MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5189 Xing Xie Road

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Chen Xiang looked at the heart of the star core in the inner core space, and Ling Xu went out to find Huang Jintian and the others to discuss how to clean the Tiangu star.

On the Tiangu Star, there are many other ancient great forces, as well as time monks hiding, and there are some prison blood demons. They are afraid that they will cause damage here, so they must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Lingxu can still use the Shenao clan now, and with the help of Shenao, he can also form a strong force.

Chen Xiang is waiting for Little Jing's sister to check the situation of the star core, because she now knows the most about these star cores and stars, so she can see something.

Although Chen Xiang also used his eyes to see, he could see a lot of intricate contexts, but he didn't know what the specific situation was, but Sister Xiaojing was able to analyze it.

"Sister Jing, where did the blood of purgatory go?" Chen Xiang asked: "It is reasonable to say that there should be a lot of blood in purgatory."

"The Protoss really has something. Most of the blood of Purgatory is locked inside the heart by them. When the heart beats, only a small amount of blood is leaked out." Sister Xiaojing said.

Although the blood energy leaked out was very small, it brought great benefits to this Tiangu Xing.

"Can you see what's going on now? Is it good or bad to become a heart?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Brother, according to my speculation, the way of cultivating the star core of the Star Spirit clan has gone wrong, and the more they go, the more evil they are!" Sister Xiaojing said: "Even so, it is still amazing."

"How do you say? Those star nuclei in the Divine Mirror of Six Paths must have been cultivated by them, right?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Yes, but that has reached the limit, so they tried to break through this limit. How should I put it... The stars have powerful protoss and star cores, but for such huge stars, they are still like dead things. ."

While talking, Sister Xiaojing controlled the Divine Mirror of Six Paths and continued to irradiate the star core heart.

"So, the Star Spirit Race wants to turn the stars into living creatures?" Chen Xiang imagined it, and immediately shuddered.

"Yes! The Star Spirits have been trying this. They can turn the star nucleus into a heart, which is amazing!" Sister Xiaojing exclaimed: "They are on the second floor of the ancient purgatory, and they should have tried many times. But it has not been successful, and those stars were later occupied by the Temple of Time."

The failure of the Protoss on the second floor made them very unwilling, so they returned to the first floor.

"Tiangu Xing has a lot of purgatory blood. Could it be that they plan to use this purgatory blood to create a flesh and blood body for Tiangu Xing?"

The more Chen Xiang thought about it, the more he felt that the Star Spirit Race was very crazy, to actually turn Tiangu Xing into a living creature with flesh and blood.

"It should be like this..." Sister Xiaojing also sighed: "These guys really have ideas. If they succeed on the second floor, they won't mix so badly."

If you turn this huge star into a huge living creature, and you can control it, you will be invincible.

At the beginning of the Great Star Spirit Era on the first floor, the Star Spirit Race successfully made the star core of the stars very powerful, and they became the most powerful race.

When they went to the second floor, they must have encountered some obstacles, so they had to change their thinking, but they couldn't get through.

"Sister Jing, how is Gu Xing's current situation that day?" Chen Xiang asked: "Is it possible to realize the idea of ​​the Star Spirit Clan?"

"According to their thinking, this star core heart can only become the spawning core in the end. Just like what we saw on the second floor, it will produce a large number of eggs and explode a lot of golden scale people." Sister Xiaojing said. .

Chen Xiang looked at the huge heart, very puzzled, and asked: "How did the star core turn into a heart? What did the Star Spirit Race and them do?"

"I'm checking... In short, the final direction of this star core heart is spawning. I don't know why the Protoss clan insists on doing this... Could it be that they have no choice but to go this way?" Sister Xiaojing can observe many things.

"Sister Jing, is this star core heart very difficult for us? Because this is not what we need! Can we restore the star core heart to its original state?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It can't be recovered, it's really very troublesome! If these guys from the Protoss continue to play, Tiangu Xing will be ruined by them sooner or later. What we need to do now is to reverse the deterioration of the heart." Sister Xiaojing said.

Chen Xiang scolded the Protoss a few lowly, and then took out the communication talisman to contact Lingxu, because he had to ask the Protoss to understand.

Ling Xu had just finished the meeting with Shen Tianhu and the others, and immediately rushed over. Chen Xiang sent him a message, his tone was very anxious, and he was also angry.

"Master, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with the heart of this star core?" Ling Xu hurriedly asked.

"Lingxu, the Star Spirit Clan has made use of the Star Nucleus!" Chen Xiang briefly explained his analysis with Sister Xiaojing.

After listening to Lingxu, he was stunned. If the star core is finished, the Tiangu star will be gone!

"Do you have a way to contact them?" Chen Xiang asked: "I want to talk to them to find out the situation!"

Lingxu took out a communication talisman and said, "Use this... to talk to them!"

Chen Xiang took the communication talisman and contacted a clan elder of the Star Spirit clan, the one who negotiated with Chen Xiang outside.

"Old royal family, what's the matter with the star core heart of Tiangu Xing? The condition of this heart is very bad, what did you guys do?" Chen Xiang was very rude, and asked directly in a very rough tone.

"Young Master Shen, do you see the problem? This is the reason why we are reluctant to leave Tiangu Xing... Because the star core is in a very serious condition, we have been trying to save it before, if you let us stay, there may be a glimmer of hope. ." The old royal sighed, "It's a pity, it's too late now!"

"What do you mean?" Chen Xiang asked angrily.

"There are some problems in the process of turning the star nucleus into the heart, and we have been remedying it! As long as we maintain it, it will not deteriorate, but if we leave now, the deterioration will continue. Even if we go back now, we cannot stop it." said the old man.

"Why didn't you guys tell me these things before?" Chen Xiang said coldly: "You guys are really uneasy and kind, and turned my Tiangu Xing into this ghost!"

"I'm sorry, we originally hoped that Tiangu Xing would become stronger, but..." The old royal family did not continue.

"I have been to the second floor, and I know that you have turned the star cores of many stars on the second floor into hearts! I guess you have always wanted to turn the stars into living things, but you have never succeeded, because you have no such strength at all. "Chen Xiang sneered: "You guys met Tiangu Xing and saw so much purgatory blood, you thought you could succeed, but in the end you screwed up, right?"

The royal family was silent, and after a while, he sent a message and said, "Young Master Shen, you are truly amazing, you can see so many things! Tiangu Xing has a lot of purgatory blood, we thought we had such favorable conditions, It must be successful, but... it still fails! The transformation of stars into living creatures is only a fantasy after all!"