MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 75 Jealous

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I thought that Mulberry might be waiting for me to go back to the meal, and I learned that I had gone to another palace. I don’t know how to feel sad. Zhou Wu’s brows were wrinkled and his footsteps became more and more rapid. The palace man behind him was so busy that he could only catch up with his pace.

Walking to the front of the tourmaline palace, he stopped, and his chest suddenly felt a sense of guilty conscience. If Sang Yu heard that he had called Wu Cairen, would he be angry? Will you be jealous? Will you ignore yourself? He held his hand in front of the tourmaline palace door, full of sadness.

"The emperor, are you still going in?" Chang Xi was dizzy around the emperor and had to ask.

"Go in." Zhou Wudi shook his head and laughed, stepping into the palace gate. The Buddha said that he was born with love, and he was troubled by love. This is true. When he is in a hurry, he will not be afraid of it. He knew that he should not go to Yufu Palace, even if there is no mourning in his heart.

He made a squeaky gesture to the **** who was obedient. He walked straight toward the temple. When he was close, he heard the sang-like silver bell-like laughter. The guilty conscience and anxiety of the chest instantly faded, and the oblique eyebrows flew into the skull. Wrinkled, unconsciously speeded up the pace.

Without the emperor, the German goddess is very moist! The emperor’s self-esteem must have been hurt. Seeing that the pace of the master is messy and rushing, Chang Xi shakes his head and squats, and keeps up with it.

In the tourmaline palace, Erbao 蹲 sits on the small round table, and there is a bowl of meat porridge at the foot. Meng Sangqi holds a piece of meat in his hand and shakes in front of it. Its small head turns around with the meat, black. The lacquered small eyes are full of cravings. Meng Sangqi put the meat together, and immediately opened his mouth to bite, but biting an empty, grievances.

Meng Sangqi’s screaming smile kept on putting the meat into the bowl of the two treasures that were crying out.

"Isn't that said, isn't it allowed to enter the temple?" Zhou Wudi stood at the door for a long time. Seeing that Mulberry had never found his arrival, he finally couldn't help but break the atmosphere of the hall.

"Chen Chen saw the emperor." Meng Sangyu was shocked and quickly put down the chopsticks and went to the door to salute.

Zhou Wudi moved his fingertips, but did not reach out to help as usual, but crossed her straight, pacing to the round table, staring at the two treasures on the table. Erbao was very afraid of this majestic man, curled up and shivered.

"Throw it back to the cat dog house!" Zhou Wudi greeted the cold voice.

Chang Xi Ying Nuo, picking up the two treasures, the two treasures are afraid of shrinking the neck, the eyes are watery, looks unreasonable.

"Slow! Don't throw!" Meng Sangqi slammed forward and screamed.

Chang Xi froze, hesitant to see the emperor.

"Hey, throw it out, have you heard it?" Zhou Wudi’s voice was cold.

Chang Xi nodded, avoiding the sight of the German goddess and walking outside the temple.

"I just want to find someone to accompany me to eat, isn't that okay?" Meng Sangyu knew that the man's order could not be disobeyed, the tone immediately softened, and the black and white phoenix phoenix plucked a layer of water vapor, and looked straight into the man. The loneliness and loneliness contained in the inside is so sad.

Zhou Wudi immediately softened her heart. She took her into her arms and gently patted her back. She licked her thin lips and sighed. "Okay, I don’t want to go, it’s just called Changxi. Go outside the temple."

Chang Xizhi machine, busy handing the two treasures to Bishui and Yin Cui. The two of them were happy, and they took the two treasures and hurriedly retired. I feared that the emperor suddenly changed his mind. Because the emperor does not like the two treasures, the master has very little chance to be intimate with the two treasures, but they take care of the two treasures more, naturally she is reluctant to be thrown away.

Meng Sangyu licked his man's wide and warm chest with his cheeks, and his mouth opened with a smug smile. She knew that men are eating her.

Zhou Wudi saw her shrinking into her arms like a cat. The small appearance made people love and pity. She couldn’t help tighten her arms and hold her tighter. She kissed her and screamed. Is there still something wrong?"

Meng Sang’s twilight was dim, pushing his chest, like a smile. “So many women, the emperor is coming over? The courtiers will not bother the emperor!”

Zhou Wudi stunned for a moment, looking down at her expression, seeing her eyebrows slightly picking up, the eyes of the phoenix eyes, the expression seems to be unpleasant, even if even laughing, and more and more force to hug her slender waist. Mulberry is jealous! So cute!

I heard the rich fat powder on the man's body. Meng Sangqi's heart was inexplicably ignited, and he struggled even harder. The white and pretty face rose red, and the scorpion was black and bright. "Open, what's the smell? Stinky!" She beat the man's thick chest, and the delicate brows were twisted into a ball.

Zhou Wudi bowed his head and sniffed for a moment, and his laughter was thicker. "If you don't do anything, you will get a taste of it and come back, believe it." He smiled and kissed the face of Mulberry, seeing Mulberry. Left to hide from the right, and finally buried the entire face into his chest, and then burst into a burst of laughter.

Feng Wei and Chang Xi looked at the corner of their eyes and were hesitating to clear the field, but they heard the emperor’s voice, "Prepare the water, and bathe!"

Chang Xi and Feng Wei quickly promised, and immediately asked someone to carry a bucket of water in. Emperor Zhou Wu sang the sang and hurriedly walked into the inner hall, waiting for the palace to all retreat, and could not wait to kiss the small mouth of the mulberry red, the low-pitched laughter finally came to an abrupt end. Mulberry's performance today greatly appreciated him, although Sang Yi refused to admit it and refused to face it, but he knew that she did not feel that she did not feel at all.

Meng Sang's lips were swayed by the man, and the back of the head was pressed hard by the man. He couldn't breathe. The hand slammed on the side of the tub and touched the bath. He immediately took a sip of water and poured it down.

The warm water can't stop the man from madly asking for it. When he finally feels satisfied, this will let go of the woman's sweet lips and wipe off the water drops on her face.

How does this smile reveal a stupidity? If there is a tail behind it, I am afraid I will shake it up. Meng Sang blinked, thinking of the sky.

Emperor Zhou Wu saw her absent-minded, thin-lipped hook, picked her up and threw it into the tub, and then she stepped in, licking her waist and hooking her sleek tongue again.

Meng Sangqi struggled at first, and then lost in the man's lingering hot kiss, climbing his shoulder and responding.

Zhou Wudi's darkness dimmed, peeling off her damp clothes layer by layer, finding the place where the firmness was warm, and gently stroking with fingertips. Meng Sang-榆呻, 不, not to be outdone, faded the man’s clothes and scratched his thick back.

Little things are wild! The man smiled and patted her pretty rounded buttocks, and put her slender jade legs around her waist and stepped in. The ultimate fast-sense, the water in the tub kept stirring, and the temple was wet with a large piece, a heavy gasping, high-spirited 呻-吟, dull squatting, called the palace waiting outside the palace to hear Red face red.

When the water turned cold, Zhou Wudi picked up the soft-skinned woman and rolled into the couch to continue the battle until the middle of the moon reached the ultimate hall in a sigh.

Both of them have wet hair, no glue to each other, and the rich scent of scent fills the air for a long time. Meng Sangqi lifted his arms lazily and shoved the man who was still pressing on himself.

"Imperial, I am hungry!" She whispered, her voice unconsciously carrying the meaning of being spoiled.

As soon as the voice fell, a whistling sound rang in the temple, and Meng Sang’s ear tip quickly became congested.

Zhou Wudi raised his eyebrows, his forehead against the mulberry forehead bursting into laughter, and seeing her face revealing the color was only able to stop.

"Hey, help you dress." He loves the pinch of the woman's hot earlobe and carefully cleans the two.

Seeing that men are only wearing thin robes and trousers, they are busy around themselves, and even bend over and personally put on their embroidered shoes. Meng Sang squats under the eyes and covers the complex emotions.

Finished the placket, licked the mulberry, kissed the blush on her neck, and Zhou Wudi sat up with satisfaction and took her hand to the temple. The well-trained palace man immediately came in to clean up a messy bedroom.

"It’s so late, there should be nothing to eat in the Imperial Diet House. Isn’t there a small dining room in the Tourmaline? Let’s drink it, I miss your craft.” Think of the days when he was a treasure, Zhou Wudi’s tone was full. It is nostalgia.

"Well, what kind of soup does the emperor want to drink?" Meng Sangqi took the man's sleeve and smiled brightly.

Zhou Wudi stroked her mouth with her fingertips, and carefully depicted this familiar smile, the sigh of satisfaction in her heart, and softly said, "Drink the Buddha and jump the wall."

Meng Sangqi nodded.

The ingredients are ready-made, just go to the stove and use the slow fire. Sitting side by side in the warm stove, they stared at the fire while eating roasted sweet potatoes, occasionally whispering a few words, profound knowledge and extensive knowledge to let them have a topic of endless chat. Putting down the status of the emperor and the pet, they are like a small couple of ordinary people, and the closely attached figure makes Feng Wei look at it.

Seeing the emperor disregarding his identity, he pulled the ash with a pair of iron tongs, picked up the hot sweet potato and blew it, carefully peeling off the skin and feeding it into the mouth of the master. The soft wave in the eyes could be awkward.

Is this still a play? Can't! She is coveted.


I thought that the emperor went to Yufu Palace, and Deyi’s only favorite road should be over. I didn’t want to wait for the emperor to go to the tea ceremony and leave. I finally went to the tourmaline palace, and I didn’t go back. After the Qing Dynasty, even the government affairs were brought to the tourmaline palace to deal with the ordinary life of the couple.

The scorpions in the Manchu Palace were all red eyes, and the hatred of the Germans reached an unprecedented level.

This is not over yet, the Queen Mother suddenly lowered the purpose, promoted many inconspicuous embarrassments, not only filled the four-point position, but also promoted the German to the royal family, only to wait a month later to complete the closure of the ceremony will be justified Six palaces. On the top of the emperor, it was the queen, and the news of the German devil had a message. The queen’s position could not be the thing in her bag.

Many people were anxious, and they ran to the Cining Palace for three days to give the Queen Mother "the filial piety", and signaled that the mother's family exerted pressure on the imperial history, and advised the emperor to rain on the rain, and opened the branch for the royal family.

In the study room of Bixi Palace and Meng Sangyu, Zhou Wudi picked up a piece of magazine and played a smile, and smiled.