MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 387

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The retired supernatural soldiers found the dusty military uniforms and gathered at the dock again.

The heroes and stars that are familiar to everyone on weekdays have also disappeared from the public eye.


As the lucky ones among the hundreds of millions of compatriots, the superpowers know the truth that "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility".

Since they enjoy the privileges that ordinary people do not have, they naturally have to take corresponding responsibilities.

Lukang City.

Hot and sour powder superman neatly stacked the white chef's outfit, and put the shiny kitchen knife back in place.

Subsequently, the uniform of the United States and comics reappeared on his body.

It's just that compared to the time when he didn't retire, the flesh of his stomach was already a little loose, and if he didn't **** it hard, his belly would be exposed.

He stared at his fist and smiled: "Old man, we are going to fight side by side again."

For Superman who is accustomed to using his fists to attack Hot and Sour Fans, his iron fists are his most trusted weapons.

Insert a sentence, [\\mi\\mi\\read\\read\\A\\P\\P\\w\\w\\w\\.\\m\\i\\m\\i\ \r\\e\\a\\d\\.\\c\\o\\m] It's really good, it's worth installing it, after all, there are many sources of books, all books, fast!

Although in the later stage of his career, because of the [Eight Gate Dunjia] given by Yang Xi, the chances of his legs participating in the battle are gradually increasing.

Now, in terms of melee combat, Hot and Sour Fan Superman has entered a new realm.

Suddenly, the sliding door of the hot and sour powder shop was opened.

A swipe.

A girl with black hair wearing a scarf appeared at the door.

She is the daughter of Hot and Sour Fan Superman, who just returned from the school fundraiser.

In the face of the final war, several major forces mobilized all their compatriots and passed the news of the remnant to every corner of the human race.

Originally, the authorities were also prepared for accidents due to the arrival of the "end times", and for this reason, several coping measures were taken to maintain the stability of the inland society.

But unexpectedly, apart from some minor riots a few days ago, what the inland compatriots do most is to donate generously, donate money and materials, and support the frontline battlefield.

Many passionate young people still want to go to war with the flesh and blood of ordinary people, but they are persuaded by community staff.

But now the hot spots of the Internet are basically occupied by the war of resistance.

Some heroic stories that were originally dusty were also artistically processed by the authorities and appeared on major social platforms in the form of short videos.

Now, people in the inland can read heroic deeds one after another by opening social software. This blood can be said to boil from morning to night.

Fundraising events have been held from kindergarten to primary school, and the pocket money that the students have accumulated for many years has been sent to the fundraising box.

Dozens of inland areas, in a few days? How many billions of ceramic pigs are "dead without a whole body".

Seeing the father who looked like this? The girl was stunned.

Although she knew that her father was a professional hero? She also saw his majestic appearance against alien beasts many times in the video.

But the first time to come so close to wearing a hero's uniform? It's the first time.

"Dad? You..."

The corners of the scarf girl's eyes flickered? She was a little overwhelmed.

At her age? Already know the wreckage of the battlefield.

The father who has been out of the professional hero circle for a long time? Can he still maintain the sharp skills he used to be?

Going here, it is extremely dangerous!

But I don't know why? If you block it? She couldn't say anything.

Hot and sour powder Superman sucked his stomach very hard in front of his daughter.

Why doesn't he understand the child's mind?

But now this situation? It is a crisis faced by the entire human race.

Troops on the front lines? Need any and all forces that can be united.

As an A-level hero, although he is not a top combat power, he is also the mainstay of the human race warship.

Like a machine gear, on a cosmopolitan battlefield? He may be unknown, but he is indispensable.

There are a lot of retired human beings? They do not have the duty to rush to the battlefield.

But if everyone backs away, the battle will be harder.

Hot and Sour Fan Superman thinks that he can't affect other colleagues, but he himself has a heart to sacrifice for the human race.

"Daughter, wait for Dad to come back."

Hot and Sour Fan Superman did not hug his daughter, but touched her hair and left in his car.

He was afraid that his daughter's body temperature would shake his resolve!

It wasn't until the hot and sour powder Superman's car disappeared at the end that the scarf girl reacted and chased frantically in the direction the car left.

The white canvas shoes were stained with dust, and she finally stopped out of breath, put her hands on her knees, and shouted in the direction of her father's departure: "Dad! Come back alive!!"

Salty tears flowed into her mouth, but the girl didn't notice it.

This scene happened in every corner of the inland.

Behind every ability user who joins the army, there is a group of concerned family members.

Hot and Sour Noodles Superman drove to Kunlun Building.

This building belonging to the Kunlun Hero Economic Company has been temporarily requisitioned and has become the scene of conscription.

In the hall with bright marble floor tiles, Superman saw a familiar face...

Yan Die, Qing Lan, Prodigal Swordsman, Ge Gui... and the mechanical warrior in a scarlet cloak.

The old man, who had already retired, is now with his hands on his hips, looking at Superman with disdain, "Young man, you are late!"


Hero Sea.

Dark clouds covered, thunder and lightning loomed.

Ye Fan, dressed in white as snow, is hovering in the air, his resolute eyes staring directly at the vision of heaven and earth, without the slightest hint of timidity.

Below, the members of the major rangers were either envious or envious of the youth who looked at the sky, and there was a lot of discussion.

"This guy, Ye Fan, is really a monster. It's only been a long time, but he has actually broken through to the fourth-order level!"

"Isn't it, you haven't heard of the more perverted, it is said that this guy can break through the bottleneck of the fourth-order long ago, but in order to strengthen the momentum of our human race coalition, under the advice of the blaster, he will be promoted to the fourth-order. Days have been delayed until today!"

"Tsk tsk, the army has entered the fourth rank, and I exchanged my remaining life for the moment of Ye Fan's appearance in front of him. I think it's worth it!"

In the crowd, the expressions of people who are familiar with Ye Fan are also different.

As a girlfriend, Maru Jiu burst into tears, only she knows how much Ye Fan has worked hard to advance to the fourth rank and become a strong man who can help the leader!

It can be said that every point of Ye Fan's strength was obtained with his own efforts. (Here, Yang Xi expressed his praise.)

She murmured: "Ye Ye, you must hold on, as long as you pass this level, your ideal will be realized!"

Seeing this, Ao Chao next to Maru Jiu comforted softly: "Maru Maru, don't worry too much, this animal, Ye Fan, has the 'Ancient Sacrament'. I can see that no matter how happy the thunder and lightning strike the ground, there is no way to take him away. , you just put a hundred hearts!"

The animal trainer with the whip gave Ao Chao a stern shot, hating that iron is not steel: "You still have the face to say that you are obviously of a gluttonous bloodline, but now you can't compare to this kid Ye Fan, all my efforts are in vain !"

"Captain, didn't I do this to save everyone's face? If Ye Fan and I both broke through to Tier 4, wouldn't everyone present have to buy a piece of tofu and kill them?"

He said triumphantly: "I'm also taking care of the overall situation!"

Unexpectedly, a green lightsaber suddenly wiped his cheek and flashed away, and then shot into the sea, causing a terrifying explosion.

The surrounding abilities were speechless and sighed in their hearts. It is worthy of being a special team of the Hero Association. Such a young member also possesses such terrifying power!

Li Zitian said coldly: "No matter how sloppy you are, be careful with your tongue!"

After all, she took the power away and left her original position.

Obviously ashamed to be in the company of Ao Chao.

Ao Chao was also angry.

This Li Zitian is really lawless, even he dares to shoot!

But there is no way, who knows if this girl will make a few more arrows, and her strength is unfathomable now, Ao Chao can only admit it.

In the sky, Bakuba smiled and said to Tongtian: "The little guy's temper is even more explosive than we were back then!"

Tong Tian stepped on the fairy sword and said coldly, "That's all I can do, if you have time to mess around, it's better to hurry up and practice. The supply of magic crystals to these little brats has never stopped, but unfortunately only this kid Ye Fan has achieved it. Tier four."

Blasting helplessly shrugged, Tongtian couldn't be tougher.

Breaking through to the fourth rank depends on understanding and chance, how can magic crystals be piled up.

"Liu Yuan over the Chaos Sea is also breaking through the fourth-order today, and two fourth-order powerhouses in one day, this is also a good sign for our human race!"

Tongtian was noncommittal, "Who knows if the adjudication organization is intentional or not. It was our Heroes Association that was the one who took the limelight. Now, even if the live broadcast is started, half of the attention will be robbed."

In order to boost the momentum, the Terran arranged this unprecedented event, and broadcast the whole process of the promotion of the two young powerhouses live.

At this moment, the major units are in full swing, vowing to launch an important cannon of this propaganda war!

The thunderclouds in the sky are getting denser.

Finally, with a loud bang, a green tribulation thunder slashed down.

Illuminated Ye Fan's young face.

At this moment, there is no fear in the hearts of this younger generation of human race bearers, he only has one thought.

After this thunder disaster, I can help the leader share his worries!

This is what drives Ye Fan all the way to the present!

At the same time, in the chaotic sea lord island sky.

Liu Yuan looked at the crimson thunder that fell from the sky, cursing in his mouth.

"Damn, this time my godfather is no longer around, I really don't know what to do!"

Although the Goddess Mao Rabbit is also very powerful, Liu Yuan always felt that his own godfather was the most reliable.

After all, the godfather is the backer who helped him grow from the weak to the present.

The bond between Liu Yuan and Yang Xi cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

"But I also want to see what it will look like when my godfather leaves the customs and sees me at the fourth rank!"

After all, Liu Yuan suddenly transformed himself, and even took the initiative to charge towards the red tribulation thunder.


The tribulation thunder, which can smash ordinary third-order **** into slag, hit Liu Yuan, and immediately roasted his body surface into coke.

In the eyes of the public, the constellation boss, who was in the limelight of the ruling organization, went straight to the sea.

Several constellations wanted to come to the rescue, but were stopped by Yang Feifei.

Now that my brother is not around, she doesn't know what the consequences of others' interference in this vision of heaven and earth will be.

Anyway, in her perception, Liu Yuan can still hold on, let him try to get up on his own!

"If Kui Mulang died in this live broadcast, it would have a huge impact on our organization's reputation!"

Among the crowd watching the ceremony below, some Tian Gang were worried.

But there are also some gloating eyes.

In their opinion, the existence of constellations occupies a lot of resources that originally belonged to them.

If this Kui Mulang really died in the process of advancing to the fourth rank, then they can replace him.

However, these are the thoughts of a few extremists. In the current crisis of the human race, everyone's hearts are still connected.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also exploded the moment Liu Yuan fell into the water.

Now the network between the inland and the four seas is open.

The previous barriers no longer exist, so a large number of inland netizens are also watching this live broadcast.

For the people in the inland, Liu Yuan's identity is not just the Kui Mulang of the ruling organization.

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