MTL - Ultimate Intelligence-v4 Chapter 1193 Tang Xiaoni

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Chapter 3 Tang Ni

After completing the killing of the Blood River killer organization, Du Cheng did not immediately return to the country, but cleaned up the remaining core members that did not arrive this time. m zero reading m

And the next action is undoubtedly a lot easier for Du Cheng.

His plan is also absolutely a great success. If Zarrak is afraid of death and so many people come back to save, I am afraid that he will be killed one by one. With so many members, he is afraid of it. It takes a month to spend.

After completing the final cleanup, Du Cheng also deliberately returned to Las Vegas.

Only one day later, the underground base of the Blood River Killer organization in Las Vegas was directly destroyed and the entire building was directly scrapped.

From this moment on, the blood river killer organization with more than 20 years of history officially became an illusion, and was directly removed from the history of the killer world.

Du Cheng is also perfect to complete this trip to Las Vegas. To him, he has already completely eliminated one of the biggest hidden dangers.

However, Du Cheng did not relax because of this. The evil spirits organization and the Douglas family, as well as the country behind the scenes, could not be underestimated for him. Perhaps these three will become the biggest enemy of him.

The Douglas family Du Cheng is not very concerned about the heart, the only thing that makes Du Cheng worry is that the arms power is not inferior to the evil spirits of some countries.

This evil spirit organization has already had several penacles with him, and I am afraid that the evil spirits organization should become the real biggest enemy of his future.

However, if you want to deal with the evil spirits organization, I am afraid that Du Du is really full of blood.

The plane landed directly in the private airport of Yi Ningju. This time, Du Cheng also spent nearly five days.

When he came back, Gu Jiayi had already returned to F City, but with the addition of Guo Yi and Li Qingyao, the whole Yi Ning residence was still a lot more lively than before.

However, Du Cheng’s time is also very coincident. He just came back, and Ji Cheng’s phone has already been called.

Ji Cheng was originally involved in the merger in Busan, South Korea. It also has some time. This time, when he returns, it basically means that the annexation work there has been successfully completed.

Therefore, after receiving the call, Du Cheng let Dong Cheng directly come to Yi Ning to find him, and he himself took the time to take a shower and rushed all the **** taste.

Fortunately, this time the shot, he really did not kill a lot of people, basically like in Tibet, only hurt or not, if you kill, Tibet and this trip to Las Vegas Together, he probably has to know more than two thousand lives in his hands.

Such a horrible number will be shocked by Du Cheng himself. He is not a cold-blooded butcher. In this respect, there is no need to say anything about killing and decisive. The killing is indeed the killing, but basically killing or killing is basically I chose to let go.

Ji Cheng came directly from Dongsha Shipping. His degree was very fast. He had already arrived in Yiningju when Du Cheng took a bath, and sat in the hall under the greeting of Liu Shuyun. It’s down.

He came from himself. He knew that Yiningju was a forbidden place for Ducheng. He didn't like outsiders to bother, so unless he had to come here alone, he would come alone, even his sister Ji Yun would not bring it.

However, I am afraid that even if he is allowed to take him, he may not dare to bring his sister.

He knows what his sister meant to Du Cheng, and only the law is intentionally flowing, and some things are simply barely.

"Ji Cheng, everything over there is handled."

Du Cheng did not see his two baby sons in a few days. After the shower, he changed the Wei and Wei books for the first time. Han Zhiqi also followed him down. After sitting down, he was She personally gave Du Cheng and Ji Cheng a cup of tea.

"Yes, Du Ge, has been completed."

Ji Cheng nodded, then went on to say: "We have swallowed up 73% of the industrial value of Shengshi Shipbuilding, and we have collected 90% of the talents, less than 8 percent. The employee chose to leave."

“After the completion of the annexation, we moved the headquarters of Shengshi Shipbuilding back to Xiamen, while the South Korea only operated in the situation of the terminal. According to the estimation of the operation department, we can get at least 60% of Shengshi Shipbuilding. Stabilize customers."

These Jicheng were obviously ready before they came, so at the moment he said that there was almost no stagnation.

"Well, it’s doing a good job, better than I expected."

Du Cheng nodded. Basically, the amount of completion of this annexation was more than 10% higher than he expected. Therefore, Du Cheng was very satisfied with the report of Ji Cheng.

Ji Cheng did not make a contribution, but went on to say: "This time the annexation can be carried out so smoothly, you still need to thank Mr. Han Mingqi for his strong support. If he did not help us through the relevant departments, I am afraid this time. The annexation action will become much more difficult."

Listening to Ji Cheng, Han Zhiqi smiled.

She knew this thing, Han Mingxi also smiled and told her that she would sell the thief for a while.

However, both Han Zhiqi and Han Mingqi are very clear in their hearts. What they are paying now will get better returns in the future. The fall of the Lee family will only make the future of the Han family stronger, and when they arrive The country that returns will be more.

This return is not just about taxation, but also technology. Now the technologies used by the three major companies of the Han family have basically reached the world's true leading level, almost the same as Xingteng Technology.

Under this circumstance, 3 star electronics will undoubtedly drive the entire level of science and technology in South Korea, and the day after day is just around the corner.

It is also very clear to these Du Cheng, that the Han family has no loss for him, and that the strength of a family still requires a strong ally, but now the family that Du Chengxin has passed is not Many, in addition to the Clarke family of Vito and the Han family of Han Zhiqi, they are Charlie and Tang Feng.

"Is there any reaction in the Li family?" Without thinking about this, Du Cheng just nodded and asked.

After Ji Chengwei thought about it, he said: "There are some means, but not mature enough. I think it should not be shot by Li Zhengjun. It may be the means by Li Zhenghao, the son of Li Zhengjun."

Du Cheng smiled slightly and said: "It doesn't matter. Li Yanhao is still not enough threat, let him make trouble, as long as it is not too tossing, anyway, he should not be able to toss how long."

"I know."

Ji Cheng nodded directly. As Du Cheng said, Li Yanhao really has no power, even if Ji Cheng can not feel any threat.

Moreover, now South Korea’s Shengshi Shipbuilding has only left empty shells after the merger. Basically, it has become a terminal. As long as it does not affect the transportation of the goods, there is no problem.

Du Cheng then went on to say: "Looking at the current merger, you will discuss with Chengchun, try to expand the company's scale as much as possible. It is best to establish branches in several major coastal cities in our country and strive to Within the year, it became the largest shipping group in Asia."

"Well, this is already in progress. This time it is because of this."

After Cheng Chengton paused, he said: "After the merger of Shengshi Shipbuilding, we intend to let Dongxia Shipping take this excellent opportunity to go public, and then formally merge the two companies into one, with the popularity of Shengshi Shipbuilding. Let Dongsha Shipping take off quickly. Then, we plan to build six branches in several major coastal cities such as Shanghai. If all goes well, I believe that our Dongsha Shipping Group can definitely become within one year. The largest shipping company in Asia, even if it is global, is at least the top."

Obviously, this is the real purpose of Ji Cheng’s visit to Yi Ning.

The merger of Shengshi Shipbuilding allowed Dongxia Shipping to have an absolutely proud starting capital in advance, and it will make the next operation of Dongsha Shipping easier, plus the huge financial support of Dongsha Shipping and Shengshi Shipbuilding. The funds injected by the side are completely sufficient for the next full exhibition of Dongsha Shipping.

"Well, is there a plan, please show me."

Du Cheng did not think that Ji Cheng and Lian Chengchun had made a good decision, and some unexpectedly asked.

"It has already been brought, Du Gu, you have to look at it first." Ji Cheng said, and then took out a thick plan file directly from the bag that he carried it with him.

Du Cheng took over, he saw it very quickly, but it was very detailed.

It took a few minutes to take a look at these documents. Du Cheng nodded with some admiration and said: "Yes, follow this plan. You don't need to worry about the funds. Try to hurry up in the short term. Let the whole company grow up."

"Okay, Du Ge."

With the approval of Du Cheng, Ji Cheng is obviously very happy.

This plan was developed by him and Lian Chengchun with a whole elite group for two days, but all of this requires Du Cheng’s nod. Only Du Cheng’s approval of this plan is a real success. .

And now it seems that they are successful.

Du Cheng has been very little to go to Golden Eagle Security Company recently. They were the bosses of the original A3, but after they left, Dongcheng naturally took over the position of Asan, and together with Xuan Qingguan, he held the Golden Eagle Security. the company.

However, because Dongcheng and Xuan Qinguan are now in Cape Town, the current Golden Eagle Security Company is temporarily managed by Aqiu.

The Golden Eagle Security Company rebuilt it last year, and the scale was several times larger than it was originally.

As for the members of Golden Eagle Security, it is limited to a certain amount. Unless there are members of the three groups of Heaven and Earth, no fresh blood will be added.

On the second day after returning to Yi Ningju, Du Cheng drove to the Golden Eagle Security Company.

When he went, it was around 9:00 in the morning. Before he went, he had already contacted Aqiu by phone. Therefore, his car came outside the company. Aqiu was already waiting at the gate. He is.

He is now the target of Du Cheng's key training. He originally mastered the Xuantang in the F city, but now he is the manager of the entire Golden Eagle security company, which can already be counted as the top five of the elite group. The character is gone.

"Du Ge."

Seeing the arrival of Du Cheng, Aqiu quickly and respectfully shouted to Du Cheng.

This respect is from the heart, not what I want to get from Du Cheng. He was originally a gangster, and he was still a kind of gangster that was looked down upon. After he worked hard, he almost went to the boss to go to jail. .

At that time, his parents almost broke off the relationship between him and his father. He did not have any relatives and friends, and it was almost the darkest moment in his life.

At that time, his gang was annexed by Xuantang, and he escaped and went directly to Xuantang.

When he first joined Xuantang, he never thought that his life would be so changed. He only knew the hard work and devoted all his energy to learning.

He paid several times the efforts of others, and his happiness was finally rewarded. He entered the elite group from Xuantang and became the top member of the group. He was finally promoted by Du Cheng to F. The leader of the church and the elite group.

And his life has begun to change dramatically, Du Cheng gave him a generous reward, but in just a few years, he left millions of net worth, and really proud in front of his parents. After a while, I used my own money to help my family improve my poor life.

A man can't forget this. Aqiu knows that everything he has now is given to him by Du Cheng. Du Cheng has changed the fate of his life. Therefore, no matter how much his status has climbed, his respect for Du Cheng is Absolutely not weaker, but only more respectful.

Du Cheng stopped the car at the gate. He directly threw the car key to a member of the elite group at the gatekeeper. He himself was after greeting with Aqiu and walked. Entered the company.

The size of the entire company can be said to be very atmospheric and grand, and the main building is a 28-storey building. This building was designed by Du Cheng personally. If the defense program is started, it can be almost guaranteed by steel. The base is to describe.

"Du Ge, Donnie is already waiting for you inside."

This was just inside the door, and Aqiu reported to Du Chengxun.

"Well, when did you arrive." Du Cheng nodded and asked.

Donnie, blood rose.

Before this, Du Cheng did not know that the blood rose had such a delicate name, and basically could not make any connection with the nickname of her blood rose.

However, this blood rose seems to be selected by Burke for Donnie. On that occasion, it is indeed necessary to have a code with some discouragement, and the blood rose is undoubtedly suitable for the cold Tang Nie.

Aqiu is responsive: "Only soon, we sent people directly to Nanping to pick her up."

Donnie’s hometown is on the side of Nanping, Fujian. This is also something that is beyond the expectations of Du Cheng. If it is counted, it is half a fellow.


Gently nodded, Du Cheng did not say anything, but under the leadership of Aqiu directly into the building.

The whole building can be basically divided into three parts, learning, exercising and rest and recreation. The second to fourth floors of the building are places for study. Du Cheng introduces elites from various professions to educate the elite group. All members have reached the level of civil and military training.

Moreover, the escalation of the three groups of the elite group of heaven and earth is also required to meet the requirements in terms of knowledge. It is not enough to exercise.

The fifth to twelfth floors of the building are places for rest and entertainment. The equipment on each floor is very rich, and from the thirteenth floor, it is the training place for the members of the elite group. The three groups of members are separated, each group occupies about five floors.

For all elite members, basically the higher the level of exercise, the higher the identity, and this is a unique pressure for everyone. let them More thoughts are spent on learning and exercising.

Ah San’s office was originally on the eighth floor of the building, but now it is the place where Aqiu and Dongcheng work.

At the moment, Donnie was waiting for Du Cheng in the hall on the eighth floor. Therefore, after Du Cheng and Aqiu entered the building, they directly took the elevator to the eighth floor of the building.

The iron door of the elevator was opened, and Du Cheng saw Donnie sitting on the sand.

As with the departure of Las Vegas on the same day, Donnie did not change anything after returning to China. Her feelings were still cold, and even the dress of her body did not change much, although leisure But it gives a clean and neat feeling.

Tang Ni also saw Du Cheng, she owed Du Cheng people, so after she sent her mother back to her hometown, she came to Du Cheng.

She needs to know what Du Cheng wants to do, and then make arrangements for her future life.

Now, it is the moment to decide her future life.

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