MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 4 Adoptive mother Sun

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  Chapter 4 Adoptive Mother Sun

  Ms. Sun raised her eyes and glanced at Yu Xiaolian, "Then you come, then I will go to the well to fetch water. There is porridge in the pot, just bring it to a boil, and you don't need to boil too much."

  After Mrs. Sun explained, she picked up the pole and two buckets and went out.

  Yu Xiaolian looked at the two flints on the stove, and knocked a few times according to the memory of the original owner, but it hurt her hand, but she didn't ignite the fire.

   Is this flint lighting a technical job?

  Yu Xiaolian didn't believe in evil, so she tried a few more times.

  In the end, her hand hurt from knocking, but she didn't ignite the fire.

   "Well, if only there was a lighter."

   As soon as Yu Xiaolian finished feeling, a red lighter appeared in her hand.

  It was only then that she realized that as long as she thought so in her heart, the things in the convenience store would appear in her hands.

  Yu Xiaolian was delighted.

   Once it comes, it will be safe, Yu Xiaolian used a lighter to draw the firewood under the stove, and after boiling the pot, he swept away the broken firewood.

   At this time, Mrs. Sun also came back with two buckets of water. As soon as Mrs. Sun poured the two buckets of water into the big water tank, Mrs. Cao walked over, "Sister and sister, this tank is not full yet."

   Mrs. Sun put the pole on the wall, and didn't plan to pick it up again, "Since the family has been separated, and I use it myself, I can pick it up myself.

  I just cooked a little porridge and picked up two buckets of water, no matter what, you guys took advantage. "

  When Mrs. Cao heard what Sun said, she immediately changed her face. If Sun didn't fill the water tank, the mother-in-law would instruct her to do it. She didn't want to go so far to carry water.

   "The tank used to hold water belongs to our family. We lent you the tank, so you have to fill it up. You can't use my tank for nothing, right?"

Mrs. Sun put the two buckets back and glanced at Mrs. Cao, "Since sister-in-law is so clear, let's settle the accounts carefully. When Changhe was working as a yamen servant in the town, your natal father was sick, but since I borrowed a tael of silver from here, but I still haven’t paid it back to me. Also, Zishu and Ziyi’s Shuxiu money for going to school has always been from Changhe. Let’s see when you plan to pay it back? If you don’t have any money, take it. It’s okay to pay for things.”

   Mrs. Sun's remarks are harsh and well-founded.

Mrs. Cao was stunned for a moment, but Mrs. Cao was not a soft persimmon, she immediately replied loudly, "At that time we hadn't separated yet, mother asked Changhe to give me the money, if you have the ability, you can take care of mother. "

Speaking of Mrs. Yu, Sun became even more angry. The money Yu Changhe and Yu Changfu earned all these years was handed over to Mrs. Yu, and the harvest of the family's farming every year was also in the hands of Mrs. Yu. How could she have no money?

  Remembering that the family was only allocated four hundred and fifty Wen, Sun felt aggrieved for a while.

   But at this time, she still didn't dare to get into a fight with Granny Yu. Once the fight happened, Granny Yu would definitely drive their family out, and there would be no place to live by then.

Mrs. Cao saw that when she mentioned Mrs. Yu, Mrs. Sun fell silent, and suddenly felt a little proud, "It's like your mother and brother haven't spent a lot of money. If you want me to tell you, you don't know how to recite it all these years. How much does it cost to go to your mother’s house, and you are ashamed to ask me for money, I think we should go to your mother’s house to ask for money.”

When Mrs. Sun heard what Mrs. Cao said, she was so angry that she picked up the pole at the bottom of the wall and shouted at Mrs. Cao, "You dare to go. If you dare to trouble my mother, I will dare to trouble my mother." Go to school, so that both of your sons can't go to school."

  Sun's words can be regarded as pinching Cao's deathbed.

  Ms. Cao turned around and ran to the backyard, shouting as she walked, "Yu Changfu...Yu Changfu..."

"what happened again?"

   Seeing Cao's drooping face, Yu Changfu frowned and said, "I just finished the mud with Changhe, what did you ask me to do?"

"What are you doing? We have already separated, so I have to take care of myself. I twisted my waist when I was washing the dishes just now, so hurry up and fetch water from the edge of the well, or mother will see that the water tank is not full after a while. It’s time to curse again.”

  Cao said and pulled Yu Changfu's arm hard. Yu Changfu looked back at Yu Changhe, and Yu Changhe immediately said, "Brother, go to work, I will do the rest myself!"

  The Cao family gave birth to two sons to Yu Changfu. The eldest son Yu Zishu is fifteen this year, and the second son Yu Ziyi is eleven this year.

   Seeing that the Cao family gave birth to two sons for him, Yu Changfu still treats the Cao family very kindly on weekdays, and some small things are also in accordance with Cao's temperament.

  Yu Zishu and Yu Ziyi are the only two grandchildren of the Yu family, so they are naturally loved unconditionally by everyone in the Yu family. Among them, Yu Zishu, the eldest, is very gifted in reading, and is often praised by Mr. Xuetang, and even more valued by Mrs. Yu.

  Although the second child, Yu Ziyi, looks smarter, he refuses to devote his mind to his studies. A few days ago, he made a request that he no longer wants to go to school.

  Now the Yu family's money is not as generous as before, not to mention supporting their two grandchildren to go to school, and they are about to marry Yu Changyu a wife, so when Yu Ziyi proposed not to go to school, Granny Yu immediately agreed.

   It’s just that the beam repairs for this quarter have already been paid, and even if you don’t go to school, you can’t get the money back. Therefore, Mrs. Yu asked Yu Ziyi to drop out of school until autumn.

   Mrs. Sun put the porridge in a basin and said to Yu Xiaolian, "Go to the backyard and ask your father to come back for dinner!"

  Yu Xiaolian walked to the backyard, and saw that the wooden stick Yu Changhe usually leaned on was thrown aside. Yu Changhe was kneeling on the ground to unmould the mud embryo. Because of his inconvenience, his legs were covered with mud.

  Seeing Yu Changhe like this, Yu Xiaolian felt very uncomfortable.

   "Dad, it's time to eat."

  Yu Xiaolian walked over, helped Yu Changhe up, and handed him the wooden stick he usually leaned on.

   "Lian'er is hungry, you go eat first, don't worry about me, father has to wash up first, or your mother won't let you in the house!" Yu Changhe smiled.

  Yu Changhe really had nothing to say to her picked-up daughter.

   You must know that at this time, patriarchal thoughts are very serious. Who would pick up a baby girl for no reason?

   At this time, food is very expensive, and no one wants to have an extra mouth for nothing.

   Moreover, the conflict between Sun and Yu Changhe is getting deeper and deeper, and it is all because of her.

   Maybe Sun can have a child of his own, and Sun will be really happy, right?

   However, she remembered that Yu Changhe died when Yu Xiaolian was twelve years old, leaving no heirs.

   I don't know whether her arrival can change Yu Changhe's original fate.

   Mrs. Sun served a bowl of porridge for everyone, and the rice porridge was very thin.

   "We have to save some food, otherwise the winter will be difficult." Sun explained.

  The land that Old Madam Yu gave them was still growing crops, but the grain that grew on that land would belong to Old Madam Yu after it was harvested in autumn.

  So, Granny Yu gave them more than two hundred catties of grain, and they had to eat it until next autumn.

It was said that it was two hundred catties of grain, but what Old Madam Yu gave was two hundred catties of rice, with rice husks on it, and after the rice husks were ground, there would be more than one hundred catties left. How could it be possible to eat until next autumn? ?

  According to Mrs. Sun, these grains lasted through this winter, and in the spring of next year, they could eat wild vegetables to satisfy their hunger.

  (end of this chapter)

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