MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 416 gambling

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Li Xiu frowned slightly, so much purple dragon energy was flying in different directions, it was impossible to **** them all back only by God's hand.

He raised his arms, and his fingers were like the muzzle of a gun, firing white light bullets continuously. Countless light bullets danced with Li Xiu's arms and flew towards the purple dragon aura.

The expected collision and explosion did not occur, and all the purple dragon energy hit by the light bullets were sucked in by the high-speed light bullets, like purple dragons trapped in the light bullets, and the light bullets were suspended in the air. In the air, the Time Tunnel was not harmed.

In a blink of an eye, all the purple dragon energy that Li Boyang waved was trapped in the light bullet, and the people watching what happened all cheered.

"God is God, too strong, an invincible existence."

"Haha, God, **** that bastard, give him some power."

"Fortunately God is there."

People were overjoyed, but Li Xiu didn't show any joy on his face.

"How long have you been able to hold back..." Li Boyang said lightly, the purple energy on his body rose like a volcanic eruption. Like a nest, it turned into endless purple dragon energy and bombarded towards the tunnel of time.

Li Xiu's ten fingers danced, and the light bullets sprayed continuously. Even so, it was difficult to stop all the purple dragon energy.

He knew that Li Boyang was using this method to force him to submit, but he had no choice but to stop as many as possible.

He can't really fight Li Boyang, otherwise it will only make the situation worse, and Li Boyang doesn't want to really fight with him, but Li Boyang can ignore everything, but Li Xiu can't.

In the interweaving of light bullets, most of the purple dragon energy was imprisoned by Li Xiu in the light bullets, but a part of them still bombarded the time tunnel, and the sound of explosions continued.

The explosion this time is more dense than the previous one, and it also causes more and more frequent distortions of time and space around the world. Even in the kingdom of demons, time and space distortions have appeared one after another. get out.

In Changsheng Tian, ​​there are time and space distortions everywhere, and countless demon spirits come out of it.

All the testers and magic outfitters of Changshengtian had to join the battle, and even the old immortal, Wan Chaochun, Han *** who had already been promoted to the **** position could only fight and slash Kill the demon.

On the earth, the screams were even louder, and a large number of distorted spaces appeared in many cities. The demon spirits who were killed outside or inside the cities in the past kept rushing towards the cities.

The building collapsed and flames shot up into the sky. Many ordinary people died in the collapsed building or in the flames without waiting for help. Those who escaped were also massacred by demon spirits on the street.

The magic outfitters and testers of all major forces have already rushed towards the demon spirit desperately, but they can't predict where the demon spirit will rush out from. When they arrived, many people were already dead or injured. There were cries and wailing everywhere.

While continuing to release the purple dragon energy, Li Boyang looked at Li Xiu with a half-smile and said, "This is just the beginning. If you continue to fight with me, not only these human beings will die, but the whole world will be destroyed. Don't worry." Speaking of human beings, even demon spirits can survive. How do you choose? Do you want to dedicate your life to save the world, or fight with me, even if the world is destroyed, you have to win with me burden?"

With the continuous bombardment of the purple dragon energy, the situation of the earth and the kingdom of demons has become very bad.

It is understandable that the earth was massacred by those monsters rushing out of the time-space distortion, but in the kingdom of monsters, those monsters rushing out of the time-space distortion also rushed towards other monsters, rushing desperately , Even his own kind will not be spared.

"You have seen your future, right?" Li Xiu said suddenly. Li Boyang paused slightly, Li Xiu continued: "You know you have failed, right?"

Li Boyang stopped bursting out purple dragon energy, squinted his eyes and looked at Li Xiu and said, "It seems that you have been to the theater of life."

"Isn't that what you want me to see?" Li Xiu looked at Li Boyang and said calmly


"Yes." Li Boyang laughed: "I have indeed been to the theater of life, and more than once, every time I try to do something to change the future that does not exist, I will find that the theater of life has indeed changed, but there is one thing If it hasn't changed, then I've failed."

"Since you have been to the theater of life a long time ago, you know that I will definitely be able to defeat you, why didn't you kill me early?" This is the doubt in Li Xiu's heart.

"Do you think I haven't thought about it? It's a pity that the ending is still the same." Li Boyang said, licking his lips.

"Still the same?" Li Xiu was slightly taken aback.

"At the crossroads of fate, I have made many choices." Li Boyang said lightly.

"The choice made at the crossroads of fate will affect the ending of the theater of life?" Li Xiu finally understood.

Li Boyang nodded and said: "That's right, but the choice at the crossroads of fate will only be valid for that one time, and when you enter again, it will return to the original state."

Li Xiu frowned slightly, that is to say, the combination of the intersection of fate and the theater of life is equivalent to a machine that can deduce the future.

Li Boyang used to deduce the future time and time again, constantly correcting mistakes, and wanted to achieve the final success, but no matter how he tried again, no matter how he chose, the final result was failure.

So Li Boyang could only choose to win without fighting in the end, forcing Li Xiu to sacrifice himself.

"But I still don't understand, since I'm already dead, why do you still fail?" Li Xiu said slowly.

"I don't understand either." Li Boyang said lightly: "You don't have to look at me like that. After all, the Time Tunnel is not the real future, it can only deduce the future. The crossroads of fate is the cause, and the theater of life is the effect. I can see the cause and the effect, but not the process in between. So I only know what I choose, and then I see what the result is, and what happened in the middle, I also have no idea."

"That is to say, I will definitely win." Li Xiu was not happy about it. Sure enough, Li Boyang went on to say: "You don't have to be too happy too early. In the future derivation time and time again, the result is the same every time. The world will definitely be destroyed."

"It seems that we are all in a deadlock. You cannot escape the fate of failure, and I cannot save this world." Li Xiu sighed.

"So we all have only one way to go." Li Boyang said lightly, "You sacrifice yourself to benefit the whole world, including me."

"Why do you have the illusion that I will sacrifice myself? Since you have seen the future so many times, you should know how I will choose." Li Xiu said.

"Deduction is just deduction after all. As long as there is nothing that happened, there are countless possibilities." Li Boyang said.

"Which possibility is there that you carried that child to the gate of the world?" Li Xiu asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Li Boyang frowned.

Li Xiu immediately realized that Li Boyang really didn't know about Zaizai, but he had been to the crossroads of fate so many times, how could he not know about Zaizai?

Then there is only one possibility, the crossroads of Li Boyang's fate is also constantly changing, Li Boyang did not go to Jiang Lanling that time, but that time Zaizai appeared, but Li Boyang did not know the future of that time , so he didn't know Zaizai's existence at all, and he didn't know that Zaizai could help him open the door to the world.

"Even if Li Boyang didn't go that time, didn't he see Zaizai when he went again later?" Li Xiu realized something, and thought to himself: "Could it be that because Zaizai came out with Jiang Lanling, so in the future In deduction, there is no Zaizai, so no matter how many times Li Boyang went there, he still couldn't see Zaizai again?"

Li Xiu felt that he had finally connected all the clues. Li Boyang once took Zaizai to the crossroads of future destiny, but now he didn't know that he might take Zaizai to open the door in the future.

"Then where did Zaizai come from? Why can she help Li Boyang open the door?" Li Xiu kept thinking.

Suddenly, Li Xiu's body trembled, as if he had thought of something.

"You want to delay time to reach the future site and fight me there, right? Unfortunately, you are wrong. The future of the Time Tunnel is not a real future world, and it cannot withstand a battle of our level. As long as you choose to fight with me, the ending will still be the same." Li Boyang said, the purple dragon energy on his body exploded again: "Now we have entered the stage of the future, let me show you how terrifying the future is."

Li Xiu could only burst out again to intercept the purple dragon energy, but there was still dragon energy bombarding the Time Tunnel.

The walls shattered, and space-time distortions appeared again all over the world, but this time the monsters that rushed out of the time-space distortions were no longer ordinary monsters.

In the sky above Hongsha City, a monster bigger than an aircraft carrier flew out of the time-space distortion, and the flames that spewed out from its mouth directly turned dozens of kilometers nearby into a sea of ​​flames, and countless people screamed and wailed in the sea of ​​flames.

The weeping of the woman, the screaming of the child, and the wailing of the old man before death are all connected together, like the painful elegy of countless ghosts in hell.

Not only in Hongsha City, but also in the time-space distortions that appear all over the world, god-level monsters appear, and those are all monsters from the future.

"God us..." A white-haired old man sat numbly in the ruins, crying loudly to the sky that was reflected blood red by the fire.

" my child...You can let me die, but my child is my child..." A woman hugged her child, standing on the top of the building in despair, looking around like a demon The monster that slaughtered the city suddenly knelt down and kowtowed desperately to Li Xiu in the image of the sky.

The knocked head was broken and the blood flow still continued.

"If you are really God, please save us"

"What kind of God are you? We're all going to die. Are you just watching?"

"Bullshit God, why do you worship him? After all, he is just a person. How could he sacrifice his life for us? Even if everyone is dead, he can still live. don't care."

"Damn, what is the name of the ghost, you bastards, why do you let others trade their lives for yours."

"God, **** him, we'll have that **** buried with us when we die."

" me...I don't want to die yet..."

Many people were pleading to Li Xiu, begging him to exchange theirs with his own.

The situation in Changshengtian was the worst. Changshengtian, where several gods were sitting in command, was also in a bloodbath at this time.

The magic costume was roaring, and the sword light was moaning, all of these seemed so weak and powerless amidst the tide of monsters pouring out.

"Li Xiu, you selfish... You bastard, do you want the whole world to be buried with you? If it were Lao Tzu, I would rather exchange my own life for the lives of all the people. You also look at your own relatives and friends, they are all about to die, and their lives are in your hands..." A blood-soaked tester from the Li family roared angrily.

"You are going to die, I will fulfill you." A saber flashed, and the head of the Li family's trial person was cut off. After Jing Li, covered in blood, beheaded the trial person, he turned around and continued to engage in the battle with the demon spirit. During the battle.

"Have you seen it? This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you and I fight, the future will be thousands of times more miserable than this." Li Boyang did not continue to release the purple dragon energy, and looked at Li Xiu and said indifferently.

How could Li Xiu not see it? Not only did he see it, but he also saw Chu Jun, Ah Bandit, and Sha Chu all fighting **** battles.

Although under the protection of Li Ming'er, they can still persevere, they should be able to survive this time the demon attack.

But just like what Li Boyang said, this is just the beginning. If the world is really completely destroyed, how long can they last?

At that time, let alone them, even Li Ming'er may not be able to protect herself. In the fragmented world, only some lucky ones can survive, lingering in a corner of the fragmented world, taking their own

In exchange for the continuation of future generations, even so, it will inevitably be completely submerged in the long river of history.

"Is there really no choice?" Li Xiu muttered to himself.

"Yes, you live and die in the world, you die, the world lives, how do you choose?" Li Boyang's voice echoed throughout the world.

"God, you are our God...Save my child, if you can exchange one life for another...I will exchange my life for theirs, God, open your eyes and see, I will give you my life" An old man glanced at the child behind him, turned around decisively and slammed his head against the wall, his brains burst and he died.


Li Xiu was silent, these people had nothing to do with him, he could just ignore them, but if it continued, the people he cared about would die next.

Li Xiu withdrew his gaze, looked at Li Boyang, and then slowly pulled back the veil of the magic costume, revealing his true face.

People who saw Li Xiu's true face realized that he was just a young man in his twenties, and in an ordinary family, he was still the same age as an older child.

"Li Xiu...he is Li Xiu, the lord of the City of he is God." Someone screamed out and recognized Li Xiu.

Only then did people realize that the world-renowned magician God is actually the Lord of the City of Light.

"Li Boyang, since you want me to choose, let's take a gamble." Li Xiu looked at Li Boyang and took out something from his bosom.

Li Boyang saw clearly what Li Xiu took out, and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, with a strange brilliance shining in his eyes.

The gazes of all humans and many demon spirits were focused on Li Xiu's hand. They saw that what Li Xiu was holding was a small gold coin. "What do you want to bet?" Li Boyang asked, looking at the gold coin in Li Xiu's hand.

"Do you know how to use this gold coin?" Li Xiu said holding the gold coin. "Do you want to use its power to suppress me? If the person who created it is here, there may still be a little possibility. It is useless in your hands. What's more, it has no energy itself. For me It’s just a tool.” Li Boyang said calmly.

Li Xiu ignored Li Boyang, just looked at the gold coin and said to himself: "I want to bet my life with you, do you dare?"

"I never gamble, and you are not qualified to gamble with me." Li Boyang said with a curled lip.

"That's up to you." Li Xiu held the gold coin, and suddenly poured his light energy into the gold coin.

The gold coin suddenly shone with golden light, turning the green tunnel of time into gold.

Li Boyang watched Li Xiu continuously inject his own light energy into the gold coins, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"This is also a good way. UU Reading, you inject all your energy into it, as long as you can turn it into a key, your life can be saved." Li Boyang said, staring at the golden coin .

But Li Xiu just said contemptuously: "President, you really think of me as a three-year-old child. If you want to turn it into a key, you need more than just energy, right? Otherwise, you don't need to bother at all, you just need to absorb The energy of this world can turn it into a key, so why take such a big risk and push me to this point. If you want to turn it into a key, you need me.”

"You're right, the soul and the body are indispensable." Li Boyang didn't even deny it, but said lightly: "But you have no other choice."

"Of course I have other choices. I can bet my life with you." Li Xiu looked at the gold coin in his hand with burning eyes.

Li Boyang seemed to have figured something out, his face changed suddenly, and he wanted to rush towards Li Xiu immediately.

It's a pity that he was still one step too late, Li Xiu directly flicked out the gold coin between his fingers, and the gold coin spun and flew to the depths of the Time Tunnel with a bright light.

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