MTL - Ultimate Intelligence-v4 Chapter 1194 Pyramid of the elite

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Chapter 1194 The Pyramid of the Elite

"Mr. Du."

When Du Cheng came in, Tang Xiaoni stood up from the sofa.

When she came, she knew the name of Du Cheng from Aqiu, because Du Cheng was kind to her, so she did not call Du Cheng’s name, but she was also grateful to her for Du Cheng.

However, Tang Xiaoni’s heart is very curious about one thing, that is, Du Cheng’s handling of Las Vegas in this way.

Du Cheng’s return is undoubtedly equivalent to saying that he is the ultimate winner, and the Blood River killer organization is the loser.

It’s just that Tang Xiaoni knows that it’s generally impossible to get an answer, so she didn’t intend to ask it.


Du Cheng nodded gently, then said: "You come in with me, let's talk inside."

Du Cheng did not mean to talk in this hall, he said, he looked at Aqiu.

Aqiu agreed to lead Du Cheng and Tang Xiaoni to go to his office.

He knew that Du Cheng had something to talk to Tang Xiaoni, so after he entered the office with two people, he first retired. There were only Du Cheng and Tang Xiaoni left in the office.

"Are you doing everything right?" Du Cheng picked up the tea set on the coffee table and asked for tea, and asked Tang Xiaoni.

"All of them are handled, and there is nothing. Just put my mother in the house." Tang Xiaoni is honest and has nothing to hide.

In the years when she helped Burke do things, she also saved some money.

"Ye is back to the roots. When people are old, they will miss their hometown."

Du Cheng smiled and said: "Do you remember what I said to you when you were in Las Vegas?"

Tang Xiaoni nodded gently and then asked: "Remember, don't know Mr. Du, what do you want me to protect for you?"

"This will be known later. For now, your strength is still lacking, but there is a problem before you must consider it first."

Du Cheng paused and then said: "This protection is not a few months or a year or two. If you are willing to help me, I hope that you can at least help me for more than three years. I don't know if you can do it. ?"

Tang Xiaoni's current strength is not enough, because of her cleverness and dynamic vision, Du Cheng when she quickly cultivated her, and this requires a process and time.

Tang Xiaoni thought for a moment and then said: "I can promise this, but I hope that I can go back to my mother every few days."

Her current life is temporarily blank. She doesn't know what to do except her mother. It can be said that she is somewhat empty. Therefore, she did not reject the request made by Du Cheng.

Du Cheng knew that Tang Xiaoni basically agreed to come down. After a slight smile, he said: "This is no problem. If you like, you can take your mother to live here. I will help you with the house. In time, you can rest assured that under normal circumstances, you will have at least ten days of vacation per month."

Du Cheng needs Tang Xiaoni to protect, naturally Gu Jiayi is theirs.

However, what Du Cheng needs is Tang Xiaoni's calm mind and control, and will let Tang Xiaoni take over the position of Aqiu and Dongcheng and become the real boss of the elite group.

Under this circumstance, Tang Xiaoni does not need to personally protect Gu Jiayi from them. It is only necessary to make a comprehensive arrangement. Only when Gu Jiayi goes abroad or goes to a place, she needs personal protection.

At this point, Du Cheng still has great confidence in Tang Xiaoni. If he only needs to practice physical training, plus the combination of powerful dynamic vision, flashing and secrets of Tibetan and Tibetan, Du Cheng believes that Tang Xiaoni can definitely be in the pole. It grew rapidly in a short period of time.

And by the time, with the strength of Tang Xiaoni, protecting Gu Jiayi can be said to be more than enough.

As for Dongcheng and Aqiu, they are naturally arranged.

Dongcheng is now a general who can stand alone. It is undoubtedly a waste to stay in the elite group. Xuanqingguan is also similar. What they need is all-round training.

In the words of Aqiu, Du Cheng intends to let him go to Dongcheng for some time and let Dongcheng bring him up quickly.

Then, Du Cheng intends to let Aqiu and Xuan Qingguan together to create a security company.

However, the size of this security company will be ten times or even 100 times that of Golden Eagle Security, and it will be a global security company.

At that time, he Du Cheng can fully come up with the most scientific training methods and the most direct and practical fighting skills to enhance the strength of this security company. As for physical training, Du Cheng did not consider it.

The current physical training is already within a certain range. If it is transmitted again, it will most likely be spread on a large scale, and this is not what Du Fu wants to see.

Of course, these are the future things.

"Well, I promise you."

I got the guarantee from Du Cheng, and Tang Xiaoni agreed to it this time without thinking.

"You don't have to agree so fast, because I still have some things I want to tell you first." Du Cheng's voice paused a little, then he continued: "I don't just want you to help me protect some people, at the same time, I You will also hand over the security company to you for management. Of course, before that, you must accept the exercise and study that I have arranged for you. During this period, you may have to work very boring and even far beyond ordinary people. ”

Listening to Du Cheng, Tang Xiaoni said with some hesitation: "I.. I have no experience in managing the company."

She did not think that Du Cheng would let her go to manage the company. In this respect, she was almost a piece of paper, and she still had insufficient confidence.

"It doesn't matter. I will arrange for people to help you first. After you have enough capacity, you will be fully handed over to you." Du Cheng smiled. This does not require Tang Xiaoni to think about anything. He already has already The arrangement is clear.


Du Cheng said so, Tang Xiaoni naturally will not refuse anything.

From the moment she promised, the fate of her life has basically begun to turn, and there will be earth-shaking changes.

Du Cheng was directly opening the door to let Aqiu, who was outside the hall, come in. After Aqiu sat down on the sofa, he said, "Aqiu, take a look at Tang Xiaoni and try to be within three months. Let her take over the elite group, and you will prepare yourself. After three months, I will go to Cape Town to meet Dongcheng. When I have another plan, I need you to do it."

"Yes, Du Cheng."

A Qiu first was a glimpse, and then he thought that he should have failed.

He knows that Du Cheng’s departure from him is not to lower his position, but to prepare to reuse him. This makes Aqiu’s heart full of excitement.

But he is more aware that if he wants to get real reuse, then he must pay more than a few times now.

Du Cheng was very satisfied with Aqiu’s reaction. He stood up and said: “Well, let’s take Tang Xiaoni to familiarize yourself with the company’s environment.”

"Okay, Du Ge." Ah Qiu nodded and then said to Tang Xiaoni: "Tang Xiaoni, I will introduce you to the company's environment first, but before that, I hope that you can have some mental preparation."

Said, Aqiu's face suddenly floated a strange smile.

Du Cheng is also smiling, because next, Tang Xiaoni needs to be psychologically prepared for the visual impact.

The intensity and manner of exercise of the elite group is definitely not something that outsiders can imagine.

Immediately, Du Cheng said directly: "Aqiu, you will be called a blood rose in the future. Don't use the name Tang Xiaoni again. Later, she used the blood rose as the code name in the elite group."

"Okay, Du Ge."

Aqiu is very simple, the name is not important in the elite group, and in comparison, the blood rose is indeed more impactful than Tang Xiaoni.

"Mr. Du, then I will call you Du Ge later." Tang Xiaoni suddenly said that she is now Du Cheng's men, and if she calls Mr. Du again, she will have some births.

"Well, that's it."

Du Cheng nodded, just a name, but he did not care.


After the talk, Du Cheng and Tang Xiaoni left the office on the eighth floor under the leadership of Aqiu.

Du Cheng came here once when it was built. After that, it was quite rare to come here, but all the monitoring inside it was under the control of Xiner, so Du Cheng is no stranger to everything inside.

Tang Xiaoni was very curious to look around, and the curiosity between the cool beauty was undoubtedly obvious.

Intuition tells her that this security company is absolutely different.

At least she can already feel that Aqiu’s skill and strength are definitely above her, and even stronger.

In particular, the words of Aqiu just made the inside of Tang Xiaoni full of expectations.

The elevator stopped at the thirteenth floor. When he walked out of the elevator, Aqiu said: "All members of our elite group are divided into three groups, namely, heaven, earth and people. The group is the entry stage, the land group is advanced, and the sky group is the highest."

After the meal, Aqiu went on to say: "This is the 13th floor. From the 13th floor to the 17th floor, it is a place for people to train. The training on each floor is different, and you want to enter. If you have a higher level, you must pass every examiner's assessment."

"Competitiveness is the theme that our elite group admires. Only after exerting absolute efforts can we go further. If you relax a little, it is very likely that someone will be squeezed from the sky group to the ground group, or from the ground group. Group of people."

Aqiu made the final summary. This theme was arranged by Du Cheng, and until now the entire elite group has targeted this.

Because of this, the progress of all members of the elite group is very rapid. Some people will be brought up from the group every month, and some people will be squeezed from the group or the group. Now within the elite group, everything is It is based on strength.

However, the members of the Tian group are generally rarely downgraded, because the members of the Tian group are the oldest group to enter the elite group, and the strength is very good, generally because of the talent Restrictions, basically as long as the talent is good, you can stay at the level of the day group if you pay hard.

Of course, the salary of the three groups of heaven and earth is also different, and the gap is also great, which is also a driving force for all members of the elite group.

With the impetus and competitiveness, it is basically difficult to think about progress.

Listening to Aqiu's explanation, Tang Xiaoni's first feeling is fresh, and then it is cruel and competitive.

The unique way of exercising and competitiveness can really make an organization's strength fast and powerful. However, Tang Xiaoni does not know for a while that the strength of the elite group is definitely far beyond her expectations.

"Right, blood rose, you do not need to prepare, when are you going to officially enter our elite group?" Aqiu seems to suddenly think of something, directly asked Tang Xiaoni.

After thinking about it, Tang Xiaoni said directly: "Tomorrow, I need to go back."

Du Cheng said: "Ask your mother, if she is willing to come to Xiamen, let Aqiu arrange a place for you."

"Okay, Du Ge."

Tang Xiaoni nodded, and if the mother is willing to come to Xiamen, then she is very convenient to take care of.

"Blood Rose, starting from tomorrow, you should start exercising from the group. If you want to take over the elite group within three months, I hope that you can rush to the sky group in these three months. Forefront."

Aqiu slowly said that Du Cheng let him bring Tang Xiaoni, then, Tang Xiaoni's next arrangement must be decided by him.

He knows that the blood rose has some skills, and he knows that Du Cheng let the blood rose take over the elite group. It must be a fancy for the talent of blood roses.

So he arranged a blood rose for three months. Compared to others, the three months are really too little, but if the blood rose wants to take over the entire elite, then it must be done. It is only at this point.

However, the voice of Aqiu has just fallen, but Du Cheng said directly: "Three months is too long, half a month."

"Half month?"

Aqiu looked at Du Cheng with some surprise, because this time seems to be really too short.

However, there is no doubt in his heart, because he is unconditional trust in everything Du Cheng said. Du Cheng said that Tang Xiaoni can do this step within half a month, then explain Tang Xiaoni does have this talent.

Tang Xiaoni does have this talent, because she has the same dynamic vision as Du Cheng. In this case, even if the strength is weaker than the other, it is also the grasp of winning.

Tang Xiaoni herself was also somewhat surprised. She didn't know why Du Cheng was so confident about her. However, what she seemed to do next was to make an absolute effort.

"Half a month is enough."

Du Cheng smiled and expressed absolute confidence in Tang Xiaoni.

"I am looking forward to it." Aqiu smiled and said, if Tang Xiaoni really has such potential, then for the elite group, her participation is definitely a good thing.

"Well, this thing will be said later, let's take a look at their training."

Du Cheng waved his hand and did not say anything more on this topic. When the voice fell, he walked directly to the 13th floor door.

The elevator is a separate space. This is the design of Du Cheng. If you want to really enter the thirteenth floor, you must also pass the guards of the elite members of the door.

With Du Cheng and Aqiu, their identity is naturally unimpeded, and there is Du Cheng, even Tang Xiaoni has no one to ask.

This was within the door, and Tang Xiaoni was almost dumbfounded.

The first step into her eyes was the fight field. Although it was only eight o'clock in the morning, there were dozens of people in the entire fight field.

This kind of confrontation is not just a simple study, but a real contest. The exquisite fighting skills and the strength of the body that has been strengthened after the physical training is absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Those so-called boxing champions are absolutely vulnerable in front of them. Each of them has the strength to block one hundred, and the most important point is that they are only members of the group, standing The bottom of the entire elite group.

But even so, it has already formed an unparalleled impact on Tang Xiaoni.

At this moment, Tang Xiaoni finally knows why Aqiu wants her to be mentally prepared.

Strong, beyond imagination.

At this time, Tang Xiaoni had to re-define the strength of the elite group, and the arc of this definition would be greatly enhanced.

Looking at the two members of the group who are fighting now, Tang Xiaoni asked some difficulties to Du Cheng: "Du Ge ~ ~ These are just the strength of the elite group members?"

Among these people, if they just try, maybe she still has the confidence to win a few, but if it is more than the real fighting skills, her strength is definitely not enough, even with dynamic vision assistance, Most of these members of the group are afraid of having the power to kill her.

According to Du Cheng, she started from this group of people starting tomorrow, and took half a month to reach the top position of the group.

Before that, she probably didn't have any strong feelings, and at this moment, her confidence began to shake.

Du Chengtong said very directly: "Yes, they only have the strength of the group now. I hope that after you come in tomorrow, you can climb up from here in the shortest time and climb to the top of the pyramid."


Continue tomorrow.

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