MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 7 Seven bloodshed

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In the backyard of Yaoxiangge, Ye Hanghu witnessed Ye Yuan.

"Bad boy, honestly explain, how did you see it?"

Ye Yuan looked at his father innocently: "Yimeng."

"Hey, I was almost fooled by you yesterday. Now it seems that you are really different from the past. This is a colorful stream, and I am unheard of. Even if I personally sit down, I am afraid that the result is the same as the old money. ”

Now think about it, Ye Hang is also a little scared. If it’s not the son of his own son, today’s gold-plated sign is really awkward.

The brawny had taken medicine, and it was no longer a problem. It was grateful to Yao Xiangge and Ye Yuan. Originally an accident, but now because of Ye Yuan this accident has become a good thing.

And it is foreseeable that after today, the prestige of the medicine incense in the monster hunter will be even worse. This potential benefit is unpredictable.

"What? Even the father does not know this? I thought that with your rumor on Dandao, it is a piece of cake to cure this poison." Ye Yuan pretends to be surprised.

"Small dish? Hey, I still have some status in this little Qin country, but out of Qin, your father, I don’t even have a fart. What is the great Dan, but it’s just getting started on Dan Yao Avenue. It’s nothing. Qin is a well. I am the baby at the bottom of the well, but it’s a big frog. I don’t know too much.”

Ye Hang suddenly laughed at himself, and it seemed a bit lonely. This made Ye Yuan somewhat surprised. In the memory of his predecessor, his father Ye Hang was a top-ranking figure. There seems to be nothing to stump him, and he has never seen his father show such expression.

Ye Yuan can feel it. Ye Hang’s reason for this is because he feels that his son has grown up, is sensible, and has a feeling of relief, and will relax the nerves that have been tight.

Ye Yuan was moved in the heart, and his father was a son. I was afraid that I had broken my heart these years, but he never showed it in front of his son.

Ye Yuan also remembered the former father of Zhengyang, who had mixed feelings in his heart. He couldn't bear to fight with Ye Hang again. He said, "Father, I know what you want to ask. Actually, I don't know what I am doing. But this time, I was poisoned. When I was dead, an expert met me in a dream and taught the skills of the child's martial arts and medicinal herbs. It was very profound and profound. The original child thought it was a dream, but when he woke up, he found that everything in his dreams was remembered. Clearly, it can be fully applied to reality. If it is not this high man, I am afraid that I will not see a child by my father’s means."

Ye Yuan could not tell Ye Hang that his son's body had been occupied by another soul, and he had to fabricate a good faith lie close to the truth.

Ye Hang listened to Ye Yuan’s words and could not help but be happy. There are even high-ranking people who have taken a fancy to their sons and taught their sons skills in their dreams. This is an unbelievable state for him. There is such a high man as a master, and the big stone that has been sinking in Ye Hang’s heart for many years is finally put down.

"That... did the senior say who he is? He saved my life and thanked him as a father."

Ye Yuan is shaking his head: "The high man did not disclose his name, nor did he say why he would save me. He only said that I would understand the skills he taught. When the time comes, he will come back to me."

"It turns out that, when you see him next time, you must help him as a father." Ye Hang regrets.

Ye Yuan smiled and said: "This is nature. Father, the baby has some things, just take a step."

After a while, Ye Yuan appeared again in Yaoxiangge, and said to the shopkeeper: "If someone comes to me, let him go to the house in the east of the city. In addition, there is a prescription to help me with the medicine. ”


Liu An was a little proud at this time, and some were slightly depressed.

What he is proud of is that Ye Yuan’s kid is really a stupid hat, and he will give the gift to the heart. The protective effect of the heart-protecting Dan seems to be surprisingly good. At this moment, he not only recovered from injury, but even faintly showed signs of breakthrough after the injury.

He has been stuck in the eight-fold situation for several years, and he has been slow to find the threshold of nine. Liu An is ready to put the difference in the drunk star building in advance, and fully exerts the impact on the nine-fold situation.

What is depressing to him is that the plan of the drunken star disaster has been defeated, and he has lost to a skeleton.

Liu An couldn’t figure out how to solve the poison that even the drunk star building owner Wan Donghai couldn’t cure. How did one see and solve it?

This Wandonghai is a level of existence with Ye Hang, and the rumors on Dan Dao are also faintly overpressing Ye Hang. How can Ye Hang, a son who doesn't learn anything, break this game?

But it happened that it happened, under his eyes. Liu An has some headaches now, how to go back to the landlord.

Therefore, Liu An simply did not believe that the strong man was Ye Yuan’s good doctor, but Ye Hang was behind his back. Ye Yuan was just a chess piece that Ye Hang launched.

It seems that this leaf is very deep in the voyage. Go back and remind the landlord to let him be careful.

Liu An thought about his mind while walking, and suddenly found that something was not quite right. There was some wetness under his nose, and he reached out and touched it. He was shocked and his hands were full of blood.

Fire is booming? What kind of jokes, he is a martial art martial art, how can it be because of the fire and nosebleed?

Somehow, he suddenly remembered the sincere smile of Ye Yuan, and could not help but chill.

Then he shook his head and denied the idea. He Liu Anke is not a rookie, although there is no such thing as a high level of money, but the real medicine fake medicine is still clearly distinguishable, the medicinal medicine is definitely a heart-protecting Dan, and it is a high-quality heart-protecting Dan.

It must have been too much fire, and Liu An comforted himself, but he soon found his thoughts too naive.

After a while, his two eyes also bleed, followed by the ears, and finally spit a large amount of blood. The guilt is like a fire, and there is a feeling of burning inside.

At this moment he was sure that he was really poisoned!

Liu An is also a person who walks on the edge of death all the year round. The more so, the more he is afraid of death. At this time, the whole person was paralyzed. In the past, when faced with a powerful monster, there was no despair at the moment of death.

Liu An has only one idea at this time, and that is to live. He desperately went to the medicine Xiangge and left him with less time.


The drug-clearing shopkeeper was shocked by the seven-blooded person. The other person grabbed his sleeve without hesitation and wanted to ask Miss Ye Yuan.

The treasurer was stunned and did not respond for a moment. Suddenly he remembered the command of the young master when he left, so he told the address to the **** person.

When the other party went away, the shopkeeper was quite puzzled: "This person is really strange. I don't want to find a master of money. What do you want to do with the young master? Is it difficult for the young master to cure?"

Like Liu An, no one thinks that the matter of saving the brawny is what Ye Yuan did.