MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 476 I'm not married anymore

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  Chapter 476 I am not married anymore

  When Su Jingchen heard that Yu Xiaolian wanted him to make a lantern for Su Jinghua, he immediately said without hesitation, "Go to the street and buy one for her."

Yu Xiaolian knew that Su Jingchen had to say this, and had already prepared her words, "No, you have to pierce it yourself. Do you know how embarrassing Jinghua's position in the family is? Those people dare not bully her on the surface, but Beidi Everyone laughed at her."

   "Joke her? What are you laughing at?" Su Jingchen frowned.

   "Of course it's a joke that her brother doesn't love her, and her sister-in-law doesn't love her."

   "Who is so courageous to make such a rumor?" Su Jingchen burst into anger.

   "So, you have to make a lantern with your own hands to let everyone in the house know that you love this little sister, so don't let people despise her."

   "But... I can't make a rabbit lantern!"

   "It's okay not to be a rabbit, but to be the simplest round lantern!

Hey, I have a trick. I have that kind of ancient lantern in my space. After a while, you tear off the gauze outside the lantern. We want the lantern frame inside. You paste a layer of rice paper on the lamp frame, and then draw on it. Simple landscape painting is OK. "

   Yu Xiaolian walked into the supermarket as soon as she said that, and turned over a square lantern and came out after a while.

  Yu Xiaolian put the lantern on Su Jingchen's desk, "Now you can finish it by tomorrow morning."

  No choice, Su Jingchen had to be arranged by Yu Xiaolian forcibly.

  Although it was his busy schedule to make lanterns for Su Jinghua, Su Jingchen didn't want to be perfunctory at all.

  Pushing the official document to the corner of the table, Su Jingchen began to pull the gauze on the lantern.

   Seeing this, Yu Xiaolian smiled openly and left a sentence to do it well, and went out.

  When she returned to her room, she saw Mrs. Gao and Sun Mansheng also in the room.

  Man Yue is willing to meet them? Or did Gao force his way in?

   "Sister Yue, your injuries are like this, no one will want you except your cousin!" Gao's voice choked up.

Sun Manyue responded to her mother with a sharp and irritable voice, "I'm not getting married anymore, I'm never going to get married for the rest of my life, you should give up on that, now that the Gao family is rich, are you still worried that your nephew won't be able to get a wife?" ?”

Gao wanted to say something, but when she saw Yu Xiaolian coming back out of the corner of her eye, she turned around and said to Yu Xiaolian, "Xiao Lian, look at this child, Man Yue, she is on the edge of her horn, please help me persuade her , this girl is grown up, there is no one who will not marry, and she is not an aunt."

   "I don't listen to anyone who advises me. If it doesn't work, I'll become an aunt, and you hurry out.

   If you stay in the ink, I will sever the mother-daughter relationship with you. "Sun Manyue roared.

  Yu Xiaolian tugged on Gao's sleeve, "Go out first!"

  Yu Xiaolian doesn't even want to call her Fifth Aunt now. It's really Gao's actions that make her so disappointed.

   Some women use money to pave the way back to their natal homes. This is true. The Gao family is an example. Not to mention losing all their savings, now they still want to send their daughters there.

  Yu Xiaolian was too lazy to communicate with Gao Shi, so she was released in the sausage factory after the year, ten pennies a day, and she wouldn't give any more.

   It is estimated that only in this way can Gao know how difficult it is to earn more than two hundred taels.

  Gao Shi stood still, dazed, Yu Xiaolian winked, Fangcao came over and invited Gao Shi out.

After Mrs. Gao went out, Sun Manyue looked at his younger brother Sun Mansheng, "Mansheng, what are you planning? Mother doesn't want to report to the police, don't you? My dowry, and your wife's money are all in there more than two hundred taels Woolen cloth!"

When she was in Los Angeles, Sun Manyue worked with Zhao Erya in the rouge workshop in the city, earning more than the hot pot bottom workshop. She worked from ten to fourteen years old and earned almost forty taels of silver, that's all Handing over to others, Sun Manyue was about to vomit to death.

  Sun Mansheng didn't want to get the silver back, but he didn't want to disobey his mother, so he was in a dilemma.

   "Third sister, I'm afraid that if I sue the government, my mother will not be able to bear it."

  Sun Manyue glanced at Sun Mansheng bitterly, "Then you just wait to see Gao Dacheng marry a wife and start a family. You can be a bachelor."

  Sun Manyue looked at Yu Xiaolian suddenly, "Miss Xiaolian, if you are so cruel, drive the two of them out, I want to see how they live?"

  Yu Xiaolian sighed helplessly, and said to Sun Manyue, "If I really kick them out, you might have to intercede for them, so don't say those angry words."

   "Whoever pleads for them, I won't, let the two of them go to the street to beg for food, hum!"

  Sun Manyue glanced at Sun Mansheng, "Believe it or not, you have to go to Canghe Village for food, and the old Gao's house doesn't even open the door."

  Sun Mansheng said helplessly, "What can I do? I... I don't know what to do either?"

  Sun Manyue glared at Sun Mansheng, "Useless things, get out!"

  Sun Mansheng was scolded, a little annoyed, "You are useful, you go and get the money back!"

   "When I recover from my injury, I will definitely go for it. If you rob me, you have to get it back. If it doesn't work, I will die in Gao's house." Sun Manyue roared.

   "Hmph, you only dare to speak big because of Miss Xiao Lian's presence, right? If Miss Xiao Lian doesn't help you, how can you get the money back?"

  Sun Manyue picked up the pillow on the kang and threw it at Sun Mansheng, "If you want it back, the money will be mine, and I won't give you and mother a single penny."

   "You brag! I'll tell your mother to go." Sun Mansheng strode away.

  Sun Manyue's hands trembled in anger, Yu Xiaolian patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, "Manyue, there are some things we can do, but we don't have to say it."

  When Yu Xiaolian said this, she had already decided to help Sun Manyue and get back the two hundred taels.

   Some things don’t need to go through the government, and they can punish villains like the Gao family very well.

   "Miss Xiao Lian, you think I'm doing the right thing, don't you? Why doesn't my mother think the same as me?" Sun Manyue cried bitterly in Yu Xiaolian's arms.

  Yu Xiaolian persuaded, "Don't cry, if you cry like this, when will your injuries heal? When you recover from your injuries, maybe the Gao family has squandered all your money.

   You need to get well soon, and then we can go to Gao’s house together and get your money back. "

  After listening to Yu Xiaolian's words, Sun Manyue laughed through tears, "I really want to go now."

   "No matter what, the first month must pass, otherwise your injuries may not be healed."

   "I can't wait that long. When we left, the Gao family was talking about the daughter-in-law to Gao Dacheng. If we go again after the first lunar month, maybe Gao Dacheng has settled the marriage."

   When the time comes, her two hundred taels must have shrunk severely, and Sun Manyue's heart aches when she thinks about it.

   "Didn't your mother say that she wanted to marry you to your cousin? Why did the Gao family return Gao Dacheng to arrange a marriage?"

   "Isn't that what I disagree with, and then the Gao family said they would give Gao Dacheng a better daughter-in-law to go back. Before we left Canghe Village, my aunt had already started looking for a matchmaker.

  Miss Lian, let’s go on the third day of the first lunar month, shall we? "Sun Manyue asked expectantly.

  (end of this chapter)