MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 6 Change prescription

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When Dan medicine entered the abdomen, Liu An only felt refreshed and refreshed. It seems that the whole person has relaxed a lot.

The effect is quite good!

It seems that Ye Yuan’s kid is really turning, and he actually took a piece of Shangxin Dan to him. At this moment, Liu An felt that some of the gentleman's heart was the heart of a gentleman.

"This strong man, how is it?" Ye Yuan asked with a smile.

Liu An arched his hand and said with a slight gratitude: "Thank you, Master Ye, is in the middle of the Menglang, and I hope you will not remember the villain. However, let's go back to the topic. I am so ignorant, I have never heard of it. What colorful clouds are flowing."

This Liu An did not forget his task, and he was hurt, and immediately pulled back the topic.

Just this noisy, all people's attention has been diverted, and I really forgot this. Now Liu An once again mentioned that everyone has suddenly realized that he once again cast a contemptuous look at Ye Yuan.

Ye Yuan smiled faintly and said: "In fact, this colorful stream cloud is a variant of the seven streams. It is just that there are seven clouds and clouds, and the colorful clouds are not common. The snakes are yin. Therefore, most of the snakes are sinister, but there are also a few variants that become positive. This colorful stream cloud is one of them. The shape of the colorful stream cloud is not much different from that of the Seven Clouds, so it is It is called a colorful stream cloud because it has a seven-color flower in its seven-inch skin."

"The cloud is tall and tall, and the strong man confronts him positively. He can't see the seven-color flower at seven inches. Naturally, it is impossible to distinguish the difference between the colorful clouds and the seven clouds. Just, The poison of these two kinds of monsters is Yin poison, and the other is Yang poison. If the method of solving the Yin poison is used to solve the Yang poison, it will naturally harm the strong man."

After Ye Yuanyi finished, Qian’s brow wrinkled.

Ye Yuan’s statement is quite similar, and there seems to be no flaws. If this strong man is really poisoned, his treatment will really hurt people.

However, Ye Yuan has a few pounds and a few of them. He is too clear, even the monsters he has never heard of, how can he know? Even if he knows this monster, how does he see that the poison in this strong man is different from the seven clouds?

"Hey, even if there is a colorful stream of clouds that you are talking about, how is the symptoms of poisoning on his body exactly the same?" Qian Qian said coldly.

Ye Yuan smiled and said: "What's so strange? The colorful stream clouds and the seven 煞 蟒 蟒 蟒 belong to the same sect, the symptoms after poisoning are naturally similar. But it is only similar, this strong man, you click on your 腋Try it at the next seven inches."

The brawny looked blank and saw the money nodded. He still measured it and pressed it down at the seven-inch position.

This press didn't make much effort, but his face immediately showed a painful expression, and then a blood spurted out.

As soon as the blood came to the ground, suddenly a stench came from the nose, which made people feel dizzy, apparently containing highly toxic.

"This..." Qian Qian is very surprised. It is not uncommon for the seven sputum to be poisonous, so he knows it after a little diagnosis. However, as far as he knows, it is absolutely impossible for this to happen.

Although the poison of the Seven Miles is so powerful, it is far from such a hegemony.

Ye Yuan’s brow was slightly wrinkled and he said: “Come, clean up here.”

If it was in the past, he told me that no one would agree. But at this moment, the two servants who came out of the servant immediately came in to pick up.

These people apparently also deal with this kind of thing often, and quickly cleaned the ground.

The expression on Qian’s face was faint and uncertain. In the end, she took a deep breath and said: “A far from the child’s opinion, how can the solution of this colorful stream cloud be solved?”

What he said is that he admits that he has misdiagnosed him just now, but in the presence of so many people, he naturally cannot apologize to a younger generation, so he is more implicit.

Moreover, his name for Ye Yuan has quietly changed, and this "far child" seems to be close to many. In his capacity, this "far child" is naturally shouted.

Even so, his remarks caused a stir in the crowd.

"Yin toxic should be solved by yang, and yang poisoning should be explained by Yin. Qian Bo has a deep understanding of pharmacology. The medicine just now is not a big mistake, just change the positive drug into a negative one. Biliucao, Zhu Soul sand is a neutral medicine, and the iron wind eagle is yang, and the eagle gram snake, if it is the poison of the seven 煞流云蟒, this medicine is the best. Now, as long as the iron wind eagle is replaced by lightning Dan can. Of course, the poison of the colorful clouds is even more blazing, plus some extremely Yin Mantuo."

Ye Yuanzhen talked about it, and he had a well-thought-out look. The most important thing is that he said that there is a well-founded evidence. As long as he is a person who understands pharmacology, he can't refute his words at all.

Green child looked at the young man next to him and thought that he was too handsome today.

"Money... money master, he... is he reliable?" The brawny asked hesitantly.

Qian Yan looked at the strong man and shook his head and smiled: "To tell the truth, I am still somewhat uncertain. But from the poisonous blood you just spit out, you are not like the seven clouds. poison."

"But...but is the method he said feasible? What if I give my medicine to die?"

It is not that the strong man does not believe in the medicine incense, it is really the reputation of Ye Yuan before it is too loud. This preconceived cognition made him unable to believe Ye Yuan at all.

Now this poison on his body is all Ye Yuan’s mouth. It’s true or false. No one can judge. How can he not be guilty?

Qian Hao was a bitter smile: "I don't know. But I think his method can be tried, you see?"

"What are you still doing? Don't hurry to get the medicine? Do you have to wait for the patient to die?" At this moment, a thunderous sound came, and everyone looked at the door, and a rough man came in.

"Yes, the owner." Xiao Yan, who was next to Qian Qian, met the people and immediately went away.

The coming person is not someone else, it is Ye Hang.



Ye Yuan and Qian Wei each greeted Ye Hang.

Ye Hang nodded slightly in front of Ye Yuan, and gave a thumbs up and gratified gaze. He smiled and said: "This time allows you to learn the medicine of Tao. It seems that you are really turning, calm down and give me the gift." The books are finished, very good."

Not waiting for Ye Yuan to answer, he turned to the brawny: "Little brother, my son said yes, you are indeed the poison of the colorful clouds, not the seven clouds. This kind of monster is very It’s so rare that I don’t see the old money. I’m very sorry. The recipe he opened is also correct. You can drink it as you like. If something goes wrong, my medicine is responsible for the end. How do you see it?”

Ye Hang’s identity in the whole Qin State is very noble. It is impossible to see him here at all, and it is impossible to invite him to see a doctor. Today, he personally appeared to protect himself. Where do you have any doubts about the brawny?

It seems that the youngest master of Ye Family is a bit stunned, but it is not as exaggerated as the outside world is rumored. At least people have real materials.