress his thoughts and read it in his most gentle tone.

"My minister Ye Chenzuo, I hope you are safe and well.

I have been ordered by the emperor to set off today without any delay, so I am afraid I will miss the opportunity to fight! The minister took 2,000 soldiers available in the previous battle to form a brigade,

Read The Duke's Passion