MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 5 Descendants of the Witch Clan

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  Chapter 5 Descendants of the Witch Clan

  Yu Xiaolian drank a bowl of gruel, then put down the bowl and chopsticks, saying it was a bowl of porridge, but it was actually a bowl of rice soup.

   Mrs. Sun glanced at her, and said calmly, "Eat more, there is no such thing as the meal at night."

  Yu Xiaolian nodded, "Mom, I'm full."

   Mrs. Sun poured the rice soup in the basin into her own bowl, and poured the rest of the dry rice soup into Yu Changhe's bowl, "How is the stove built?"

   "The mud embryo has been made. It will be exposed to the sun for a day today. It will be ready in the morning, and it will be ready in the afternoon. You can go to the town to buy the pot tomorrow, and it will be enough to install it."

  Yu Changhe wanted to share some rice porridge with Mrs. Sun, but Mrs. Sun avoided it with a bowl.

   "Eat more, I'm not hungry!"

After Sun finished speaking, she drank the rice soup in the bowl in one gulp, "Since mother said that the crops in the field will not belong to us, then after a while they will harvest in autumn, I will not go to the field to help, tomorrow I will go to the town to buy pot , just bring back some embroidery thread."

  Yu Changhe knew that Mrs. Sun planned to do some embroidery work to earn money. Mrs. Sun's embroidery skills were very good, but the embroidery work was very tiring and the wages she paid were very little.

  If Yu Changhe used to disagree with Sun's burden, but now, he doesn't seem to say you don't do it, this qualification.

  Yu Xiaolian looked at Sun, "Mother, let me go with you tomorrow, I can help you get things."

Mrs. Sun thought for a while, then nodded, "We just separated, and the family really lacks a lot of things, but the little money in our hand...although it's not enough to buy everything, but I definitely can't get it back by myself, you can follow along .”

  While lying under the quilt at night, Yu Xiaolian thought about the affairs of the Yu family in her mind, and began to make calculations in her heart.

  In the book, Yu Xiaolian is a descendant of the leader of the witch clan, but she didn't know her true identity until she died.

  After Yu Changhe's inexplicable death, Yu Xiaolian was sold by the old lady Yu.

  The buyer is none other than the male protagonist Huainan Wang Shizi—Jun Mobai.

  Jun Mobai has been searching for the whereabouts of the mysterious Wu tribe in order to heal his sweetheart Yu Yanran's cold.

   It is said that Wu people are not afraid of cold or poison because their blood is different from ordinary people.

   There are rumors that the pure blood of the descendants of the witch clan can cure all poisons.

  Jun Mobai sent someone to secretly kill Yu Changhe in order to successfully buy Yu Xiaolian, because he knew that as long as Yu Changhe died, no one would protect Yu Xiaolian again.

  In the later period, Jun Mobai took Yu Xiaolian as his concubine in order to make Yu Xiaolian willing to act as Yu Yanran's antidote for a long time.

   It also gave Yu Xiaolian, a poor little girl, the prosperity and wealth she dreamed of.

  After Yu Xiaolian gained power, how could she let go of the Yu family who bullied her?

   Except for Mrs. Sun, who was already half-crazy and half-stupid, and was sent to a nunnery by Yu Xiaolian out of mercy, the fate of the others in the Yu family was extremely miserable.

  Although he is a concubine, Jun Mobai has no intention of pampering Yu Xiaolian. The purpose of Yu Xiaolian's existence is to give Yu Yanran a bowl of warm blood when Yu Yanran's cold symptoms attack.

  Yu Xiaolian's blood does not cure Yu Yanran's cold syndrome as Jun Mobai thought, but it does have a relieving effect.

  Because of Yu Yanran's illness, Jun Mobai had to endure Yu Xiaolian's entanglement and threats for a long time. Later, when Yu Xiaolian threatened him with death, Jun Mobai was forced to favor Yu Xiaolian.

   Having been a concubine for a long time, and seeing Jun Mobai's love for Yu Yanran in every possible way, Yu Xiaolian began to hate Jun Mobai because of love.

  But she was reluctant to hurt Jun Mobai, so she secretly added a strong poison to Yu Yanran's antidote, causing Yu Yanran to vomit blood, and her life was hanging by a thread.

   Later, it was very dramatic. Yu Yanran's cold syndrome was actually caused by Yu Xiaolian's poison, which played a role in fighting poison with poison.

  The heroine Yu Yanran is ready, and the cannon fodder female supporting role will naturally receive a lunch box.

  But because her blood has special detoxification properties, Jun Mobai doesn't want to waste such a good detoxification medicine. Therefore, Yu Xiaolian in the book died of being drained of blood by Jun Mobai.

  After Yu Xiaolian died, her awesome witch father appeared on the stage to avenge her daughter, but it is impossible for Yu Xiaolian, who is already dead, to know.

  That novel, Yu Xiaolian read this, and did not see the ending.

  But I also want to know that Jun Mobai and Yu Yanran are blessed by the protagonist's halo, so they will definitely not die. The unlucky one should be Yu Xiaolian's father of the witch clan who is bent on avenging his daughter.

  Yu Xiaolian was lying on the top of the kang, while Yu Changhe and Mrs. Sun were lying on the top of the kang, with a floral curtain hanging between them.

  Yu Xiaolian is not at all sleepy at this moment. Jun Mobai is the son of Huainan Prince, rich and powerful. It is easy to kill Yu Changhe. Two years later, how can she keep Yu Changhe alive?

  Suddenly, a person's name flashed in Yu Xiaolian's mind—Jun Yi'an.

  Yu Xiaolian smiled slightly.

   It seemed that when she had to, she had no choice but to attack him.

  The next day, in order not to conflict with Cao's breakfast time, Mrs. Sun made breakfast early, and it was still rice porridge with little soup.

   After the three of them drank the porridge, Mrs. Sun took out the string of copper coins from the kang cabinet and put them in a cloth bag, and told Yu Xiaolian to carry a small bamboo basket, and their mother and daughter set off.

  The village where Yu's family lives is called Hewanzi, not very far from the town, and after crossing the bridge and walking for ten minutes, they arrived at the town.

  Although Yu Xiaolian is ten years old, this is the first time she has come to town.

   At this time, the sun has not yet fully risen, the sky is still gray, and people are already coming and going in the town.

  In the market at this time, most people barter, and people are used to working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

   Mrs. Sun took Yu Xiaolian's hand, walked through the noisy market, and came to a silk shop.

   It is estimated that Mrs. Sun has done embroidery work for this shop before. As soon as Mrs. Sun entered, the proprietress of the silk and satin shop recognized Mrs. Sun, and kept praising Mrs. Sun's embroidery work as beautiful and easy to sell.

   Mrs. Sun successfully got some embroidery threads, handkerchiefs to be embroidered and sachets, wrapped them carefully, and put them into the small bamboo basket on Yu Xiaolian's back.

   "Ah, this is your daughter, this child is so handsome, it's these eyes..."

  The proprietress of the silk and satin village just wanted to take a closer look at Yu Xiaolian's eyes, but Yu Xiaolian was startled, and suddenly lowered her head.

  She was too careless, maybe Yu Xiaolian in her previous life was discovered by Jun Mobai's people in this way.

   "Mother, my eyes seem to be lost in the sand, I'll go out and wait for you!" Yu Xiaolian ran out of the silk and satin village.

  The proprietress of the silk and satin village didn't find anything wrong, but felt that Yu Xiaolian, a country girl, had never seen the world.

  She said to Sun again, "Your girl is so old, can she know how to make nets? It just so happens that the store is going to make a batch of nets recently. I wonder if you two will take this job?"

   Mrs. Sun originally wanted to earn more money, so there is no reason not to earn money from door-to-door visits, "Go on, both of us can make contacts. I don't know if this is a lot of work, and how long can we do it?"

  Sun’s heart is naturally that this job can last longer, because not only do they owe money to a few families in the village, but they don’t even have money for seeds next spring.

  (end of this chapter)

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