MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 163 Ying Tianxian

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  Chapter 163 by Ying Tianxian

  Back in the day, Fairy Immortal was one of the five ancient immortals, whose name resounded throughout the universe, and no one knew of its existence.

  In ancient times, ancestors and monster races would often set up altars, offering precious sacrifices such as treasures and heavy objects to sacrifice to immortal fairies in order to ask for their mercy.

  Some tribes regard it as a tribal totem and protect the gods of the tribe. Large-scale sacrificial activities are held every year, and the immortal fairy is the same for a while.

  It's a pity that since her resurrection, she has been in a state of desperation, and only one religious group with a bad brain believes in her. She still doesn't know her name, and even her gender is wrong.

  Living in Lu Yang's body, being frightened by that little girl named Yunzhi from time to time, and being ridiculed by Lu Yang, it was too bitter.

   Not to mention being an immortal, even in the period of crossing the catastrophe, this kind of treatment shouldn't be the only one.

   Now someone finally opened his eyes, recognized his identity, and prayed that he would accept such a huge flying boat as a tribute.

  Look at the gems inlaid on the wall of the ship, look at the size of this giant, this is the attitude you should have towards a fairy!

In the spiritual space, Lu Yang squinted at Fairy Immortal, and said in his heart that I saw that you had a lot of fun as suzerain these two days. The foundation building stage killed the **** transformation stage in seconds. There has never been such a feat in ancient times. No genius can face such a feat. To feel ashamed, it is not an exaggeration to say that a historical record has been created.

   "Come on, just come, and bring such a big gift." Fairy Immortal laughed, reaching out to Qiu Jin'an for the magic weapon to control the flying boat, and said an ancient saying.

   "What are you doing?" Qiu Jin'an looked at the smirking Lu Yang, a little confused, he couldn't understand what Immortal Fairy was saying, so he would just say an ancient saying.

  Qiu Jinan observed Lu Yang, who is this person? His cultivation level is not high, but from the standpoint, he is the central figure, in the position of suzerain.

  The most important thing is... a little bitch?

   "Didn't you just say 'Great Immortal, please accept the humblest tribute from your servant', the tribute is not the flying boat?"

   This time Fairy Immortal spoke Mandarin, Qiu Jinan understood, his eyes twitched, and he finally understood the meaning of that ancient saying.

   Unexpectedly, I met a monk who was proficient in ancient languages.

   "Do you really understand ancient civilization?" Qiu Jin'an looked at Immortal Fairy suspiciously.

   Fairy Immortal thought for a while, and said the truth: "I understand better than you."

  Qiu Jinan laughed angrily: "Young people, don't think that you understand ancient civilization after reading two books. I'll test you!"

   "Do you know that there was a saying of 'Heavenly Court' in ancient times, and the Heavenly Court divided immortals into several levels. Do you know which levels are there?"

  Recently, when Qiu Jinan was exploring the ruins, he came across an ancient book by chance, which was written by an immortal himself.

"Do you mean Human Immortal, Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Golden Immortal, Daluo Jinxian, Hongmeng Immortal? Or Human Immortal, Earth Immortal, Immortal King, Immortal Venerable, Immortal Emperor? It was made up by Qilin Xian."

   "I made up the first-level immortals, second-level immortals, third-level immortals, fourth-level immortals, and fifth-level immortals."

  Fairy Immortal scratched her head. At that time, they compiled several sets of cultivation levels. I don't know which one Qiu Jinan found.

  Qiu Jinan said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, this is written by a fairy, how could it be made up?!"

   Fairy Immortal was puzzled, and then suddenly realized: "There is no rule that immortals have to tell the truth? Oh, I see, what you read must be the one made up by Ying Tianxian. He made it up the most comprehensively, especially bluffing."

   "Let me tell you, Ying Tianxian's words cannot be believed, they are all lies. He often lied to me when he was not a fairy. I beat him like I beat my grandson."

  Qiu Jinan was taken aback, feeling that Immortal Fairy was talking nonsense, but the ancient book was indeed written by Ying Tianxian: "Have you read that book?"

   Fairy Immortal nodded: "Of course, in that book, besides Ying Tianxian, there is also a Huo Jinxian?"

  Lu Yang thought, why does this sound like hemiplegia, is it an illusion?

   "If you don't believe it, just take out that book, and I'll tell you how to tell the truth from the fake."

  Qiu Jin'an dubiously took out the ancient book. The name of the ancient book is very majestic, it is called "Prisoner Sky".

  He pointed to the cover and said, "Look, it's clearly written, 'Written by Ying Tianxian', written by Ying Tianxian."

   Immortal Fairy shook her head: "Didn't you notice that there is a small space between the words 'Heaven' and 'Xian'?"

"What's the meaning."

"You read it wrong, you read it as 'Ying Tianxian, Zhuo', but the actual pronunciation is 'Ying Tian, ​​Xian Zhu', so this is a book written by a person named 'Ying Tian', isn't it Ying Tianxian."

  The Great Elder and the others secretly laughed when they saw Qiu Jinan deflated.

"Hahahaha, Jin'an, I told you a long time ago, don't always show off your level." The first elder and the others smiled more subtly, and Shangguan Yu, who was standing behind Qiu Jin'an, laughed out loud. Look at Qiu Jinan's face.

Shangguan Yu said to the Daoist sect in an apologetic tone: "I'm sorry, you all know Jin'an, but he has a thick skin and refuses to admit his mistakes. He doesn't know the original meaning of the ancient words, which caused a misunderstanding. I can't help but I'm sorry."

   "Please accept these gifts."

  The disciples of the Five Elements Sect moved down some magic weapons, ores, pills, exercises, etc. from the boat one after another, each of which could be regarded as the highlight or even the finale at the auction, and was of great value.

The most precious is the Five Elements ore, which is a specialty of the Five Elements Sect. The Five Elements ore is divided into five types based on the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. They can be distinguished by color. Each type represents the ultimate attribute, which is the dream of the refining masters. raw material.

  Fifth Elder Zhou Xin saw the Five Elements ore, like a wolf seeing prey at night, his eyes glowed green.

  When visiting among the five immortal gates, they will bring some gifts.

  For example, Laurel Asgard often presents laurel branches, moon spirits, etc. as gifts.

  The Hanging Temple presents Buddhist scriptures and consecrated Buddhist treasures as gifts.

  Suppressing Prison Sect gave domesticated ghosts and monsters as gifts.

   Dao Dao Zong is more special, or more casual, especially when the Taoist is still there.

  For example, give Yuegui Immortal Palace the top-level body training technique. After practicing it, the bones are reinforced and iron, and the skin is as hard as molten iron.

  What does it look like for a female cultivator to cultivate like this?

   Another example is to send the long-lost closed-mouth meditation practice method to the Xuankong Temple. The silent Taoist also said that he has already practiced it, and the effect is particularly good.

  The abbot laughed twice at that time, thinking that if you can practice it well, you can still be called 'silent'?

  Buyu Taoist repeatedly stated that this is the authentic work, and the abbot of Xuankong Temple practiced it once doubtful.

   Then he found himself smelling like garlic, and everyone around him begged him to shut up.

  The explanation of the silent Taoist is: "Isn't the shut up phrase just that others tell you to shut up?"

  The abbot of Qi turned into Fudo Mingwang at that time, and suppressed the evil animal of Taoist without speaking.

  (end of this chapter)

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