MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 475 tie lanterns

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   At night, Sun Manyue still didn't want to eat, but because it's not good to drink soup on an empty stomach, Yu Xiaolian said that Sun Manyue only ate a bowl of porridge.

  In the middle of the night, Yu Xiaolian was afraid that Sun Manyue would have a high fever, so she went to touch Sun Manyue's forehead from time to time.

  Actually, Sun Manyue was only ripped off by Jiang Haifu at the beginning, so there was really no need to leave Taohua Village, but Yu Xiaolian couldn't persuade them, after all, these ancients valued the reputation of chastity very much.

   "Miss Lian, I don't want to marry in the future, I thought about it, and I don't want to go back to Taohua Village, can I follow you in the future?"

  In the darkness, Sun Manyue's eyes widened. She was very energetic and didn't feel sleepy at all.

   "What are you doing with me?" Yu Xiaolian frowned.

   "I'll be your maid, don't rich families have their own maids? I'll be your maid!"

   "Stop thinking about it, you are only fourteen years old, and you have a wonderful life ahead, what kind of maid!

  Heal your injury first, and if you don’t want to go to the sausage factory with your mother after a while, you can stay with me and just chat with me to relieve boredom. "Yu Xiaolian lightly touched the top of Sun Manyue's head to comfort her.

  Early the next morning, Jin Shuirou came to apply medicine to Sun Manyue again. After applying the medicine this time, Jin Shuirou wrapped up Sun Manyue's affected area.

   "It's okay, let her move around appropriately, don't lie on the kang all day!" Jin Shuirou warned before leaving.

  Sun Manyue felt that she was in severe pain when she moved, but she persisted in walking on the ground for a few laps. During this time, Gao Shi and Sun Manyue came over, wanting to see Sun Manyue's current situation, but was dismissed by Sun Manyue.

  She is still angry and doesn't want to see her mother at all.

"Miss Lian, can you send someone to **** my family's silver back? My grandfather gave my mother ninety taels of silver when we separated. Before we were going back to Yangcheng, my grandfather gave it to me secretly. Mother, twenty taels, the money was for Man Sheng to marry a wife, and the Gao family took it, so I feel bad."

  Although Sun Manyue was slapped by her mother and suffered such a serious injury, she still misses the money that was robbed by her grandma.

  Sun Manyue thought of the faces of her grandparents, and it can be said that the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and she couldn't wait to get the money back.

"Manyue, since your mother doesn't want to get the money back, you should stop thinking about it. Money is something outside of your body, and we can earn it later." It's hard for an upright official to break up housework. , Yu Xiaolian didn't want to interfere.

  “Money can be earned again, but I can’t see how their old Gao’s family can enjoy it with our old Sun’s money.

My uncle and the others knew that my mother had money, and they didn’t even sign up for the recruitment of workers in the cement factory. Many people in the village went, but they didn’t. They thought fifteen cents was too little. Listen, you Listen, fifteen pennies is still too little, a group of people with high eyesight and low hands. "

   She doesn't care about her mother's dealings with them in the future, but she will definitely not have any contact with those of the Gao family again. Not only will she not, she will treat them as strangers in the future.

   Also, if she earns money in the future, she will save it herself, and will never hand it over to her mother. If there is no marriage, dowry or dowry, she will not marry in the future, so don't scare her with it.

"Money is divided into bad fortune and good fortune. If your uncle and the others rob you of your money, it is considered bad fortune. Bad fortune comes from bad fortune. They're hustling for a few days now, and they don't know what life they'll live in the future!"

  Yu Xiaolian also heard about the idea of ​​bad fortune and good fortune from her mother. Of course, she was dubious about it, but it would not delay her using it to persuade Sun Manyue at this moment.

   Another one, the villain is rich suddenly, how many can keep it?

She still remembers that the security guard in a community in their town used to win a lottery of 5 million yuan, and then treat guests to dinner all day long. How much!

   "I curse them every day, hum!" Sun Manyue gritted her teeth.

   "Sister-in-law, can I come in?"

  Su Jinghua's voice sounded outside the door.

   "Jinghua is here, come in quickly!" Yu Xiaolian didn't get off the kang, but just said to the door.

   "Sister-in-law, I heard from Mrs. Dai that Sister Man Yue was injured. I was thinking about her, so I came to see her."

  Su Jinghua put the food box in his hand on the kang while talking.

   "This is the sweet-scented osmanthus cake I asked Mrs. Dai to make, and I brought it to sister Man Yue to try.

  Sister Man Yue, this sweet-scented osmanthus cake is delicious. The one made by Mrs. Dai has more sweet-scented osmanthus honey, which is better than the ones bought outside. Would you like to try it? "

   As Su Jinghua said, he handed a square piece of light yellow osmanthus cake to Sun Manyue.

  Sun Manyue only ate a bowl of porridge in the morning, and scolded people all morning. She was really hungry now, especially the sweet osmanthus honey fragrance, which went straight into her nose.

  Sun Manyue swallowed, since she returned to Yangcheng, she hasn't eaten such delicate dim sum for a long time.

  Sun Manyue took the sweet-scented osmanthus cake from Su Jinghua, put it in her mouth and took a bite.

  The strong scent of sweet-scented osmanthus is "floral fragrance". Chewing carefully, it is smooth and oily, soft and sweet, sweet but not greasy, and has a delicious fragrance.

   "Delicious!" Sun Manyue praised.

   "Sister Man Yue likes to eat, it's really good, then you can eat more." Su Jinghua heard that Sun Manyue has never had an appetite to eat, so he specially asked Mrs. Dai to make her famous osmanthus cake.

   "Yes!" Sun Manyue nodded, and ate five or six pieces of sweet-scented osmanthus cake before giving up.

   "Sister-in-law, Chinese New Year is only three days away. Is my second brother really not coming back?" Su Jinghua has missed her second brother even more since she received a letter from Su Jingyue last time.

   "Yes, I won't be coming back. My sister-in-law and elder brother will accompany you to celebrate the New Year, won't you?" Yu Xiaolian patted Su Jinghua's head.

  Su Jinghua looked a little disappointed. She often dreamed of her second brother at night, and last night she dreamed that her second brother came back on a tall horse.

   "Sister-in-law, can you ask my elder brother to tie a red lantern for me? Don't say that I want it, just say you want it, and my elder brother will definitely tie it for you!"

   "But, your elder brother doesn't seem to know how to tie a lantern, right? Why do you suddenly want your elder brother to make a lantern for you?" Yu Xiaolian asked,

It turned out that when the wife took Su Jinghua out to participate in the poetry meeting a few days ago, Su Jinghua made a new friend named Yu Huanyu. Yu Huanyu's brother tied a rabbit lantern for her. It was very beautiful, which made Su Jinghua very envious .

   "Yu Huanyu said that my elder brother is the son of the eldest son, so he wouldn't tie a lantern for the concubine, I..." Su Jinghua lowered his head sadly.

"Stop talking, I understand!" Yu Xiaolian patted her chest and assured, "This matter is on me. Not only will I ask your elder brother to tie the rabbit lantern for you, but I will also let everyone know that the lantern was made by your brother himself. Yes, they are not bought casually!"

  Su Jingchen, who was reviewing the official document, shook his hand, and a drop of ink dripped on the paper, inexplicably feeling a bad premonition.

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