MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 64 Green head card

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The early morning of the Taihe Hall has just begun, and the early lessons of the Queen Mother have ended. Meng Sangqi and Li Zhaoyi have accompanied the Queen Mother to go to the main hall of Cining Palace. Today's atmosphere is unusual. When I waited in front of the temple, I still didn't want to leave. I was at the door, and I didn't see the posture of the Queen Mother.

"Let them come in." The Queen Mother settled in the Lord's position and gave a light touch.

Meng Sangqi secretly thought about the meaning of these women, and he had a care in his heart. Li Zhaoyi sat down at her head and looked at her nose and nose.

"Chen Chen saw the Empress Dowager." A group of scorpions squatted, Li Zhaoyi shunned sideways, and Meng Sangzhen accepted it. In the presence of everyone, except for the Queen Mother, she has the highest position. This ceremony is a matter of peace.

"What are you doing here?" The Queen Mother took the beads and asked questions without hesitation.

"Seeking the Empress Dowager is full of compassion, and Rao Liangzhu is dead!" Yin Xian knees forward and slammed his head. The other nephews echoed in unison, and even the face was stunned, and his face was gray and defeated. No, it is now stunned. There is also a glimmer of glory in the eyes, which is the brilliance of hatred.

Yesterday, Jin Yiwei’s investigation of Shen Taishi’s party was coming to an end. Several nephews attached to Shen Huiru in the palace were defamed as the inferior palace women’s hairdressing bureau, and the family was also copied. It is expected that the Shen family will be annihilated by the Jiuzu, and Shen Huiru’s hateful people can’t sit still.

Sure enough for this! Meng Sangqi nodded secretly, seeing the Queen Mother's eyes and eyes, indifferent, and got up and squatted in the crowd. Being so poisoned also helped Shen Huiru to speak. She would not think that these women were kind-hearted, but it was just to make Shen Huiru live a little longer, and live a life is better than death, in order to repay the pain she had imposed on herself.

She is also a bitter, although Shen Huiru's poison is not successful, but as long as she thinks that her father was trapped in the swamp, she almost hated to peel Shen Huiru. However, she is a style. She knows that some people do not dirty their hands on their behalf, only reward a lot of precious herbs every day, and even pray for her.

Li Zhaoyi, who was in the set, opened his eyes and placed the beads in his hand on the case. He slowly squatted beside Meng Sangqi, and he slammed his head. She didn't say anything, but the deep hatred in her eyes was shocking. If it wasn't Shen Huiru, what kind of heroic man should her emperor grow into in the future? But now...

The Queen Mother sighed and swept over the next pair of eyes full of hatred, and admired Liangzhu. A woman, the temperament of the temperament to such a point, to provoke such a **** sea enmity, it is also a skill! Treating such a person, the Queen Mother thought it was still clean, but the emperor had expected it, and told her to agree to the request of the public, she had to do it.

"Let's get up, the mourner will persuade the emperor, and Rao Liang will kill his life."

The public was grateful and stunned, and they repeatedly smashed three heads. It is really rare to have such concerted efforts.

"Get up, don't use it for the mourning home tomorrow, please, and the mourner will hand over the palace to Deyi to take care of it. You can find her when you have something." The Queen Mother said, looking at Meng Sangyu, the tone is prudent, "This is Feng Yin, you have taken it, don't let the mourning family down!"

"Thanks to the Empress Dowager, the courtiers will be determined to do their best!" Meng Sangqi kneeled on the knees and took the phoenix from Jin Hao.

The faces of the people who had just smiled were immediately gloomy, and the expression of indifference seemed stiff. At this time, their intestines were green, and they hated why they didn’t insist on staying at Cining Palace to accompany the Queen Mother. Deyi really is a German, his wrist is gone, and the Queen Mother of the singer has handed it over! I knew that I could touch the Queen Mother with filial piety. Even if I risked being a monk, they would have to fight for it!

"Okay, let's go back, the sorrowful family is tired." I don't like the arrogance of the crowd, the Queen is not impatient to wave, and pats the shoulders of Meng Sangqi before leaving the seat, softly, "Good boy, if there is a problem. I came to the Cining Palace to find a mourner. Or in that sentence, there is no one-day red, and there is no good for a thousand days. If there is any change in the future, you can repair the book to the mourner, and the mourner will send someone to pick you up."


Feeling that she was from the heart of the lungs, the Queen Mother smiled slightly and took Li Zhaoyi to the temple. The remaining palace people had the instructions of the emperor, quickly helped the Dean girl to pack their bags and move back to the tourmaline palace.

The main hall of the tourmaline palace has already burned the hot dragon to welcome the return of the master. After a few days, the temple has added a lot of potted plants, all of which are extremely rare and rare.

"Where did these pots come from?" Meng Sangqiu picked up a "Yao Huang" and couldn't help but appreciate it.

"Return to the goddess, these are the people sent by the emperor." The chief **** of the tourmaline palace was busy returning.

It is also sending flowers and sending dogs. How does this rhythm look like a pursuit? Meng Sangzhen was slightly moved, and he quickly rushed this absurd idea out of his mind. To fall in love with early love, why wait until three years later? However, it is to see that the father has made a great contribution to appease one or two.

When she thought of it, she shook her head and laughed. She put down the pot and picked up the two treasures and walked around the temple. "Two treasures, here is your new home. Have you seen this small copper plate filled with sand? This is your toilet, this The small bowl is drinking water, this is for dinner, this basket is sleeping..."

As she explained and observed the performance of the two treasures, she saw that the eyes of the two treasures were wet and ignorant. Although they looked cute, they were a little less aura. They were not as smart as A Bao, and the eyebrows could not help but rise slightly. Showing a bit of sadness.

"The maiden, not every dog ​​is as agile as Abao. But the two treasures are Abao's younger brother, so much training is good." Bishui sees the maiden's face is not right, and quickly opened his comfort.

"I know. Every dog ​​is a different individual. The two treasures also have the cuteness of the two treasures. If I always take Abao with it, it is not fair to it. Since I decided to raise it, I will Take out all my patience." Meng Sang slammed down and printed a kiss on the forehead of Erbao.

The two treasures felt the care of the master, and the sly squirting of the singularity made me laugh at Meng Sangqi, and the sullen atmosphere was swept away. Feng Wei took a small wooden box and came in with a happy face.

"Yiang Niang, this is the dog tag sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you put it on the two treasures." Open the wooden box, a size of the jade, the rosewood nameplate of the hollow cloud pattern lies on the black flannel, " The five golden plaques of the tourmaline palace are very eye-catching, and the more eye-catching is the golden seal of the bottom corner of the dog tag.

"How can it be so fast?" Meng Sangqi picked up the nameplate, rubbed the dent of the gold seal with his fingertips, and asked for an eyebrow.

"The Changxi Gonggong has commanded that the craftsmen should be rushing day and night." Feng Xiaoxiao's teeth are not visible. The maiden has just received the phoenix print, and the palace is up and down. Who can't give the tourmaline a three-point face?

"Well, Yin Cui, take out the clothes that Abao used to pass through. I will put the two treasures on, and then fasten the nameplate. I can take it out after a while."

String the nameplates in a calfskin, and Meng Sangyu draws the length on the neck of Erbao. The clear water looked down on the nameplate, and the face was envious and exclaimed. "This brand is really expensive. Even if there are no five pens, the gold seal of this fingernail size is enough for the two treasures in the palace. Going away. If A Bao has such a piece, why is it..."

Her unfinished words disappeared in Feng Xiao’s cough.

Meng Sangqi smiled a bit bitterly and taunted the opening. "Fake goods can't really replace the real goods! The difference is out. A Bao is not lucky, not catching up."

Bishui and Feng Wei don't say anything. Yin Cui found a set of small cotton jackets, and the master and servants joined forces to replace the two treasures. At this time, a **** stood outside the hall to seek advice.

"Come in, have you found out?" Meng Sangqi waved him in and whispered.

"Returning to the maiden, there are dozens of people who impeached the grandfather of the country. They were all suppressed by the emperor. The killing of the prisoners of war was originally the imperial concession. It has nothing to do with the country's grandfather, and the world has not made trouble in the face." , the news will be reported one by one.

"Very good, go down and enjoy the reward." Swinging the eunuch, Meng Sangyu thought deeply: The killing of the prisoners of war was actually the imperial concession. If it is to be unfavorable to the Meng family, by this impeachment incident, he can force his father to surrender the military power. Let Meng Jiajun recite the name of the ages. The father only got a slogan, there was no physical evidence, and there was no evidence. He could only smash his teeth and swallow it, and he was expelled from the church in a very humiliating way.

But he did not do that, but instead took responsibility down. What is he planning to do? Moreover, why did you want to test yourself yesterday? Did he see anything? Meng Sang's forehead pain, I feel that I can't guess the man's mind anyway. Anyway, anyway, the father will take the initiative to surrender the military power and write to the official, no need to be afraid of the man's calculations, he only needs to change the same.

Feeling the hidden danger behind the incident, Meng Sangqi made a fist, and the man’s just a lot of caution was aggravated.

In the Qing Palace, Zhou Wudi is still dealing with the accumulation of mountains. Chang Xishou was at the door of the temple and saw an **** holding the tray slowly. He quickly reached out and stopped. "What?"

"Return to Changxigonggong, the emperor has already recovered and can turn green." The **** whispered. The emperor has not passed the green card for a long time, he did not dare to come by himself, but he was rewarded by several empresses, thinking that there is no danger in life anyway, not to take a trip.

Green card? The **** of the honor house! Chang Xi immediately reacted and waved the **** into it. Deyi Niangniang is very good, she should be able to sleep, and then wait, the emperor's dark circles may not be able to survive for life. He secretly muttered.

"The slaves have seen the emperor." The **** went down to the temple.

"What?" asked Zhou Wudi without raising his head.

"Back to the emperor, the slave is to send the green card, please pick it." The **** took the first few steps and held the tray in front of the man.

Green card? Emperor Zhou Wu held up and looked at the tray. He saw the brand name of Mulberry mixed with the public, like a pick-up of goods, and suddenly felt annoyed. Why is his mulberry so low, picking and picking, and playing with it? When I thought of the fake goods, I also picked up the brand name of the mulberry, and I was worried about the mulberry. His dark eyes suddenly turned red.

"Chang Xi, drag this slave to the stick and fight fifty!" He put down the pen and shouted with anger.

I was so surprised that I quickly called the two guards to pull out the embarrassed eunuch. The tray slammed into the ground and the green head was scattered.

"I burn these brands! I don't want to appear in front of you in the future!" At the beginning of the disgusting scorpion, when the famous brands were cleaned up, he was a little sullen and asked, "Dr. moved back?"

"Return to the emperor, move back." Chang Xi quickly answered.

"Well, go out." The man's gloomy complexion softened, and the pen continued to correct the memorial, but the speed was much faster than before, and the corner of the line was slightly raised.

Chang Xi secretly looked at the emperor's expression, and in the heart, he recited the "unbelievable heart" and retired.