MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 10 Grass Hag's Tomb

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  Chapter 10 The Tomb of the Grass Hag

  Yu Xiaolian hasn't eaten meat since she came here, and she only took a small bite of the lard residue yesterday. At this time, a chicken leg with an attractive aroma is placed in her hand. Does she have any reason to refuse?


  Yu Xiaolian took the chicken leg and took a hard bite.

   Fragrant, really fragrant!

  Even if there is no seasoning, this chicken leg is very fragrant, and the pheasant is better than the feed chicken!

  Jiang Lin saw Yu Xiaolian devouring the chicken legs, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "If you are hungry for meat in the future, come to my house to look for me. We don't have anything else, and game is enough!"

  Yu Xiaolian threw away the chicken bone, stood up from the ground, patted the grass clippings on her butt, and said, "People in the village hate me, but you are not afraid."

  Jiang Lin also stood up, swaying Yu Xiaolian's basket in his hand, and walked ahead, "Hey...what are you? I'm not even afraid of the grave of the grass hag, but I'm afraid of you, a little girl."

  Yu Xiaolian smiled, saying that Jiang Lin is superstitious, but he is not afraid of grass hags, saying that he is not superstitious, he still believes in mountain gods.

  Yu Xiaolian and Jiang Lin walked for about an hour before arriving at the tomb of the grass hag that Jiang Lin mentioned.

   Fortunately, the road was relatively safe, and I didn’t encounter any large wild animals. I saw quite a few wild rabbits and squirrels.

  Jiang Lin had heard from his father before that there was a large tomb on the second hill, and the owner of the tomb was a grass hag who was good at Gu skills.

  Jiang Lin has been thinking about this tomb for a long time, and he finally found the location of the tomb some time ago. It was only through his hard work that he managed to carve out a small gap under the stone door of the tomb.

  Jiang Lin was tall and strong, so he really couldn't enter, but he couldn't wait to find out if there were really valuable things in the tomb, so he found Yu Xiaolian, who was petite and skinny.

Jiang Lin pointed to a hole in the lower right corner of the stone gate, and said to Yu Xiaolian, "Climb in and have a look, if there is really something inside, it's worth my effort. Don't worry, I've used wormwood for this I have smoked it several times, even if the grass hag left some Gu worms or something, I would have smoked to death long ago."

  Yu Xiaolian lay on the ground and looked into the gap, but it was so dark inside that she couldn't see anything clearly.

  Jiang Lin said again, "It took too much effort to chisel this stone gate, otherwise I wouldn't ask you to share the pie. Do you dare to go in?"

  Yu Xiaolian had read the Tomb Raiding Notes in her previous life, and was deeply attracted by the plots in it. Although she was a little uneasy at this time, she was more excited about the unknown.

  Jiang Lin took out a candle from his bosom, handed it to Yu Xiaolian, and said, "I also specially prepared a candle for you, go in and have a look and then come out, do you dare?"

  Yu Xiaolian glanced at the candle in Jiang Lin's hand, but without reaching out to take it, she pulled away the unburned wormwood from the gap in the stone gate, and then slipped in without saying a word.

  In just the blink of an eye, Yu Xiaolian's body was exposed with only a section of her calf, Jiang Lin said anxiously, " don't take the candle? You can't see anything inside if you don't take the candle?"

  Jiang Lin passed the candle in through the gap, and threw the fire primer in.

  Jiang Lin saw Yu Xiaolian picked up the candle, and shouted again, "It's dark inside, be careful!"

  As soon as Yu Xiaolian entered the tomb, she felt a chill emanating from the depths of the tomb. Roots took root under Yu Xiaolian's feet, and she didn't dare to move. She couldn't help feeling a little timid in her heart.

  But thinking that I have died once, and that I was engaged in forensic medicine in my previous life, I must not be cowardly at this time, Yu Xiaolian cheered herself up in her heart, and soon summoned up her courage again, and walked in.

   Instead of lighting a candle, she took out a flashlight from the space, and the flashlight was much brighter than the candle.

  Yu Xiaolian swung the flashlight around. It is not so much a tomb as it is a natural cave, but the owner of the tomb took advantage of this natural cave to sleep here.

   There was an iron gate in front of Yu Xiaolian, but there was a large gap in the iron railing, and Yu Xiaolian got in without any difficulty.

  Patting the rust on her body, Yu Xiaolian continued to walk deep into the cave.

  The further you go in, the colder it becomes.

  The sound of light footsteps has a long echo, which makes people feel scalp numb.

  Suddenly, Yu Xiaolian's flashlight shined on a pile of bottles and cans.

She paused, and didn't dare to go over to check. After all, Jiang Lin said that the owner of the tomb is a grass hag who is very good at keeping Gu worms. If these bottles and jars are full of Gu worms, then her life will be over. .

Yu Xiaolian didn't move those things, and continued to move forward, turning a fork, and a big iron door appeared in front of her again, with a large rusty lock hanging on the iron door, the iron door was neat and flat, without a single dent , It is very thick at a glance.

   Inside the iron gate should be the coffin of that grass hag, right?

  Yu Xiaolian tried to pull the big rusty lock, but the iron door didn't move at all. Seeing that it couldn't be opened, she decided to go back the same way.

  Going to the pile of bottles and cans, Yu Xiaolian touched a small white porcelain bottle.

   After all, she came here once, and she couldn’t leave empty-handed. She was actually quite curious about what was inside.

   When approaching the stone gate, Yu Xiaolian heard Jiang Lin's uneasy call, and she hurriedly responded, "I'm back, get out of the way, I'll crawl out."

  As soon as Yu Xiaolian went in, Jiang Lin felt a little regretful, fearing that something might happen to Yu Xiaolian, his heart was hanging and hanging.

   When Yu Xiaolian crawled out of the hole and a ray of sunlight shone on her body, she felt relieved.

   Alas, she is really not suitable for such a dreadful business.

   "How is it? Is there any treasure inside?" Jiang Lin asked anxiously, holding Yu Xiaolian's arm.

  Yu Xiaolian shook her head, "There is a big iron door inside, and with our abilities, we definitely can't open it."

  When Jiang Lin heard this, his head drooped, "Then are we here for nothing?"

  Yu Xiaolian handed the white porcelain bottle in her hand to Jiang Lin, "It's not in vain, I picked up one of these."

  Jiang Lin immediately took the porcelain bottle excitedly, looked left and right for a long time, and was about to uncork the bottle to see what happened when Yu Xiaolian held her hand down.

   "Be careful, what if there are Gu worms inside?"

  Yu Xiaolian's words caused Jiang Lin to almost smash the porcelain vase by mistake, but fortunately, he was strong enough to catch the porcelain vase firmly.

   "What you said makes sense." Jiang Lin still looked at the unblinking porcelain bottle, but he didn't dare to open the cork easily.

  Suddenly, Jiang Lin said loudly, "Look, there are words on the bottom of this bottle."

  Jiang Lin has never been to school since he was a child, and he only knows a few simple characters sporadically, but he still knows the characters on the bottom of the porcelain bottle.

   "Longevity Gu!!" Jiang Lin was surprised, "Could this be the tomb of the saint who betrayed the witch clan?"

  Yu Xiaolian frowned. In the novel, she had nothing to do with Jiang Lin, but she had heard of this witch saint.

  Because Yu Xiaolian's biological mother is the saint of the witch clan.

  But Jiang Lin said about the saint who betrayed the witch clan, obviously not her own mother.

  How did Jiang Lin know about the witch saint?

  Yu Xiaolian asked calmly, "What is Longevity Gu? Who is the witch saint? It sounds very powerful."

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion