MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 164 You ask Zong to deceive people too much!

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  Chapter 164 You Daoist sect is deceiving too much!

  After Yunzhi became the acting suzerain, she visited the other four great immortal sects as usual, and brought a special gift—she told everyone that the Taoist of Silence had retreated, and now she was in charge of Dao Dao Sect.

  When the Four Immortals heard the news, they were not to mention how happy they were, they finally did not have to deal with psychosis.

  Besides, Yunzhi became the acting suzerain, which means that she will not participate in the activities of the disciples.

The five great immortal sects will hold some disciple activities from time to time, allowing disciples to explore the relic cave. Since Yunzhi Hengkong appeared, there is no need to hold such activities, which makes the other four immortal sects very embarrassing—instead of holding activities , it is better to give the reward to Yunzhi directly, which can save time.

  Seeing the haunted Shangguan Yu, the Second Elder's eyes straightened.

  Although Shangguan Yu once rejected the second elder, he still can't forget the pure and beautiful Shangguan Yu.

   Seeing the second elder staring straight at Shangguan Yu, Qiu Jinan stepped over, blocking the second elder's sight, his face livid: "When will the competition start?"

  The Great Elder said: "According to the plan, let's hold the opening ceremony first, have a meal, and then the competition."

  It is quite standard, Qiu Jin said with peace of mind, it is indeed Yunzhi's arrangement, it is much better than that **** who is silent.

  The last time I visited Wendaozong, the Taoist who didn’t talk came up and put his arms around his neck and said, ‘Brother, let’s go, I’ll take you to play in the brothel, I treat you’.

  Qiu Jin'an pushed the Silent Taoist aside at that time.

  Is this something that can be said face to face! Shangguan Yu was still looking at him!

   "Huh? Where's the kid who knew the ancient civilization just now?"

  Qiu Jinan also wanted to discuss some ancient mysteries with Lu Yang, such as how the last great master who practiced words and spells died, and whether Ying Tianxian was born when the weather was particularly good, so he was called Ying Tianxian...

  The Great Elder explained: "He is going to cook."

   "Oh." Qiu Jin'an didn't think much about it.

  On the podium, disciples of Wendao Sect and Five Elements Sect stood together, watching the high-level officials on the stage speak.

   Soon they were dozing off.

The Great Elder read the manuscript written by Lu Yang on the stage: "In order to implement the policy of the Five Great Immortal Sects moving forward hand in hand, promote friendly exchanges between the Daoist Sect and the Five Elements Sect, promote the whole sect to deeply understand the friendship of the Five Great Immortal Sects, and lay a solid foundation , mutual benefit and win-win, here, I have five points to talk about the theme of this exchange meeting.”

"First, implementing the policy of the five immortal sects moving forward hand in hand is the need of history as well as the need of reality. With the arrival of the ancient world and the resurrection of ancient monks one after another, facing the severe situation and various uncertainties in the Central Continent The five great immortal sects should and must be united as one..."

  Qiu Jinan was shocked at the time. Although he expected the speech to be very different from the last time, he did not expect the difference to be so big.

   Last time, Daoist said a few words without saying a word: Welcome to the Five Elements Sect, everyone is free to move around.

It was Qiu Jin'an's turn to speak. Qiu Jin'an cleared his throat and said loudly: "In this season when the sun is shining and everything is recovering, the Five Elements Sect is honored to come to Dao Dao Sect. It is touching to see the most advanced ideas and theories in the world of cultivating immortals. Quite rich…”

  After the two rounds of leaders' speeches ended, there was sparse applause from the audience. In the words of the Eighth Elder, it was the same as "incessant urination".

  On the stage, the leaders of both sides shook hands.

   "Sect Master Qiu, please give us a lot of advice for this exchange event."

   "The Great Elder was joking, please be merciful to Wendao Zong."

  The Great Elder and Qiu Jin'an had kind smiles on their faces, and others couldn't see that they were secretly communicating with each other with their spiritual sense.

   "Qiu Jin'an, go back to your Five Elements Sect. Dao Dao Zong doesn't welcome you. Look at your hypocrisy. Forget how the nine sons of Dao Dao Zong beat you!"

"One of the nine people beat me, and you Daozong don't even want face. You think that I rarely come to your Daozong, a gathering place for a group of ghosts and ghosts, and you just wait for me to subdue demons and slay demons, and spread the news of victory to all cultivators. Immortal world!"

  In reality, the two smiled sincerely.

   "Sect Master Qiu, shall we go to eat?"

   "Haha, I have long heard that Daozong's food is unique, so I must open my eyes today."

   A group of people walked to the cafeteria. On the way, Qiu Jin'an saw some disciples hammering nails with fried dough sticks, which made a tinkling sound and sparks flew everywhere.

  I saw a disciple throwing the spread pancakes into the sky, and they instantly grew bigger, covering the sky and covering the sun.

  Seeing a disciple making egg soup, the silver pot instantly turned black and gradually melted away. During this process, the egg soup condensed into a drop of green liquid.

   In a sense, it is indeed eye-opening.

   Asked Zong, shouldn’t he let me eat this kind of thing?

  Qiu Jinan's heart pounded, he felt that his crime was not so serious.

  Finally, the group came to the extremely luxurious restaurant, and they could smell the tangy aroma from a long distance away. What was presented in front of Qiu Jin'an was delicacies with complete color, fragrance and taste.

   "It seems that I have wrongly blamed Wendaozong." Qiu Jinan heaved a sigh of relief.

  The Immortal Fairy is wearing a white apron and a tall hat, and she looks decent.

She introduced these foods one by one: "The stuffed tofu is made of high-quality icefield elephant tenderloin, and the tofu is made from the dewdrops condensed from the medicinal herbs in the medicine garden in the morning. I combined the two with an ancient secret method to produce amazing effects." .”

   Immortal Fairy wants to see the reactions of diners: "Try it?"

  Qiu Jinan lifted the lid covering the plate, a golden light shot up into the sky, blinding Qiu Jinan's eyes, and there was endless celestial music in his ears.

   Qiu Jinan turned his head and saw a group of people playing beside him.

   "What is this doing?"

   "Playing, with atmosphere." Fairy Immortal explained.

  Qiu Jin'an didn't think much about it. He picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of tofu. Just as he was about to put it in his mouth, the part where the chopsticks touched the tofu smoked and melted quickly.

   With a click, the tofu fell back.

  Qiu Jinan blinked, thinking he was hallucinating.

   Immortal Fairy reminded from the side: "Hurry up and eat, otherwise the plates and tables will be burned through by Yong Tau Foo."

  Qiu Jinan resisted the urge to flip the table and tried other dishes.

  He opened a small tea bowl, which contained milky white fish soup, with two green leafy vegetables floating on top of the fish soup, making the fish soup even more delicious.

Fairy Immortal introduced: "There is a kind of fish in the Taihu Lake of this sect, called the clear water fish, which is an ancient species. After this kind of fish leaves the lake, it must be cooked immediately. It will rot after more than three hours. Today at dawn, I fished it from Taihu Lake. Come up, I have carefully cooked it to preserve the freshness of the fish to the greatest extent, you can try it."

   Then Qiu Jinan saw a small green fish swimming around in the fish soup, even jumped out of the soup, jumped back again, made ripples in the soup, and even a drop of fish soup splashed on Qiu Jinan's face.

   "...Is your fish a bit active?"

  Qiu Jinan resisted the urge to lift the table again.

   Immortal Fairy said: "The fish you see is not a living thing. It is a fish spirit processed by me based on the skeleton of a clear water fish and processed by ancient techniques. You poke it with a spoon, and it will automatically open."

  Qiu Jinan carefully poked it with a spoon, and the small green fish really melted and melted into the fish soup, making the white fish soup even more delicious.

   So I blamed him wrongly, Qiu Jin'an thought so.

  He pursed his mouth lightly, and spat it out in a mouthful: "It's so salty, how much salt did you put?!"

   Immortal Fairy thought about it seriously: "Twenty seconds."

  Qiu Jinan slapped the table, stood up abruptly, and roared, "You Daozong are deceiving people too much!"

   (Thanks to book friends 33021209539281, TRT Lalilu, Miss Thor's election leader who gave rewards)

   (16 updates are owed now, please donate slowly, I can’t add more)

  (end of this chapter)