MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 69

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The name "Black Water Rider" went to the various tribes in the southern part of the desert...

Specially promulgated five orders, and the new king Luo Bu Zang all agreed, ... and then met the Geer tribe to send troops,

The heart of perishing my dynasty is not dead, the minister led 2000 officers and soldiers to fight to the death for a day and a night,

Beheaded the enemy's head level 142,300, and pursued the enemy to the Chechen Khan in Mobei before giving up.

...(bgfg)...All the ministries of the Chechen Khan joined forces, and all the tribes in the northern part of the Mobei feared that they would use force.

I also agree with one of the government decrees, promising all ministries to send protons to Beijing to listen to the seal,

Since then, Mobei and Monan can be settled, and the north has no worries! ...

I'm going back today, hope Junkang..."

The faces of the ministers under the court became more and more exciting the more they heard it, and even if they were killed, they would never have thought of it.

The changes have been too great, Lord Ye has only been on a mission for less than a month,

First, to quell the many rebellions in Monan, and then to promulgate such a harsh decree,

The ministers don't know under what circumstances the Monan tribes agreed, but it is conceivable that,

That sentence of terror and force must be true terror! ! Otherwise, it is like "wheel cutting",

This kind of method that the Mongols have always used only for the war of extermination, how could it be possible to wield the butcher knife against their own people!

After going on, I heard that Ye Chen dared to give Chahar a new sweat,

The ministers wanted to sue Kangxi, and then they heard that Galdan led the Zhungeer tribe to attack,

Only then did they have the patience to continue listening, wanting to know how Ye Chen broke the situation again!

At first they thought that Ye Chen must have borrowed the soldiers and horses of the various tribes in Monan to win

But the result was something they never expected. He only led more than 2,000 troops with him to attack the 180,000 army on the opposite side.

No matter how you listen or think, this is just an egg hitting a rock, but what is the ending?

But Ye Chen beheaded more than 140,000 enemies for a day and a night, chasing Galdan from Monan all the way,

Only after defeating Mo Bei did he let him run away, (here Ye Chen did not say that he let him go)

All the ministers present were dumbfounded. Never in the past dynasties have they heard of such a huge disparity in military strength and a victory!

Zhang Liao in the Three Kingdoms period was one, but he used tricks, while Lord Ye of this dynasty charged and killed himself.

Those who are present at the gap are well aware of it. If you want to say whose face is the most exciting,

Then it would be Li Xiao, who was pleasantly surprised at the moment, scared at the moment, and then exclaimed a few times.

But no one cared about his expression, because all the ministers present were similar.

It's a pity that Prince Zhongshun was ordered by Kangxi to think behind closed doors at this time, otherwise his face would definitely look better!

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The Qing Dynasty copy will end soon, really!

If the family affairs are dealt with, the transition will be over, and if the Civil War fails, then we will not participate.

105 Returning to Beijing to award, Prince Wucheng!

So much so that at the end of hearing, many protons from Mobei and Monan came to the capital to listen to the seal,

None of the ministers were too surprised, it was just that the previous news was too explosive!

Now that they hear this, they feel that it is not a big deal.

Only then did I realize that Eunuch Li had stopped speaking, ~Kangxi continued:

"My dear friends, you are my right-hand man and my brain,

Now that Ye Qing has made such achievements, how should he be rewarded? First, he led a thousand elite cavalry to capture the flag,

He killed King Chahar and the rebellious tribes, killed more than 30,000 enemies, and relieved the danger of the capital.

The importance of the soldiers and horses led by Prince Jieshu to the entire battle situation is self-evident!

Later, he went to the north to make an envoy, promulgated a government order, and all the tribes in Monan dared not follow, and beheaded the invading Zhungeer tribe led by Galdan,

More than 140,000 enemies were killed, the power shocked the whole of Mongolia, and the prestige of our country was raised. Now our dynasty is in the whole of Monan and Mobei in name,

Ladies and gentlemen, in your opinion, how should such achievements be rewarded? "

Hearing Kangxi's words, the ministers also began to discuss, but they never came up with an idea.

Because this kind of meritorious service is too great, let alone defeating many kinds with less, it means beheading hundreds of thousands of enemy troops,

To expand the territory in the name of the country, and to stabilize the entire Qing Dynasty in the precarious,

Mere rewards and other things are not enough to show how much credit Lord Ye has done this time.

The only one who can deserve this credit is Feng Wang! So the officials dared not speak out without authorization,

So as not to make Kangxi feel that he is suspected of being a clique!

Kangxi saw that the courtiers were all looking at their noses and hearts, and patted their foreheads with their hands.

Leaving the seat and pacing around, the time for half a cup of tea has passed,

The officials watched from below and didn't dare to urge Kangxi to stop his movements suddenly.

Facing the ministers, he opened his mouth and said:

"Big companion, come here and remember, there are ministers here, serving the country, helping the country's crisis, and saving the country from danger!

...specially awarded the title of Yechen County King, titled "Wu Cheng", and his father was awarded the title of First-Class Duke, who will not be degraded...

His sister, princess, was awarded the title of Three Flowers..., and his younger brother was awarded the title of First-Class Marquis, and he will rest with the country if he is not degraded...

This list of names not only shocked Eunuch Li who was recording,

The courtiers below trembled even more, this is really too much reward,

Not only the three nobles of the family, but also the nobles without demotion. This kind of title can only be obtained by the founding heroes.

Just look at the one mansion and two dukes in Jia's mansion. Now there is only an empty mansion.

As for the highest title in the mansion, only Mrs. Shi, the super lady, is left, which is really sad and deplorable.

It is conceivable how important it is not to be degraded to the title of nobility. Since the founding of the country, several princes have been eliminated.

There is nothing else left, but all the ministers dare not speak out to refute,

It is true that Ye Chen has made too much contribution this time, if only one person is rewarded,

It will not be a mere county prince, but a prince with a fief,

But now that there is chaos in San Francisco, the fief prince must not be able to give it anymore.

Kangxi also had such considerations, so he hesitated again and again before ordering the reward.

After the issue of rewards was resolved, Kangxi ordered to retreat, and all the ministers were in no mood to talk on the way back.

All I know is that there is another behemoth in the Qing Dynasty now! I don't know which servant sent the news that night.

After Prince Zhongshun heard about the court, he shot several disobedient servants in the mansion!


It has been a month since I returned to the capital again. In addition to leading 2000 black water riders back to Beijing,

The rest are the protons from Mobei and Moxi tribes who go to Beijing to reward, including Luo Buzang.

Before stepping into the boundary of Beijing, Ye Chen and the crowd saw bright yellow flags flying in front of them.

Afterwards, flags of various colors are connected, stretching for several miles, and the colors of the flags are arranged according to the colors of the Eight Banners.

When Ye Chen saw this, he knew that it was Kangxi who brought all his ministers out of the city for dozens of miles to meet him.

Ye Chen didn't dare to delay, he quickly patted his horse forward, and immediately got off the horse when he saw Kangxi.

Wei Wei cupped her hands and said:

"I have seen His Majesty, and His Majesty greeted me from a distance, and I am really terrified..."

... All the soldiers carried the three animals to the altar for sacrifice, and after the matter was over.

Eunuch Li suddenly came out from some corner, took out the imperial decree from his cuff,


Ye Chen and all the soldiers under his command could only bend down and listen to the order

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor's edict said: Si Youchen...Specially titled Wucheng County King...

The more than 2,000 black water riders under his command have their own rewards according to their achievements! ..."

Ye Chen took the decree to thank Kangxi when the rewards were over, and the rest of the proton rewards would not start until the court.

After all, it is a matter of the court, and it belongs to the responsibility of the Ministry of Rites.

The surrounding courtiers also kept bowing their hands to Ye Chen, and the compliments were endless!

"Congratulations, King Wu Cheng! This time, King Wu Cheng has done a great thing!"

"That's right! Is there any one in all dynasties who has made meritorious deeds before he arrived? This is the first time for King Wu Cheng!"



Ye Chen also responded to their flattery one by one, without taking credit for the slightest arrogance,

This made the ministers take another look at Wang Gao of Wucheng County, who held a high position even though he was young.

After everyone exchanged greetings, Kangxi also personally invited Ye Chen to get on his sedan chair. Naturally, the sedan chair that Kangxi sat on was different from that of the courtiers.

Not only were there more than twenty bare-armed men wearing only a light yellow waistcoat carrying it,

And there are hundreds of guards with knives around him, Ye Chen repeatedly declined,

Still unable to refuse Kangxi's kindness, Kangxi pulled his arm and stepped into the sedan chair,

Once inside, Ye Chen realized that there was still a hole in the sky, the six girls in the sedan chair knelt down on the ground,

Two held soft fans in their hands, and the remaining four held silver plates high above their heads,

Half-kneeling at the entrance of the sedan chair and the collapsed seat, seeing them, Ye Chen couldn't help but think of the little Mongolian girl he brought back,

Then he smiled knowingly, Ye Chen showed such a smile that Kangxi misunderstood.

"It was my negligence. I never thought that Ye Qing would be in her thirties.

Now that you are young, why did you fall in love with these maids like me? No matter!

As long as Ye Qing likes it, just tell me, I will give you whatever you want, nothing else! "

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I'm not feeling well today, I'm feeling tired! Alas.

106 Ye Chen's Revenge

Of course, just listen to this, I want the seat under your butt, can you give it?

But these words are nothing but Ye Chen's inner arrangement, if you really want him to sit in that position,

Ye Chen is really unwilling. Since ancient times, the emperor has been a high-risk and short-lived profession.

Have you ever heard of an emperor who lived past 90? Except for the exception of Zhao Tuo (will appear later),

Zhao Tuo was originally a general of the Qin State at the end of the Qin Dynasty. Taking advantage of the civil war, he ruled the south of the Five Ridges and occupied one side.

Read Legend of Swordsman
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