MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 418 Currency into

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Fingers infected with spiritual consciousness touched the ever-changing data flow, as if fiddled with abacus, easily changing the position of those data.

When the data in the data stream is changed, a strange scene suddenly occurs.

Li Boyang's big hand, which originally covered the world, instantly shrank to an unbelievable degree.

It's not a visual change, nor a change in imposing manner, but a literal shrinkage. Li Boyang's palm really got smaller.

The palm became the size of a newborn baby, and it was connected to the arm of an adult who was still thick and thin, which looked extremely weird.

Li Boyang looked at his deformed palm, and suddenly his face became very ugly.

But before Li Boyang had any emotional changes, his body also changed strangely.

The head suddenly became bigger, as big as a balloon being blown up, and in just an instant, the size of the head exceeded the whole body, making people worry whether the small body could support such a huge head.

One leg was as thick as a garden pillar, while the other became as thin as an ant's foot.

"Change the sky and change the earth" Li Boyang looked at Li Xiu in horror, but fortunately his power was still there, and there was no change, he gritted his teeth and continued to press the power of Dao Yi against Li Xiu, as if he was fighting against something for time.

"So that's it." Li Xiu's eyes were cold and ruthless, but the prajna machine looked at Li Boyang, and his slender fingers continued to fiddle.

Dao Yi, who was like Tianwei, suddenly disappeared.

"Impossible, how could such a thing happen?" Li Boyang couldn't accept that the strongest blow he relied on to defeat the Eternal Invincible was defeated so easily by Li Xiu, and he gathered his strength again and wanted to use Dao Yi.

But it was too late, Li Boyang suddenly felt that the power in his body dropped to a level in an instant, even dropped from the universe level to the bottom.

As Li Xiu fiddled with his fingers, Li Boyang's power level dropped again and again. In an instant, he fell from that invisible invincible posture to the most ordinary mortal realm, let alone using Dao Yi, even flying Can't do it anymore.

Li Boyang looked at his body in disbelief: "Impossible, impossible, this is an illusion, you used illusion on me"

Li Boyang rushed towards Li Xiu like crazy, but his speed was too slow, about the same as ordinary young people. When he ran in front of Li Xiu, Li Xiu just grabbed Li Boyang and picked him up. up.

When Li Boyang was picked up, Li Xiu's fingers were still fiddling. The body of Li Boyang who was picked up by him changed strangely, from a human to a white cat in an instant.

Li Xiu held the white cat by the nape of its neck and watched the cat waving its paws in front of him, but unfortunately, its short legs couldn't touch Li Xiu at all.

Li Xiu threw the white cat out casually, and between fingers, when the white cat fell to the ground, it had already changed from a white cat back to a human state.

"You you" Li Boyang looked at Li Xiu, as if he saw a ghost, but he just stared at him straight, but couldn't say a word.

He has heard of such an ability to change the world before, but he has never seen it.

"The future shouldn't be like this." Li Xiu moved his fingers together, and the entire future illusion has changed under his hands.

The exploding stars re-condensed, and the fragments of the stars quickly flew back to their original positions. The future illusion like the Big Bang quickly recovered its original appearance under Li Xiu's hands.

"You can't do this...that's my power, give me back my power." Li Boyang finally came to his senses, he understood what Li Xiu was doing, and rushed towards Li Xiu like crazy.

Li Changed changed his body and deprived him of his power, but those powers would not disappear just like that. If those powers were allowed to erupt, the whole world would probably be destroyed.

By modifying the data, Li Xiu used the power that originally belonged to Li Boyang to change this fantasy world.

Li Boyang wanted to rush towards Li Xiu, but his mortal body couldn't approach Li Xiu at all.

blocked by an invisible wall.

"Why why is this..." Li Boyang stared blankly at Li Xiu, as if he was stupid.

The earth divided into two halves finally recovered under Li Xiu's fingers, and at this time, the light of spiritual consciousness on Li Xiu's body also burned like the last candle, crackling and flickering non-stop.

Suddenly, a little golden light appeared between the two of them, it turned out to be the gold coin that Li Xiu threw into the future illusion.

At this time, the gold coin was spinning crazily, like a black hole, devouring the energy in the future illusion.

The energy originally used by Li Xiu to change the illusion of the future was unexpectedly sucked in by that gold coin.

"Pfft!" Li Xiu opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. The light of spiritual knowledge on his body completely dissipated and he fell to the ground.

It wasn't the act of the gold coin devouring the energy that hurt him. Even without the gold coin devouring the energy, his spiritual consciousness exploded beyond the limit, and his body couldn't hold it anymore. If he had to control that energy, Li Xiu couldn't do it just now.

"The gold coin is still here... You lied to me that there is no future gold coin, only this one..." Li Boyang stared at the gold coin that was crazily devouring energy. Get hot.

"Yes, there is no gold coin from the future at all, there is only one gold coin from the beginning to the end. The reason why you can't see it is because I used my ultimate light on it, the ultimate light of the universe level, so that You can't discover its existence, only in this way can you be fooled." Sitting on the ground, Li Xiu felt his head buzzing and his seven orifices were oozing blood.

Forcibly using his spiritual knowledge beyond the limit, not only pushed his body to its limit, but even his spiritual knowledge and brain were damaged.

Li Boyang's expression was extremely complicated, he had been calculating for so many years, and even deduced the future time and time again, but he did not expect that he would be fooled in the end.

If he didn't trust Li Xiu, Li Xiu wouldn't dare to fight him at all, and he must be the one who wins.

But he actually believed Li Xiu's nonsense, and finally fell to such a point.

"I have to admit, I lost to you." Li Boyang said bitterly.

"You didn't lose to me, but to your lack of self-confidence." Li Xiu wiped the blood under his nose, but the blood slowly seeped out again, and he said calmly, "If you didn't do it again and again Deduce the future, no matter how you deduce it, you will lose to me in the end, will you still believe what I said?"

Li Boyang trembled, looked at Li Xiu with a strange expression, and said, "The destiny is the destiny."

Click! Click!

With the devouring of the gold coins, the phantom starry sky that had been repaired was shattered again, but this time it was even more terrifying. Even the phantom itself was sucked in by the gold coins.

The illusion suddenly became flickering, and in the next second, the illusion disappeared. Both Li Xiu and Li Boyang appeared behind the platform of the Theater of Life, and the gold coins were shining in the middle of them like a blurred illusion. golden light.

The Sixteenth Ancestral Spirit and Jiang Lanling standing guard at the station of the Life Theater were shocked when they saw the appearance of Li Xiu and Li Boyang.

In fact, it wasn't just them, all humans and demons also saw Li Boyang, Li Xiu, and the gold coin through the light and shadow transmission images constructed by the sixteen ancestor spirits.

Everyone was shocked at this time, because Li Boyang still looked intact, and he was still standing there perfectly.

But the magic costume on Li Xiu's body was as tattered as a beggar's costume, and it seemed that he could not stand up when he was sitting on the ground, and his seven orifices were bleeding.

"Li Xiu was defeated." Everyone's heart beat wildly involuntarily, even the sixteen ancestor spirits were no exception.

Although some of them wanted to sacrifice Li Xiu in exchange for a chance of survival, but seeing Li Xiu's defeat, they also had unspeakable emotions in their hearts.

"Fortunately, my gold coin is still there...and it has absorbed enough energy to turn into a universe coin in the last step." Li Boyang looked at the golden coin with blood-red eyes.

"You are already like this, even if you go back

so what? " Li Xiu said lightly.

"No, you're wrong, as long as I have universe coins, I can start all over again, how about a thousand years, ten thousand years, and one million years? As long as I have universe coins and wait for me to step back to the universe level, I will go home "Li Boyang said, suddenly took off a ring from his finger, looked at Li Xiu and said frantically: "Fortunately, I still have this, but your body and spiritual consciousness have been seriously damaged, the one who won in the end, It's still me after all."

As he said that, Li Boyang threw the ring in his hand into the air, and the ring turned into a monster with three heads and six arms, like a devil like a ghost, like the master of hell.

Behind the demon spirit, there was a strange circle of light emitting blood-red light, which dyed everything around it blood-red. Under the radiance of that blood-red light, everything was stained with a layer of blood.

The demon spirit slowly landed on Li Boyang's body, and it merged with Li Boyang's body, turning Li Boyang into the appearance of a three-headed and six-armed demon god.

"Eternal life evil spirit?" The sixteen ancestor spirits were inexplicably horrified. They all sensed peerless-level energy fluctuations on the demon spirit, and they were not ordinary peerless-level energy fluctuations. At least they were also peerless-level. rival it.

"Li Xiu, you also made a mistake. I was not confident enough, but you were too confident. You should have killed me just now." Li Boyang said, watching Li Xiu like a demon god.

Li Xiu shook his head: "It's not self-confidence, I didn't intend to kill you." "Why?" Li Boyang was slightly startled, he didn't doubt the authenticity of Li Xiu's words, because there was no need at all.

"Because you don't want to destroy this world, you keep saying that it doesn't matter if you destroy this world, but you didn't really do that. Even in the future where you failed, the earth still exists, and human beings have not completely perished. .”

"Haha, you are really ridiculous. It's just that they were lucky and survived in the fragmented world. It's none of my business. You didn't plan to kill me because of this. You are so naive." Li Boyang laughed wildly.

"If that's a fluke, then your children are really lucky. They all survived in that future." Li Xiu said lightly.

Li Boyang's laughter stopped abruptly, and the six eyes on the three faces were all staring at Li Xiu: "You are good in everything, but that self-righteous face is annoying, don't be so self-righteous in the next life."

With that said, Li Boyang stretched out his hand to grab Li Xiu.

"Stop." Bellona couldn't bear it any longer, and cast a shocking brilliance to stop Li Boyang.

In addition to Bellona, ​​the gentleman ancestor spirit, the old man ancestor spirit and the bald female ancestor spirit also made moves one after another.

But they suddenly felt that their movements had slowed down, it was unbelievably slow, and all their movements seemed to be slowed down countless times.

They immediately realized that it wasn't that their speed had slowed down, but that time had slowed down. It was the power of the immortal spirit that had affected time.

Time slowed down, and all movements seemed to have turned into snails. Only Li Boyang's movements remained as usual, and the palm of his hand was in front of Li Xiu.

Li Xiu sat there, although his body was very weak and his head was still buzzing, but there was no trace of fear in his eyes, he just watched Li Boyang approaching him calmly.


The two rings bloomed on Li Xiu's fingers, turning into two rays of light, one blue and one red, appearing in front of Li Xiu.

A blood-red monster warrior, like a blood-crystal carapace, held a pair of **** knives in his hands.

Another full-body ice drill armor, with a big sword in one hand and a gun in the other, looks like a monstrous warrior who kills gods.

"Things that can't even reach the peerless world, how can they stop me." Li Boyang shouted coldly, his palm burst with blood, and slapped the Jedi warrior and demigod instant.

He naturally knew that Li Xiu had been cultivating Jedi Knights and Demigod Setsuna, but because the time was too short, it was impossible for Jedi Knights and Demigod Setsuna to be promoted to Peerless.

Facing the shocking blood light in Li Boyang's palm, the Jedi knight stood beside Li Xiu without moving. Demigod Moment was not trapped by the power of time, and he drew his gun sharply at Li Boyang.

Yang is a shot.


Blue light sprayed out, and Li Boyang was horrified to find that the bullet from Demigod Instant pierced his palm and flew past his cheek.

"How is it possible to be at the peerless level?" Li Boyang looked at Demigod Instantly in disbelief. It was obvious that he had been promoted to the peerless level, and the level of breaking the rules of the world was by no means inferior to his immortal evil spirit.

Li Xiu said lightly: "Your energies are not only used to change the illusion of the future, I let you live, so you can live well." "Li Xiu, you are really good even if you are an undefeated person I have never been pushed to this level." Li Boyang looked crazy, staring at Li Xiu as if he wanted to eat people and continued: "But unfortunately, you still missed it. This semi-finished universe coin will be your biggest failure .”

As he spoke, Li Boyang suddenly turned around and grabbed the spinning gold coin, and grabbed the gold coin in his palm.

"Cosmic coins are not only able to open the door to the world of the main universe... At the same time, it is also the purest energy supplement and the basic energy source of the main universe. You don't know how to use the universe coins, but for me, I can extract its energy at any time. I don’t want to destroy this cosmic coin. You forced me to extract its energy. After I can return to the cosmic level, I won’t kill you. I’ll let you continue to live and watch the world being drained of energy by me. Use your body to achieve the universe currency." Li Boyang stared at Li Xiu and said madly.

"You'd better not do that." Li Xiu closed his eyes and sighed.

"It's too late to regret it now." Li Boyang held the gold coin tightly, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it.

The sixteen ancestor spirits all turned pale with fright, and even the rest of the ancestor spirits, who were indifferent, panicked at this moment, trying desperately to rush over to stop Li Boyang. If it was as Li Boyang said, then sacrificing Li Xiu would not be able to save the world.

But it was too late for them to stop it now. If they had joined forces with Bellona and other ancestor spirits to combine the power of the sixteen ancestor spirits, they would still have a chance to break the time power of the longevity evil spirit, but now it is too late . "Why does it have to be like this!" Li Qingyi looked at this scene with pain all over her face.

She didn't want Li Boyang to die, and she didn't want Li Xiu to have an accident even more, but Li Boyang was so stubborn, which made it difficult for her to deal with herself, which made her more uncomfortable than killing her.

Li Ming'er also had a look of grief and indignation. At the moment when Li Boyang used the evil spirit of longevity, she already knew that Li Boyang was her father, but now she would rather not know, preferably never.

All humans and demons watched in horror what happened in the time tunnel. If Li Boyang really succeeded, then they would usher in the real end of the world.

Li Boyang had already swallowed the gold coin, laughed wildly like a devil and said, "Li Xiu, let's end our grievances and grievances here."

But before Li Boyang finished speaking, his face suddenly became extremely distorted and horrified. In his body, golden lights came out, but the energy in his body seemed to be swallowed by a black hole, rushing towards him crazily. Gold coins in the body.

"How could the cosmic coin...impossible...impossible..." Before Li Boyang could finish his words, UU Kanshu sucked in the gold coin with his whole body, and disappeared in an instant, only the gold coin was still there The sky continuously rotates and emits golden light.

Looking at this scene, Li Xiu couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Losing the control of the time power of the evil spirit of longevity, the sixteen ancestor spirits rushed to the vicinity, forcibly stopped one by one, and looked at the gold coin in horror, as if they were afraid of snakes and scorpions.

Li Boyang dared to use that gold coin, he should have full confidence, but he was actually backlashed by the gold coin, which made the sixteen ancestor spirits dare not approach it. The brilliance on the gold coin changed, and the golden coin gradually turned purple and white, and the pattern on it also changed.

On the front is the number 1, but on the back, there is a Yin Yang Tai Chi pattern.

The luster on the coin completely faded, and when it fell, it was caught by a **** hand, and the owner of the hand was naturally Li Xiu.


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