MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 386

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Yang Xi felt that what Damon said was true, because through the spiritual bodies of the deep blue family, Yang Xi also glanced at the body of the deep blue mother emperor.

The huge body that has eaten up several planes can no longer be described by ordinary life.

"The supreme position is almost the **** of our world. As for this, whether there is a more powerful existence, I don't know."

Having said that, Dimon's "lecture" today is almost over.

In fact, all Yang Xi asked was for Damon to tell him how to use the Heavenly Seed.

Who would have thought that Alfonso's family's Heavenly Seeds would give him such a face, not only gave him the method of refining Heavenly Seeds, but also helped him popularize the knowledge of these high-end fields.

If Yang Xi wanted to obtain this knowledge with her own strength, she would have to toss a lot.

But here in Dimon, a case of beer and a few plates of snacks are done, which can be said to be a big profit.

"Okay, Brother Chenlong, thank you for your hospitality. Let's end our lecture today."

Dimon was full.

Yang Xi also knew that it was time to leave.

But at this time, he couldn't help but ask: "Master Daemon, why didn't you take action to **** this heavenly seed from my hand?"

"I know that you may not be able to refine it now, but you can completely hand it over to the younger generation of the family." x

"As you are, please move the powerhouse of the Alfonso family and kill me to get the treasure. It's not difficult, right?"

Yang Xi's questions are all on point.

Dimon's behavior is truly incomprehensible.

Who knows, after hearing Yang Xi's doubts, Damon laughed.

"Hahaha, you think too much."

"What good will it be for me if the Alfonso family gets another Heavenly Seed?"

"The horizon shouldn't be so small."

Yang Xi looked at Damon, thoughtful.

He seemed to understand Dimon's thoughts. In this guy's mind, what family and power were all clouds.

He only cares about the truth he has been striving for, and he doesn't care about other things.

When he helped the Azure Star Human Race, it wasn't because the Virgin's Heart was overflowing, he just wanted to do it himself.

This is a person who is extremely free and easy.

His eyes have long been not limited to the Ossid plane.

But the boundless void outside, there are countless planes, and the truth of this world.

"Anyway, thank you!"

Yang Xi clasped his fist at Daimon and left, while the latter smiled lightly, raised his glass and took a sip.

"This smell is still so refreshing."

Yang Xi returned to the place where he temporarily "borrowed".

The battle just now did not wake the sleeping girls.

After helping Lan'er cover the quilt, Yang Xi entered the temple of the virtual world.

"Let's start refining the heavenly seeds."

Yang Xi slowly moved the majestic magic in his body according to the method taught by Damon. x33 novel mobile terminal: s.

After a few laps, the heavenly seed lying in Yang Xi's palm gradually floated up.

If nothing else, with the passage of time, this Heavenly Rank seed that originally belonged to Meredith will "parasitic" in Yang Xi's body until he becomes a Bronze Heavenly Rank powerhouse.

It will take Yang Xi decades, or even hundreds of years, to run in this heavenly seed.

But just as this process was about to begin, Yang Xi's heart flashed a hint of enlightenment, and the Profound Control of Control, which had reached the fourth-order peak, suddenly intervened.

The peeling ability was activated, and this mysterious heavenly seed revealed its true face in front of Yang Xi little by little.

Countless fragmented pictures appeared in front of Yang Xi's eyes like watching flowers on a horse.

From the birth of this seed to the present, mixed with all kinds of mysterious and mixed information, Yang Xi's spiritual body was washed away.

If it weren't for the support of the extremely high-level law that controls the Profound Truth, I am afraid that Yang Xi's spirit would be severely damaged.

Even the spiritual body was impacted to pieces, maybe.

Afterwards, with the continuous efforts of peeling off the profound meaning and Yang Xi's own magic power, the surface of this indestructible seed appeared a spiral of material that seemed to be like light dust.

Yang Xi was very surprised, "Dimon didn't say that this seed will not decompose until I break through the fifth order? What is the situation now?"

However, Yang Xi has come here by feeling a lot of things.

In such a situation, he did not panic, but continued to maintain the status quo calmly.

Sure enough, with the passage of time, the light dust that appeared in this kind of sub-disintegration was constantly merging into his body.

Note that this is not "parasitic", but absorption!

With the control of the fourth-order peak, Yang Xi is actually absorbing this seed that can make people have the potential of gold!

Yang Xi couldn't help but sighed that although the profound meaning of control realized by the stripping ability has no achievements in actual combat, its role in this kind of assistance and logistics is really a bug-level existence!

At this moment, he had a vague feeling.

Everything around him seems to be sending out cordial greetings like him.

The lush grass, soil, rocks on the temple, everything in nature, is expressing kindness to itself.

Even the void seems to be no longer so cold.

Yang Xi opened her eyes, "Is this how the world gradually recognizes me?"

"It turns out that this is the heaven."

Outside, the Gabriel family made the Mu Yangling agitated, and one after another wanted orders with the appearance of Chen Long appeared at the gates of the major cities.

The senior officials of the Gabriel family passed an emergency meeting and limited the search period to ten years.

After all, the area of ​​Muyang Collar is very large, and it takes a lot of manpower and time to conduct a carpet search.

Moreover, this alien powerhouse may come from the low magic plane "Blue Star", which is the plane "photographed" by the Bernadotte family, and it is also a medium-sized plane.

Chen Long, it is very possible to sneak back here, so near the white cavity point leading to the blue star plane, the Gabriel family has arranged a large number of strong people.

The number of fourth-order powerhouses is too many, and they also hired a lot of helpers from the mercenary union and the alien beast alliance.

In short, even at all costs, this heavenly seed must be taken back.

Not only the Gabriel family, but other families coveted this heavenly seed.

On weekdays, several big families have an agreement with each other, and they can't shoot the seeds of heaven.

Even if he is really angry and kills the seeds of other families, the seeds still have to be returned obediently.

Otherwise, if you break the rules, you will be attacked by everyone.

But now the seed of Meredith was taken away by a powerhouse from another world.

Then other families come back, it seems that they did not violate the rules set by everyone.

There are so many articles that can be done here!

Therefore, the Cecil family, the Bernadotte family, the Alfonso family, and the low-key Li family, almost all secretly dispatched people to cut the seed of Hu.

But what they didn't expect was that Yang Xi was so courageous that with a single hand in the dark, he directly refined the seed in "Holy See City", the core city of the Alfonso family.

The senior management of the Alfonso family did not expect that there was a strange flower in their own family. When they met Yang Xi, they didn't bother to report it, and they went to the extreme.

So far, the Gabriel family has not received any valuable information.

They are not in a hurry, because the refining of seeds is extremely difficult, and they have enough time to retrieve them.

Unfortunately, what these Ossedians didn't know was that in just two days, Yang Xi was about to finish refining this Heavenly Seed.

On the plane of Ossed, because of Yang Xi's commotion, it made a mess. On the plane of the blue star, the colonists who were about to move also kicked off the attack.

As a "planar treasure", the Earth Spirit Spring does have the effect of making people break through to the fifth order.

But this is based on the premise that the "quantity" is sufficient.

Yang Xi stole almost 60% of the Earth's spiritual spring, and the strong men in the occupied area of ​​the Southern Continent could only pitifully divide up the remaining 40%.

Although the president of the mercenary trade union accounted for a lot of these 40%, he still failed to break through to the fifth-order heaven.

But the terrain Lingquan is a treasure of heaven and earth after all, although it failed to make him go further, it also greatly extended his lifespan.

At least, he now has some more years to live before the real deadline.

At this moment, the powerhouses of the four major forces in the Southern Continent have once again gathered in Guangming City to participate in a grand event, attempting to launch a general attack on the entire four seas, which is shameful.

The Bone Emperor and the president of the Mercenary Union sat at the top, and the following, in order of strength, were the Federal Prime Minister of the Hundred Cities, Wharton, the Justice Parnis, and Randy.

The fourth-order powerhouse, which is rarely seen on weekdays, sits in a row here.

Even those who served tea and poured water during the banquet were all female warriors of the third-order limit.

"Bone Emperor, this time we can't have an infighting, let's make a fortune together!"

The head of the mercenary union with a lot of black hair said with a smile.

In the battle of the Bernadotte Empire, he didn't suffer any losses, so he was in a good mood.

The Bone Emperor glanced at him lightly.

Before the family contact, this old thing was really nerve-racking.

But now with the support of the family, the Bone Emperor has not taken the mercenary union in his eyes.

After all, the plane of the blue star was "photographed" by their Bernadotte family.

Of course, in principle, this violates the principle of "fair development" of the Ossed plane.

But the rules set by the high-ranking powerhouses naturally have their own set of methods when they reach the "basic level" below.

First of all, let the "hole puncher" come up with a white cavity and a black cavity according to the junction conditions of the blue star plane and the Ossed plane in the space dimension.

Afterwards, several major families in Muyangling competed with each other to decide which family would get the "development right".

After the Bernadotte family, who was a local snake, was photographed, the mercenary unions and alien beast alliances that covered the entire Ossed plane ended up taking a share.

As for those little clans who didn't know it, they entered the blue star plane as cannon fodder, and by the way, they could also collect a toll, which just deducted the cost for the hole punchers.

Even, in order to exercise the tribe, the Bernadotte family did not provide additional help.

As one of the contenders for the Heavenly Seed, even if he failed, his strength was not comparable to these small families.

The best bone emperor can find the treasure of the plane, and after refining it, become a heavenly powerhouse with silver potential.

There is really no way, let the Red Emperor take out the life alchemy tool that he secretly carries, and use the method with the lowest potential to advance.

A position with bronze potential, the Bernadotte family can also accept it.

After all, even the fifth-order powerhouses who use the plane treasure to advance may not necessarily be able to break through to the silver sky.

Of course, these are ideal situations.

The sudden situation is not without, such as the Red Emperor himself wants to swallow the plane treasure "Earth Mind Spring".

The unexpected rise of the Hundred Cities Federation forces, the ambiguous attitude of the mercenary union.

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590 Mobilization and Fourth Order

The atmosphere of the war spreads throughout the plane.

On the tables of the intelligence departments of the major forces, the pictures of the Ossedians fighting fiercely were terrifying.

This is the biggest threat that the human race has ever encountered, and it will be wiped out if it is not careful.

Facing the enemy of the united front, what the strong human race can do is to become unprecedentedly united.

The logistics of the inland and the four seas have been exerted across the board, and ship after ship of food and alchemy weapons have been sent to the front line at no cost.

Students from various universities in the department of supernatural power have applied for early graduation, joined the army, and rushed to the battlefield.

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