MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 417 Let the day break

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Li Boyang turned into a streamer and chased the gold coins at a speed that exceeded the limit of human vision, as if disappearing out of thin air in people's field of vision.

Li Xiu's speed was also not slow. The thrush magic costume erupted in a terrifying burst of light, and instantly disappeared in place, abruptly blocking Li Boyang's front.

The two faced each other face-to-face without any skill, but Li Boyang's fist seemed to hit the cotton, and there was no point of force at all.

In an instant, Li Boyang didn't hold back his strength, but exploded even more violently, wanting to push Li Xiu's body away and continue chasing the gold coin.

But when he rushed, Li Xiu's soft fist turned into a palm, grabbed Li Boyang's arm, and the powerful attraction in his palm drew and pulled. lead to the other side. Li Boyang's body was pulled around by Li Xiu, and after this circle, Li Xiu suddenly felt that Li Boyang's momentum became more sudden, and instead used his pulling force to make the impact even more terrifying , so that Li Xiu could no longer control his momentum, and was about to fly out, chasing after the gold coin at a faster speed.

Li Xiu's reaction was also extremely fast, at the moment when Li Boyang was about to escape from the control of his palm, he pushed it out with all his strength.

Li Boyang's original charge was pushed by Li Xiu with all his strength, and his trajectory suddenly deviated. He failed to charge towards the gold coin, and missed the track of the gold coin flying obliquely.

All this happened so fast that the people who watched the battle didn't see anything at all. Even if they were god-level, they couldn't see what happened in this instant. The battle between the two had already been decided. The time is not over yet.


Li Boyang's body collided with the emerald wall of the Time Tunnel, knocking down a large section of the emerald wall, and when he got up to chase again, the gold coin had already passed through a platform and flew into the mist behind the platform among.

Li Boyang came out of the ruins, stared at Li Xiu and said in a cold voice: "I have been practicing Yin-Yang Taoism for so many years, but I still can't beat you in the way of Yin-Yang Deficiency and Reality. You are indeed the only genius I have ever seen in my life. An undefeated person may not be stronger than you in terms of technique." "Now, you can only gamble with me." Li Xiu looked at the platform and said lightly.

Life Theater station, this is the reason why Li Xiu came to Time Tunnel.

The theater of life station is a future illusion derived from the tunnel of time, but it is not a pure illusion. Li Xiu put gold coins into the theater of life. If the theater of life is directly destroyed, the gold coins may be lost forever in the illusion of the future Li Boyang could no longer find it.

If Li Boyang wants to get the gold coins, he must enter the future illusion of the theater of life. Before he finds the gold coins, he dare not destroy the theater of life. In this way, Li Xiu has the precondition to fight Li Boyang.

If Li Boyang can't destroy the theater of life, he must restrain himself. This is Li Xiu's chance to fight him.

Without saying a word, Li Boyang rushed directly into the Theater of Life station. He wanted to find the gold coins before Li Xiu. As long as he found the gold coins, Li Xiu would be defeated without a fight, and there would be no chance to compete with him again.

Li Xiu didn't stop Li Boyang, and followed him into the theater of life. When Li Xiu entered the theater of life, what he saw made him frown slightly.

The last time he came to the world of the theater of life, although the world has been fragmented, human beings still have a corner of the broken world to survive.

Now the future deduced by the theater of life is different from before, and there are broken stars everywhere.

In the starry sky, some stars are like apples that have been bitten several times, and some are directly shattered into groups of meteorites. The cosmic starry sky is full of starbursts that are releasing energy.

Where Li Xiu stood, it was the earth that had been split into two halves. The two semicircles represented the earth that had become ruins, and it was falling towards the sea of ​​stars like the tomb of the stars.

Li Boyang has already flown into the starry sky, and the aura of cosmic stars appeared in his eyes, as if two small universes were constantly circulating in his eyes.

With his full spiritual consciousness, he covered a large area of ​​the broken starry sky, searching for the trace of the gold coin.


However, the gold coin that had just entered the fantasy world of the future seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. Even though his spiritual sense could cover the entire starry sky, there was no trace of that gold coin.

"Now, can we really fight?" Li Xiu appeared opposite Li Boyang, and the light energy on his body rose and swayed like a brilliant holy light.

There are no images of the outside world around, even the Sixteen Ancestral Spirits can't create spiritual images outside, and they dare not enter the illusion of life.

It's not that he's afraid that he won't be able to get out, but that after they come in, Li Xiu will be the first to kill them.

After all, all fools know that they created those images, and they are forcing Li Xiu to sacrifice himself for the sake of the whole universe.

"Boy, I'm afraid your calculation is wrong. The gold coin is not something in the universe. Even if the future illusion is destroyed, it will not be lost in the future illusion." Li Boyang said.

"No, as long as the illusion of life is destroyed, it will definitely get lost in the illusion of the future." Li Xiu said lightly.

"You think you know the time tunnel very well?" Li Boyang's face was a little gloomy.

"I don't know much about it, but I know one thing you don't know about the time tunnel. If you know that thing, you will be as sure as I am. As long as the illusion of life is destroyed, the gold coins will definitely be lost In the illusion of the future." Li Xiu said.

"What's the matter?" Li Boyang asked with a frown.

Li Xiu knew that Li Boyang was stalling for time, and he was still using his amazing spiritual knowledge to search for the whereabouts of the gold coins, but Li Xiu didn't rush to do it, and said unhurriedly: "You know why I keep asking Is that the kid who went out from the Emerald Gate?"

"You don't want to tell me that Concubine Lan brought that child out of my future illusion, do you? Without the spirit-suppressing stone, no creature in the future illusion would be able to take it out. I am absolutely sure of this. " said Li Boyang.

"That's right, without the spirit-suppressing stone, it is indeed impossible to bring out the creatures in the future illusion, but that child was indeed brought out by Jiang Lanling from the future illusion." Li Xiu said.

"Boy, don't you think your words are contradictory?" Li Boyang snorted coldly. "There is no contradiction at all, because that child was not brought out by Jiang Lanling from the illusion of the future." Li Xiu said.

"Are you crazy? Or do you have a dual personality?" Li Boyang frowned.

"I'm not crazy, and I don't have dual personalities. Of course you don't understand me when I say this." Li Xiu still said unhurriedly, "This matter starts with you letting Jiang Lanling enter the Time Tunnel to help you lay out the city of love." at that time,

Because of Jiang Lanling's curiosity, she entered the intersection of your destiny, and found the child there, and took the child out of the intersection of destiny. "

"You still don't understand, do you? Don't worry, you'll understand soon." Li Xiu squinted his eyes at Li Boyang and said, "It wasn't Jiang Lanling who brought that child out, but that child followed her. .”

"The creatures in the future illusion come out by themselves? It seems that you are really crazy." Li Boyang snorted coldly.

"I'm not crazy. The reason why that child was able to come out is because she doesn't belong to the crossroad station of fate." Li Xiu said.

"You mean, that child is not a fantasy?" Li Boyang was slightly taken aback, and immediately shook his head and said, "Impossible, that is the time tunnel I opened, and I know very well that no one else has entered into me except Jiang Lanling The opened tunnel of time."

"I didn't say that child is not a fantasy, she is just a fantasy at the crossroads of fate." Li Xiu stared at Li Boyang and continued word by word: "When Jiang Lanling saw that child, you brought him and that child appeared there."

Li Boyang's expression finally changed, he immediately understood what Li Xiu was talking about. "You mean, in the not-too-distant future, I entered the Time Tunnel, and brought that child out of the illusion of a more distant future, and then took her to the crossroad station of fate, so that child does not belong to Station at the crossroads of fate, that's why she was able to come out?"

Li Boyang eye

The **** became more and more gloomy, staring at Li Xiu and asked, "Why did I go to the more distant future in the near future and bring that child to the crossroads station of fate?"

"You already have the answer in your heart, don't you?" Li Xiu said.

"Can that child open the door to the world for me?" Li Boyang's eyes gradually lit up. If that's the case, he doesn't have to entangle with Li Xiu, he just needs to capture that child.

"It's useless for you to look for that child now." Li Xiu directly extinguished the thoughts that arose in Li Boyang's mind with a basin of cold water.

"Why is it useless?" Li Boyang naturally didn't believe it.

"Guess, why did that child come out with Jiang Lanling?" Li Xiu sneered.

Li Boyang immediately understood that if he used that child to successfully open the door to the world in the future deduced from the Time Tunnel, then that child should have disappeared and it is impossible to come out again.

"You have made such a big circle and said so much, what exactly do you want to say?" Li Boyang stared at Li Xiu and asked.

"There is another rule in the Time Tunnel. I don't know if you know it well. If something no longer exists in the future, it won't be able to enter that site in the future." Li Xiu said.

He knew this rule from the voice who claimed to be his future newlywed.

"Yes, there is indeed such a rule, so what..." Li Boyang said, as if he had figured it out, his face became more and more ugly. If he successfully obtained the gold coin now, and used the gold coin and Li Xiu to open the door to the world, it means that the gold coin no longer exists, and then the gold coin is something that no longer exists in the future illusion of the theater of life.

Things that no longer exist in the future illusion cannot enter this future illusion. Now that the gold coins are forcibly sent in by Li Xiu, what will happen to the result?

According to the rules, the gold coins should have been destroyed or disappeared, so Li Boyang's plan to use gold coins to make keys was completely shattered.

Now that he can't find gold coins here, it seems to have confirmed this possibility.

"No, if I really use gold coins to leave, it means that I no longer exist in this universe in the future world, and I shouldn't be able to get in. Now that I'm in, it means that I didn't use gold coins to leave this universe , so the gold coins must still be there." Li Boyang said thoughtfully.

"Are you sure that your not being in this universe is the same as completely disappearing? And have you forgotten what I said about the child just now?" Li Xiu curled his lips and said.

"That child can open the door of the world, which means that she also has a gold coin on her body, that is to say, in the future I brought her out, the gold coin still exists, and when she left the fantasy world with the gold coin and arrived at In the real world, because the same thing cannot exist at the same time, one gold coin merges or disappears, just like two small steps cannot exist in the same space. But because the gold coin originally came from another future illusion, So its existence is an anomaly, possessing the attributes of another future, so even if the gold coin has disappeared in this future, the gold coin from another future has not disappeared...but this future In the illusion, there is indeed no gold coin, so when it enters here, it is still affected by the rule that things that do not exist in the future cannot enter the future illusion.” Li Boyang talked more and more, and even he himself was not sure. whether it still exists.

"You don't have to be so troublesome to understand. To put it simply, if you don't succeed, the gold coin will still exist. If you succeed, the gold coin will disappear, so you can't succeed." Li Xiu said.

After Li Boyang listened, he looked at Li Xiu and said coldly: "No, there is another situation, as long as I don't use gold coins before this future, then future gold coins will still exist, and that gold coin will not be restricted by the rules. , will appear again."

"That's true, but there is a premise. If I destroy this future illusion now, do you think that gold coin will still exist?" Li Xiu said with a smile.

Li Boyang obviously couldn't be sure,

Will the gold coin, which already has the attributes of a future fantasy, reappear after the future fantasy is destroyed.

"You can't be sure that it will never appear again." Li Boyang said in a deep voice.

"Half and half, that's why I said I want to gamble." Li Xiu said lightly: "I dare to bet, do you dare?"

Li Boyang looked at Li Xiu with a complicated expression, and after a while he suddenly laughed: "It's really easy to calculate, you have calculated so much, you just want a chance to fight my life, well, I will give you this chance."

"It's just what I want." The brilliance on Li Xiu's body became more and more brilliant. Under Li Xiu's energy injection, the thrush magic costume is still evolving, like a divine garment that is condensed with all the brilliance of the gods. In front of him, even if he took a look at it, he might have been melted into nothingness by the brilliance.

Li Boyang is full of white hair dancing wildly, and the purple energy and spiritual light on his body are constantly rising. Two completely different energies, one purple and one white, are perfectly combined in his body, turning into two kinds of yin and yang. Energy, purple and white, flowed continuously in his body like Tai Chi.

The energy in the two of them was already terrifying to the extreme, but they both tried their best to endure it, not letting the energy be released, afraid of directly destroying this future illusion.

"Do you know why I defeated the invincible man back then?" Li Boyang said with all his restraint, looking at Li Xiu with burning eyes.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Li Xiu said indifferently.

Li Boyang didn't care whether he wanted to know or not, and he said to himself: "Because my purple qi comes from the east to the yang, and the rigidity is easy to break, that's why in the final battle, I couldn't support it to the end. , I collapse first. My defeat is not because I am invincible, but because I am not perfect.”

Li Boyang seemed to be caught in the memory, and continued: "After the defeat, I became a prisoner and was trapped in that prison. There, I met the man who was obviously a mortal, but his realm seemed to reach the sky. With the help, I finally comprehended the Supreme Dao, and thought of a way to make up for my own shortcomings and achieve perfection.”

"It's just a pity that I couldn't find anything to fill the gap in that prison. I originally thought that I had to return to the main universe to achieve the supreme and perfect body. I didn't expect to come here and let me meet Tang Tianzhen And his innocence, it made me see another way."

"So?" Li Xiu looked at Li Boyang calmly and asked.

"I use spirit as yin, qi as yang, and the combination of yin and yang to form a unified body. Now I am perfect. Although due to the limitation of this universe itself, my strength cannot return to the previous level, but in this universe, I am already The perfect body is invincible to the existence of the universe." Li Boyang looked down on Li Xiu like a god.

"Since it is an invincible existence, how can it fail again and again." Li Xiu chuckled.

"That's because in the past choices, I have not been able to achieve a perfect body." Li Boyang's eyes have turned into Taiji, and the purple and white colors are slowly rotating in his eyes, which seems to contain the mysteries of everything in the world.

"Originally, I wanted to leave this the invincible person...or if a person like you can go to the main universe to long as he doesn't die halfway, it may not be inferior to the invincible person. Fight me..." Li Boyang's expression became more and more calm, his eyes seemed to have lost all emotion, and his whole body seemed to be integrated with the heaven and the earth.

"Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three and three gives birth to all things. This is the natural way, but I do the opposite and turn all things into one, so my style is called Tao one." Li Boyang said, slowly Slowly raised a hand: "I am one, everything in the world is born for my way, I am the sky, the sky is me, and my way is the way of heaven."

Following the heavenly voice, only Li Boyang's palm was left in Li Xiu's eyes. It seemed that the palm was the sky, the earth, all things, the sky, the universe and the starry sky, and everything in the world was in that palm. middle.

Li Xiu found that he could no longer sense the existence of the world, nor could he feel the flow of energy. He could not even feel the cold, heat, bitterness, sweetness, up, down, left, and right. The world no longer existed. How could he sense everything in the world? .

In his world, only the fate-like


Li Xiu couldn't move, couldn't feel, he could only watch the palm come down, as if he had fallen into the world in his palm.

Li Xiu's expression was unusually calm, or it should not be said to be calm, nor could it be said to be indifferent, but without any emotion at all.

It seems that in his eyes, the world of UU Reading is no longer the world, but just countless data without soul and emotion.

Li Xiu forcibly activated his own spiritual consciousness, and reversely extracted the spirit of the magic suit, allowing his spiritual consciousness to break through continuously, breaking through the limit of his spiritual consciousness time and time again.

Cracks appeared on the thrush magic costume, and white light mist rose continuously, and the fluttering belt melted and disappeared like snowflakes with the light mist.

As strong as the thrush magic outfit, it couldn't bear Li Xiu's pressure, and began to collapse rapidly.

Red mist also rose from Li Xiu's whole body, spreading from his mouth, eyes, nose, every inch of his bones and flesh, and even every cell of him, especially the area of ​​his head. On the ground, the blood mist rose and swayed like fireworks.

Of course it wasn't real mist, but his blood. His spiritual consciousness had already exceeded the limit, and even the body of the universe couldn't bear this kind of pressure beyond the limit. In his eyes, the hand that covers the sky is no longer there, only groups of data are left.

"If you are a sky, let this sky be broken..." Li Xiu's palm slowly stretched towards the countless data streams.

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