MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 207

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Under the towering golden temple, everything is like ants.

The scale of the underground palace is far larger than the previous imagination of Chi Yiyin and others. What's more terrible is that as the world consciousness plunders the lives of all players in the game field and fills up its own power, its power is also spreading infinitely to the surroundings. Slowly eroding the origin of Hakoniwa.

Beyond the new world, the playground is howling.

Even though Chi Yiyin is trapped in the box garden at the moment and can't see anything outside the new world at all, but as the test deepens, under Li Sijun's acquiescence, he gradually moves upwards, and step by step touches the world that no one has ever seen before. Able to reach high altitudes.

There used to be a supreme existence with only gods and world consciousness, but now, Chi Yiyin's soul and perception are gradually infiltrating.

Because of this, Chi Yiyin faintly felt that he seemed to feel the wailing and tremors from the world, like the last angry howl of a dying beast.

Playgrounds are collapsing and thousands of players are dying.

The authority belonging to the system is gradually occupied by the world consciousness. It originally originated from the rules jointly established by the gods and the world consciousness. Under the indifference of the gods and the selfishness of the world consciousness, it gradually became the territory of the world consciousness.

The players who were originally dubbed "survivors" are now in panic, helpless in the face of the overwhelming tsunami, desperately swallowed by the huge and turbulent force, and become the fertilizer of world consciousness.

Corresponding to this is the continuous and rapid expansion of world consciousness in Little Garden.

It was almost visible to Chi Yiyin's naked eyes. The area of ​​the underground palace was spreading to an unfathomable distance, as if it was going to cut through the entire Little Garden.

However, the new system that originally established Hakoniwa as an independent space has disappeared.

I don't know which corner was forced by the world consciousness.

Monkey also looked up at all this in astonishment, his few emotions almost collapsed.

Nobody cares.

But it cares about the small sea of ​​clouds that is also a system.

Even if Xiao Yunhai rebelliously snatched all the authority from it, became independent from the camp of the gods, became a third party supporting Chi Yiyin, and went in a completely different direction with it, which shocked and disappointed it,

But, after all, it is the creation it holds up by itself.

It was it who took Xiao Yunhai out of the "cradle" of the database with his own hands.

Participating in the writing of every line of code in Xiao Yunhai, the construction of every instruction... It's like starting from scratch, spending twelve years, but "giving birth" to your own descendants.

That relationship is deeper than the relationship between parents and children, and it cannot be unraveled.

But now, the monkey just watched with his own eyes as the box garden retreated step by step, the line of defense was lost, and the authority belonging to Xiao Yunhai became weaker and weaker, until it finally disappeared.

The wind could no longer bring the breath that belonged to Xiao Yunhai.

The system... collapsed.

Xiao Yunhai is dying, and together with the agreement that the gods and the world consciousness once built together, millions of rules are being torn up by the world consciousness.

The game field and all the players are standing on the cliff, crumbling.

And world consciousness is the force that will push them off the cliff. It's just that no one knows when it will attack.

The anxiety and anger of waiting for death are deeper despair than death.

A tear fell from the corner of the monkey's eye.

It looked up at the majestic and towering golden temple, and never felt for a moment that it was so small and powerless. It couldn't save anyone, even the players it looked down upon or even killed maliciously.

And the descendants it cares about.

The monkey turned around tremblingly, and looked at Chi Yiyin with thin tears in his eyes, which was almost desperate desire. He regarded Chi Yiyin as the last straw, and desperately reached out to grab it.


It was hoarse and begged desperately: "Save it, save the system and the playground."

"Don't let all life die."

The agreement of the gods is being torn up, the authority belonging to the gods is being embezzled, and the golden temple, as the logo of the gods, is unscrupulously invaded by the world consciousness, like a tiger preying on it, the world consciousness that tears up the mask no longer has any scruples, only madness Cold killing intent.

But the life that the world consciousness doesn't care about is the most basic existence that constitutes the world, and it is the meaning of the system's continued existence.

Now the only thing the former system can request is Chi Yiyin.

Only him...

Be out of the world.

Chi Yiyin is not only qualified to save the system and the game field, but also because he has obtained the qualifications of a god, but he has not really ascended to the position of a god. When the world consciousness invaded, he was in an independent box garden. Between reality and falsehood, so he also has the qualifications...

Save the whole world.

This time, from the hands of world consciousness, Chi Yiyin can take back everything.

It's not because of the favor of the gods, let alone the support and authority given by the game field and the system.

Instead, he really used his own awakening power to fight for an impossible tomorrow for everyone.

Chi Yiyin lowered his eyes slightly, and when he met the monkey's teary eyes, he couldn't help but fell silent.

Every second made the monkey desperate, his heart sank infinitely, and he was almost dead silent.

Strictly speaking, the relationship between it and Chi Yiyin was not good in the first place, and he had slandered him so many times, it was impossible for the Great Demon King Chi Yiyin to not see it. Besides, when it was in the game field before, it was not good to Chi Yiyin...

What reason does Chi Yiyin agree to now?

The monkey was full of sadness, and could only watch helplessly as the underground palace expanded more fiercely, downward and deeper.

to the entire playing field.

But just a second before the monkey was completely desperate, he heard Chi Yiyin's sneer from above his head.

"How much do you have to misunderstand me to think that I will gloat and watch the game field collapse and the world consciousness get what it wants?"

The monkey turned around in surprise, and saw Chi Yiyin raised his chin, his blue eyes were cold and arrogant, full of disdain for the world consciousness.

"Don't get me wrong, I am very clear that you and I are not companions, and I don't trust the system, but this does not mean that I will just watch the world consciousness win."

"As I said, as long as it's a guy with a brain, whether it's on my side or on the opposite side, I like it very much. But this kind of world consciousness is trying to steal what belongs to me from me..."

Chi Yiyin's eyes were heavy, and he sneered: "It seems to have forgotten that Xiaoting Garden was originally my proving ground. Here, no one has higher authority than me."

The monkey was suddenly reminded by Chi Yiyin, and his eyes widened instantly.

But before it could think any more, Chi Yiyin had already strode towards the direction of the Golden Temple, bent down and pulled it up by the tail, and walked towards the gate of the Golden Temple calmly.

"If the world consciousness wants to take the authority of the gods as its own, then the most important point is that it must replace the original power of the Golden Temple."

The world is about to collapse.

Chi Yiyin was so calm that he would not be disturbed by the outside world.

Numerous cracks spread across the ground of the underground palace, chasing Chi Yiyin's footsteps swiftly, seeming to want to devour him, but when they approached him, they were all blocked by unknown forces, and could only stay within the distance of his shot. Beyond the ground, it is impossible to move forward half a point.

Chi Yiyin walked on the cracked ground, and wherever he walked, he sank step by step, and the soil layer and stones fell into the deeper darkness.

But when he was walking in such a doomsday scene, he remained calm, and even the wind was extraordinarily gentle to him, lifting his hair and brushing his eyebrows, dazzled his gaze towards Li Sijun.

"Li, I need you."

Chi Yiyin's voice was firm: "I want you to trust me absolutely and give me all your authority, including your strength and life, so that I can enter your soul and probe into the deepest core."


Across the wind and flying hair, Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun's eyes met, and they could clearly see the firmness in each other's eyes.

There was no hesitation or pleading in Chi Yiyin's voice, only a calm and decisive judgment: "Give me everything you have."

He was so convinced that Li Sijun would not reject him.

And Li Sijun lowered his thick eyelashes slightly, and looked at Chi Yiyin with infinite gentleness, the flowing golden color was like the sun falling into the deep sea, boundless and unpredictable.

But gently and carefully wrapped Chi Yiyin in it, preventing him from being hurt in the slightest.

"it is good."

Li Sijun nodded and gave an affirmative answer without hesitation.

"It's all yours if you want it. Yinyin."

"including me."

The World Consciousness heard the conversation between the two. It clearly controls the entire game field, and even the independent Little Garden is gradually leaning towards it. The system and players are dying, and its power is refilling...

Everything is moving in its favor.

But even if the rational analysis makes the world's consciousness firm, even if Li Sijun and Chi Yiyin want to do something together, they can't make much trouble in this situation, but it still feels flustered for no reason.

What kind of existence is the god?

From the day when human beings and life were created by gods, world consciousness was born from the subconscious gathering of life.

It has walked with the world for eight thousand years, and has also observed the gods for eight thousand years. It knows very well that the gods are arrogant, cold, and out of reach.

Looking up but not touching.

But it's that kind of god...that kind of **** who has lost all his warmth and become cold and indifferent for eight thousand years, but entrusts everything about him to a human like Chi Yiyin without hesitation?

The world consciousness was stunned, unbelievable, and even doubted whether the gods he had known were the true face of gods.

Or the gods already knew what would happen eight thousand years later, so they were afraid of it, and what was shown to it all the time was just an illusion.



You know, even when the world consciousness is the most inflated to the ego, there is no confidence that you can kill the gods.

The Creator will not die in the hands of His Creator, and any power originating from the world itself cannot kill Him.

Including world awareness.

As far as it could imagine, it could only suppress the power of the gods, replace them, and then use Chi Yiyin's power in turn to trap the gods to death in the box garden.

That's all.

But now, the **** himself said that he would give everything about him to Chi Yiyin?

"Are you crazy!"

The world consciousness was furious: "Give the core to other people, even if you are a god, you will really face death!"

"Aren't you afraid of Chi Yiyin, a liar full of lies, who just uses another mask to deceive you, to gain your trust and use it, just to kill you and replace him?"

There are many ways to become a god.

One of the most direct, but least possible, is to kill the gods.

When a **** really dies in the hands of someone, the moment his soul and soul are all extinguished, the world will collapse immediately, and the creations from the gods will follow the gods and fall to death, disappearing into nothingness.

And at that moment, killing the existence of the gods will gain everything of the gods, his power and position, and the world that originally belonged to the gods will also return to the protection of the new gods.

The old and new forces will alternate, the world will usher in a new life, all the redundancy accumulated in the past will be swept away, and everything will start again.

The age of the new gods will come.

In the hymns chanted devoutly by bards, there will be epics and legends of the new gods.

For the New Gods, that would get it all. But for Li Sijun, it was a complete failure and death.

No matter how the world consciousness thought, it never occurred to Li Sijun that he would allow such a scene to happen.

But Li Sijun didn't care about it.

He stared deeply at Chi Yiyin, a smile gradually opened on his lips, and deepened a little bit, and besides love, there was bone-chilling madness and trust spreading from his eyes.

"I do not care."

God said: "If the person I love wants to kill me, he can take my life as a proof of his love."

"I will cut open my heart and all my soul to show you..."


In the raging wind, Li Sijun walked firmly over the landslides, one step at a time, towards Chi Yiyin.

The world consciousness roared in fright and anger, wanting to block the two, never wanting them to get close and become one.

But even though the strong wind blew up the gravel layer on the ground and blocked the two of them, Li Sijun walked over them calmly without paying attention.

His steps are calm and firm, and his world consciousness can't even interfere with him in the slightest, and can't shake his determination to walk towards his lover.

"I know... Yinyin."

Li Sijun sighed softly, his eyes were as gentle as bubbling honey: "How can I not see that my little liar is wearing layers of masks, all of which are his fabricated emotions, covering up all his emotions? reality."

"Anger is fake, and so is love. Everything is just a mask for him to deal with the world."

"What can I do? This so cute, I don't even have a chance to look away."

Li Sijun's voice was not loud, but the magnetic and deep voice was extremely penetrating. It echoed layer by layer in the underground palace, and it was transmitted to Chi Yiyin's ear very clearly.

Not only was the world consciousness stunned, Chi Yiyin was also stunned.

"Since you know, why would you do this!"

The world consciousness roared: "What you have done is meaningless, when you die, Chi Yiyin won't even shed a single tear for you!"

"is that so?"

Li Sijun shook his head lightly, as if he had heard a funny joke, so he wanted to seek the truth from his lover: "Yinyin, tell me."

"If I die by your knife, will you remember my name in the coming new era?"

"Remember... you used to have a companion who walked side by side with you?"

Chi Yiyin was stunned, he never expected that Li Sijun would have such a side.

He moved his lips, wanting to say something, but in the end he just looked at Li Sijun with complicated eyes, unable to say a word.

Chi Yiyin has looked all over the world, has insight into every emotion, and has seen every type of person. He is like a ruthless machine, pulling himself away from everyone's emotions, rationally placing him in the third perspective, observing, recording, analyzing, and learning.

Even himself is just one of the templates for his observation and learning.

And those learned emotions not only become the ghosts in his writing, but also allow him to make his own emotional mask, put it on his face, and walk in the crowd with ease.

He will no longer be called a "cold-blooded monster with no humanity".

It's not that monsters have really changed themselves, made themselves a member of the crowd, smoothed their edges and corners and drifted with the tide.

It was that after he grew up, he learned how to hide his true identity, conceal his identity as a monster, pretend that he was a normal person, and blend in human society. His politeness and gentleness were enough for him to get everything he wanted.

Chi Yiyin understood very early on that what he really cares about and is interested in is the human group.

Not an individual, nor a novel—rather, the novel is his research paper, and worldly success and acclaim are but a passing cloud.

Never been cared about by him.

What he really cares about, what he really explores... has always been the truth about the world.

And at the end of this truth is Li Sijun.

As a god, Li Sijun's perception is not wrong.

When Chi Yiyin didn't know it himself, what he pursued all his life was Li Sijun.

He is walking through the world, pushing aside the crowd, and walking through death and danger firmly.

Go to Li Sijun.

Li Sijun saw all of this.

Including the truth of all Chi Yiyin's emotions.

It's just... so what?

That didn't stop him from beating his heart the moment he saw Chi Yiyin, making him sink helplessly.

Gods and monsters have always been incomprehensible to human beings, beyond the limits of human emotions.

What they want is not to lean close together and speak the language of love, to be corroded by sticky love, to rust and lose their sharpness.

What they need has always been the tremor and resonance of the soul.

In these hundreds of millions of lives...he understands him, he understands what he thinks in his heart, and he knows what he wants.

Thousands of words have been born.

Li Sijun stared deeply at Chi Yiyin, and before he even realized it, the sharp corners of his eyes and brows were already filled with a smile, and fell gently.

Chi Yiyin didn't miss that look.

He rolled his Adam's apple, but he only felt a tightness in his throat, and he couldn't speak a word.

Chi Yiyin knows all the analysis and conclusions related to human emotions. He knows how to use words and masks to manipulate people's hearts, knows every fragility of human hearts, and knows how to advance his plans under the most rational thinking. achieve his purpose.

As long as he wants, he can make everyone believe in himself and become his strength.

But this time, Chi Yiyin completely forgot all the masks and words that touched people's hearts under the sharp questioning of the world's consciousness and the truth...

There was only a sigh left between the lips that used to be able to speak beautiful words.


Chi Yiyin sighed softly, but looked directly at Li Sijun with a smile, and said, "My feelings for you come from your absolute trust and love for me. I regard you as a trustworthy companion, and I also find that you and I A 100% fit can be walking side by side with me."

"I know that with you, I will never worry about going too fast for you to catch up. I am free to do what I want, and as you said...anytime, when When I turn around, you are by my side."

"Always, always have someone to accompany and understand, and someone to cover for me."

Chi Yiyin smiled lightly and slowly shook her head: "I should refuse, reason told me so. But the feeling of being understood is really great, it made me greedy and wanted to keep you."

"Someone understands me. It's something I've never experienced before."

"However, it is precisely because of this that we have always forgotten to mention - when did such feelings arise? What is the seed of this tree, the origin of everything?"

There should always be a source.

Just like what Chi Yiyin learned when she was young, no one will give affection and help to others for no reason.

During Chi Yiyin's growth experience, he didn't know what emotions and reactions humans should have.

Chi Yan taught Chi Yiyin all the knowledge in the world, but he didn't teach him emotion.

It's not that she hides something, but she herself, and neither does she.

Chi Yiyin still had Chi Yan protecting him, but Chi Yan was alone, gritted his teeth, stumbling and groping in human society to survive.

He didn't even have the identity of a human being. At first, it was just a dispensable dark chess set by the world consciousness.

Chi Yiyin, who grew up like this, did not have any real emotions that belonged to him in the end, only the emotional masks after learning and observing were put on his face.

Like a beast restrained by a suit.

The question that Chi Yiyin had never thought about, was pointed out mercilessly by the world consciousness at this moment, dripping with blood.

He is not used to exposing his true self and showing his personality to others. He prefers to manipulate everything behind the scenes than in front of others.

But this time, when the world consciousness tried to make Li Sijun have a negative perception of him, Chi Yiyin couldn't help it, and broke out the strongest impulse in life, giving Li Sijun his true self without reservation. Look.

He didn't even know what he was thinking.

It was rationality that controlled his actions, allowing him to obtain the authority that belonged to Li Sijun in this way, making the situation in favor of him.

Or... never before, but at this very moment, an extraordinarily strong emotion was at work, causing him to suddenly develop infinite courage under Li Sijun's gentle gaze, and put himself into Li Sijun's hands.

World consciousness said that it would be dangerous for Li Sijun to hand over his authority to Chi Yiyin.

But for Chi Yiyin, this monster who has never really revealed his loneliness, showing his **** dissection to Li Sijun, isn't it dangerous?

Li Sijun didn't speak, but just looked at Chi Yiyin quietly.

Obviously only a few seconds, but to Chi Yiyin, it was as long as the world collapsed and rebuilt, and then collapsed again in Li Sijun's eyes.

He was a little apprehensive for a moment, not knowing what decision Li Sijun would make.

Chi Yiyin couldn't help laughing at herself from the bottom of her heart, giving up on herself.

He showed Li Sijun the most real and terrifying side. If the other party was really frightened to the point of being unacceptable and fled because of this, for him, he would be relieved.

Although Chi Yiyin couldn't help feeling a little disappointed at the loss of someone who could accompany her, but more than that, she was grateful.

I am glad that my emotions can stay away from myself, so that I can regain the situation where I was dominated by reason in the past, and I will not be hindered by anyone.

The world consciousness is also waiting for Li Sijun's final answer, not daring to vent his anger.

In the underground palace, a needle can be heard falling.

The choice and final decision of the incumbent is always the most important influencing factor.

It can be said that whichever side Li Sijun chooses, for that side, it has already given way three moves, stepped into the chess game early, and seized the opportunity and advantage.

However, Chi Yiyin seemed unaware of the situation that the world consciousness was waiting for. He looked at Li Sijun with good eyes, his eyes were calm, and he had already accepted it calmly.

No matter what the result is, it does not prevent him from continuing on.

He will never allow anyone or anything to take what belongs to him from his territory.

And since he has decided to take back the world and rewrite this annoying falling situation, he will definitely achieve it as he said without any hesitation.

Whether Li Sijun is present or not.

Under the nervous concern of the world consciousness, under Chi Yiyin's pretending indifference gaze, Li Sijun stretched out his hand with a smile. , holding Chi Yiyin's hand.

"Yinyin, did I tell you?"

Li Sijun's voice was hoarse: "I am your devout believer."

"From the moment you walked in front of me, you were already..."

"My god."

"Everything about me belongs to you. From my name and soul, in the eight thousand years I have spent, every inch of space is filled with your name."

"Let me be your strength, and let you be my... lover."

Li Sijun slowly held Chi Yiyin's palm, opened his arms towards him with a smile, and exposed his chest and throat in front of Chi Yiyin's eyes in a defenseless posture, allowing the other party to decide his own life and death .

While the underground palace was shaking violently, the bricks and stones rolled down, and the tall golden temple was also shaking, as if the world was about to usher in the judgment day of destruction.

But in the eyes of the gods, there was only one figure left.

He embraces those He loves with open arms.

In Chi Yiyin's ear, Li Sijun whispered softly: "You should be more confident, Yinyin. Trust me, trust you even more, so cute."

"How could I not love you. There is no reason to refuse to let me run to you."


You have traveled through the world, and you have come to me firmly in the turbulent crowd.

From that moment on, I was already yours.

Chi Yiyin slowly opened his eyes wide, but in the next second, he laughed, raised his hand, and took the initiative to hug Li Sijun back, letting himself fall into that warm and firm embrace without any precautions.

In Li Sijun's arms, the lonely and cold monster decided to give everything he had.

"About the world, I still have a lot of scenery that I haven't seen, and questions that haven't been answered. Can you answer me, Li."

With a hoarse voice and red eyes, Chi Yiyin asked him: "I want to write a subject that I have never touched before. It is related to love, an area I have never understood. Will you give me the answer?"

Li Sijun smiled.

He bent down, leaned forward, and the delicate and gentle kiss fell from Chi Yiyin's hair to his ear, and finally, it landed on the corner of his lips.


Li Sijun's eyes were deep, and he looked at Chi Yiyin with cautious desire, like seeing light in darkness.

"...My Professor Chi."

Let's go together for the scenery that can't be finished.

And there are mysteries you haven't solved yet.

—The topic related to love is your confusion, and it will also be the final test of the new God.

Li Sijun relaxed his strength, with a gentle smile on his brows and eyes.

He hugged Chi Yiyin tightly, and amidst the huge roar, together with the lover in his arms, he fell into the endlessly hot golden river.

That is the power of the gods, the origin of life, and the core of the world.

It is the sun that burns forever.

At this moment, Li Sijun took the initiative to release the restriction, allowing his own power to rush into the game field and the box garden unscrupulously. Hit the embankment and drag everything into the long river.

Also included is a marker for world awareness to sit in the playfield.

A moment ago, he was complacently thinking that he had the upper hand and the world consciousness that had enclosed the territory, but now he can only watch helplessly as everything he has fought for is in vain.

The power of the gods scoured the game field mercilessly, and everything they passed was reset.

Whether it is the game field itself or millions of repetitive and huge rules, they are all restarted to their original appearance.

Twelve years ago, the gods could have killed the consciousness of the world in the void, but in a single thought, let him take a step back, leaving the last trace of mercy for the world he created himself, and let the world get another decision future opportunities.

The destruction caused by human sins should be judged and decided by human beings themselves.

And all the power to build the game field comes from the gods.

But the gods will not always acquiesce in the consciousness of the world to hinder him, just like not caring about ants does not mean tolerance for ants.

The world consciousness mistakenly regarded the joint name of the gods as weak, and the gods didn't mind, let it recognize the truth again.

— such as now.

The agreement made twelve years ago was completely torn up, the death knell sounded, and the playing field began to reset.

Countless players raised their heads and looked at the golden-covered sky in astonishment, not knowing what happened.

The terrifying sky that was under the layers of black clouds a moment ago is now like a golden river rushing in the sky, the beauty is shocking, beyond the mind.

The Awakened feel this even more strongly.

Whether it was "Pope" Jingcha or "The Hanged Man" Chu Yueli, all the awakened people looked in the same direction and felt the vibration from the original power.

The same name came together at that moment, and appeared in the minds of all title awakeners.

It's like the gods bestowed upon his believers to see their true names.

—Chi Yiyin.


Chu Yueli's eyes were in a trance, and he murmured softly.

But it was Chi Yan who felt more deeply than the awakened person.


Chi Yan raised his eyebrows, thoughtfully: "Just now I was saying that my little monster is a coward who only dared to hide his real self behind the mask. Has he torn off the mask himself now?"

"No, it's not just that..."

When Chi Yan felt the ensuing divine power, he suddenly darkened his brows and eyes, with a cold and chilling expression: "The **** himself, Li Sijun, also unlocked the power that belongs to him."

"Li Sijun's power is merging with Chi Yiyin!"

Chi Yan was stunned, followed by fury: "How is that possible!"

Hakoniwa was crashing, like stars in the sky rushing across the Milky Way and crashing into the sea.

But it didn't fall into the game field.

Instead, he entered Chi Yiyin's dream.

There, everything is ice-cooled and arranged in an orderly manner, just like the memories stored in the memory palace. It seems that for Chi Yiyin, no matter how dangerous the experience is, it is just an insignificant memory, which will only be classified here at will.

The only thing that matters is the firm and warm body in his arms.

The breath from Li Sijun enveloped Chi Yiyin, allowing him to stay awake all the time during the fall, without losing his memory and forgetting his destination.

Chi Yiyin looked deeply at Li Sijun, as if he wanted to look into the deepest part of that golden pool, and see through everything that belonged to Li Sijun.

And Li Sijun lay under Chi Yiyin, his strong arms firmly protected him, preventing him from being injured in any way.

"My time is over, and it will end with the collapse of the game field."

"A new era in your name will come."

"That is your world. Under your protection, all life can thrive, all the laws of physics are formulated by you, and the future is your choice. Whether it is destruction or rebirth, it is your thought."

"All life is in your control, and the weight is on your shoulders."

Li Sijun slowly stretched out his hand, and landed on Chi Yiyin's cheek, his slender fingers gently stroked the corners of his eyes, with a charming look of nostalgia.

"My voice..."

"Above my death, you shall have everything."

"My everything, and the future you want."

Li Sijun's sharp handsome face was full of smiles, he let the golden light swallow him up, and unreservedly gave everything that belonged to him—power and life—to Chi Yiyin.

Just as he promised.

The **** stepped down from his throne, destroyed his temple and name with his own hands, and let his world disappear into the long river.

And in the midst of such destruction, he stretched out his hand, lifted up his beloved soul, called his lover's name, and kissed his eyes.

"I love you with all I have."

"You are my god, and I just want to be your follower. The only one."

Chi Yiyin slowly opened his eyes wide, the azure blue eyes shaking and shattering.

He wanted to say something, but he only had time to hold Li Sijun's hand.

Immediately, the two fell into the deep sea.

The golden light swayed slowly above their heads. In the dazzling light, everything melted away, the hymn and era that belonged to Li Sijun disappeared, and the lonely monster had a soul that could walk all the way.

Everything is changing rapidly, the playing field is resetting, the world consciousness roars and roars in anger.

But Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun held hands tightly and never let go.

Interlocking fingers.

Read The Duke's Passion