MTL - When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?-Chapter 533 There is still hope!

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  Chapter 533 There is still hope!

  The road is deep and the lake is quiet and calm.

  The surface of the lake is like a smooth mirror, reflecting the surrounding forest and the stars and moon in the sky. Unknowingly, it is the dead of night and the time of silence.


   It was very abrupt, and there was a deafening loud noise from nowhere!

   It was like a thunderclap on the ground, and the earth even rumbled for it!

It seemed that the space was distorted for a short moment, and above the forest, the invisible atmosphere suddenly appeared ripples visible to the naked eye, just like the wrinkling phenomenon caused by the air being squeezed violently, which shocked the crowd. The flying bird soared into the sky from the forest, and quickly dispersed!



   Everything comes and goes quickly.

   It seemed that it calmed down like this, and quickly fell silent.

  A moment later, Guinevia pinched the corner of her skirt nervously, poked her head out from the cabin, seemed to confirm something, and hurried out all the way. She saw at a glance that the young man was already on the land by the lake, rummaging for something swiftly.

   "There it is..."

   "Hurry up, hurry up! Oops! Go faster!"

   "She'll be back soon!"

Urging like this, she trotted all the way to the young man, Guinevia stopped, couldn't help panting a few times while supporting her slender knees, raised her eyes to watch the young man's movements, and couldn't help feeling anxious , and couldn't help but look around.

  It seems like they are taking advantage of the night to do something bad, helping to sneak out—

  In short, with her performance like this, the tense and exciting atmosphere came all at once.

   "I'm doing it, I'm doing it, don't rush..."

"You're too slow! It's too late..." Guinevia tried her best to lower her voice, but she couldn't suppress the feeling of restlessness. She was so anxious that she almost jumped, while looking around nervously, for fear That nasty goddess will come back in no time.

  —Yes, Athena was just lured away...

  —It's been half a month, until now, she finally found an opportunity...

  And Athena will definitely react soon. This only chance can be said to be fleeting. After all, once I fail to seize this opportunity, I will never have another chance, and I will definitely be reincarnated directly...

   It is precisely because she understands this that Guinevia has been forbearing during this period of time.

  People have to bow their heads under the eaves for one reason, and another important reason is to paralyze the goddess and lower her vigilance as much as possible.

   For this reason, she can be said to bear the burden of humiliation, swallow her anger, and ask for perfection.

  Speaking of it, it was really a bitter tear.

  Obviously half a month ago, she was still an upright witch king, and she could also be called the ancestor of the gods in the mysterious world.

  Even if he is not at the level of the gods and demon kings, he will be despised by such a big man, but it is still more than enough. It must be known that she already has the sacredness, wisdom, immortality, etc. that countless magicians can't reach in their entire lives, and she has already reached this realm from the very beginning.

  Even if it is not a real god...

  But he was also born to be a noble person—

  This gold content is much more powerful than any famous lady or the daughter of a magic association. What kind of princess, what kind of princess, all the noble girls in the ordinary sense suddenly lost much competitiveness compared with them, and seemed to be overshadowed.

  After all, the predecessors of the so-called **** ancestors are actually the real earth mother gods.

   It can be said that Guinivea’s past is not inferior to Athena in its heyday, and it is normal for a skinny camel to be bigger than a horse...

Since she is such a rare pearl in the world, Guinevea has never been wronged like this before, only the past half a month has been in a state of embarrassment, and her head is battered... because Athena really didn't give her a good face at all. Look, it's always cynicism.

   This is still a very restrained performance, at least the goddess still speaks but does not use hands, and has no choice to go directly to tear Guinivea.

  Of course, Athena also has reason to be so hostile to Guinevea.

   After all, the truth is always the same, and everyone should be able to understand the truth, that is, the betrayer is often more hateful than the enemy...

   From Athena's point of view, Guinevia is a traitor, and she looks disgusting when she looks at it.

Even though they are compatriots from the past, they are so shameless. As a descendant of the earth, since the age of myth, they have been sworn enemies with the steel that slaughtered dragons and snakes... But Guinevia has fallen into this At this point, not only did he not choose to be hostile or resist, but he also took the initiative to put down his body to serve the God of Steel.

   If it wasn’t for this **** ancestor’s understanding of the Holy Grail to help him use the power of the Holy Grail—the goddess really has the idea of ​​​​cleaning the house... I really can’t afford to lose this person.

   "If you don't help, don't point fingers here, don't hinder me..."

   Facing the blond loli who was jumping anxiously, Gu Mo waved his hand like chasing flies, signaling her to go aside to cool off, so as not to hinder him here.


  Guinivea gritted her teeth immediately, as if she was a little out of breath, but she also reacted immediately. If it was ten days ago, she might still have thought about the other party's rudeness, but now she has no such thoughts. Everyone is a grasshopper on the same line, and she has become familiar with it these days.

  Once people have no sense of distance, they often have no image burden...

  Besides, both sides are facing the same situation. It is natural to form a united front in the face of a crisis, and naturally they can quickly draw closer...

   "I'll help too!"

   Taking a deep breath, the blonde loli didn't care about her manners anymore.

  She just knelt on the ground all at once, and her small hands were also vigorously pawing and pulling up on the solid soil, her little face was tense.

  Athena was actually very cautious. Before going out, she forcibly sealed her spell power with secret techniques. There is no need to use any spells now, no matter how many names Guinivea has, no matter how prominent and noble her original body is, she is no different from ordinary people now.

   Fortunately, when she was coerced and let the Holy Grail emerge from the ground, she already had a faint idea, and let the "steel" float up to the surface in advance—

   It's just hidden under the ground, and it hasn't been revealed. Now it only needs to work harder and it should be able to dig out.

  This is also a necessary condition for the implementation of the plan, the premise is that it is realistic enough and indeed has the feasibility and possibility of realization.

   "Hoo...hoo... oops!"

The blond loli was panting heavily, and her black dress was covered with mud and grass clippings. Under her breathless and ruthless quick pull, the soil was quickly dug up, and the next moment she withdrew her hand suddenly, As a conditioned reflex like getting an electric shock, a painful cry came from his mouth.

   But at the same time, joy appeared in her eyes. So sharp and ominous.

"found it!"

  A very long double-edged sword appeared in the pit, but it was already a piece of broken copper and iron, and the blade was full of rust.


   It seems that the blood of Guinevia dripped on it and was quickly absorbed by the blade.

A distorted thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit it. After the breath of thunder dissipated for a while, the rusty iron sword in the pit had completed a reborn change, and there was no sign of decay, but a blooming platinum sword. A brilliant dagger.

   "How dare you, you actually awakened the taboo steel!"

   An angry voice came.

  The expression on Guinivea's face immediately changed from joy to rigidity. She raised her eyes and found that the silver-haired goddess had appeared in front of her. In her childish pupils, the flames of anger were burning hotly. Athena, who had always been calm, showed a ferocious expression in a certain sense at this time.

  The time she went out was very short, and she immediately sensed the possibility of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, and immediately came to her senses, and decisively turned back to defend.

   Angry eyes lingered back and forth between the two of them, and the immature goddess was so angry.

She felt that she was still careless, and actually let these two people link up under her nose, and the conspiracy almost succeeded... How could they have been able to hide it from her, and she hadn't let down her vigilance, how could there be anything Can lies and tricks be hidden from oneself? !

  A guy whose memory has not been revived...

  A fallen ancestor who has long forgotten the glory of being the Earth Mother God...

  Even if these two guys add up, what ability do they have to turn up waves in their own hands? The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. Athena's face was a little gloomy, her eyes scanned the two of them back and forth, and finally fixed on Guinevea, with a murderous look in her cold eyes.

   There must be a problem!

  Even though I’m not sure what the reason is, there must be something wrong with one of these two people... I didn’t notice it before, so I have the confidence to control them, which is normal. But now that the situation is not right, if you still don't deal with it, it would be too stupid.

   Then kill Guinevea first, get rid of this shameful compatriot, and send her to reincarnate again...


   The blond loli felt something was wrong, suddenly felt a chill, and her face showed panic.

  She knew that it was a cold wind blowing from Hades, and it wanted to take all life, and send down the breath of death equally... Athena really wanted to get rid of herself!

What to do? What to do? What to do…

The opponent returned to the defense too fast, and I only had time to awaken the clone of the magic knife with my own blood, but I didn't have time to break the guardian's spell. My uncle just forcibly appeared once to create a chance for me, and it is impossible to come again in a short time , seems to be unable to catch up anyway!

  Pupils froze, and Guinevia's slender body trembled unconsciously, feeling that in the cold winter wind, her body was trembling, and her strength was quickly lost along with the heat, and was completely taken away.

  Consciousness began to become hazy...

  She was unwilling and powerless to panic. Sure enough, not everything will go as planned. Will it still fail after all...


The bright holy light lit up, like the silvery moon shining in the heavens, brought vitality and warmth, dispelled Guinivia's cold feeling in an instant, and made her escape from the brink of death, and the consciousness and thinking returned. She heard Athena's annoyed scolding, and at the same time saw a noble figure—

  Light silver long hair fluttering in the wind...

  Majestic like a Valkyrie descending from the sky...

  The girl wrapped in holy radiance is waving the holy sword to block the front...

  —At this moment, it seems that history is frozen forever at this node, the space freezes, and the picture focuses on this extremely beautiful scene.

   "Mr. Gu Mo! You... as long as you are fine..."

Leaping out from the portal, just at the critical moment, it was like a divine soldier descending from the sky, stopping the goddess' atrocities. Emilia also saw the figure next to her at a glance, and suddenly felt a big stone in her heart, an unprecedented sense of peace of mind Submerge yourself directly.

   For more than half a month, she has not relaxed for a moment, and has been running constantly.

   Pushing myself to the limit—

  I have done everything I can, but I still can’t help being afraid. Every night I would wake up from the nightmare trembling, afraid that even if I tried my best, it would still be too late...

   That day, I decisively pushed myself and Ms. Erica into the portal to escape, and the figure I chose to stay and face was probably the last one.


  At this moment, the heart that had nowhere to rest was completely settled down, and Emilia's hand holding the holy sword trembled slightly, as if she couldn't contain the excitement.

  However, while feeling relieved, she didn't subconsciously relax. Instead, she put up all her energy to stand in the middle, vigilantly guarding against the childish goddess on the opposite side.

   "Miss Huimei, you really came..."

   Gu Mo waved his hand with a smile and said hello.

His expression was as usual, and he couldn't see any signs of fear during this period of time. Combined with the soil and grass clippings stained on his body, he was obviously embarrassed and messy, but this strange sense of contrast was further highlighted. Show a firm confidence.



   "Yeah! Here I come!"

  Emilia took a deep breath, and nodded heavily, as if she was saying something seriously.

  The other party must have suffered a lot during this period of time, just look at the dirty looks of him and the little girl. But even so, he still did not give up, and also believed that he would come to save him...

  Emilia has no way to describe her feelings at this moment. The sense of security is intertwined with this strange feeling, which becomes particularly complicated.

  She could only try to suppress the throbbing in her heart, and at the same time feel that at this moment—

  Something seemed to be produced in his body.

  It was just a faint light at the beginning, but it continued to grow bigger and stronger, and finally overflowed, shining brilliantly in the dark night. At the same time, the holy power in her body also surged with her breath and blood, releasing vitality and warmth like the sun, and becoming stronger!

  Emilia didn't realize what was going on, she just felt that it was because of her emotional agitation, which caused the release of energy to become stronger.


   Gu Mo raised his eyebrows, noticing the changes in Miss Brave. Didn't she have no way to convert energy through emotions before?

   What's going on here?

   Faintly, he had a very strong intuition that the key to the opportunity for the third magic, which was only short of the last bit of proficiency, had appeared!

   "Hmph, that's how it's this feather..."

  Athena clenched her fists tightly on the opposite side. She tried her best to suppress her anger, and realized that it should be the connection with the half feather on her body, which gave the other side an opportunity to open the portal and rush directly to her side.

  Thousands of calculations, but she didn't think of this, which made her very annoyed.

   "Do you think this can stop the concubine?!"

Emilia's eyes were fixed on the childish goddess on the opposite side. She realized that the other party had been completely irritated and seemed to be about to make trouble, so she hurriedly said: "Mr. Gu Mo! Come behind me! I will protect you of…"

   Every word and every word seems to be the oath of a knight.

   This time, she will never let down this trust again!

  Athena suddenly sneered, she cast a sharp look at Gu Mo, and issued a soul torture:

"It's ridiculous! It's so ridiculous! Don't you feel ashamed to be protected by a girl? Can you really accept such a thing? Wouldn't it be... no..." After speaking, the voice gradually weakened , eventually disappearing slowly.

  Because she realized that before she even finished speaking, someone had already silently acted and walked behind Miss Brave.

   Didn't hear what she was saying at all...



  In the strange silence, Gu Mo coughed lightly, and sincerely expressed his attitude: "I have always been able to accept such things, don't worry about mine..."

what a pity-

  If it weren’t for this, he wouldn’t even be able to get out of Thirteen Sakura Village.



  A certain world line—

   "I am the monkey king born in the stone, with infinite supernatural powers and myriad changes!"

   "Stealing pills, drinking alcohol, and eating flat peaches in the Tiangong! Playing martial arts, being fierce, and showing evil!"

   "I am the sky, the existence of Qitian—!"

Containing endless violent and ferocious laughter, this is a louder sound than the collapse of the world. Flames appeared behind a terrifying ape, just like the scorching fire burning in an iron smelting field rumbling out high temperature, a somersault leaped out of the unknown What a distance, tearing out a flame cloak that seems to be thousands of miles long!

  The stick that was pulled out from nowhere, swung down heavily!

  The void is rumbling, bursting out with a huge trembling sound like a star bursting.

  The blow that fell above the earth was like a sky crash! The ancient divine pillar supporting the heaven and earth fell down, as if a whole continent collapsed with infinite power!


   Like a huge typhoon blasting, the violent shock wave swept the whole world!

For a moment, Mrs. Aisha, who had just woken up and didn't know what happened, suddenly felt that she was deaf. She staggered and lost her balance and fell to the ground. At the same time, her brain went blank, and she couldn't hear anything anymore sound.

   "I can't stop it, this world is about to end..."

  Among the ruins, someone violently grabbed her exhausted arm, pulled her up involuntarily, and forcibly pushed her into the corridor—

"The plan has failed! We don't have any vanguard capable of defeating You Xing, and it has devoured the information of the King of the End in turn, evolved to this state with the power of the ape god, and began to sweep across the planet and wipe out the gods. Everything is over... "

   "Go! Take the magic knife and get out of here! Your world is far away, and you still have hope to stop this!"

  (end of this chapter)

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