MTL - Ultimate Intelligence-v4 Chapter 1172 limit

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Chapter 1172 Limit

Limit, beyond the limit.

Just as Du Cheng completed the tenth training and pseudo-gravity space comprehensive training, Du Cheng knew that he had reached the limit of breakthrough.

When the last action is completed, an unspeakable feeling will completely surround Du Cheng.

At this moment, Du Cheng can clearly feel that his body is rapidly becoming stronger. This is a very wonderful feeling, unless it is personal experience, it can never be expressed.

"Hey, Qing Yao, Du Cheng's body seems to have something different?"

At the gate, Zhang Qingsi, who was originally planning to go back to the hall, suddenly asked Li Qingyao some strangely.

Du Cheng is still like that, but Du Cheng’s breath gives them a very strange feeling, as if at this time they want to be suddenly taller and taller.

"Yeah, is there something going on?"

Li Qingyao also discovered this kind of strangeness in Du Cheng. The time she spent with Du Cheng was a long time. After all, she responded and said: "I know, Du Cheng’s skill must break through. Yes, it must be..."


Zhang Qingsi was somewhat puzzled. However, just as she was about to ask Li Qingyao, Du Cheng in front of the lawn suddenly moved.

I saw that Du Cheng’s figure was like disappearing from the air and disappeared in front of them. When Du Cheng appeared again, it was already hundreds of meters away.

Immediately, Du Cheng’s figure disappeared again, and this time the speed is undoubtedly much faster. They only feel that Du Cheng’s figure has disappeared, and it has already appeared in the distance hundreds of meters away. It looks like it is a momentary shift.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Qingsi's little mouth is already close.

Surprised, shocked, incredible.

She didn't know what words to use to describe her feelings in her heart at the moment. Although she had seen some of Du Cheng's skills, the present strangeness is now like the speed of a monster, she can do. Just let the brain short circuit, go to silly to read all this.

In comparison, Li Qingyao is undoubtedly more acceptable.

She had long known that Du Cheng’s horror could not be imagined, so for her, this kind of impact is much weaker.

However, this is just the beginning. Du Cheng’s next show is what makes them feel really incredible.

I saw Du Chen’s sound appearing on the rockery, and I didn’t see what Du Cheng had any movements. So I directly grasped the fist and rushed to the hard rock of the rockery.


A dull crash sounded, and the whole rockery was sturdy. Then, the Duchen hit was like a broken glass, and countless gaps spread quickly.


Just a moment later, the rockery that is close to two people turned into a lot of pieces and crashed down.


At this moment, not only Zhang Qingsi, but even Li Qingyao is completely dumbfounded.

Anyway, this villa is about to be built. It doesn't matter whether the rockery is good or bad, but what they didn't think is that the power between Du Cheng's fists is so terrible, so a large piece of rockery will be bombarded. It became a piece.

If power, if it hits the human body, what would be the result.

At this moment, Li Qingyao and Zhang Qingsi are both direct brain short circuits.

In fact, they are not just them. Even Du Cheng has some brain short circuits. He just wants to try out how terrible his power is now, but he did not think that the power has reached such an amazing level.

This amazing, even if he is Du Cheng is also a big surprise.

"Xin Er, how much has the strength of my fist just reached?"

The first time, Du Cheng asked Xiner to ask his own questions.

Intuition tells him that the power of his fist is definitely far more than nine hundred or even higher.

Because of this punch, he combined the secret of Tibetan and Tibetan, more than 700 strengths, plus more than ten times the improvement, even Du Cheng could not predict what level of strength has reached.

"Congratulations, dear Du Cheng, under the circumstance of using the secret of Zangla, your strength can reach the limit of human power."

Xiner’s voice rang very quickly, and the limit she said was obviously more than that.

That is to say, even if it is only seven hundred forces, but in the case of using the secret of Tibetan, Du Cheng has been able to exert the most extreme power.

However, Du Cheng's improvement is only strength, but his physical strength cannot be improved.

Fortunately, his physical strength is also horrible. The power of this punch, his fist is not hurt at all by a little bit. In terms of his current physical strength, even if he is holding a sharp blade, I am afraid It is easy to break the defense.

"And, dear Du Cheng, your speed has reached the limit with the use of flash."

At this time, Xiner’s voice rang again.

Just now, Du Cheng not only used the power, but before that, he tested the speed. Xiner naturally knows it.

"Is it the limit?...?"

Du Cheng muttered to himself. Originally, he thought that if he wanted to reach the limit, it would take at least a decade or so. It was just that he did not expect or guess that he only spent less than a year. The time has been directly raised from the strength and speed of six hundred to the limit.

Of course, the real difference between the two is the secret and flash of Tibetan.

With his physical strength, these two secrets can be fully utilized without any side effects.

In other words, he is dull to the speed of the current is basically equal to the peak, even if you continue to exercise is not meaningful.

However, Du Cheng has a strange idea, that is, the strength and speed of 999 is really the limit. There is a feeling in his heart. It seems that his strength can be stronger, the same. His speed can be stronger.

Or, after one day his strength and speed have reached the limit, then what is the result of using the secret and flashing of Zangla.

This is Du Cheng's biggest question at the moment, so he did not hesitate and asked directly to Xiner.

"Dear Du Cheng, according to the limits of strength and speed, the strength and speed of 999 is indeed the limit of the human body. Because this set of standards has come out, no one can reach 999. The limit, and you are the first one..."

Xiner’s answer is obviously not certain. After all, no one has ever reached this limit, and she can’t make a real conclusion.

"It turns out that, then I have a chance to try it."

Du Cheng smiled slightly. If Xin's answer is very positive, I am afraid that his exercise will slow down.

Fortunately, Xiner’s answer did not disappoint him. 999 is only a standard, but it may not be the real limit. He may not have the opportunity to try to break through the higher peak.


"Du Cheng, all these things are hallucinations?"

Looking at the end of the exercise toward Du Cheng, Li Qingyao asked a question to Du Cheng.

Not only did she want to ask this, but Zhang Qingsi was similar, but she did not ask it.

Du Cheng smiled and did not explain anything, but said: "Yes, it is an illusion, you will forget it."


Listening to Du Cheng's answer, Li Qingyao is directly speechless, but she just asks, the rockery is broken into slag, how can all this still be an illusion.

"Well, I am going to take a shower first, are you packing everything up?"

Du Cheng did not ask more questions on this matter, but asked one.

Li Qingyao nodded gently and said: "All are ready, I will go to Qingsi to prepare breakfast, and we will leave after breakfast."

"Well, then I went to the shower."

Du Cheng responded with a simple voice, and then strode forward toward the stairs.

After Du Cheng went up to the second floor, Zhang Qingsi’s face was inconceivable and asked Li Qingyao: “Qing Yao, just all this, isn’t it really a dream?”

"Of course not. In fact, Du Cheng’s own strength is very strong. Today he seems to have made a breakthrough again, so it has become stronger."

Li Qingyao was a bit proud, because this powerful man is the man of her Li Qingyao.

Listening to Li Qingyao's answer, Zhang Qingsi was obviously silent, because such a horrible skill was something she never imagined.


After eating breakfast, Du Cheng drove Li Qingyao and Zhang Qingsi to leave Lijia Villa.

Zhang Qingsi’s luggage has been packed, her luggage is not much, and a trunk can be put down.

"Clear thinking, wait for you to have time, be sure to come to Xiamen to find me, okay?"

In the back row, Li Qingyao said with some pity to Zhang Qingsi: "I only have such a good friend, and after I went to Xiamen, I have no friends other than Sixin, if you don't come to see me. I will be very poor..."

"Okay, I will see you when I get there."

Although Li Qingyao's tone is mostly composed of jokes, some words are really true. At least Zhang Qingsi can feel the true meaning of Li Qingyao.

I got the assurance of Zhang Qingsi, and Li Qingyao said very happily: "That's good, then I am waiting for you in Yi Ning."

And between talking, Du Cheng's car has slowly stopped outside a yard.

This is a three-story small bungalow. It seems to be a bit old. It should have a history of some years. The decoration of the house can only be said to be exquisite, almost no luxury, but it is full of various The kind of flowers, if they look, give a very secluded feeling.

Here, it is the home of Zhang Qingsi.

Li Qingyao is also very familiar with this place, because she lived here when she was a child, and she is a neighbor with Li Qingyao. This area is a small house built in the 1990s. It has been nearly twenty years old. History is over.

"Du Cheng, let's help Qingsi move things up."

Du Cheng’s car stopped, and Li Qingyao said directly to Du Cheng.

Later, she said to Zhang Qingsi: "Qingsi, you should not mind if we go to sit for a while, right, my uncle is living here, or going back to the country to live?"

She said that her uncle, the aunt, is naturally the parents of Zhang Qingsi.

Zhang Qingsi directly said: "Going back to the country to live, I may go back to the country in a few days to accompany them for some time."

"That's fine."

Li Qingyao replied, and then stopped talking about it. Instead, he and Du Cheng together helped Zhang Qingsi to carry the baggage into the door of the small house.

It was only after entering the gate that Du Cheng could smell the scent of flowers, but it was very pleasant.

It can be seen that Zhang Qingsi should always come back to take care of these flowers and plants. This is in line with Zhang Qingsi's character. She likes poetry and songs. It is also very meticulous in this respect.

Passing through the small garden in front, Du Cheng and Li Qingyao moved things to the second floor.

Because Li Shiqiu was coming back today, Du Cheng and Li Qingyao did not stay in Zhang Qingsi's home. They only stayed for a while and then left after drinking a cup of tea.

Around 10 o'clock in the morning, Du Cheng opened Li Qingyao's Mercedes-Benz E-series car slowly stopped outside Chifeng prison in Chang'an, which was built outside the suburbs.

Before coming here, Du Cheng had already arranged everything through the telephone, and the prison staff also arranged special personnel to receive the two.

Under the leadership of the receptionist, Du Cheng and Li Qingyao came directly to a reception room.

While waiting for Du Cheng and Li Qingyao to enter, there was already a young man sitting in the reception room waiting for two people, and this young man is Li Qingqiu’s second brother Li Shiqiu.

Du Cheng is actually meeting Li Shiqiu for the second time. However, when he saw Li Shiqiu, Du Cheng was slightly surprised.

Because Li Shiqiu's body turned out to be very large, when Du Cheng first saw him in the Li family, Li Shiqiu was still a youth full of pride and self-identification.

The current Li Shiqiu is undoubtedly a lot simpler. Obviously, in this prison for more than a year, his change should be quite big.

When Du Cheng looked at Li Shiqiu, Li Shiqiu was also watching Du Cheng and Li Qingyao.

He knows that his sister is coming to pick him up today, but what he did not expect is that Du Cheng actually came.

Li Qingyao did not tell her about Du Cheng, so they did not know how Du Cheng and Li Qingyao had a relationship. Even if they were free of charge during the Chinese New Year, they could go home for the New Year, but they thought it was Li Qingyao. I met someone who secretly helped them.

It’s just that Li Shiqiu never thought that this noble person would be Du Cheng, the chief culprit in which all of them entered the prison.

However, no matter what is inside, he does not dare to show it on the surface.

Because the strength that Du Cheng showed in front of them, so that he is still fresh in memory, and Du Cheng's identity, he did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

He can be quite sure that if Du Cheng wants to kill them, I am afraid it is as easy as stepping on an ant.

"Second brother."

Seeing Li Shiqiu, Li Qingyao was very pleased to shout a second brother.

However, when she was young, Li Qingyao and her brothers were not very affectionate. They were very dull. She always lived in her grandmother's house, and in the Li family, the status of girls has always been very low, so Li Shiqiu and several brothers did not see Li Qingyao as a sister.

It’s just that the brothers and sisters are brothers and sisters, and Li Shiqiu is the only relatives of her, so after growing up, this relationship is gradually thicker.

"Qing Yao, you..."?

Li Shiqiu wants to ask, but he can't ask for a moment because he doesn't know how to ask.

"It is Du Cheng who let you come out first. I will go to Xiamen with Du Cheng at night. I may come back very rarely in the future. Therefore, I hope that before Dad comes out, you can take over the family's current industry."

Li Qingyao simply explained that this place is not a place to talk, so she did not say too detailed.

Li Shiqiu knew that Du Cheng had the power to decide his life and death. So after listening to Li Qingyao’s answer, he had no accidents. Instead, Li Qingyao’s trip to Xiamen made him have some incomprehensible questions. He asked: Qing Yao, what are you going to do in Xiamen, why are you coming back very rarely?"

He didn't respond for a while, and after waiting to say it, he understood it.

Li Qingyao is going to Xiamen with Du Cheng, and naturally it is going to Du The girl who is married, the girl who marries will naturally rarely return to her.

"I decided to marry Du Chen at the end of the year, so I won't come back often in the future."

When I got married, Li Qingyao’s pretty face was obviously full of happiness.

For her, this is the most anticipated and most important moment of her life, and will be the happiest moment.

At this time, Du Cheng, who has been silent, is also open.

Du Cheng’s words are very simple, just saying: “Li Shiqiu, I know what you are thinking about, I just want to tell you, my relationship with Qing Yao is not the same thing as your Li family and you. I hope you can understand this."

Li Shiqiu was a glimpse first, and then it was already reacted.

He already knows in his heart that Du Cheng is asking him, and he is bright and upright, and he is not afraid of what they are doing on Li Qingyao’s body.


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