MTL - When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?-Chapter 534 Dharma is boundless! Seance ceremony! Battle Magic!

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  Chapter 534 Buddhism is boundless! Seance ceremony! Battle Magic!

  Ms. Aisha was a little dazed, her head was dizzy, and she finally came to her senses when she was pushed to the front of the corridor.

  The plan failed...

   Sure enough, it still failed!

  She looked back unwillingly and anxiously, and at exactly that moment, a fire flashed across the sky!

"big big big-!"

The cloak dragged by the flames is thousands of miles long, and the flaming fire ape laughed wildly, smashing down the Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand from above the clouds, accompanied by the huge trill of stars bursting, the huge Optimus Pillar belt With the momentum of the sky, it fell to the ground like a bolide!

   Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and all the sounds disappeared in my ears.

  In the dead silence that seemed long enough to despair—

  Ms. Aisha didn't know how long it had passed, and she couldn't confirm whether it was a few seconds long, or just a few centuries.

  Anyway, at an undetermined node, the pointer seemed to be moved by the hand of God suddenly, and the time that had been stagnant moved forward crazily again!

  Under the terrified eyes of one after another, the earth and sky reflected in pairs of different pupils suddenly shattered together! The ultra-high-speed shock wave that surpassed all hurricane levels swept in all directions, squeezing and pushing the air, and shattered everything!


  The sound was far more than just a beat behind.

   Accompanied by a deafening roar, the sky was shaken, and the echo rumbled! There is a huge bottomless crack that spreads out like lightning, as if centered on the landing point of the golden cudgel, it spreads from the void and extends to the end of the horizon. Wherever it passes, the land cracks and the mountain collapses , and even the crust was smashed!

  The lava in the depths of the ground spurts out crazily, and is thrown into the sky along with huge rock fragments!

  This terrible phenomenon is extremely suspicious—

   Could it be that the whole planet is like an orange, which was directly smashed to the ground by this powerful stick, and the juice splashed out! This is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying scene.

   All in all, in an instant, the sky has collapsed and the earth has been split.

Even though such a long distance away, the muffled sound of the destruction of all things could be heard, the scene of the end of the world, it is completely impossible to imagine how terrifying the center of the impact would be... Mrs. Aisha did not It is suspected that under that blow, many gods were directly wiped out!

  Because I can feel it, as if in the center of the shocking nuclear explosion, there are many fluctuations of divine power attributes!

  Holy, wise, mighty…

  However, even with such an all-out struggle, the result can’t be changed. The remaining gods can only release their light at the last moment, mobilize their divine power, rise up to resist, and buy time for this side...


   Was shot down, crushing everything into ashes!

  The body is shattered, the soul is turned into mud, and the immortal gods are directly destroyed!

   "Go! Go!"

The **** of war next to him, covered in bruises, pushed hard Mrs. Aisha with a sluggish face, and said with a tired and helpless expression: "Don't worry about us, we are just returning to the myth... as long as the myth still exists, as long as the netherworld still exists Existence, as long as we stop all of this, then there is still a chance to regain the future!"

   "Get out of here, don't stay!"

   "Bring the magic knife, don't be taken away!"

   "It's coming soon! If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

Under such repeated urging, Mrs. Aisha finally reacted. She nodded vigorously, and then without any hesitation, she stepped directly into the corridor that was opened spontaneously again, and set foot on the journey through the world. Another journey of the line.

   Really can't stay...

  The general trend is over, if you don't leave, it will indeed be too late.

  As the last hope of the whole village, Mrs. Aisha also understands that she has become the key, and she must not lose the chain at this time.

And just as she entered the corridor, the huge crack that seemed to shine with the infinite universe began to close. Almost at the same time, a golden flame was like a star, criss-crossing the green and dark, but it was born and died in an instant. It has already crossed half of the earth, just like a flying snake!

  According to this speed, the passageway has no time to close, and it will be overtaken by Xuanhe Dunguang!

But it seems that in order to prevent such a thing from happening, a heavy sword had been swung fiercely before that, or at the same time as Mrs. Aisha just entered, with the power to cut through everything , The moment the wave fell, the world seemed to be split in two.

  A straight, bottomless huge crack, extending in a straight line to the end of the horizon, seems to cut the earth open!

  The invisible blade slashing, the distorted space fault, just happened to block the golden flame...

   Violent collision!

  In an instant, the mountains and the earth tremble, and the rivers and seas are overturned!

  It's a pity that under this background that seems to be the end of the world, this little movement seems to be nothing.

When the rays of light dissipated, the Monkey King, who stepped on the golden clouds floating in the air, wore golden armor with locks, a purple gold crown with phoenix wings, and walked on cloud shoes with silken lotus root, looked at the closing of the corridor with a displeased face, with piercing eyes. There is a fierce light shining in it, which makes people frightened just by looking at it.

   "Actually escaped..."

   "I will definitely not let you succeed!" The **** of war, who was already bruised and bruised, said seriously, still blocking his original position, like an unshakable rock.

   "Hehe, why... you want to be my enemy? Do you want to betray me? Have you forgotten the old covenant?!"

  The Monkey King couldn't help laughing, watching the last rebel with great interest.

"It's not that we want to be enemies with you, but you chose to be enemies with us..." The last **** sighed, "The ancient covenant has ended, you are neither the king of the end, nor the real Monkey King ..."

   "Who dares to say that I am not! I am the sky, the existence of Qitian—!"

"No! You're not! That Monkey King is the perfect final king, not only "Monkey King", but also "Fighting and Conquering Buddha". You probably don't even know what Buddhism and salvation are, you can only destroy and annihilate, it's just the reflection of Youxing on the ground..."

   " come I don't know about Buddhism and enlightenment?"

  The Monkey King laughed wildly, his whole body was burning, his hair fluttered in the faint golden mist as if there was no gravity, and the fiery red phoenix wings trembled with its movements like streamers. Flames appeared from behind, like the scorching fire burning in the iron smelting field, becoming a pillar of fire rumbling and exuding high temperature.

   It's like a sacred furnace, and the divine power surges to worship!

At this moment, the monkey king's body surface is covered with unique nano-machines that rapidly reorganize and change, changing the mass field of the physical body and distorting the space at the same time, and a subtle power reaction occurs... Like a revived **** and demon, it stepped forward and instantly body As high as the sky, it can be said to be equal to the sky!

  A huge shadow was cast, covering the tiny gods on the ground, and the huge iron rod that shook the sky slammed down!

   "How! How much Dharma do you want to see!"

  Amidst the endless violent and ferocious laughter, this terrifying **** ape once again pulled out the stick that was powerful enough to kill gods and Buddhas!

  Infinite power, infinite birth and death!

   With such an equivalent stick, it can definitely save all sentient beings and send them to heaven without distinction!

  —It can be said that Buddhism is boundless!



  Aisle closed...

   Drifting in the rush of time and space...

  Mrs. Aisha let out a long sigh of relief, but luckily she was not caught up.

   There are quite a few gods who can enter the field of "supernatural speed", but most of them are beyond the speed of sound, equal to the level of thunder. There are definitely very few hero gods who can move at the speed of light like the monkey king.

  In the world of martial arts, everything is invincible, but speed cannot be broken... This also means that this kind of enemy is often the most terrifying.

   There was no chance of winning in the first place, and now it is still an upgraded version. The remaining gods tried their best and tried their best, but they couldn't delay it for too long.

  If I continued to delay at that time, then I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to leave...

Even if you don’t go far, you may be caught back—the gods with the power of “travel” can travel through time and space, and travel between different worlds with their own will. Mrs. Aisha dare not bet on whether the other party also has this power, and no matter what That said, there is a high probability that there is.

  Because she aimed at the "original world" and embarked on a journey home, until now, she has traveled through one world after another.

  However, the disasters that transcend time and space seem to appear one after another, or in different parallel worlds at the same time.

  Maybe the expression is different.

  Maybe in this world line, it just dropped the orbital Great Wall as a weapon to coerce the planet...

  Maybe in that world line, its clone has replaced the moon, and has been monitoring the past, present, and future of the earth...

  Maybe in a certain world line, it sent a starship-like messenger to land on the earth, and began to sweep the planet and wipe out the gods...

   But the essence is the same.

In the corridor, Mrs. Aisha, who was drifting forward along time and space in a daze, her face was changing from cloudy to cloudy. Her face no longer had the old smile, only heaviness and worry remained. The more you have, the less you will be happy. This is an eternal truth.

  She didn't know why it happened like this...too fast and too sudden.

When the power "Corridor of Fairy Realm" spontaneously opened, opening the cave leading to the "non-worldly world" to **** her in, and happened to be summoned by King Mithra from far away from time and space. My own world has reached the end of the multiverse.

   Then, without any psychological preparation, I suddenly learned the extremely heavy truth.

  —The storm is coming.

  —An unprecedented crisis is hitting the extremely deep multiverse.

Under this unprecedented threat, even if he insisted on using the most violent means to eliminate the devil, he would not hesitate to swing the magic knife countless times to kill his own people and bring four hundred years of peace to the world he guards. King Ra, also rarely let go of his prejudices and chose to form an alliance with the godslayer.

   It was also in such an abrupt situation that Mrs. Aisha shouldered the important task of saving the world in a blink of an eye.

  If it is said that she didn't have much real sense at the beginning, and she hadn't been able to realize the seriousness of the matter more clearly, then she felt more shocking and terrified as she got to the end...

  —She has traveled through many worlds, countless parallel worlds, with infinite possibilities...

  —In the past, she has seen many worlds, many of which are like stars and blooming like brocades. The state of vigorous vitality and all things blooming is still in front of her eyes...

  However, going back all the way, Mrs. Aisha found that almost all the worlds she passed through were facing the same bad situation.

As King Mithra said at the time, the doomsday of all worlds, the common doomsday, seems to be triggered by some terminal device, or the awakening of consciousness entangled in the depths of time and space brings true His fate belongs to the judgment at the end of time.

   The big tree of time, which would have blossomed and bear fruit indefinitely, is now withering one after another.

  The branches shrivel, the buds wither and turn yellow, and the fruits rot...

  It seems that they all point to the only truth, that is, all the world lines are converging towards the same direction, that is the twilight of the gods, and it is also a mass extinction like the judgment day.

——"Eye of the Moon", "Predator's Star", "Human Evil", "Singularity", "Hearted Belt"... all kinds of weird concepts, even for a well-informed godslayer like Mrs. Aisha, It was also the first time I encountered them, but they spread rapidly in parallel worlds like this.

  It seems that Pandora's box was opened, and all the bad things escaped...

   It was unseen and unheard of before, but there was a weird feeling that made Mrs. Aisha confirm that these things all came from the same source, and had a considerable source.

She didn't know how to describe it, it was like... like... an incomparably absurd dream, which always happened in the brain of the same person, and all the weird and myriad things were all the same The uncontrolled thoughts and thoughts of the dreamer.

   It's just scary when the scale of this dream is the whole world.

The world that he passed through this time is the world line of Monkey King as the king of the end. It is different from the world line of Rama, King Mithra, etc. as brave men. god. Although he has the nature of the steel warrior god, he is also a **** who is good at spells.

  A combination of elements other than the sword **** and divinity, a mixed existence, a godhead with a more complex nature.

As long as the conditions are complete, the power to destroy godslayers can be obtained from heaven, earth and the stars... Only a few sword gods with considerable authority and bravery have this power, which naturally means that the monkey king born in the stone is originally Has the qualifications to become the king of the end.

  Facing the message brought by Mrs. Aisha, the gods and Monkey King of this world decisively chose to confront...

   Yet Ragnarok came, like an unstoppable number of days.

The plans made failed one after another. When the information of the King of the End was also copied by You Xing's vanguard, and then evolved into the same supernatural power, and it was also a blackened and reversed version of Monkey King [Alter], it was doomed The coming of the ultimate truth.

   Such an enemy...

   How to fight?

  Ms. Aisha closed her eyes wearily, and only opened her eyes again after she felt a sense of solidity under her feet.

  A new world appeared before her eyes—

  It seems that this world has not been eroded yet, the blue sky and white clouds, the wind is like a song, everything is so beautiful.

She exhaled lightly, pursed her lips tightly, and when she was thinking about what she should do next, she suddenly realized something, and let go of the handful of eyes she held in her arms. The knives...they just fell all over the floor with a ping-pong-pong.

  But these dimmed "hatchets" all became restless and trembled at this moment, making bursts of buzzing.

"This is…"

  Looking at the urn that fell to the ground, it changed back to its original size, with a big urn as tall as a child. Mrs. Aisha thought it should be the change brought about by this thing.

  She also collected a handful of magic knives before, but they didn't change like this...

  Only this time, after getting the big urn, did some kind of chemical reaction trigger.

   "This is the Holy Grail..."

She cautiously stepped forward to examine it carefully, just as the Divine Sword of Salvation is a standard equipment for the King of the End in every parallel world, the Holy Grail of Magic is actually a standard equipment, without it, the King of the End would have to spend his life To activate the God of Salvation Knife.

   Could it be that the Holy Grail provided enough energy to spontaneously awaken these magic knives?

  Ms. Aisha was thinking like this, and at the same time stretched out her hand to pick up the Holy Grail, but the moment her fingertips touched her body froze, as if she was completely stunned—


  「Seance ceremony...」

  「The decisive battle magic to save the primate world...」

  「Choose the most suitable seven heroic spirits who stand at the top of the attribute, and destroy the catastrophe that hinders the development of the primate world...」


  The surging information seemed to come from the other side of the soul like a sea tide. The huge amount of information made her unable to handle it for a while.

   After a long while like this, she suddenly became aroused, panting heavily, and at the same time looked at the handful of "hatchets" in disbelief—

Under the abundant energy supply close to the Holy Grail, they seem to have changed one after another, and their forms have changed. They are no longer the default original hatchet form, but have changed into swords, guns, bows, daggers, reins...etc. , respectively the seven types of artifacts.

   Is it really worthy of being the ultimate weapon that gathers many gods in one?

   Similar to a hatchet is only the default initial form, which does not mean that it cannot be changed into other styles.

   Pursing her lips, Mrs. Aisha tentatively stretched out her fingertips, and lightly touched the ever-changing longbow.

  In a trance, a slim figure seemed to appear in her mind...

  White clothes and scarlet...

  Longbow and sharp arrows...

   Is this the bow-rank heroic spirit who is most suitable for crusade against the current catastrophe? Why do you feel like you're just a witch? Mrs. Aisha immediately became a little tangled. The joy that had just risen from the bottom of her heart suddenly became violently shaken, and she felt unreliable.

  This is a huge disaster that even the gods can't stop...

  (end of this chapter)

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