MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5188 star core

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Lingxu will stay, because he was originally the Protoss of the Tiangu Star. Although he is also a member of the Protoss, he is a special existence, and he does not have the blood of the Protoss in his body.

Lingxu is the spiritual body nurtured by Tiangu Xing. It has no blood relationship with the Star Spirit Clan, but the Star Spirit Clan has always absorbed the spirits of these stars and guided them to control the stars.

"Master, the Star Spirits have basically come over from the second floor." Ling Xu said: "They also have a place to go, and I hope they will not become our enemies in the future."

"They don't dare." Chen Xiang shook his head and smiled: "If they really had that kind of heart, they should have been my enemies long ago. They also decided to leave Tiangu Xing after careful consideration."

Lingxu nodded and said, "After all, the Star Spirit Clan has some kindness towards me and Tiangu Xing. I hope it won't come to that end in the end!"

Tiangu Xing has a lot of purgatory blood, and the Protoss also relies on this purgatory blood to create a large number of powerful purgatory bodies for the Protoss, so their investment in Tiangu Xing is also rewarded accordingly.

"What we need to watch out for now is the Temple of Heaven and Man, and the Temple of Time." Chen Xiang took Ling Xu and flew to the Six Paths Divine Mirror.

The current Six Paths Divine Mirror is releasing star nuclei. A total of thirty-six star nuclei are released to surround the Tiangu Xing, and then it is controlled by Little Mirror sister to form a star array, which can protect the Tiangu Xing with the star enchantment.

Chen Xiang contacted Cai Lian and Shen Tianhu, and they could return to Tiangu Star first. He would then go to clean up Tiangu Star and formulate the order of Tiangu Star.

The three hegemonic forces and the Prison Blood Demons are also fleeing from the Sky Ancient Star at this moment. They are scattered all over the Sky Ancient Star, and Chen Xiang cannot catch them all in a short period of time.

And they are not a threat now, so Chen Xiang doesn't want to waste his energy and time chasing them.

The power structure of the Yan Domain has undergone tremendous changes all of a sudden.

Originally, the three hegemons and the Prison Blood Demon were the strongest in the Flame Domain, but as the Temple of Time and the Time Angels continued to send more staff, the three overlords and the Prison Blood Demon could only take a back seat.

The Hell Blood Demon was even worse, most of them were destroyed by the Purgatory Saintess Corps, and the Hell Blood Demon Lord was also killed by Chen Xiang.

Today, Chen Xiang is in control of Tiangu Xing, and he is considered to be the overlord in the Flame Domain. Next, everyone is watching, waiting for the arrival of the Temple of Heaven and Man.

If the Temple of Heaven and Man can recapture the Heavenly Ancient Star, then the Temple of Heaven and Man will be the first overlord in the Flame Domain.

Chen Xiang is not afraid of the Temple of Heaven and Man, but he will not be blindly confident, he must be prepared with both hands.

If the Temple of Heaven and Man is too strong, then he will have to make other plans.

The current existence of Tiangu Xing is very special. It can be said that it is the core of the entire flame domain, because the blood veins of purgatory in the flame domain are connected to Tiangu Xing through various space veins.

If Tiangu Xing was really occupied by the Temple of Heaven and Man, then Chen Xiang had to plan for the worst, which was to destroy Tiangu Xing.

Sister Xiaojing controlled the Six Paths Divine Mirror, running thirty-six star nuclei to float around, and soon set up a powerful enchantment.

Then Chen Xiang put away the Divine Mirror of Six Paths, and entered the inner core space with Lingxu.

The star core of Tiangu Xing looks like a huge heart, and it is beating.

This kind of star nucleus, Chen Xiang had seen before when he entered the second floor of the ancient purgatory! It's just that Tianguxing's heart is bigger than what he has seen before, and the golden light it emits is stronger.

The core heart of Tiangu Xing was also sealed in a crystal!

Chen Xiang and Sister Xiaojing remembered that the star core heart on the second floor of Tiangu Purgatory would lay eggs, like an ant queen laying eggs, giving birth to golden scale people crazily!

So they are very worried now that the star core heart of Tiangu Xing will become like that!

Seeing this situation, they must quickly transform the star core of Tiangu Xing.

"Master, Tiangu Xing is growing and evolving." Lingxu said: "Look at the heart that this star core has transformed into. It is alive... just like a living being. Is Tiangu Xing going to be transformed into a human? Or is it going to be transformed into a beast?"

That huge heart is as big as that kind of star core. When it beats, it emits a golden glow, which is very shocking, and those glows are the energy of the blood of purgatory, which will penetrate the stratum and enter all parts of Tianguxing.

The creatures on the Tiangu Star can benefit endlessly by absorbing these blood energy.

All things on the Tiangu Star, whether it is flowers, trees, mountains, rivers, or birds, beasts, and insects, have received a huge evolutionary improvement after absorbing the blood energy of Purgatory Blood.

"Ling Xu, aren't you the star spirit of Tiangu Xing? You don't even know what's going on?" Chen Xiang shook his head and smiled.

"Master, it's good that I am a Protoss... but I was put together by the Protoss. They separated me from Tiangu Xing, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stand here alive." Ling Xu pouted and said.

"You have suffered a big loss! You are the star spirit of Tiangu Xing, your body is originally Tiangu Xing, and they gave you the body of a bad old man, and they deceived your Tiangu Xing's body, blood loss!" Chen Xiang said.

"There's no way, I'm too young... and I've been thinking about why I was born and what kind of destination I'll have in the future for many years, and I'm also very lonely. Until we got in contact with the Protoss, I felt that they were very close." Lingxu smiled bitterly and said, "Now it seems that you are still the best for me, Master."

"The Star Spirit Race can freely enter and exit this place, why is this? Logically speaking, it shouldn't be!" Chen Xiang looked around and found that the space here is still very strong.

"I don't know. After they took over the kernel space, they carried out a lot of transformation." Lingxu shook his head and said, "They are still very capable. In short, this place has been transformed by them many times, and I don't know if it is now. what happened."

Chen Xiang released the Divine Mirror of Six Paths and asked Sister Xiaojing to investigate, and then he wanted to remodel it.

"Let me see what's going on!" Sister Xiaojing said.

After the Divine Mirror of Six Paths became larger, it illuminated the heart-like star nucleus.

As long as you understand the situation, you can start to transform it to avoid other problems in the star core.

"Lingxu, I have been to the second floor of Tiangu Purgatory before, and I have entered the inner core space of one of the stars."

Chen Xiang told Ling Xu what he saw.

"The transformation of the star core into the heart was indeed done by the Protoss. This is also their newest way to strengthen the star core and stars. But later, the monsters born from the star core were not the work of the Protoss, but the Temple of Time. Got it." Ling Xu said.

"No matter what, we have to figure out the current situation of the star core, lest the star spirits have a hand in it."

Chen Xiang had to be on guard, if there was a problem with the star core, the entire Tiangu star would be doomed.