MTL - Ultimate Intelligence-v4 Chapter 1173 Blood river

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Chapter 1173 Blood River

After seeing Li Shiqiu, Li Qingyao also went to see her father and Li Shicang. For Li Shiqiu’s departure, neither of them said anything. After all, now they can leave one before.

And the most important point is that the Li family stopped at Li Shiqiu and Li Qingyao. Several brothers of Li family were not married and had no children. Now, if Li Shiqiu goes out, he still has to be a wife. Get married first.

As for Li Shicang, he will certainly be dissatisfied in his heart, but he has no room for speaking at all, and he has to accept it silently.

Li Shiqiu was basically responsible for the arrangement of Li Shiqiu. After leaving the prison, Li Qingyao and Li Shiqiu left together. Du Cheng took time to go to a Liu family.

Lan Ting's expected date of birth is also close, only a few days remain. Du Cheng has inspected it in the past and everything is very healthy.

While waiting for Lan Ting to really be in production, Du Cheng must have come over. Of course, it is impossible for him to come alone, and Liu Shuyun is also coming over.

When Du Cheng went to Lijia Villa in the afternoon, Li Qingyao had already arranged all the things.

All the family's industries have already been handed over to Li Shiqiu. At the same time, Li Qingyao is also very serious about telling Li Shiqiu. His coming is Du Cheng's decision. Similarly, Du Cheng can also let him go in again to make him the best. You can keep your part.

Li Shiqiu is also well aware of this. He knows that Du Cheng has that power and naturally will not commit anything.

In comparison, this life outside is far from being comparable to the life in the prison. As long as he keeps his duty, he can live a luxurious life as before.

Of course, the most important thing is that the entire Li family is now in his grasp. Although the industry of the Lee family is much smaller, it is compared to the previous one. Totally different.

In the past, Li Shijun was almost the next heir to be considered as the default, and his second brother, who couldn’t keep up, had almost no power at all. At most, he could only be a giant son.

And now it is considered to be the head of the family, and this is a very good opportunity for him.

Li Shicang can only come out at least a few years, and his father needs more than ten years. Even if he reduces the type, he will not lose too much. Therefore, he can cultivate his own power. At that time, even if Li Shicang came out, he had absolute capital to press Li Shicang to death.

At that time, he had a great chance to inherit the position of the owner. In this regard, he must also be grateful to Du Cheng.

If Du Cheng chooses to let Li Shicang come out, he Li Shiqiu will not only have to sit for several years, but after waiting for it, he will have nothing.

It’s just that these days, Li Shicang has already kept the book. He doesn’t want to waste the current good situation because of his own speciality. If that’s the case, it’s not just an unwise act, but also an idiot. the behavior of.

"Second brother, the family's affairs are handed over to you. I hope that you can manage the family's industry well until the fathers come out. Also, the cooperation with Zhongheng Pharmaceuticals needs to be treated with caution. Do not have any The mistake."

After completing the handover of all things, Li Qingyao finally reminded him more.

She knows the relationship between Zhongheng Pharmaceutical and Du Cheng, and she does not want to have any contradiction between her second brother and Zhongheng Pharmaceutical because of cooperation. If that is the case, she must stand on the side of Du Cheng.

Because Zhongheng Pharmaceutical is not only Du Cheng, but Zhong Lianlan is the vice president of Zhongheng Pharmaceutical. As long as Zhongheng Pharmaceutical is reasonable, she can only stand on the side of Zhongheng Pharmaceutical.

Li Shiqiu nodded gently and said: "I know, anyway, I am only responsible for management matters, and the specific operations are all handled by the people they have arranged."

"Well, then I am gone, Du Cheng is waiting for me outside, what are we talking about?"

Li Qingyao did not say anything, but left after leaving a sentence.

Du Cheng was only seen in the prison with Li Shiqiu, and did not come out in front of Li Shiqiu.

Being able to put Li Shiqiu out is the biggest limit of Du Cheng. If there is more, it will involve his principles. Moreover, even if Li Shiqiu comes out, Du Cheng may not be friends with each other. At least it is impossible now, so Du Cheng did not think about what kind of feelings to contact Li Shiqiu, the future big sister, because there is no such necessity.

Du Cheng and Li Qingyao's speed is still very fast. Duen Ming's dinner is ready, and the two are already back in Yi Ning.

For the arrival of Li Qingyao, the most happy nature is Guo Yi.

In fact, she and Li Qingyao know the shortest time, but perhaps, because she and Li Qingyao are the last to join, so the two women are obviously very talkative, and the relationship is very good.

"Du Cheng, are you going to your grandfather?"

Du Cheng was directly called by Liu Shuyun, and this took Du Cheng to sit down. Liu Shuyun asked Du Cheng.

Du Cheng nodded gently, then said: "There is still three days, Mom, you can almost prepare, we will pass tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Alright, your grandfather said that the room over there has already prepared for us. We can do it any time."

After Liu Shuyun paused, he continued: "When is the child of Ye Hu born, will we come when we passed?"

"It's okay, there is still some time."

Du Cheng smiled slightly, and there was still about half a month, so there was no need to catch anything.

However, one thing is that Du Cheng is very interested. That is the identity of the son of the grandfather. This matter did not ask Liu Haoye, but asked Liu Shuyun at the moment: "Mom, grandfather, after his son was born, I am not Would it be true to call him?"

After all, it is the son of a grandfather. Although he is old, his identity is very orthodox.

However, let him repeat the words of a fart child, then it is not awkward, and Liu Shuyun’s words are to call the little boy’s brother.

Listening to Du Cheng, Liu Shuyun is also a happy smile, but still explained: "This grandfather told me about it on the phone yesterday. He said that this thing does not matter in the seniority. In the family, it is according to the orthodox generation. Come, and our words can be regarded as a small generation, and the name is also."

Du Cheng nodded and said: "This is almost the same. If you let me call the little one, then I will not go to the grandfather later..."

Liu Shuyun smiled and said: "Hey, you have sex, your grandfather has helped you think about it, your grandfather said, this can be wronged, but you can't give you aggrieved..."


Du Cheng smiled a little bit, and quickly opened the topic and said: "When I went to Suzhou yesterday, I bought a good jade carving and put it in the plane. When I go tomorrow, I just put it. That jade carving is given to the little cousin..."

Du Cheng really did not suffer, and directly gave this generation.

Liu Shuyun smiled speechlessly: "You, it seems that your grandfather guessed it right, let you shout, you are definitely not willing, it seems that Xiaolin is only the life of your cousin."

The little frost she said was Liu Haoye’s name for his son, Liu Shuangyu.

"Okay, call the meal, the food is ready."

Du Cheng smiled and didn't say anything more about this matter.

In the evening, Yi Ningju is undoubtedly very lively. In order to welcome Li Qingyao, Gu Jiayi has come over from F City. Of course, there are also Zhonglianlan. The family can be said to be happy.

After eating dinner, Du Cheng was directly taken away by Ai Qier. Looking at the way of Ai Qier, there is obviously something to say to Du Cheng.

"Du Cheng, there seems to be some problems with my father."

Going to a remote place, Ai Qie was obviously worried about Du Cheng.

Listening to Ai Qier, Du Cheng apparently had some accidents and asked: "What is it?"

"It seems that someone wants to assassinate my dad. I just knew it. The other party has already shot several times. It is twice in Saudi Arabia and twice in Paris. Every time the other side is carefully prepared, sniper and various assassins. There are all breaks. If the protection personnel you arranged are very alert, I am afraid..."

Ai Qier did not go on, but her meaning is very obvious.

After she and Du Cheng together, Du Cheng directly selected ten outstanding elite members from the elite group to give Vital as bodyguards, and they were all carefully trained by Ah San for various assassinations. Buried has a very rich experience.

If you switch to another bodyguard, I am afraid that this time the opponent's shot has been successful, and the bodyguards arranged by Du Cheng just blocked the other four times and prepared for a very sophisticated assassination.

At this point, Ai Qier was also lucky, so after just knowing the news, she immediately told Du Cheng about it.

"This thing, are you uncle who wants to keep secret, why aren't my people contact me?"

Du Cheng seems to be aware of what, directly asked.

Ai Qier nodded slightly and said: "Well, I know this thing from other people. My dad didn't tell me, and my dad ordered all the bodyguards to keep it secret. Half a point..."


Du Cheng did not have any accidental color, because he had already guessed it.

If it is not for the confidentiality of the map, the elite members he arranged will definitely contact him quickly. However, when Du Cheng arranged them in the past, in order to make it easier for Vito to arrange them, I once said that They strictly obey the orders of Vitus, but now it seems that they are really obeying the orders of Vitus.

After a little thought, Du Cheng said directly: "It is better to call and ask, this thing is sloppy. If something goes wrong, everything is already late."

Under the circumstances that the previous assassination was unsuccessful, the other party will definitely strengthen the assassination arrangement. For these assassinations, it is almost impossible to prevent and prevent half-point mistakes. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be reported under Jiuquan.

"Well, I will call back now." Ai Qier nodded and then quickly picked up the phone.

She is also the news she just knew. She has not come and called to play Du Cheng. Obviously, it is better to think that this kind of thing is based on Du Cheng’s decision.

Du Cheng was standing on the side listening, his brows were slightly wrinkled, because he couldn't think of it for the time being, what exactly was he wanted to assassinate Vito.

The object he suspected in the first time was that Lisi.

Undoubtedly, Lisi has many suspected factors, such as property and inheritance.

This is the most important interest factor. Vito has no plans to have a child with Lisi. It only allows Lisi to take care of some family-owned businesses. The core business is firmly in the hands of the family.

If that Lisi is a woman with a big ambition, it is very likely that she will take the opportunity to assassinate Vito and profit from it.

However, Du Cheng quickly excluded this idea. The reason is very simple. Because of the accident, there will be many people who will lock the first doubt on Lisi.

Du Cheng can see it, the Lisi is not stupid, it is certainly impossible to do this kind of thing now.

Therefore, the murderer behind this scene is probably someone else.

And between Du Chengsi, Ai Qier also got through the phone of Vitto.

On the phone, Vitto first denied this, but under the question of Ai Qier, Vitu eventually got it all out.

It is true that someone has assassinated him, but he still does not know who is behind the scenes. He only knows that the assassination of him is from a killer organization, and that killer organization is one of the world’s top killer organizations. Blood River.

It is said that this blood river killer organization has at least the number of killers above 10,000 people, and many of the killers are very famous all over the world. Just speaking about the success rate of strength and execution of tasks, this blood river killer organization is definitely not The first is the second.

And such a killer organization wants to assassinate a person, it is indeed very horrible. If it is not for Du Cheng to arrange an absolutely powerful protection force for Vito, I am afraid that Vitto is now far away from Huangquan for a long time.

After listening to the call of Vitto and Ai Qier, Du Cheng was somewhat silent.

This blood river killer organization is also very clear. This is not the French killer organization. The headquarters of the Blood River Killer Organization is in the United States, not in Paris.

In other words, this blood river killer organization is someone who came over from the United States. As for who is behind the scenes, even if he is Du Cheng, there is no clue.

"Du Cheng, it’s not as good as we are now. How do you see it?"

After Ai Qier hangs up the phone, she is worried about Du Cheng.

Du Cheng shook his head and said, "I will go, you are waiting for me here."

This matter may be more dangerous. Du Cheng is not afraid of any accidents, but he is afraid of what happened to Ai Qier. Therefore, he directly rejected the proposal of Ai Qier, but chose to go to Paris alone. .

"Well, I am waiting for your good news."

Ai Qier did not reluctantly. She was very obedient to Du Cheng’s arrangement, and she knew that if this matter was basically carried out in the past, there should be no problem. If she did not go, it would be irrelevant. It’s urgent.

"Well, I will go now, you can help me to talk to them."

Du Cheng did not say anything more, but after simply saying a word, he went straight out directly to the door.

He actually wanted to accompany the two children, but some things were unavoidable. Therefore, Du Cheng did not even have time to speak with Li Qingyao, and hurriedly headed for the direction of the airport.

In less than a minute, Du Cheng’s opening of the second day of the month was quickly flying from the private airport of Yi Ningju, and then quickly flew in the direction of France.

On the plane, Du Cheng just sat quietly.

He is thinking about something, and that is what he wants to kill.

The identity of Vito is absolutely not simple and there is only one possibility to kill the Vitru, the first is the entanglement of interest with Vitus.

This is probably the most difficult to guess. After all, he is not very clear about the real business chain of the Clarkel family. This is basically only the case that Vitu himself might guess.

However, before this, Du Duan was able to think about another problem, that is, the issue of the blood river killer organization.

This kind of killer organization is undoubtedly the existence of an illegal mercenary organization. However, the killer organization is almost purely for the purpose of killing people, and such a powerful killer organization is indeed a very difficult role.

This time, when he went to Paris, he would rather have to compete with this **** killer organization.

Fortunately, Du Cheng is not too worried about it, because his current strength has risen to a limit that is not the limit. For the general threat, he will not be able to put it on his mind.

However, Du Cheng at the moment did not expect that his goal of entering the world was officially launched at this moment.

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