MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 477 Thankfully I got it back early

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  Yu Xiaolian was worried that Sun Manyue was injured and unable to travel on the third day of the first lunar month, but Sun Manyue was worried that if she went one day late, her money would be much less.

  Finally, the two decided to send Gao and Sun Mansheng to work in the sausage factory on the third day of the first lunar month, and to go to Canghe Village together on the sixth day of the first lunar month.

   With hope in her heart, Sun Manyue's mood became much better.

   "It's just, let's go to the Gao family to ask for it openly. If the Gao family comes to Yangcheng to look for your mother in the future, then..." Yu Xiaolian is not afraid of the Gao family, but she is worried that she will not be able to face the Gao family.

  Sun Manyue said eccentrically, "Why don't we ask for it openly, let's use smoke to stun them at night, and then get the money back.

  The Gao family doesn’t know who stole the money, my mother just suspects me, and she has no evidence, so I can’t admit it, hehe…”

  Yu Xiaolian also smiled slyly, "Then how many years later, I will send someone to Canghe Village tomorrow, and I will guarantee you to sit on the kang and count the money on New Year's Eve.

  However, when you are young, where did you hear about such a thing as Miyaner? "

  Sun Manyue looked a little unnatural but said truthfully, "Sister Lian, do you still remember Sister Lianxiang? You bought it, and she sang in Xianlefang later."

   "Well, I have an impression that she told you?" She may know the girls in Xianlefang, but she really doesn't know which one they are when they mention their names?

"Well, she can tell stories, and she knows a lot." When Sun Manyue was working in Los Angeles, and when she was free at night, she and her sisters went to Xianlefang to listen to the music It's lively, anyway, they don't spend the entrance fee to go to Xianlefang, so it's not for nothing.

  The more times I go there, the better I get to know the girls in Xianlefang.

   "What stories did she tell you? Tell me..."

  Under the pale yellow candlelight, Yu Xiaolian and Sun Manyue chatted word by word...

  The next day, while having breakfast, Su Jinghua was pleasantly surprised to find an exquisite square lantern on the dining table. She secretly glanced at the handwriting on it, and was sure it was his elder brother's handwriting. She was so happy that she almost couldn't laugh out loud.

   "The lantern is for you. If you want to look at it, look at it openly, and if you want to laugh, smile openly. Don't be petty and coy." Su Jingchen took a sip of the porridge.

From the moment Su Jinghua came in, he has been watching Su Jinghua's little expression. Seeing her glance at the lantern like a thief, then quickly turn her gaze to another place, and then look uncertain, Su Jingchen thinks it's funny .

  Why didn't he find his concubine so cute before?

   "Is it really for me?" Su Jinghua stopped pretending, jumped off the stool and held the lantern in his hand, with a smile that couldn't be hidden, "Brother, you made it yourself?"

  Su Jingchen hummed lightly, "There is a stand for you to put the candles inside. Ask your sister-in-law for the candles."

  The sticks of the lantern are exquisitely carved, and her brother's hard work can be seen. Su Jinghua praised without hesitation, "Brother, you are so good. You make this lantern so beautiful, much better than her brother Yu Huanyu."

  Su Jinghua loved this lantern so much that she carried it in her hand for several days. Everyone said that her elder brother made it for her.

  Yu Xiaolian sent Caogen to Gao's house in Canghe Village. After all, Caogen went there with her last time.

  Grassroots has recovered since the last injury, and it is easy to deal with a Gao family who doesn't know kung fu.

  On New Year's Eve, Sun Manyue sat on the heated kang and counted money as she wished.

   "How is it? How much less?" Yu Xiaolian asked.

Sun Manyue said, "When I left Luocheng, my mother had more than two hundred and eighty taels of silver in her hand. She gave fifty taels to my second brother and ten taels to my eldest sister. There should be more than two hundred and twenty taels left. After returning to Canghe Village , My mother bought new clothes for those in the Gao family, and bought rice noodle oil, and used some. I don't know how much I used, but I guess ten taels of silver should be enough.

  Now there is only one hundred and ninety taels here, and the Gao family spent more than twenty taels. Hmph, fortunately they got it back early, otherwise they would have been ruined. "

  Ordinary families only spend three or four taels of silver a year. The Gao family spent so much in just a few days. They really regard the Gao family as a cash cow.

  Thinking of the chili seeds she gave Gao's family in summer, Yu Xiaolian felt distressed for a while, alas, she really knows people but doesn't know people's hearts. She had a good impression of Gao's family that day, they are all very simple farmers.

  Why did this simple farmer change his appearance once he got hooked on money?

   "Sister Lian, I want to put this money with you, you can put it away." Sun Manyue had a hunch that the Gao family would definitely come to the door after a while.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. This Gao family has tasted the sweetness of the life of the rich, and they will be beaten back to their original form all of a sudden. They will definitely not be reconciled. They also know that the county magistrate is a relative of her daughter-in-law It is also possible to beat the autumn wind and sell poor people.

  Yu Xiaolian knew that Sun Manyue was afraid that her mother would find out the money, so she didn't refuse, and kept it for Sun Manyue.

  Sun Manyue has already slept in the guest room. She is afraid that her mother will search her house when the Gao family arrives. Therefore, it is safest to keep the money with Yu Xiaolian.

  There was a lantern festival in Dayang City, Yu Xiaolian took Su Jinghua for a stroll through the streets, Su Jinghua held the lantern made by Su Jingchen in his hand, and his face was full of pride.

   All the lanterns on the street combined are not as good as hers!

  On the bustling street, I met Su Jinghua's little friend Yu Huanyu head-on. Su Jinghua couldn't wait to show off her lantern to Yu Huanyu.

  Yu Huanyu went out to watch the Lantern Festival with her maid. In contrast, Su Jinghua was accompanied by his sister-in-law Yu Xiaolian. No one would question the extent to which Su Jinghua was favored by the Su family.

  Su Jinghua was very happy. When he and Yu Xiaolian walked back, they were bouncing all the way.

  The family had a New Year's Eve dinner together, and Su Jingchen handed out 1,500 taels of silver to Yu Xiaolian, as repayment of the money he borrowed from Yu Xiaolian last time.

Since the homes of those corrupt officials were raided, the county government’s accounts are still relatively rich. It makes no sense to be an official, and I have to pay for it. When I first arrived, the county government’s accounts were empty, and I still owed the famine. There was nothing I could do. After that, I used my own money to turn around.

  Yu Xiaolian accepted it happily, "Do you want to give some happy money to the servants in the mansion tomorrow?"

  Su Jingchen said calmly, "You can figure it out."

  In the past, their Su family didn't say that they gave wedding money to their servants, but now Yu Xiaolian is the mistress of this family, and he respects her opinion.

  The next day, Yu Xiaolian gave happy money to the servants in the mansion and the yamen servants and yamen servants of the county government, 30 yuan each, including Gao Shi and Sun Manyue.

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