MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 9 windfall chance

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  Chapter 9 A chance to make a fortune

  The next morning, after breakfast, Yu Xiaolian avoided Yu Changhe and Sun Shi, secretly put on black contact lenses for herself, took the clothes she changed yesterday, and went to the river.

   Fortunately, everyone in the village avoided her in the past. Except for the Yu family, no one looked into her eyes carefully.

  She knew in her heart that Jiang Lin must be waiting for her at the foot of the mountain at this time, but she just didn't want to go, thinking of Jiang Lin's appearance yesterday, she couldn't get angry.

   She fell into the hole he dug, and he got her out, isn't it right? Why should she repay him?

   It may be because the river is too cold in the morning, there is no one by the river now, only Yu Xiaolian is washing clothes by herself.

  Yu Xiaolian has been here for several days, and she hasn't really seen what the original owner looks like. Out of curiosity, she looked at the river.

  Well, the facial features are correct, big eyes, small cherry mouth, delicate nose, but it is darker and thinner, Yu Xiaolian is quite satisfied with the appearance of this body.

If the original owner was not good-looking, I think Jun Mobai would not accept her as a concubine, and later favored her. Although there is a reason for being threatened by the original owner, but thinking about it, if the original owner is ugly, Jun Mobai may not go down. .

  Yu Xiaolian was not used to the pounding pestle that Sun and the others used. She rubbed the clothes with her hands a little. Although the river water was a bit cold, fortunately it was still summer, so she could still bear it.

  After Yu Xiaolian finished washing her clothes, she picked up the wooden basin and planned to go home. Halfway there, she saw Jiang Lin leaning against a tree in front of her with her arms folded. It seemed that she was waiting for her.

  Yu Xiaolian was about to turn a blind eye, and when she walked over like that, Jiang Lin suddenly said, "This is how you repay your savior? You really deserve to be the little nemesis who is **** life and hinders others, really cold-blooded and ruthless."

  Yu Xiaolian stopped and turned around, "Even if you didn't come yesterday, I could go out by myself, it's just a bit of effort, it's not enough to lose my life."

  Jiang Lin stepped forward and approached Yu Xiaolian, "So, you don't plan to accept what you promised me yesterday?"

   "Obviously my father asked you to find me. Even if you want favors, you should find him."

   "Oh, so it's because of this." Jiang Lin touched his chin and smiled.

   "If, I said that you will never regret going out with me today, will you go?"

  Yu Xiaolian raised her eyebrows, "My life is cheap, good things won't come to me."

   "As far as I know, the current situation of your family is a problem for this year's winter. Are you sure you can't come? This might be a chance to make a fortune."

   After hearing what Jiang Lin said, Yu Xiaolian took a serious look at Jiang Lin.

  Jiang Lin looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, tall and average-looking, with messy hair like a chicken coop, giving people a dirty and lifeless feeling.

Looking at the body again, there is a long hemp rope wrapped around the waist. The upper body is wearing a short gown with no sleeves, revealing two thick arms. The gown is also covered with large patches and small patches. It is no better than Yu Xiaolian's clothes where to go.

   "It's a good thing to get rich, why did you come to me?" Yu Xiaolian naturally didn't believe that the pie fell from the sky.

  Jiang Lin glanced around and saw no one around, so he approached Yu Xiaolian's ear and whispered something in a low voice.

  After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Yu Xiaolian's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly, "You wait for me, I'll come as soon as I bring the clothes home."

  As soon as Yu Xiaolian entered the yard, she couldn't wait to dry her clothes, and ran away as soon as she was about to run, and hurriedly took yesterday's basket and the wooden knife for digging wild vegetables.

  The things in the basket are gone, presumably they have been pickled by Mrs. Sun.

  Yu Xiaolian didn't see Mrs. Sun's figure, so she could only ask Yu Changhe who was weaving wicker baskets in the corner of the yard, "Father, where is my mother?"

The wicker baskets woven by Yu Changhe are strong and beautiful, but each basket can only be sold for about five or six renminbi. Yu Changhe got up this morning, and he has already woven three baskets. Seeing that the fifteen cents was about to come, Yu Changhe was in a good mood. When Yu Xiaolian asked him, he smiled and said, "Your mother has gone to Zhao's house to do embroidery."

   Seeing Yu Xiaolian carrying the basket, she asked again, "Are you going up the mountain to dig wild vegetables again?"

  Yu Xiaolian nodded, "Did the ones dug yesterday already be pickled? I'll dig some more today, so that my mother can pickle more, so that I won't have nothing to eat when I drink porridge in winter."

  Yu Changhe smiled and asked, "Go, remember not to go east, come back earlier?"

  Yu Xiaolian responded one by one, and when she left the courtyard of Yu's house, she carried a basket and ran towards the foot of the mountain like having fun.

Jiang Lin still had a long hemp rope wrapped around his waist, and was spinning the scimitar in his hand boredly. When he saw Yu Xiaolian coming out with a basket, he knew that she came out in the name of digging wild vegetables. He didn't talk nonsense. Guo Yu Xiaolian's basket was in his hand.

  Jiang Lin walked in front, and Yu Xiaolian followed closely behind. Occasionally, there were places with dense vegetation, and Jiang Lin used a machete to hack a few times, but his clothes would not be wet by the morning dew.

   After walking for more than half an hour, Yu Xiaolian couldn't help asking, "How far is it?"

  Jiang Lin kept walking, "What's wrong? Are you tired?"

  Yu Xiaolian nodded, "A little bit."

   After all, I have walked for so long on the mountain road. Not to mention the ruggedness, the weeds that are as tall as a person often stumble, and the walking is more tiring than usual.

  Yu Xiaolian pointed to a tree stump that had been cut down, "Sit down and rest before leaving?"

  Yu Xiaolian just wanted to go over and sit down, but Jiang Lin raised her arm and pulled her up, "This is the dining table of Grandpa Mountain God, you can't sit on it."

  Yu Xiaolian's tired legs are weak, she doesn't care about the dining table of Grandpa Shanshen, she just wants to find a place to sit for a while and rest her feet.

   "You are superstitious at such a young age!"

   "Don't you believe that there really is a mountain **** grandfather?" Jiang Lin was shocked.

  Like him and his father who live by hunting, they rely on mountains to eat mountains. There is no doubt in their hearts about the existence of mountain gods.

  Yu Xiaolian wanted to open her mouth and said, but I don't believe it.

  But thinking that he was somehow called the wrong soul, he swallowed the words again.

   "If you don't sit, don't sit, I'll do it on the floor!"

  Yu Xiaolian sat down on the grass, but fortunately there was no dew on the grass at this time.

   "How far is it?"

   "Hurry up, we'll be there after turning over this mountain!" Jiang Lin also sat on the grass next to Yu Xiaolian, "Aren't you afraid that I'm lying to you?"

   "I am the little nemesis, you are not afraid of bad luck, what am I afraid of?"

   "That's right, haha, I didn't expect you to be quite courageous. I told my father many times, but he didn't allow me to come. As soon as I told you, you came."

  Yu Xiaolian picked up the weeds nearby, "It's settled, in case there are really good things in there, we will be half of each other."

  Jiang Lin patted his chest, "Don't worry, there must be something good in there."

  Yu Xiaolian half believed Jiang Lin's words.

   If there are really good things, why is Jiang Orion so taboo about it?

   Taboo is not taboo, they have already gone half way now, and she can't allow her to go back on her word, so she has to find out what happened.

  Jiang Lin suddenly took out an oiled paper bag from his arms, and handed it to Yu Xiaolian, "Here!"

  Yu Xiaolian opened it and saw that it was a big yellow drumstick. She swallowed unconsciously, "I brought it specially for me?"

  Jiang Lin shook his head, "I brought it for myself."

   "Then how did you give it to me?"

  Jiang Lin turned his head away to avoid Yu Xiaolian's scrutinizing gaze, "You can eat it if I give it to you. Where is there so much nonsense?"

  (end of this chapter)

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