MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 76 Alcoholism

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Meng Sangxi’s study has now been smashed into the nest, filled with Zhou Wudi’s things everywhere, and the pen and ink are in pairs, and two portraits are hung on the most visible side of the wall, making her look quite Feeling weak. Is this an ancient man? How to love romantic little tricks like modern people. If he takes this set to go to the other woman, the other party will be willing to die for him!

Thinking of this, Meng Sang-soo was slightly different in his heart. He saw a magazine playing in a man’s hand. It was like a smile. "I’m going to go anywhere else. If you go on like this, others should be ruthless. ."

"You were originally enchanting, but also afraid of people?" Zhou Wudi pinched her little mouth and screamed.

Meng Sangqi patted his back and snorted and continued to look through the books in his hand.

The temper is getting bigger and bigger! The man shook his head and laughed, but his heart was filled with unparalleled satisfaction. This is exactly what he wants, and unwittingly dispels the sang's alert, and the whales eat into her heart.

The two sit next to each other, each dealing with the affairs at hand, and the quiet drop of the study can be heard. At this moment, Chang Xi knocked on the door and attached something to the man's ear. Hearing the words of cold palace and Liangzhu, Meng Sangyu stopped the pen and twisted his eyebrows toward the two.

After listening to Chang Xi’s report, Zhou Wudi had no different colors on his face. He continued to review the memorials in his hand. After the approval was completed, he took the pen and held the sang’s cheek. He kissed her lips and softly said, “朕There is something to deal with and I will be back soon."

Meng Sangqi grabbed his sleeves and his eyes shone with the light of the gossip. "Is there something that Shen Huiru has made? Chen is also going to see."

"No, beware of your eyes." When Zhou Wudi waved his hand and turned away, the gentle expression on his face faded away in an instant.


Half an hour ago, in the ruined cold palace, Yin Xian and Li Wei, both of whom were succumbed to the singer's singularity, came to "consolation" Shen Huiru. Shen Huiru is shaped like a bone, and it smells like a pungent smell. The bare-exposed skin can be seen in the wounds of the suppuration. It has nothing to look like in the past.

Because there is a good remedy for the medicinal herbs, and there are unstoppable guards at the 12th hour of the palace and the palace, she can't die even if she wants to die. She can only struggle in this human purgatory.

When they arrived, they ordered her to hang her light on the beam of the house. The toes were smeared on the ground, and the cowhide whipped with salt water was used to beat, and the **** used the thick horns to lick her naked body. I am humiliated by her filthy words.

Shen Huiru clenched his teeth and did not say anything.

"Give this - 贱 - people add a horn Mr., for a long time, how to feed a full." Li Wei's light mouth, sinister mouth, laughed and fell. Without pets, the body is completely broken. The two people are not so purely mindful and more distorted in hatred. Only the pain of others can make them feel happy. Obviously, Shen Huiru is the source of their happiness.

The **** promised, and took Mr. Genjiao to force into the body of Shen Huiru, blood flowing down the thigh, and the stench smell spread in the air. Yin Xian and Li Wei stepped back a few steps, covering the nose and mouth with a scorpion, and the eyes exposed outside were filled with cold and terrible evil thoughts.

Shen Huiru can no longer resist the embarrassment - pick up, limbs keep twitching. At this time, several other scorpions who had been taken the medicine and used to be very popular also came to the cold palace and saw the horror of Shen Huiru. They immediately surrounded and watched, and sneered from time to time.

Sharp smiles and unbearable curses kept tweeting Shen Huiru's nerves. She raised her lowered head. The **** eyes were full of crazy hatred, hoarse voice, and a word, "贱-人If I am a 贱-人, you are not much better. Do you know why the emperor does not touch you?"

The cockroach who wanted to go to the front of the palm of her hand was pulled by Yin Xian. She asked her eyebrows, "Why?" Shen Huiru's appearance is not like a sham, is there any hidden feeling in it?

Seeing everyone staring at themselves, wanting to find out, Shen Huiru smiled strangely, revealing a white **** tooth. "Because the emperor was seriously injured, he didn't wake up until two months ago. The person who touched you before was False, it is the substitute that the Guardian found. Hahaha~ Kinky-chaotic harem, unclean body, 贱-人! You are all a group of people-people!"

She laughed wildly and her face was twisted to the extreme. The public shook their heads unwillingly, and wanted to deny them. There was a voice in their hearts telling them that Shen Huiru said it was true. The imperial eunuchs who came with them began to tremble, and their eyes were desperate. Listening to these shocking secrets, where are they still living?

After the crazy energy, Shen Huiru hangs on the beam of the house and breathes low. The crowd stood in the same place, and for a long time could not digest this terrible fact, the dead silence on the scene.

After a long while, Yin Xiantou was awake and rushed to beat Shen Huiru. The sharp armor quickly smeared her face.

"It's you! It's all you hurt! If you don't mean it, then where is the daring of the mate? - The harem? No wonder you are going to swear the Ten! You **** it! You damn..." At the end, Yin Yin Hoarse, screaming, tears on his face blurred her delicate makeup, like a ghost.

Other nephews also reacted, and the eyes of Shen Huiru were filled with crazy killings. They are going to dismantle her suede, smash her flesh and blood, swallow it a little, so that she can dispel the hatred of her heart!

Just when the scene was about to get out of control, Zhou Wudi arrived in time, followed by a group of black people with a knife, a strong murderous gas spread in the temple, so that the blood of the whole body frozen into ice.

Their legs and feet were soft and they were lying on the ground. They wanted to ask for security. They couldn’t make a sound when they opened their mouths several times. At this moment, they only know how stupid they are in their pets in recent days! If they knew the truth, they would definitely huddle in their own bedroom and never appear in front of the emperor. Their existence is undoubtedly the greatest shame of the emperor. The emperor is only alienating rather than secretly dealing with them. It is ridiculous that they are not satisfied, and they try their best to bring up the memories of the emperor. What is the difference between finding and dying?

呜呜呜~ Li Yan buried her face in the palm of her hand and screamed on the floor. If this is a nightmare, please let her wake up immediately! She took the lead and the temple quickly cried.

"Put her away." Zhou Wudi raised his finger to the sage who was still mad. The two black men promised to go forward and hold the hands of Xian. Yin Xian struggled for a moment to discover the arrival of the emperor, and the hatred of Haotian was replaced by a huge fear, and it was soft on the ground. The emperor is coming, and the last layer of fig leaf is also pulled away. What other living roads do they have?

Zhou Wudi walked to the temple and sat down. He saw Shen Huiru, who was hanging on the beam of the house. His face was extremely indifferent.

Shen Huiru moved and tried to hide the head and avoid the man's sight. The man is still the supreme of the ninety-five, and she becomes the mud that is trampled by others. The irony of the steep turn is ironic. If it was the beginning... She shook her head invisibly, and she said in her heart: Nothing!

"Put her down and put a piece of cloth on it." Zhou Wudi faintly opened. The two black men followed the words and acted quite quickly.

They are the emperor's dark guards, usually hidden in the emperor's side, and will appear at a critical moment. Like these sinister private, only they are suitable for handling. Of course, their appearance often means the beginning of a **** killing.

The public also understood this truth and could not restrain the trembling.

"Seeking the emperor to see that the court is not worthy of his own part, Rao Chen is not dead, and the courtier is willing to bring a practice, often with a blue light, to cleanse the body's filth!" The desire to survive - hope to overcome the fear, Li Wei The **** of the cockroach quickly oozes a trace of blood.

The other scorpions immediately followed suit, and the pleading was continuous.

Zhou Wudi frowned, waving his hand to the dark guard behind him, his tone cold and bitter, "take all the next person away."

The black man promised to drag out the soft palace people one by one and plead for their crying. The publicity is more than a gimmick, and the ground is quickly stained with blood.

"Go back, nothing happened today, remember!" Zhou Wudi's eyes were slightly stunned, tapping on the armrests of the chair, and the tone was not very cautious. It could even be said to be somewhat careless. They are all daughters of the ministers. They calm down and think about it, he will not kill them. Of course, he is not worried that they will leak secrets. For their own life, power status, family reputation, they will also ruin this thing in their stomachs.

The crowds were as big as they were, and they used their sleeves to wipe away the blood and tears on their faces. They climbed up and fled like they left, as if there were evil spirits chasing them behind them.

When everyone was gone, Zhou Wudi did not look at Shen Huiru, who was shrunk into the ground. He stood up and walked away, went to the temple door, and ordered Changxi to scream, "Give her a glass of alcohol."

Shen Huiru moved, and she was still brutally beaten with two lines of tears. She struggled to get up and screamed, and the hoarse voice was full of gratitude. "Sin slaves emperor grace!"

Zhou Wudi was unheard of, and his footsteps kept going. Chang Xi sent a glass of alcohol to her lips. She picked up the glass and drank it with a sullen smile on her face.

Turning around the corner and seeing the Queen Mother standing quietly under the gallery, Zhou Wudi stunned and immediately went forward.

The Queen Mother took back the sight of the distance and sighed. "Leave her to the present, what are you waiting for this moment? Poor she would like to thank you."

Zhou Wudi silently said nothing.

"The mourner will leave tomorrow." The Queen Mother turned and her back did not fall in love. After ten years of leaving, she has long been accustomed to the intrigue in the palace.

"If they are safe and self-sufficient, this will not happen today." Zhou Wudi stepped forward and explained. If not, this group of women will never stop. He expected the ugliness of the human heart, so he set this trap. If they suppress the evil thoughts and greed in their hearts, all this can be avoided. In order to compete for the best, he always has a day of exhaustion, and it is better to do it once and for all.

The Queen Mother waved her hand and didn't want to say anything.

Zhou Wudi’s heart was slightly stunned, and smiled bitterly. “After the mother, I’ll wait for the sang’s seal ceremony to go, and give her a face.”

"She doesn't account for this." The Queen Mother finally said, "When the mourner waits for her to be closed, she will definitely come back that day. If there is such a day." Looking at the son deeply, the Queen Mother's expression left with a little anxiety.

"There is no need to worry about the mother. The son is true to the mulberry. She is the cleanest and softest place in her son's heart." Zhou Wudi used his fist to hold his chest, and the prudent tone was like an oath.

The Queen Mother’s footsteps were slightly stunned, and the deep eyes showed a bit of relief.


The horrors of the crowds leaving from the cold palace were seen by the hearts of the people. After many inquiries, they did not find a little bit of news. After a long time, they would stop.

The same was also touched by the fake emperor, but did not go to the cold palace to abuse Shen Huiru, we are still in the dark, heard the news of Shen Huiru's death, but I don't dare to think about it. When they saw that they were sick and fell in bed, they were dying. They had a hunch that the truth of the matter must not be affordable. Therefore, they also learned from others, began to close the palace door, and lived in a simple way, and then did not go to the emperor to join.

The memorial to the Emperor of the Emperor was also stopped by the silence of the crowds. The former imperial palace was calm and calm, but only the Queen Mother’s departure stirred up a few shackles. It was a big surprise that Li Wei, who followed Li Zhaoyi, pleaded with the Queen Mother to take her and the Six Emperors to Qianfoshan before the Cining Palace. This is also a clever and decisive woman. The Queen Mother considered it for a long while and finally agreed.

A month later, the debut of Deyi and several new nephews finally brought a bit of joy to the deep palace of the dead water. The dying sage was finally healed in the near future, and it has since become gloomy and indifferent, and has not stepped out of the 绛紫宫.

The former Deyi, the legendary life of Shuhui Huanggui, is just beginning. Her long-lasting sacred pet, the emperor’s love for her loyalty, is relished by future generations.

Of course, she still doesn't know anything about it. She is preparing for the first big event since the palace was held – the draft.

Read The Duke's Passion