MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 206

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The scene in the underground palace was something no one could have imagined.

The professor's heartstrings were tense, and he took every step carefully. The memory of Dayin Village for decades came to mind. Before he could see the specific appearance of the underground palace, he had already imagined the appearance of Dayin Village in his consciousness. The ones in the underground palace will be what he saw and experienced in Dayin Village.

But the monkey has been keenly aware that something has changed on this day.

The control of Hakoniwa fell from the hands of the new system and fell into the hands of the world consciousness. The selfishness and ambitions of the world consciousness were also faithfully presented with the changes of Hakoniwa.

Before entering the underground palace, the monkey has already preset everything in the underground palace, which must be related to the game field.

It looked back at Li Sijun frequently, its eyes full of worry.

After the world consciousness was seriously injured, it was already crazy. The uneasiness of losing power prompts it to constantly confirm its own "authority". Trying to regain control of the game field to prove that his strength is still there.

And in this case, the underground palace will gather the darkest and gloomy strong emotions of the entire game field and even the world. Not just a threat to the body, but also... an absolute devastation to the spirit.

Monkey is not worried that Li Sijun will collapse because of the scene in the underground palace, no matter how gentle he is in front of Chi Yiyin, he can't hide the fact that he is a god.

If Chi Yiyin is taken away from him, the supreme **** who created the world eight thousand years ago and laid down the rules for the world and mankind will reappear. With a cold attitude, condescending and indifferent.

What the monkey is most worried about is that Li Sijun will be irritated by the scene in the underground palace.

Why did the playground appear?

Because the world is about to be destroyed, but the gods refuse to protect them... The reason for his anger is the sins of human beings themselves.

But now, because of the selfishness revealed by the world consciousness, it is very likely to bring out all the sins in the darkest depths and show them in front of Li Sijun.

With Chi Yiyin by his side, would Li Sijun still be furious about it?

The monkey doesn't know because there has never been such a tricky scene before. Before Chi Yiyin appeared, no one could influence Li Sijun, and there was no existence that could force Li Sijun to make an unwilling decision.

But if there is even the slightest chance that Li Sijun will be furious because of the underground palace, the consequences will be devastating.

Including Chi Yiyin's trial.

Even if Little Garden loses its independence and can no longer be defined whether its existence is still meaningful, Chi Yiyin can pass the test smoothly. But the monkey was sure of one thing.

——If Chi Yiyin cannot become the new god, the world will be destroyed under the wrath of the gods.

And the gods themselves...

You will also suffer from hurting your loved ones.

That's something monkeys absolutely don't want to see.

Even though it is no longer a system, it is still Li Sijun's loyal subordinate, and the meaning of its existence is to take care of all trivial matters for the gods.

Therefore, at an angle that Chi Yiyin didn't notice, the monkey cautiously jumped to Li Sijun's side, following his steps.

It stretched out its paws, and patted Li Sijun's trousers worriedly, not caring about the disrespect of touching the gods without authorization, lest Li Sijun would make him vent his emotions.

Li Sijun seemed to feel something, but when he looked down, he was amused.

He raised his eyebrows, and when he saw through what the monkey was thinking, he seemed careless.

"rest assured."

"I know what I'm doing," he whispered.

Li Sijun is very clear about the possible actions of the world consciousness, and even more clear that if he used to be himself, he would indeed let the world be destroyed in anger, just like the monkey feared.

But it's no longer the same.

His voice is by his side, he still needs a world to live in, and he still has hope for the future.

As long as Yinyin is here... how could he let the world be destroyed so easily.

Monkey: I hope you keep your word, oh yes—if Chi Yiyin gets injured midway, will you still be so good-tempered?

Li Sijun :)

you guess.

In the darkness, Chi Yiyin didn't see Li Sijun and the monkey looking at each other, his attention was all focused on the underground palace.

At the moment when the gate of the underground palace was closed with a bang, on the walls on both sides of the underground palace, torches were ignited with a "huh!", and the flickering flames illuminated a space.

It also allowed Chi Yiyin to use the dim light to see the true appearance of the underground palace.

The long corridor seems to have no end.

This place is not like an underground palace for sacrifices, but more like a mausoleum for the dead. The sloping corridor keeps going downwards, with no end in sight. The small space is so quiet that you can hear the sound of a needle drop, only the sound of their footsteps repeating in the empty corridor Echoing, lonely as if the whole world disappeared, leaving only myself alone.

Chi Yiyin couldn't help but clenched Li Sijun's palm, so hard that he even made sunken red marks on Li Sijun's cold white skin, wanting to draw warmth from Li Sijun and gain a sense of safety.

Confirmation...confirmation that I am indeed alive.

Rather than a touch of wandering spirit.

Li Sijun knew it in his heart, and he held back gently without any resistance, and gently covered Chi Yiyin's palm, passing his own temperature to him continuously.

"I'm here, Yinyin."

He said softly: "No matter when you look back, I will be by your side, Yinyin. The world will never leave you, unless the **** dies and the world collapses."

Li Sijun's whisper became the only voice in this deathly silent underground palace.

He broke the original silence, and also let Chi Yiyin slowly relax from the suffocating loneliness he felt just now.

It was as if a drowning person was held by a pair of strong hands, and lifted out of the sea steadily.

Chi Yiyin paused slightly, and looked sideways at Li Sijun.

The swaying dim flame was reflected in his pair of blue eyes, like a flame falling into the sea, burning blazingly, sparkling beautifully.

He smiled lightly, the smile on his lips was not covered by any illusion, it was more like the sincerity from the depths of his soul.


Chi Yiyin responded softly: "I know."

This time, the gentleman who has always been good at hiding all his emotions didn't put on his mask, but let his truth be shown in front of Li Sijun.

Just like a cat spreads its belly, showing its weaknesses to trusted people with peace of mind.

The layers of masks that were once worn on the face fell off, and Chi Yiyin no longer had any defense against Li Sijun, and whispered his worries to Li Sijun in a low and steady voice, and also sought support from Li Sijun with help.

For Chi Yiyin, this was also a novel experience, a bold decision he had never made in his life.

After wearing the mask for a long time, I am no longer used to taking it off, as if the truths that come from the depths of the soul should be buried in the darkness and not displayed in front of anyone.

When Chi Yiyin narrated to Li Sijun in a low voice, it was rare for him to feel astringent, and he pursed his lips several times, hesitating whether he should continue talking.

This unguarded exposure of his true emotions to others made him nervous.

But Li Sijun accurately and keenly detected Chi Yiyin's emotions, and every subtle emotional change did not escape his perception.

When Chi Yiyin hesitated and wanted to stop, Li Sijun would take over the words naturally and continue to speak for Chi Yiyin, predicting exactly what he wanted to say, even as if he had seen Chi Yiyin's thinking That's accurate.

This surprised Chi Yiyin.

He originally thought that since Li Sijun was in line with his thinking and knew his own thoughts, there was no need to say anything more.

But when he wanted to stop, Li Sijun would hold his palm even harder, and gently transmit both warmth and courage to him, those golden-brown eyes shone like broken gold, In the light of the fire, it is as gentle as the surface of the sea under the setting sun.

It seems that in front of Li Sijun, no matter what kind of things and emotions, he will be gently tolerated by him.

He doesn't need you to carry any of the burden.

The gods will hold the world on their shoulders, as always.

——Only this time, the **** has only one people and believers, and moreover, the **** that belongs to him.

All of Chi Yiyin's emotions were well tolerated.

He clearly received the warmth from Li Sijun, who was telling him: No matter what you want to do, I am here. Even if it turns the world upside down, I'll take care of it.

That is... the sense of security brought about by absolute power and trust.

There was light in Chi Yiyin's eyes, and he habitually pressed his lips together, trying to suppress the turbulent emotions.

Just like I do every day.

But Li Sijun's gaze was too gentle, and Chi Yiyin couldn't ignore the strong presence of his gaze, but when he subconsciously looked over, he felt as if he had fallen into a warm ocean and was loved. cared about.

Everything that belongs to him will be properly treasured and tolerated by Li Sijun.

Chi Yiyin didn't tense up, and the smile still leaked from the corners of his eyes and brows, it was rare to show real emotions on that handsome face.


He seemed a little uncomfortable, he was given too much to accept, so he turned to Li Sijun with a smile, wanting to say something.

But Li Sijun leaned forward and kissed him lightly at the end of his eyes, with an infinitely gentle response: "Well, I'm here."

Chi Yiyin saw him approaching her, but she didn't dodge, and took the kiss calmly and even actively.

All emotions will be understood and responded to, and that feeling is so good that Chi Yiyin rarely thinks about it. For the first time, he wants to keep something.

Hold Li Sijun firmly in his hand.

He knew that Li Sijun would be different from everyone he had ever met.

Chi Yiyin hates stupidity, laziness, and most of the bad roots of human beings.

He has infinite curiosity and desire to explore the world, not only because of the needs of his awakened power, but also because he wants to master the world, so he observes and records.

But he went so fast and so far that no one could keep up with him.

Chi Yiyin understood this when she was isolated and excluded by children of the same age more than ten years ago.

He didn't think it was a big deal at first, he could walk very steadily by himself, even because he didn't have any burden around him, so he could walk very far, high enough for him to see the truth of the world clearly.

Chi Yiyin was used to being alone.

But Li Sijun walked towards him and told him - you don't have to be alone, I'm here.

I can always catch up with your footsteps, and I will not lie down and rest lazily. I can accompany you to complete all your enthusiasm and love. You don't have to worry that I will stay where I am, I will not be your burden, no matter where you stand, I can stand side by side with you and share my warmth with you.

Chi Yiyin walks in the crowd, even if the surrounding is bustling, he always feels lonely, the loneliness that no one can understand and accompany.

He thought he was already used to it, but it wasn't until Li Sijun appeared that he realized that there was someone waiting for him at the height he wanted to go.

Waited for eight thousand years.

By Li Sijun's side, he doesn't have to wrong himself to be a mediocre and boring person, he doesn't have to force himself to give up on himself, sharpen his edges and corners to fit in with the group, and he won't be judged like a monster.

He found where he should be.

This realization pleased him.

That is... a fantasy that Chi Yiyin had fantasized about when she was still young, but she gave up rationally later.

But Li Sijun realized all of them.

The two whispered conversations echoed on the long corridor, and they understood each other so well that before the last sentence was finished, they already knew what the next sentence was going to say.

Even the menacing dangers seem like an amusement park, like a game of tacit understanding, and the two will never lose.

When the monkey heard the sound, he couldn't help turning his head to look, but was startled by Chi Yiyin's appearance.

—When Chi Yiyin entered the game field, its nightmare began, when did it see Chi Yiyin's relaxed and gentle expression!

It's like a different person... Under the mask, the truth that has been hidden for twelve years.

The monkey was dumbfounded.

The professor has been listening carefully to what Chi Yiyin said, nodding from time to time, approving Chi Yiyin's guess.

But when he wanted to say something, he gradually realized that no matter how many times he tried, he couldn't cut into the conversation between the two of them. .


I always feel inexplicably a little lost... His student ran too far and too fast, and he couldn't catch up anymore.

But the smile on the professor's face couldn't be hidden no matter what, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were stretched.

As a ghost, he has been with Chi Yiyin for so long, how has he ever seen Chi Yiyin like this?

His student is so outstanding and dazzling that no one can accurately follow his thinking.

Who can look directly at the sun?

That is, the incomprehensible loneliness and loss.

The monster walks among the crowd and looks around in a group that doesn't belong to him, but the people around him can't understand him, they just laugh at him for being different from himself, and name him a monster to ridicule and hurt him.

A genius who is not understood, a lonely and long journey.

Even Chi Yiyin has long been used to it and has found a way to reconcile with it. But some emotions don't disappear if you don't care about them.

Dirt that falls into clear river water always leaves traces.

Even in the past years, when the professor talked with Chi Yiyin, he would always feel powerless and lacking. He could teach Chi Yiyin less and less.

Even occasionally, he would be stunned by Chi Yiyin's sudden guesses and questions, not knowing how to answer them. He didn't even know what Chi Yiyin meant, it was because his thinking was not at a high level.

Chi Yiyin has his unique respect and tenderness when facing people he respects.

He will discover the embarrassment of the professor in time, and take the initiative to stop asking, so as not to make the professor feel embarrassed and uncomfortable, and naturally take the initiative to change the subject to take care of the professor's emotions.

However, it would be a lie to say that Chi Yiyin was not disappointed.

The professor saw Chi Yiyin's emotions, how could he bear his favorite student to show such an expression?

So, after decades of being in a daze after his death, he picked up his career research again, re-invested in the heavy and intense work, and read books and materials eagerly.

Even if he was a professor of folklore before his death, in order to have a smooth conversation with Chi Yiyin, he could only try his best to fill up his knowledge reserve and dare not relax a little.

He is... How guilty of his inability to teach Chi Yiyin, ashamed of his meager knowledge reserve in front of Chi Yiyin.

Neither the professor nor Chi Yiyin really talked about this matter, but between them, everyone is very aware of the existence of conflicts, which will never be truly resolved.

Chi Yiyin will not allow himself to become ordinary, his life can only continue to move forward and explore deeply.

The people around him always have to study hard to become excellent and better, and then they can barely catch up with him.

However, people are tired.

Except for Chi Yiyin, the vast majority of people can't bear the life of never resting and only knowing how to move forward. They will be tired, they will be in pain, and they will be exhausted and want to escape.

So on the last road, only Chi Yiyin was left.

The young boy who was still frustrated and disappointed at the beginning, but in the end he got used to it, stopped asking questions, and let everyone around him leave one by one.

The most outstanding person among human beings is only lucky enough to walk with him all the way.

Then we have to separate.

The ghost of the professor who followed Chi Yiyin had seen such a scene many times. He felt distressed, but he could do nothing. In the end, he had no choice but to imitate Chi Yiyin's appearance, numb and indifferent to separation, and finally indifferent.

But right now...

It was the first time for the professor to see that Chi Yiyin could laugh so easily and naturally, as if all the layers of shackles and masks that bound him before had been removed.

In front of Li Sijun, Chi Yiyin can freely talk about the topics he wants to talk about. No matter what he brings up, Li Sijun will naturally and tacitly take the words, listen to his guesses, discuss and share with him.

There is nothing Li Sijun doesn't know.

It seems that only an omniscient and omnipotent **** can communicate with Chi Yiyin in such a natural and calm manner, without letting his every emotion and question fall to the ground.

The professor could tell that Chi Yiyin's happiness came from the depths of his heart and soul.

It was an expression he had never seen before floating beside Chi Yiyin all these years.

The professor opened his mouth a few times, but closed it silently, and the eyes he looked at Li Sijun gradually softened.

He was smiling, genuinely happy for his students.

Li Sijun noticed the professor's gaze, he raised his eyelashes, looked at the professor, then nodded slightly, expressing that he understood what the professor was thinking.

I will take good care of Yinyin, regardless of his life or soul, I will never let him feel the slightest pain and loneliness. So, please feel free to entrust me with Yinyin.

Ghosts are supposed to have no tears.

But the professor felt that he had the urge to cry.

He didn't dare to cry in front of Chi Yiyin, for fear of disturbing the tacit and happy relationship between the students and his lover, so he could only turn his back in embarrassment, blinking frantically, trying to hold back the tears.

The monkey next to him saw it and felt a little emotional.

Chi Yiyin... Everyone is afraid of the two big demon kings of the Chi family, but they themselves, aren't they the loneliness of the wrong group?

Fortunately, there is always someone who understands him and can be by his side.

As soon as this idea came to the monkey's mind, it was slapped down by its own indifferent paw.

...It would be even better if Chi Yiyin was not with her own boss!

Before Chi Yiyin appeared, it had never seen its boss smile. The last time it was happy was when the world was created eight thousand years ago.

As a result, after meeting Chi Yiyin, his boss laughed so hard that he couldn't stop beeping! Thanks Chi Yiyin for letting him know that his boss is still in love!

Day-to-day fulfillment of grief and indignation in the wage system √

The monkey walking in the front to explore the way was annoyed at the thought of Chi Yiyin, but after the corner of the corridor, it suddenly froze in place, as stiff as a sculpture.

A few seconds later, the monkey's face showed unconcealable panic, and it hurriedly turned around and rushed towards Chi Yiyin.

"There's something wrong up front!"

The smile on Chi Yiyin's lips faded, and she frowned and asked, "Why?"

The monkey pointed to the road ahead. It wanted to say something, but it seemed that its voice had been suppressed. The words it wanted to say a few times turned into silent mouth shapes.

It remembers scratching its head and scratching its head, almost wanting to open its mind to Chi Yiyin.

And Chi Yiyin frowned and watched the monkey's silent mime for a long time, and realized something was wrong.

"I ask you to answer. If you can answer, just say it, if you can't, just nod. There is something strange in the underground palace in front, but you can't say it?"

The monkey wanted to nod, but it suddenly found out in horror. I can't even do this movement, like a statue, only a pair of eyes can move.

It rolled its small eyes, dripping with sweat, trying to express its thoughts to Chi Yiyin.

The smile on Chi Yiyin's handsome face gradually disappeared, and finally turned into a cold calm.

A bad premonition spread in my heart.

"The level of that thing is far above yours, so you can't express it at all."

"It doesn't come from Dayin Village or my story, nor is it the game field and the new system, but a higher level of existence than that."

"It's even related to Li Sijun."

When Chi Yiyin said a word, the monkey rolled its eyes once.

And as Chi Yiyin uttered the last sentence, the monkey breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had completed an important task.

It never thought that one day it would appreciate Chi Yiyin's horror, and guessed the answer to the question just from its few reactions.

—People like Chi Yiyin are really scary when they are enemies, but they are really at ease when they are companions.

If it wasn't for being unable to move, the monkey would have the heart to rush over and hug Chi Yiyin's thigh and cry wildly.

Chi Yiyin frowned, and looked at Li Sijun thoughtfully.

He didn't suspect that it was Li Sijun who caused the situation in front of him, but that he was suspicious of another person on the same level as Li Sijun.

— world awareness.

The monkey is Li Sijun's direct creation, and it is also the former system of the game field. It can be said that there are very few that can threaten it in the game field.

And it was so unfortunate that all those who could threaten the monkeys gathered here.

Chi Yiyin originally wanted to guess Chi Yan. After all, based on his understanding of Chi Yan, the other party would never die incompetently in the changes in the box garden. Even if there was only a glimmer of life left, Chi Yan would firmly grasp it.

Even if there is only death left, Chi Yan will definitely create life and take the opportunity to leave.

That is... a monster that cannot be understood and recognized by the world.

But Chi Yiyin learned from Li Sijun that Chi Yan was not qualified to become a god, nor was he at the same level as a god.

In other words, Chi Yan can hijack the system, but he can't change the origin of the creator, turning the monkey into such a state that he can't speak a word.

The only thing that can...

"World awareness."

Chi Yiyin's eyes sank, and her voice was cold: "It came faster than I thought."

"I know it won't let it go, but what I didn't expect is that Chi Yan is so incompetent that he escaped so quickly."

As he said that, a smile appeared on Chi Yiyin's handsome face, and he nodded slightly: "It seems that I haven't seen you in these years, and I haven't stopped moving forward, but Chi Yi is standing still."

Monkey: ...I would really like to thank you monsters named Chi for their inexplicable desire to win.

Because of speculation about Chi Yan's state, Chi Yiyin's low mood just now rose again. He hooked his lips, stepped forward with long legs calmly, walked past the monkey with a smile, and walked hand in hand with Li Sijun. The exit after the turn of the corridor.

Dazzling light spilled from the exit.

It seems that behind the narrow narrow gate, it belongs to the kingdom of God.

As told in the scriptures and the songs of the bards.

Chi Yiyin's footsteps towards the narrow door couldn't help but soften, and then soften again. But the strength with which he held Li Sijun's palm gradually increased and increased.

Pinch until the finger bones turn white.

Before he really saw it, he already had a vague guess in his heart.

After the world consciousness falls into chaos... what kind of strange changes will occur in Hakoniwa.

Li Sijun turned his head to look at Chi Yiyin. He stared deeply at the one he loved in his heart. He didn't give a single look to the thing behind the narrow door, and focused all his attention on Chi Yiyin.

Every strand of Chi Yiyin's emotions is more important than the world.


Chi Yiyin asked softly, "If I fail, what will happen to you?"

If the trials belonging to the new gods are no longer independent and meaningless, and are no longer recognized by the origin of the world, the efforts of everyone in the game field over the past twelve years have finally turned into nothingness. No one can leave here, and neither will the world. A new **** is born...

What will be the consequences?

Chi Yiyin can guarantee that he will never give up, he will never stop his courage to fight, and the tip of the knife will always move forward.

But, others are not. They need a goal in order to have the motivation to move forward. Once they lose it, they will be confused or even give up in despair.

And the world will also be destroyed because of the loss of shelter.

Chi Yiyin knew this in her heart, and because of this, she felt even more indescribably uneasy.

He seems to have returned to the church orphanage twelve years ago.

That night when all the orphans were called out one by one and killed as cattle.

He, too, knew their fate well. He watched coldly in the dark, and then he could no longer suppress his anger. The power of awakening supported him to kill all the perpetrators and set fire to the church.

From that day on, God died.

Died in his disappointed eyes.

But now, Li Sijun is standing beside him, he is not alone.

Therefore, Chi Yiyin suddenly had an urge to ask Li Sijun, wanted to confirm the reality of his existence, and put Li Sijun into his plan.

Li Sijun also responded to Chi Yiyin in a timely manner.

"No matter what you do, I'll always have one answer."

Li Sijun stared deeply at Chi Yiyin, he took his hand, led him to step forward, and stepped into the dazzling light behind the narrow door.

"—never be afraid. For I will always be there."

The soul he loves is firm and deep, will never stop exploring the world, and will always walk on his own path.

Fortunately, he will not lose his lover.

No matter what Chi Yiyin does, Li Sijun has the confidence to tell him: "Don't worry about doing it, I'll take care of it."

As a result, Chi Yiyin's rare anxiety disappeared and melted under Li Sijun's gentle tolerance, like icicles under the sun, completely gone.

He knew very well that he was going to face the world consciousness head-on. He was the only supreme being who could be at the same level as Li Sijun. Even if he was seriously injured because of Chi Yan, he still had the qualifications to overthrow the world and destroy everything.

However, he was not afraid, but couldn't help but want to smile.

Because... Many years ago, the little boy who was excluded and isolated, once lowered his head and secretly made a wish in his heart, finally at this moment, it became a reality.

Someone who understands him and stays with him will never fail to keep up with him and criticize his actions.

No matter what happens, he will hold his hand tightly.

Is there anything better than this?

The wish that was once thought to be just a fool's delusion turned out to be true, really heard and realized by the gods.

Chi Yiyin laughed softly, and interlocked fingers with Li Sijun under the dazzling light.

"it is good."

He said: "If we succeed, we will live together. If we fail, we will die together, and everything will be destroyed."

Li Sijun heard it.

He bent down, his eyes were gentle: "You know, I will always only have one answer to your words."

When the dazzling light gradually faded, Chi Yiyin finally opened his eyes slowly, and saw the most real appearance of the underground palace hidden behind the corridor.

There were still physiological tears in the corners of his eyes, which were dazzled by the light, but he slowly opened them wide, unbelievable.

Standing in the center of the underground palace... is clearly the Golden Temple that Chi Yiyin once saw in Li Sijun's illusion.

It was in the temple that Chi Yiyin learned about Li Sijun's past and anger for the first time, guessed his identity and tried it step by step.

And when the gate of the new world opened, Chi Yiyin fell into the abyss of death. When he dived to the deepest point, he saw the golden temple in the future scene of world destruction and in the dark death.

It stood upright, silent, as if the gods were judging the doomsday.

It also seems that the gods are guarding, the final rest of the dead soul.

But now, it appears here again, replacing the original belief and sacrifice in Dayin Village, and becoming the deepest secret hidden in the underground palace.

Chi Yiyin couldn't help holding her breath, and then looked at Li Sijun in astonishment: "You..."

Li Sijun also frowned, looking at the temple with disgust in his eyes.

"This is not my original temple."

He said calmly: "The consciousness of the world is plundering my authority. It wants to surpass me and create gods by itself."

The reason why the Golden Temple appears again and again in the sacred scriptures and legends is precisely because according to the rumors, it once ushered in the arrival of the real body of the gods thousands of years ago, and was contaminated with the breath of the gods.

Therefore, since then, the Golden Temple has always been regarded by believers as sacred itself, a gift left by God in the world, where believers can receive blessings and talk to God.

Therefore, it has become synonymous with gods and has authority far beyond the world.

In the game field, the golden temple is a symbol representing the gods, which is equivalent to the gods themselves.

Therefore, after the world consciousness realized that it could not return to its original peak no matter what, and after Chi Yan's serious injury, it no longer even had the strength to compete with the gods, it made the most dangerous and only possible successful decision.

— Stealing the Temple.

But the world consciousness is afraid of Li Sijun after all.

It can only use the power in the Little Garden to copy the Golden Temple with the help of Chi Yiyin's authority in the Little Garden.

The world consciousness no longer pretends to be itself, and shows its selfishness unscrupulously. For this reason, it does not hesitate to use the authority of both Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun.

It worked.

But it also succeeded in angering Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun.

"This is the first time someone has dared to steal my things from me."

Chi Yiyin laughed back angrily, and his handsome expression was cold and chilling: "What kind of trash are you, dare to touch my authority?"

Anger was like waves, stirring up waves in the depths of Chi Yiyin's soul.

The towering golden temple did not make Chi Yiyin feel any fear. When he looked up at the temple, the powerful aura under his rage was even comparable to the height of the temple.

"World consciousness, I was also deceived by your illusion, thinking that you would at least have kindness and love for human beings. Even if I don't like it, I will respect it. After all, it is a rare and broad love in human nature. But."

Chi Yiyin stretched her long legs, and every time she took a step forward, the ground seemed to tremble.

The silver-gray hair scattered across his forehead, casting shadows covering his eyes, gloomy and cold, like a raging beast breaking free from chains.

"You use your actual actions to tell me how much... you are not worthy of respect."

"In my opinion, there is no need for you to continue to exist. From your selfish choice to let yourself live, when you did not hesitate to affect and kill everyone for this, you also sentenced yourself to death."

Chi Yiyin's voice is magnetic but cold, sonorous and powerful, which is shocking.

The voice of the world consciousness came from the distant void: 'You cannot kill me. '

'I never really existed, but a human image, the ultimate embodiment of all consciousness. How are you going to kill the air? '

Chi Yiyin raised her chin, obviously looking up, but with the arrogance of looking down on everything.

"I can't do it, humans can't do it."

"But God can."

"Gamble? World awareness."

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