MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 63 Attack and defense

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"Take the dog out first, it just got sick, don't be too intimate with it!" Going to the table, seeing the mulberry stalking and following him, holding the two treasures in his arms, how can the situation look unsightly? Zhou Wudi ordered the voice.

"Yes." I noticed that the man’s dislike of the two treasures, Meng Sangzhen did not feel different, and handed over the two treasures to Feng Wei.

The emperor has always hated animals with hair, which is well known in the palace. He was able to find the two treasures for himself and personally sent them to the Cining Palace. Meng Sangzhen did touch. It seems that this man still has some sincerity for her, but she did not feel ecstatic, but began to calmly calculate how much benefit she can use his true heart. Her love was gone as early as the last life.

Seeing the embrace of Mulberry was finally vacant, Zhou Wudi's face was a little bit stunned, and he picked up the pen and quickly wrote the five characters of "Bixi Palace Erbao" and stamped his own private seal.

The domineering domineering is on the paper. These sturdy handwritings, together with the corners of the royal seals, are invaluable when they are taken outside, but they are used to make a small dog tag. The German goddess is really a violent thing. Chang Xi is drying his hand on the side of his belly.

"The Emperor's calligraphy has been refined and refined!" Meng Sangyu loved to pick up the paper and appreciate it.

"How do you know that your accomplishments are refined?" Zhou Wudi plunged her into her arms and teased her nose to see how she could remedy it. Mulberry gradually relaxed his vigilance, and occasionally he showed one or two horses. He was very interesting.

"Ah, by intuition. The word of the emperor is more fluent than the last one!" Meng Sang glimmered lightly, but his face was ignorant, and the sly look was that men could not love it.

"Haha, the last time I wrote is a script, the strokes are clear, and the structure is square. This time I wrote a book, the strokes are hooked, the indulgence is elegant, and it looks natural and smooth." Zhou Wudi laughed and pinched the sang's cheek. The secret of the heart: the clever little things, the reason you think about it!

Meng Sang smirked, and the scorpion turned around and led the topic. "The emperor, the last sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sorcerer has already done it, look at it?" She went to the couch and took it out of the sewing box on the case. Two sachets, one big and one small, are all in the style of Liuhe Jubao. The faint plum blossoms are seen from the fabric and are refreshing.

Zhou Wudi’s nephew was bright, and he took the sachet and sniffed it on his nose. His face was pulled with a pleasant smile. “Let’s help.”

Meng Sangzhen promised to bow down the sachet to his waist, slightly revealing a half of the white neck and looking very sweet and delicious, and the twitching eyelashes curled and curled, scratching the heart. Zhou Wudi was dark and dull, and his throat was sliding up and down. He finally couldn’t help but reach out and hugged her into his arms and lay down on the soft couch.

"Hey, I also help you." He whispered, picking up another slightly smaller sachet, firmly tied to the woman's waist, and finally blocked the woman's sandalwood mouth with his lips, and turned to kiss. Meng Sangzhen was too late to be exclaimed and was taken away by the man's superb kiss skills, his arms unconsciously wrapped around his strong waist.

"The emperor, now is the daytime, here is the Cining Palace!" It is found that the man's breathing is getting heavier and heavier, the movements on his hands are more and more pleasant, and the lower body is stiff against his legs, and Meng Sang is returning to God. Quickly whispered reminder, and got up and saw that the palace people in the temple had already been driven out by Chang Xi.

"Tomorrow, you will return to the Palace of Bismuth!" The man pressed her back to the body, screaming with red eyes, and the voice was hoarse.

Why do you want it, don't you want it? Love - want to calm down, Meng Sangzhen suddenly raised a rebellious mentality. Sure enough, men's sweet words, gentle care is to get the final pave of the woman's body! She secretly groaned, but she was fascinated on the face, glaring at the man's clothes. "But there are still many things that the courtiers haven't learned. They manage a big harem, and they are afraid of the court, and ask the emperor to grace the court for a while." "

Zhou Wudi’s twilight was dull for a moment. After taking a deep breath, he sat up straight and took the woman to his knees. She arranged the messy clothes for her, and casually opened her mouth. “Your father is killing 100,000 prisoners of war at the border. The white grasslands are all red, and the **** smell of the sky attracts the plateau vultures thousands of miles away. It can’t be smashed like a cloud. Today, I received a lot of impeachment.

Meng Sangqiu clenched his fists and looked straight at the man.

"Many ministers accuse him of being injustice, violent and ruthless, not in charge of the handsome seal. If you don't suppress it after a day or two, what do you think?" Zhou Wudi played with her lush fingertips, which seemed to be casual. ask.

When I heard the words "terrorism and anti-sense", Meng Sangqi's heart tightened and the brain began to spin at high speed. A little bit of discretion, she tentatively opened her mouth. "Before the political affairs, how can the ministers make comments?"

"You are the daughter of Meng Guogong, I want to hear your opinion. It doesn't matter, there are only you and me here, but it doesn't matter, you will not blame!" Zhou Wudi kissed her fingertips and was full of love.

The man said that he had the assurance that Meng Sang had set his mind and slowly opened his mouth. "Chen Chen dared to ask the emperor. If he did not kill the 100,000 prisoners of war, the emperor could have the perfect way to place them? Will they be slaves?" Draw a piece of land to let them cultivate? Or let them mix with my big Zhou people, use the big week's benevolence and ethics to inspire them and assimilate them?"

Seeing a man twisting his eyebrows, he was worried and worried. She said, "These are not the way. The barbarians are still martial, they lived a life of ruthlessness and blood, and their wildness has already been implanted in the bone marrow. The humiliation of defeat and the hatred of the country, they are against the big week. The hostility is deep-rooted and cannot be eliminated. These 100,000 prisoners of war are young men and young men, what is the difference between them and the raising of tigers? In a few years, it will be the heart of my big week, and the war will be revived! The emperor has forgotten for ten years. The former Tongcheng chaos? Thousands of prisoners who settled in Tongcheng suddenly rioted, and they should be outside, and they would squad the army into the city, killing tens of thousands of people in the city, including their own Hanzi and their children. The tiger poison is still not eating, so it is obvious Human nature is cruel, uncultivable, and left behind!"

When the words fall, see the man's thoughtful expression, Meng Sang licks his lips and continues to speak. "The only way to treat these tyrannical people is to use violence to kill, to kill them, to let them completely chill! Kill the 100,000 prisoners of war. The barbarians are so badly hurt that it is difficult to become a climate within a hundred years. I can save many people from the troubles of the people in the big week. How can the family be preserved? The father’s move is also for the sake of the home country. Please ask the Emperor!"

It is inevitable that there will be killing in war. Meng Sangzhen is not the Virgin. He will not be alienated because his father’s hand is stained with blood. He hates and even revils him. The father is the one who gave her life and raised her. In her heart, 100,000 lives are not enough for the father. Is it wrong to be a child's maintenance parent? She doesn't think so.

Emperor Zhou Wu played with a sang of ink, and for a long time did not say, see her flashing light, frequently stealing his face, this is a smile, "Speaking very well! Simply said that the heart has gone! Sang Qilian’s general trend is so transparent. How can it not manage a small harem? I will receive the Phoenix Seal tomorrow and move back to the Tourmaline Palace. How?”

The dark eyes of men are as deep as the night sky, and the aggressive eyes seem to see people inside and out. Meng Sang-soo discovered that he had defended his father and revealed his talents. Seeing the man’s expression, she was not good enough to pretend to be blunt, but she had to smile and promise. Nima, she seems to be brought to the cage by this man!

Seeing that the woman was obviously annoyed but did not dare to reveal, the pink lips did not consciously puff up, and could not tell the cute and lovely, Zhou Wudi laughed and pinched her squat on her lips and took a bite. Mulberry loves to wear, he has to set a trap, peeling off her camouflage layer by layer, let her show the true nature a little bit, this is also a kind of fun to get along, isn't it?

"Hey, let's say hello to the Queen Mother. You can pack things up and go back tomorrow morning." With his fingertips rubbing his teeth, Zhou Wudi left with a slap in the face.

Meng Sangyu stared at his tall back and his face changed. She is not a fool, the man cares about her feelings about her. But this kind of feeling came too far, and she was quite upset. No, as long as things are good for themselves, what do you want to do?

She shook her head and pumped out the previously hidden books to continue.

On the early morning of the next day, there were more than a dozen copies of the impeachment of Meng Guogong on the Imperial Table. Zhou Wudi took a look at the fold and whispered inquiries. "And wait for it, how should you take Meng Guogong?"

"Chen Chen thought that Meng Guogong was a human being, killing prisoners of war, and humiliating the reputation of the state of Renyi in the Great Zhou Dynasty. And his temperament is violent, the means are vicious, and he is in charge of the army of millions, and he is guilty of the high earthquake. He may become the emperor's confidant. Big trouble!" A censor is out of the list, full of mouthfuls of words. The emperor had intended to suppress Meng Guogong before. He saw Meng Guogong’s prestige after the campaign was unprecedentedly high, and he was also trying to figure out the sacredness.

Many writers have listed the crimes of Meng Guogong. In the military commander, Meng Yanzhou had already had a blushing red eyes, and the back molars creaked. If it wasn’t for Jun Junwei, he had already rushed out to argue for his father.

"Are you finished?" When everyone was quiet, Zhou Wudi slowly opened his mouth. Although he smiled on the face, he could not smile at the bottom of the ice, so several ministers standing in the forefront were shocked.

"When the emperor was in the air, I often clashed with the barbarians in the big week. After the war, I must return the prisoners, sign the truce contract, and even send the princess and the pro, so that there is no war in the border. Is the border really peaceful? Which time is it not a backhand to tear up the contract, arbitrarily burn and rob me of the big people? In the past few decades, they have slaughtered me more than a million people in the big week? It is useless to treat these violent mobs with morality. The only way is to kill! Meng Guogong’s move is really an inspiration.” When he said this, he paused a little and looked at the audience.

The DPRK was dead, and the ministers who participated in the impeachment of Meng Guogong were pale and pale. Meng Yanzhou was dumbfounded and looked at the emperor.

Zhou Wudi knocked on the banquet table, and the majestic cymbal sounded through the hall. "This is a heavy blow. It is hard to rise within a hundred years. I used 100,000 people to change my life for a hundred years." The price seems to be very small! Who has the opinions, stand up, and hand over the remaining 60,000 prisoners of war to you for management. If you can guarantee that they will be domesticated from the beast into a lamb, and you will not give birth to a sin in five years, you will be guilty. To sue the world!"

The dead silence in the temple, no one dares to go out. The chaos of Tongcheng is still vivid, and the brutality of the barbarians is prohibitive. Who has the courage and confidence to educate them? But everyone who knows a bit of a brain knows that this hot potato can't be picked up!

"Oh! All day, benevolence and morality, courtesy and honesty, but even the most basic family and country do not understand! A group of high-handed low-minded, short-sighted people! Take the fold back! Good reflection on yourself can also qualify for the official!"

The man on the throne threw a singer to the ground, and the temple was quiet.

"The squad leader will report the case of Jin Yiwei's recent thorough investigation." On the back of the chair, the man slightly converged on his power.

"After the emperor, Xiao Shoushen’s investigation of the party’s crimes was true, and he entered the prison to wait for the crime. Luo Bingzhong’s crime of leaving his duty was investigated and he entered the prison to wait...” Yan Junwei went out and shouted, his mouth One by one, "checking and waiting for the blasphemy" makes the halls of the temple full of cold.

Returning to the emperor, except for Shen Zhongliang’s twenty-three guilty charges, the Weichen again told him that he was guilty of treason against the enemy. This is evidence, please ask the emperor to look up. At the end, Yan Junwei broke out with amazing words, and many people who were involved in Shen Taishi battled and sweated.

After reading a secret letter in his hand, Emperor Zhou Wu gave the letter to Chang Xi, and his tone was murderous. "Let's see all the officials!"

The content of the letter is very detailed, very shocking, with the private seal of Shen Taishi, and there are several seals that even cover the king of Yelu Khan. In the letter, how does Shen Taishi murder Meng Guogong, how to collude with Xie Zhenghao's disguised defeat, how to ruin Zhongliang, and ceding the city pool and other details. After the ministers circulated the letters, there was no cold sweat in the palm of their hands. Congratulations with Shen Taishi, who had nothing to do with it, and the little involvement with Shen Taishi did not faint on the spot! Where is Shen Taishi's simple party membership? The more you look at it, the more you look at it!

"Shen Zhongliang's twenty-four counts were investigated, and they entered the Tianzhu Prison. The Shen family's nine ethnic groups were annihilated, and the family property was not confiscated. This is the judgment of the minister. Please ask the emperor to decide." Before the Royal Table, Yan Junwei’s murderous opening.

"诛九族族? Not enough!" The man on the throne is slowly speaking. "Hey, add another family, and the Ten people, and let the Jinyiwei take full responsibility. It’s here today, it’s here, let’s go!" The trail went away.

Since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, only the nine ethnic groups have been heard. There has never been a precedent for the Ten People. The Ten nationalities will have to add a disciple and a family of students, which is equivalent to killing the Shen family!

The ministers walked outside the hall, and when they met the cold wind, they shuddered. The emperor's means are more and more ironic, but in the current national situation of the big week, this seems to be a good thing!

Qi Junwei caught up with Meng Yanzhou, who is not a god, and patted him on the shoulder to be relieved. After all, it’s a newcomer. I’ve never seen it before, and I’m inevitably scared.

Meng Yanzhou was awake, and the burning light in his eyes made it impossible for Jun Junwei to look straight. "What is your expression?" he hesitated.

"Killing one person is sin, killing thousands of people, killing thousands of people is the hero of the hero! I used to think that my father is a great hero. I didn't expect the emperor to be a hero in the world!" Meng Yanzhou was very excited and his cheeks were red. .

Read The Duke's Passion